Don't be so clever with reactive props

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2013-12-17 19:20:20 +01:00
parent 239120954d
commit 662714a5e0
2 changed files with 21 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ install: setup
lein install
rm -rf repl .repl target
rm -rf repl .repl target out
clean: preclean
lein -o clean

View File

@ -8,15 +8,12 @@
(def React tmpl/React)
;;; Atom protocol as mixin
;;; IDeref protocol as mixin
(def CloactMixin (js-obj))
(def -ToExtend (js-obj))
(set! (.-prototype -ToExtend) CloactMixin)
;; (declare get-props)
;; (declare get-children)
(extend-type -ToExtend
(-equiv [C other] (identical? C other))
@ -55,15 +52,19 @@
(defn- args-of [C]
(-> C .-props .-cljsArgs))
(defn- cljs-props [C]
(let [args (args-of C)
p (nth args 1 nil)]
(when (map? p)
(defn- props-in-args [args]
(let [p (nth args 1 nil)]
(when (map? p) p)))
(defn props-in-props [props]
(-> props .-cljsArgs props-in-args))
(defn- first-child [args]
(let [p? (nth args 1 nil)]
(if (or (nil? p?) (map? p?)) 2 1)))
(let [p (nth args 1 nil)]
(if (or (nil? p) (map? p)) 2 1)))
(defn- cljs-props [C]
(-> (args-of C) props-in-args))
(defn- get-children [C]
(let [args (args-of C)
@ -83,15 +84,9 @@
(replace-props C (merge (cljs-props C) newprops)))
(defn get-props [C]
(let [ctx ratom/*ratom-context*]
(if (or (nil? ctx) (.-isRenderContext ctx))
(cljs-props C)
;; Use atom if getting props in an ratom
(deref (or (.-cljsPropsAtom C)
(set! (.-cljsPropsAtom C) (ratom/ratom (cljs-props C))))))))
(cljs-props C))
(defn- do-render [C f]
(set! (.-isRenderContext ratom/*ratom-context*) true)
(let [res (f (cljs-props C) C (.-state C))
conv (if (vector? res)
(tmpl/as-component res)
@ -118,26 +113,23 @@
;; reset! doesn't call -notifyWatches unless -watches is set
(set! (.-watches C) {})
(when f
(set! (.-cljsOldState C)
(merge (.-state C) (f C)))))
(set! (.-cljsOldState C) (merge (.-state C) (f C)))))
(fn [C props]
(when-not (nil? (.-cljsPropsAtom C))
(reset! (.-cljsPropsAtom C) (cljs-props C)))
(when f (f C props)))
(when f (f C (props-in-props props))))
(fn [C nextprops nextstate]
(assert (nil? f) "shouldComponentUpdate is not yet supported")
(let [a1 (args-of C)
a2 (-> nextprops .-cljsArgs)
ostate (.-cljsOldState C)
eq (and (identical? ostate nextstate)
(tmpl/equal-args a1 a2))]
ostate (.-cljsOldState C)]
(assert (vector? a1))
(set! (.-cljsOldState C) nextstate)
(not eq)))
(if (nil? f)
(not (and (identical? ostate nextstate)
(tmpl/equal-args a1 a2)))
(f a1 a2 ostate nextstate))))
(fn [C]
@ -167,7 +159,6 @@
(default-wrapper (or wrap f))))
(def obligatory {:getInitialState nil
:componentWillReceiveProps nil
:shouldComponentUpdate nil
:componentWillUnmount nil})