Make rswap exception safe

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Dan Holmsand 2015-09-09 09:29:09 +02:00
parent db11a1c353
commit 5be4845be1

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@ -13,20 +13,22 @@
(defn rswap! [a f & args]
;; Roughly like swap!, except that recursive swaps are ok
(let [fs (or (.-rswapfs a)
(set! (.-rswapfs a) (array)))]
(.push fs #(apply f % args))
(if (< 1 (alength fs))
(let [f' (fn [state]
;;;; TODO: This could throw
(let [s ((aget fs 0) state)]
(.shift fs)
(if (-> fs alength pos?)
(recur s)
(swap! a f')))))
;; Roughly like swap!, except that recursive swaps on the same atom are ok.
{:pre [(satisfies? ISwap a)
(ifn? f)]}
(if a.rswapping
(do (-> (or a.rswapfs
(set! a.rswapfs (array)))
(.push #(apply f % args)))
(do (set! a.rswapping true)
(try (swap! a (fn [state]
(loop [s (apply f state args)]
(if-some [sf (some-> a .-rswapfs .shift)]
(recur (sf s))
(set! a.rswapping false))))))
;;; Configuration