2014-01-02 13:04:30 +00:00
(ns demo
(:require [cloact.core :as cloact :refer [atom]]
[clojure.string :as string])
(:require-macros [demoutil :refer [get-source]]
[cloact.debug :refer [dbg println]]))
(def demosrc (get-source "demo.cljs"))
(defn src-parts [src]
(string/split src #"\n\(")
(map #(str "(" %))))
(defn src-defs [parts]
(into {} (for [x parts]
[(keyword (nth (string/split x #"\s+") 1))
(def srcmap
(-> "demo.cljs"
(def nssrc
"(ns example
(:require [cloact.core :as cloact :refer [atom]])
(defn src-for-names [names]
(let [defs (merge srcmap {:ns nssrc})]
(string/join "\n"
(map #(% defs) names))))
(defn src-for [{:keys [defs]}]
[:pre (src-for-names defs)])
2014-01-02 15:18:21 +00:00
(defn demo-component [props]
[:h3 "Example"]
[(:comp props)]
[:h3 "Source"]
[src-for props]])
2014-01-02 13:04:30 +00:00
(defn simple-component []
[:h3 "I am a component!"]
"I have " [:strong "bold"]
[:span {:style {:color "red"}} " and red "]
(defn demo-simple []
[:h2 "This is a simple component"]
2014-01-02 15:18:21 +00:00
[demo-component {:comp simple-component
:defs [:ns :simple-component]}]])
(defn calc-bmi [{:keys [height weight bmi] :as params}]
(let [h (/ height 100)]
(if (nil? bmi)
(assoc params :bmi (/ weight (* h h)))
(assoc params :weight (* bmi h h)))))
(def bmi-data (atom (calc-bmi {:height 180 :weight 80})))
(defn set-bmi [key val clear]
(swap! bmi-data #(calc-bmi (merge % {key val, clear nil}))))
(defn slider [{:keys [value key clear min max]}]
[:input {:type "range" :min min :max max :value value
:style {:width "100%"}
:on-change #(set-bmi key (-> % .-target .-value)
(or clear :bmi))}]])
(defn bmi-component []
(let [{:keys [weight height bmi]} @bmi-data
[color diagnose] (cond
(< bmi 18.5) ["orange" "underweight"]
(< bmi 25) ["inherit" "normal"]
(< bmi 30) ["orange" "overweight"]
:else ["red" "obese"])]
"Height: " (int height) "cm"
[slider {:value height :min 100 :max 220 :key :height}]]
"Weight: " (int weight) "kg"
[slider {:value weight :min 50 :max 200 :key :weight}]]
"BMI: " (int bmi) " "
[:span {:style {:color color}} diagnose]
[slider {:value bmi :min 10 :max 50 :key :bmi :clear :weight}]]]))
(defn bmi-demo []
[:h2 "Simple BMI calculator"]
[demo-component {:comp bmi-component
:defs [:ns :calc-bmi :bmi-data :set-bmi :slider
2014-01-02 13:04:30 +00:00
(defn demo []
[:h1 "This will become a demo"]
2014-01-02 15:18:21 +00:00
2014-01-02 13:04:30 +00:00
[:p "WIP"]])