Add some docs and assert

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Dan Holmsand 2014-11-20 13:13:11 +01:00
parent e76c4b9c72
commit 30427973d6
1 changed files with 29 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -154,7 +154,23 @@ re-rendered."
(defn wrap
"Provide a combination of value and callback, that looks like an atom.
The first argument can be any value, that will be returned when the
result is deref'ed.
The second argument should be a function, that is called with the
optional extra arguments provided to wrap, and the new value of the
resulting 'atom'.
Use for example like this:
(wrap (:foo @state)
swap! state assoc :foo)
Probably useful only for passing to child components."
[value reset-fn & args]
(assert (ifn? reset-fn))
(util/make-wrapper value reset-fn args))
@ -169,10 +185,20 @@ the specified path within the wrapped Reagent atom. e.g.,
... @c ;; equivalent to (get-in @ra [:nested :content])
... (reset! c 42) ;; equivalent to (swap! ra assoc-in [:nested :content] 42)
... (swap! c inc) ;; equivalence to (swap! ra update-in [:nested :content] inc)
The third argument may be a function, that is called with
optional extra arguments provided to cursor, and the new value of the
resulting 'atom'. If such a function is given, it should update the
given Reagent atom.
([path] (fn [ra] (cursor path ra)))
([path ra] (ratom/cursor path ra))
([path ra reset-fn & args] (ratom/cursor path ra reset-fn args)))
([path ra]
(assert (satisfies? IDeref ra))
(ratom/cursor path ra))
([path ra reset-fn & args]
(assert (satisfies? IDeref ra))
(assert (ifn? reset-fn))
(ratom/cursor path ra reset-fn args)))
;; Utilities