mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 21:34:29 +00:00
adds a history slider
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,22 +19,31 @@
:stroke "black"
:stroke-width 2})
(def rect-defaults
{:stroke "black"
:width 10
:height 30})
(defn drag-move-fn [on-drag]
(fn [evt]
(on-drag (.-clientX evt) (.-clientY evt))))
(defn drag-end-fn [drag-move drag-end]
(defn drag-end-fn [drag-move drag-end on-end]
(fn [evt]
(events/unlisten js/window EventType.MOUSEMOVE drag-move)
(events/unlisten js/window EventType.MOUSEUP @drag-end)))
(events/unlisten js/window EventType.MOUSEUP @drag-end)
(defn dragging [on-drag]
(defn dragging
([on-drag] (dragging on-drag (fn []) (fn [])))
([on-drag on-start on-end]
(let [drag-move (drag-move-fn on-drag)
drag-end-atom (atom nil)
drag-end (drag-end-fn drag-move drag-end-atom)]
drag-end (drag-end-fn drag-move drag-end-atom on-end)]
(reset! drag-end-atom drag-end)
(events/listen js/window EventType.MOUSEMOVE drag-move)
(events/listen js/window EventType.MOUSEUP drag-end)))
(events/listen js/window EventType.MOUSEUP drag-end))))
(defn point [{:keys [on-drag]} p]
@ -61,3 +70,9 @@
{:cx (x c)
:cy (y c)
:r (dist c r)})])
(defn rect [{:keys [on-drag on-start on-end]} c]
[:rect (merge rect-defaults
{:on-mouse-down #(dragging on-drag on-start on-end)
:x (x c)
:y (- (y c) 15)})])
@ -14,19 +14,55 @@
:c (g/point 250 250)
:p (g/point 250 300)}))
(defonce slider
{:handle (g/point 500 50)
:history []}))
(defn record-state [_ _ _ s]
(swap! slider (fn [{:keys [history] :as coll}]
(assoc coll :history (conj history s)))))
(defn start-recording-history []
(let [history (:history @slider)]
(add-watch points :record record-state)))
(defn stop-recording-history []
(remove-watch points :record))
(add-watch points :record record-state)
(defn get-bcr [svg-root]
(-> svg-root
(defn move-point [svg-root p]
(fn [x y]
(let [bcr (-> svg-root
(let [bcr (get-bcr svg-root)]
(swap! points assoc p (g/point (- x (.-left bcr)) (- y (.-top bcr)))))))
(defn move-slider [svg-root p]
(fn [x y]
(let [new-x (-> (- x (.-left (get-bcr svg-root)))
(min 500)
(max 100))
position (/ (- new-x 100)
(- 500 100))
history (:history @slider)]
(swap! slider assoc p (g/point new-x 50))
(reset! points (nth history (int (* (dec (count history)) position)))))))
(defn root [svg-root]
(let [{:keys [p1 p2 p3 p c]} @points]
[c/triangle p1 p2 p3]
[c/circle p c]
[c/segment p c]
[c/segment (g/point 100 50) (g/point 500 50)]
[c/rect {:on-drag (move-slider svg-root :handle)
:on-start stop-recording-history
:on-end start-recording-history} (:handle @slider)]
[c/point {:on-drag (move-point svg-root :c)} c]
[c/point {:on-drag (move-point svg-root :p)} p]
[c/point {:on-drag (move-point svg-root :p1)} p1]
@ -41,7 +77,7 @@
[:text {:style {:-webkit-user-select "none"
:-moz-user-select "none"}
:x 20 :y 20 :font-size 20}
"The points are draggable"]
"The points are draggable and the slider controls history"]
[root (r/current-component)]])
(defn by-id [id]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user