Make extended hiccup syntax much faster

by taxing GC less
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Dan Holmsand 2015-07-31 08:20:18 +02:00
parent 2628edabf8
commit 4cd8ab6dff
1 changed files with 36 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -200,77 +200,50 @@
(def tag-name-cache #js{})
(defn cached-parse [x]
(if (hiccup-tag? x)
(if-some [s (obj-get tag-name-cache (name x))]
(aset tag-name-cache (name x) (parse-tag x)))
(when (instance? NativeWrapper x)
(.-comp x))))
(if-some [s (obj-get tag-name-cache x)]
(aset tag-name-cache x (parse-tag x))))
(declare as-element)
(defn native-element [tag argv]
(when-let [parsed (cached-parse tag)]
(let [comp (.' parsed :name)]
(let [props (nth argv 1 nil)
hasprops (or (nil? props) (map? props))
jsprops (convert-props (if hasprops props) parsed)
first-child (if hasprops 2 1)]
(if (input-component? comp)
(-> [reagent-input argv comp jsprops first-child]
(with-meta (meta argv))
(let [p (if-some [key (some-> (meta argv) get-key)]
(doto (if (nil? jsprops) #js{} jsprops)
(.! :key key))
(make-element argv comp p first-child)))))))
(defn- expand-tags
"Used to support the extended Hiccup syntax for nested elements. In addition to the keyword
specifying tag, optional id, and optional class(es), the '>' character indicates a nested element.
[:nav.navbar>div.container>div.navbar-header>a.navbar-brand {:href \"...\"} \"Home\"]
is the same as:
[:nav.navbar [:div.container [:div.navbar-header [:a.navbar-brand {:href \"...\"} \"Home\"]]]]
tags - the original keyword split at '>'
hiccup-form - the original hiccup form (a keyword in the first position)"
[tags hiccup-form]
(loop [deepest? true
[tag & tag-queue] (reverse tags)
tail (rest hiccup-form)]
(if (nil? tag)
(recur false
(if deepest?
(into [(keyword tag)] tail)
[(keyword tag) tail])))))
(defn native-element [parsed argv]
(let [comp (.' parsed :name)]
(let [props (nth argv 1 nil)
hasprops (or (nil? props) (map? props))
jsprops (convert-props (if hasprops props) parsed)
first-child (if hasprops 2 1)]
(if (input-component? comp)
(-> [reagent-input argv comp jsprops first-child]
(with-meta (meta argv))
(let [p (if-some [key (some-> (meta argv) get-key)]
(doto (if (nil? jsprops) #js{} jsprops)
(.! :key key))
(make-element argv comp p first-child))))))
(defn vec-to-elem [v]
(assert (pos? (count v))
(str "Hiccup form should not be empty: "
(pr-str v) (comp/comp-name)))
(let [tag (nth v 0)
tags (do
(assert (valid-tag? tag)
(str "Invalid Hiccup form: "
(pr-str v) (comp/comp-name)))
(when (keyword? tag)
(-> tag
(string/split #">")
(if (< 1 (count tags))
(recur (expand-tags tags v))
(if-some [ne (native-element tag v)]
(reag-element tag v)))))
(let [tag (nth v 0)]
(assert (valid-tag? tag)
(str "Invalid Hiccup form: "
(pr-str v) (comp/comp-name)))
(hiccup-tag? tag)
(let [n (name tag)
pos (.indexOf n ">")]
(if (== pos -1)
(native-element (cached-parse n) v)
;; Support extended hiccup syntax, i.e>
(recur [(subs n 0 pos)
(assoc v 0 (subs n (inc pos)))])))
(instance? NativeWrapper tag)
(native-element (.-comp tag) v)
:else (reag-element tag v))))
(declare expand-seq)
(declare expand-seq-check)