More usage of interop macros

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2014-03-14 12:28:10 +01:00
parent e21e58e509
commit 58dd46f4ae
5 changed files with 56 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(defproject reagent "0.4.2"
(defproject reagent "0.4.3-SNAPSHOT"
:url ""
:license {:name "MIT"}
:description "A simple ClojureScript interface to React"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(:require [reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg log]]
[reagent.interop :refer-macros [get. set. call.]]
[reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[reagent.impl.util :refer [cljs-level is-client]]
[reagent.impl.util :refer [is-client]]
[clojure.string :as string]))
;;; Update batching

View File

@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
(ns reagent.impl.component
(:require [reagent.impl.util :as util :refer [cljs-level cljs-argv React]]
(:require [reagent.impl.util :as util :refer [React]]
[reagent.impl.batching :as batch]
[reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[reagent.interop :refer-macros [get. set. call.]]
[reagent.debug :refer-macros [dbg prn]]))
(declare ^:dynamic *current-component*)
(def cljs-state "cljsState")
(def cljs-render "cljsRender")
;;; State
(defn state-atom [this]
(let [sa (aget this cljs-state)]
(let [sa (get. this :cljsState)]
(if-not (nil? sa)
(aset this cljs-state (ratom/atom nil)))))
(set. this :cljsState (ratom/atom nil)))))
(defn state [this]
(deref (state-atom this)))
@ -32,14 +30,14 @@
;;; Rendering
(defn do-render [C]
(binding [*current-component* C]
(let [f (aget C cljs-render)
(defn do-render [c]
(binding [*current-component* c]
(let [f (get. c :cljsRender)
_ (assert (util/clj-ifn? f))
p (util/js-props C)
res (if (nil? (aget C "componentFunction"))
(f C)
(let [argv (aget p cljs-argv)
p (get. c :props)
res (if (nil? (get. c :componentFunction))
(f c)
(let [argv (get. p :argv)
n (count argv)]
(case n
1 (f)
@ -49,11 +47,11 @@
5 (f (nth argv 1) (nth argv 2) (nth argv 3) (nth argv 4))
(apply f (subvec argv 1)))))]
(if (vector? res)
(.asComponent C res (aget p cljs-level))
(call. c :asComponent res (get. p :level))
(if (ifn? res)
(aset C cljs-render res)
(do-render C))
(set. c :cljsRender res)
(do-render c))
@ -66,51 +64,48 @@
(fn []
(this-as C
(set-state C (f C))))
(this-as c
(set-state c (f c))))
(fn [props]
(this-as C
(f C (aget props cljs-argv))))
(this-as c
(f c (get. props :argv))))
(fn [nextprops nextstate]
(this-as C
(this-as c
;; Don't care about nextstate here, we use forceUpdate
;; when only when state has changed anyway.
(let [inprops (util/js-props C)
old-argv (aget inprops cljs-argv)
new-argv (aget nextprops cljs-argv)]
(let [old-argv (get. c [:props :argv])
new-argv (get. nextprops :argv)]
(if (nil? f)
(not (util/equal-args old-argv new-argv))
(f C old-argv new-argv)))))
(f c old-argv new-argv)))))
(fn [nextprops]
(this-as C
(let [next-argv (aget nextprops cljs-argv)]
(f C next-argv))))
(this-as c
(f c (get. nextprops :argv))))
(fn [oldprops]
(this-as C
(let [old-argv (aget oldprops cljs-argv)]
(f C old-argv))))
(this-as c
(f c (get. oldprops :argv))))
(fn []
(this-as C
(batch/dispose C)
(this-as c
(batch/dispose c)
(when-not (nil? f)
(f C))))
(f c))))
(defn default-wrapper [f]
(if (ifn? f)
(fn [& args]
(this-as C (apply f C args)))
(this-as c (apply f c args)))
(def dont-wrap #{:cljsRender :render :componentFunction})
@ -148,9 +143,9 @@
:cljsRender render-f
:render (if util/is-client
(fn []
(this-as C
(batch/run-reactively C #(do-render C))))
(fn [] (this-as C (do-render C))))))
(this-as c
(batch/run-reactively c #(do-render c))))
(fn [] (this-as c (do-render c))))))
(defn wrap-funs [fun-map]
(let [render-fun (or (:componentFunction fun-map)
@ -159,8 +154,8 @@
(str "Render must be a function, not "
(pr-str render-fun)))
name (or (:displayName fun-map)
(.-displayName render-fun)
(.-name render-fun))
(get. render-fun :displayName)
(get. render-fun :name))
name' (if (empty? name) (str (gensym "reagent")) name)
fmap (-> fun-map
(assoc :displayName name')
@ -186,8 +181,8 @@
[body as-component]
(assert (map? body))
(let [spec (cljsify body)
_ (set! (.-asComponent spec) (dont-bind as-component))
res (.createClass React spec)
_ (set. spec :asComponent (dont-bind as-component))
res (call. React :createClass spec)
f (fn [& args]
(as-component (apply vector res args)))]
(set! (.-cljsReactClass f) res)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
(ns reagent.impl.template
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[reagent.impl.util :as util
:refer [cljs-level cljs-argv is-client React]]
[reagent.impl.util :as util :refer [is-client React]]
[reagent.impl.component :as comp]
[reagent.impl.batching :as batch]
[reagent.ratom :as ratom]
@ -124,7 +123,7 @@
(declare convert-args)
(defn wrapped-render [this comp id-class input-setup]
(let [inprops (util/js-props this)
(let [inprops (get. this :props)
argv (get. inprops :argv)
props (nth argv 1 nil)
hasprops (or (nil? props) (map? props))
@ -137,16 +136,15 @@
(aset jsargs 0 jsprops)
(.apply comp nil jsargs)))
(defn wrapped-should-update [C nextprops nextstate]
(let [inprops (util/js-props C)
a1 (get. inprops :argv)
(defn wrapped-should-update [c nextprops nextstate]
(let [a1 (get. c [:props :argv])
a2 (get. nextprops :argv)]
(not (util/equal-args a1 a2))))
(defn add-input-methods [spec]
(doto spec
(set. :componentDidUpdate #(this-as C (input-did-update C)))
(set. :componentWillUnmount #(this-as C (batch/dispose C)))))
(set. :componentDidUpdate #(this-as c (input-did-update c)))
(set. :componentWillUnmount #(this-as c (batch/dispose c)))))
(defn wrap-component [comp extras name]
(let [input? (input-components comp)
@ -207,14 +205,14 @@
(assert (valid-tag? (nth v 0))
(str "Invalid Hiccup form: " (pr-str v)))
(let [c (as-class (nth v 0))
jsprops (js-obj cljs-argv v
cljs-level level)]
jsprops #js {:argv v
:level level}]
(let [k (-> v meta get-key)
k' (if (nil? k)
(-> v (nth 1 nil) get-key)
(when-not (nil? k')
(aset jsprops "key" k')))
(set. jsprops :key k')))
(c jsprops)))
(def tmp #js {})

View File

@ -11,13 +11,6 @@
;;; Props accessors
(def props "props")
(def cljs-level "level")
(def cljs-argv "argv")
(defn js-props [C]
(get. C :props))
(defn extract-props [v]
(let [p (nth v 1 nil)]
(if (map? p) p)))
@ -28,17 +21,17 @@
(if (> (count v) first-child)
(subvec v first-child))))
(defn get-argv [C]
(get. C [:props :argv]))
(defn get-argv [c]
(get. c [:props :argv]))
(defn get-props [C]
(-> (get. C [:props :argv]) extract-props))
(defn get-props [c]
(-> (get. c [:props :argv]) extract-props))
(defn get-children [C]
(-> (get. C [:props :argv]) extract-children))
(defn get-children [c]
(-> (get. c [:props :argv]) extract-children))
(defn reagent-component? [C]
(-> (get. C [:props :argv]) nil? not))
(defn reagent-component? [c]
(-> (get. c [:props :argv]) nil? not))
;; Misc utilities