Generalize the experimental js importing

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2014-11-23 12:02:14 +01:00
parent 36c48c0ea2
commit 67a88fce24
1 changed files with 33 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,38 @@
(assert field (str "Field name must start with - in " field))
`(aset ~object ~@names ~value)))
(def react-import-ns (atom nil))
(def js-imports (atom nil))
(defmacro import-js
[dev-src min-src sym-name]
(assert (string? dev-src))
(assert (string? min-src))
(assert (string? sym-name))
(let [impns (get @js-imports sym-name)]
(if (and (not (nil? impns))
(not= *ns* impns))
;; Our symbol was already imported in another namespace; so we avoid
;; duplicate imports.
(let [srcfile (if *assert* dev-src min-src)
sym sym-name
src (slurp (io/resource srcfile))]
(swap! js-imports assoc sym-name *ns*)
`(js/eval ~(str "if (typeof " sym " != 'undefined' && "
"typeof console != 'undefined') { "
"console.log('" sym " is already defined'); "
"} else { (function (exports, module) { "
src "; \n
if (typeof " sym " === 'undefined' && "
"typeof console != 'undefined') { "
"console.log('" sym " not defined in " srcfile "');
if (typeof global != 'undefined') {
global." sym " = " sym ";
} else if (typeof window != 'undefined') {
window." sym " = " sym ";
} })(); } \n
//@ sourceURL=" srcfile "\n"))))))
(defmacro import-react
@ -58,28 +89,7 @@
(or adding react.js in a script tag). This may be more convenient when
using :optimizations :none, since that doesn't take :preamble into account.
Imports minimized version of React if :elide-asserts is true."
(if-not (or (nil? @react-import-ns)
(= *ns* @react-import-ns))
;; React was already imported in another namespace; so we avoid
;; duplicate imports.
(let [srcfile (if *assert* "reagent/react.js"
src (slurp (io/resource srcfile))]
(if (nil? @react-import-ns)
(reset! react-import-ns *ns*))
`(js/eval ~(str "if (typeof React != 'undefined' &&
typeof console != 'undefined') {
console.log('WARNING: React is already defined');
src "; \n"
"if (typeof module != 'undefined' &&
typeof global != 'undefined' &&
module.exports && module.exports.DOM) {
global.React = module.exports;
} \n
//@ sourceURL=" srcfile "\n")))))
`(import-js "reagent/react.js" "reagent/react.min.js" "React"))
(defmacro fvar