Make should-component-update a little faster for :style attrs

This commit is contained in:
Dan Holmsand 2014-01-29 11:40:07 +01:00
parent b45a215f52
commit 344e9e5db5

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@ -56,12 +56,12 @@
(reduce-kv (fn [res k v]
(let [yv (get y k -not-found)]
(if (or (keyword-identical? v yv)
;; hack to allow reagent.core/partial and :style
;; maps to be compared with =
(and (or
(keyword-identical? k :style)
(identical? (type v) partial-ifn))
(= v yv)))
;; Allow :style maps and reagent/partial
;; and :style maps to be compared properly
(and (keyword-identical? k :style)
(shallow-equal-maps v yv))
(and (identical? (type v) partial-ifn)
(= y yv)))
(reduced false))))
true x))))