mirror of https://github.com/status-im/reagent.git
Simplify the few tests we have
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,88 +28,85 @@
(defn found-in [re div]
(re-find re (.-innerHTML div)))
(def tests-run (clojure.core/atom 0))
(def tests-should-run (clojure.core/atom 0))
(defn really-simple []
[:div "div in really-simple"])
(deftest really-simple-test
(swap! tests-should-run inc)
(with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
(fn [c div]
(swap! tests-run inc)
(is (found-in #"div in really-simple" div)))))
(let [ran (atom 0)
really-simple (fn []
(swap! ran inc)
[:div "div in really-simple"])]
(with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
(fn [c div]
(swap! ran inc)
(is (found-in #"div in really-simple" div))))
(is (= 2 @ran))))
(deftest test-simple-callback
(swap! tests-should-run + 6)
(let [comp (r/create-class
{:component-did-mount #(swap! tests-run inc)
:render (fn [P C S]
(let [ran (atom 0)
comp (r/create-class
{:component-did-mount #(swap! ran inc)
:render (fn [P C]
(assert (map? P))
(swap! tests-run inc)
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "hi " (:foo P) ".")])})]
(with-mounted-component (comp {:foo "you"})
(fn [C div]
(swap! tests-run inc)
(swap! ran inc)
(is (found-in #"hi you" div))
(r/set-props C {:foo "there"})
(is (found-in #"hi there" div))
(let [runs @tests-run]
(let [runs @ran]
(r/set-props C {:foo "there"})
(is (found-in #"hi there" div))
(is (= runs @tests-run)))
(is (= runs @ran)))
(r/replace-props C {:foobar "not used"})
(is (found-in #"hi ." div))))))
(is (found-in #"hi ." div))))
(is (= 5 @ran))))
(deftest test-state-change
(swap! tests-should-run + 3)
(let [comp (r/create-class
(let [ran (atom 0)
comp (r/create-class
{:get-initial-state (fn [])
:render (fn [P C S]
(swap! tests-run inc)
[:div (str "hi " (:foo S))])})]
:render (fn [P C]
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "hi " (:foo @C))])})]
(with-mounted-component (comp)
(fn [C div]
(swap! tests-run inc)
(swap! ran inc)
(is (found-in #"hi " div))
(swap! C assoc :foo "there")
(is (found-in #"hi there" div))
(swap! C assoc :foo "you")
(is (found-in #"hi you" div))))))
(is (found-in #"hi you" div))))
(is (= 4 @ran))))
(deftest test-ratom-change
(swap! tests-should-run + 3)
(let [runs (running)
(let [ran (atom 0)
runs (running)
val (atom 0)
v1 (reaction @val)
ran @tests-run
comp (fn []
(swap! tests-run inc)
[:div (str "val " @v1)])]
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "val " @v1)])]
(with-mounted-component [comp]
(fn [C div]
(swap! tests-run inc)
(swap! ran inc)
(is (not= runs (running)))
(is (found-in #"val 0" div))
(is (= @tests-run (+ ran 2)))
(is (= 2 @ran))
(reset! val 1)
(is (found-in #"val 1" div))
(is (= @tests-run (+ ran 3)))
(is (= 3 @ran))
;; should not be rendered
(reset! val 1)
(is (found-in #"val 1" div))
(is (= @tests-run (+ ran 3)))))
(is (= runs (running)))))
(is (= 3 @ran))))
(is (= runs (running)))
(is (= 3 @ran))))
(deftest check-that-test-ran
(if isClient
(is (= @tests-run @tests-should-run))
(is (= @tests-run 0))))
Reference in New Issue