declare var __DEV__: boolean; declare module 'react-native' { declare type Color = string | number; declare type Transform = { perspective: number | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { scale: number | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { scaleX: number | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { scaleY: number | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { translateX: number | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { translateY: number | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { rotate: string | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { rotateX: string | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { rotateY: string | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { rotateZ: string | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { skewX: string | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue } | { skewY: string | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedValue }; declare type TransformPropTypes = {| transform?: Array |}; declare type LayoutPropTypes = {| /** `display` sets the display type of this component. * * It works similarly to `display` in CSS, but only support 'flex' and 'none'. * 'flex' is the default. */ display?: 'flex' | 'none', /** `width` sets the width of this component. * * It works similarly to `width` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * See for more details. */ width?: number | string, /** `height` sets the height of this component. * * It works similarly to `height` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * See for more details. */ height?: number | string, /** `top` is the number of logical pixels to offset the top edge of * this component. * * It works similarly to `top` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details of how `top` affects layout. */ top?: number | string, /** `left` is the number of logical pixels to offset the left edge of * this component. * * It works similarly to `left` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details of how `left` affects layout. */ left?: number | string, /** `right` is the number of logical pixels to offset the right edge of * this component. * * It works similarly to `right` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details of how `right` affects layout. */ right?: number | string, /** `bottom` is the number of logical pixels to offset the bottom edge of * this component. * * It works similarly to `bottom` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details of how `bottom` affects layout. */ bottom?: number | string, /** `minWidth` is the minimum width for this component, in logical pixels. * * It works similarly to `min-width` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details. */ minWidth?: number | string, /** `maxWidth` is the maximum width for this component, in logical pixels. * * It works similarly to `max-width` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details. */ maxWidth?: number | string, /** `minHeight` is the minimum height for this component, in logical pixels. * * It works similarly to `min-height` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details. */ minHeight?: number | string, /** `maxHeight` is the maximum height for this component, in logical pixels. * * It works similarly to `max-height` in CSS, but in React Native you * must use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported. * * See * for more details. */ maxHeight?: number | string, /** Setting `margin` has the same effect as setting each of * `marginTop`, `marginLeft`, `marginBottom`, and `marginRight`. * See * for more details. */ margin?: number | string, /** Setting `marginVertical` has the same effect as setting both * `marginTop` and `marginBottom`. */ marginVertical?: number | string, /** Setting `marginHorizontal` has the same effect as setting * both `marginLeft` and `marginRight`. */ marginHorizontal?: number | string, /** `marginTop` works like `margin-top` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ marginTop?: number | string, /** `marginBottom` works like `margin-bottom` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ marginBottom?: number | string, /** `marginLeft` works like `margin-left` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ marginLeft?: number | string, /** `marginRight` works like `margin-right` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ marginRight?: number | string, /** Setting `padding` has the same effect as setting each of * `paddingTop`, `paddingBottom`, `paddingLeft`, and `paddingRight`. * See * for more details. */ padding?: number | string, /** Setting `paddingVertical` is like setting both of * `paddingTop` and `paddingBottom`. */ paddingVertical?: number | string, /** Setting `paddingHorizontal` is like setting both of * `paddingLeft` and `paddingRight`. */ paddingHorizontal?: number | string, /** `paddingTop` works like `padding-top` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ paddingTop?: number | string, /** `paddingBottom` works like `padding-bottom` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ paddingBottom?: number | string, /** `paddingLeft` works like `padding-left` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ paddingLeft?: number | string, /** `paddingRight` works like `padding-right` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ paddingRight?: number | string, /** `borderWidth` works like `border-width` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ borderWidth?: number, /** `borderTopWidth` works like `border-top-width` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ borderTopWidth?: number, /** `borderRightWidth` works like `border-right-width` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ borderRightWidth?: number, /** `borderBottomWidth` works like `border-bottom-width` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ borderBottomWidth?: number, /** `borderLeftWidth` works like `border-left-width` in CSS. * See * for more details. */ borderLeftWidth?: number, /** `position` in React Native is similar to regular CSS, but * everything is set to `relative` by default, so `absolute` * positioning is always just relative to the parent. * * If you want to position a child using specific numbers of logical * pixels relative to its parent, set the child to have `absolute` * position. * * If you want to position a child relative to something * that is not its parent, just don't use styles for that. Use the * component tree. * * See * for more details on how `position` differs between React Native * and CSS. */ position?: 'absolute' | 'relative', /** `flexDirection` controls which directions children of a container go. * `row` goes left to right, `column` goes top to bottom, and you may * be able to guess what the other two do. It works like `flex-direction` * in CSS, except the default is `column`. * See * for more details. */ flexDirection?: 'row' | 'row-reverse' | 'column' | 'column-reverse', /** `flexWrap` controls whether children can wrap around after they * hit the end of a flex container. * It works like `flex-wrap` in CSS (default: nowrap). * See * for more details. */ flexWrap?: 'wrap' | 'nowrap', /** `justifyContent` aligns children in the main direction. * For example, if children are flowing vertically, `justifyContent` * controls how they align vertically. * It works like `justify-content` in CSS (default: flex-start). * See * for more details. */ justifyContent?: 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'space-between' | 'space-around', /** `alignItems` aligns children in the cross direction. * For example, if children are flowing vertically, `alignItems` * controls how they align horizontally. * It works like `align-items` in CSS (default: stretch). * See * for more details. */ alignItems?: 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'stretch' | 'baseline', /** `alignSelf` controls how a child aligns in the cross direction, * overriding the `alignItems` of the parent. It works like `align-self` * in CSS (default: auto). * See * for more details. */ alignSelf?: 'auto' | 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'stretch' | 'baseline', /** `alignContent` controls how rows align in the cross direction, * overriding the `alignContent` of the parent. * See * for more details. */ alignContent?: 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'center' | 'stretch' | 'space-between' | 'space-around', /** `overflow` controls how a children are measured and displayed. * `overflow: hidden` causes views to be clipped while `overflow: scroll` * causes views to be measured independently of their parents main axis.` * It works like `overflow` in CSS (default: visible). * See * for more details. */ overflow?: 'visible' | 'hidden' | 'scroll', /** In React Native `flex` does not work the same way that it does in CSS. * `flex` is a number rather than a string, and it works * according to the `Yoga` library * at * * When `flex` is a positive number, it makes the component flexible * and it will be sized proportional to its flex value. So a * component with `flex` set to 2 will take twice the space as a * component with `flex` set to 1. * * When `flex` is 0, the component is sized according to `width` * and `height` and it is inflexible. * * When `flex` is -1, the component is normally sized according * `width` and `height`. However, if there's not enough space, * the component will shrink to its `minWidth` and `minHeight`. * * flexGrow, flexShrink, and flexBasis work the same as in CSS. */ flex?: number, flexGrow?: number, flexShrink?: number, flexBasis?: number | string, /** * Aspect ratio control the size of the undefined dimension of a node. Aspect ratio is a * non-standard property only available in react native and not CSS. * * - On a node with a set width/height aspect ratio control the size of the unset dimension * - On a node with a set flex basis aspect ratio controls the size of the node in the cross axis * if unset * - On a node with a measure function aspect ratio works as though the measure function measures * the flex basis * - On a node with flex grow/shrink aspect ratio controls the size of the node in the cross axis * if unset * - Aspect ratio takes min/max dimensions into account */ aspectRatio?: number, /** `zIndex` controls which components display on top of others. * Normally, you don't use `zIndex`. Components render according to * their order in the document tree, so later components draw over * earlier ones. `zIndex` may be useful if you have animations or custom * modal interfaces where you don't want this behavior. * * It works like the CSS `z-index` property - components with a larger * `zIndex` will render on top. Think of the z-direction like it's * pointing from the phone into your eyeball. * See for * more details. */ zIndex?: number, /** `direction` specifies the directional flow of the user interface. * The default is `inherit`, except for root node which will have * value based on the current locale. * See * for more details. * @platform ios */ direction?: 'inherit' | 'ltr' | 'rtl', |}; declare type ShadowPropTypes = {| /** * Sets the drop shadow color * @platform ios */ shadowColor?: Color, /** * Sets the drop shadow offset * @platform ios */ shadowOffset?: {| width?: number, height?: number |}, /** * Sets the drop shadow opacity (multiplied by the color's alpha component) * @platform ios */ shadowOpacity?: number, /** * Sets the drop shadow blur radius * @platform ios */ shadowRadius?: number, |}; declare type ExtraViewStylePropTypes = {| backfaceVisibility?: 'visible' | 'hidden', backgroundColor?: Color, borderColor?: Color, borderTopColor?: Color, borderRightColor?: Color, borderBottomColor?: Color, borderLeftColor?: Color, borderRadius?: number, borderTopLeftRadius?: number, borderTopRightRadius?: number, borderBottomLeftRadius?: number, borderBottomRightRadius?: number, borderStyle?: 'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed', borderWidth?: number, borderTopWidth?: number, borderRightWidth?: number, borderBottomWidth?: number, borderLeftWidth?: number, opacity?: number, /** * (Android-only) Sets the elevation of a view, using Android's underlying * [elevation API]( * This adds a drop shadow to the item and affects z-order for overlapping views. * Only supported on Android 5.0+, has no effect on earlier versions. * @platform android */ elevation?: number, |}; declare type FontVariant = 'small-caps' | 'oldstyle-nums' | 'lining-nums' | 'tabular-nums' | 'proportional-nums'; declare type ExtraTextStylePropTypes = {| color?: Color, fontFamily?: string, fontSize?: number, fontStyle?: 'normal' | 'italic', /** * Specifies font weight. The values 'normal' and 'bold' are supported for * most fonts. Not all fonts have a variant for each of the numeric values, * in that case the closest one is chosen. */ fontWeight?: 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900', /** * @platform ios */ fontVariant?: Array, textShadowOffset?: {| width?: number, height?: number |}, textShadowRadius?: number, textShadowColor?: Color, /** * @platform ios */ letterSpacing?: number, lineHeight?: number, /** * Specifies text alignment. The value 'justify' is only supported on iOS and * fallbacks to `left` on Android. */ textAlign?: 'auto' | 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'justify', /** * @platform android */ textAlignVertical?: 'auto' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center', /** * Set to `false` to remove extra font padding intended to make space for certain ascenders / descenders. * With some fonts, this padding can make text look slightly misaligned when centered vertically. * For best results also set `textAlignVertical` to `center`. Default is true. * @platform android */ includeFontPadding?: boolean, textDecorationLine?: 'none' | 'underline' | 'line-through' | 'underline line-through', /** * @platform ios */ textDecorationStyle?: 'solid' | 'double' | 'dotted' | 'dashed', /** * @platform ios */ textDecorationColor?: Color, /** * @platform ios */ writingDirection?: 'auto' | 'ltr' | 'rtl', |}; declare type ImageResizeModeEnum = { contain: 'contain', cover: 'cover', stretch: 'stretch', center: 'center', repeat: 'repeat', }; declare type ExtraImageStylePropTypes = {| resizeMode?: $Keys, backfaceVisibility?: 'visible' | 'hidden', backgroundColor?: Color, borderColor?: Color, borderWidth?: number, borderRadius?: number, overflow?: 'visible' | 'hidden', /** * Changes the color of all the non-transparent pixels to the tintColor. */ tintColor?: Color, opacity?: number, /** * When the image has rounded corners, specifying an overlayColor will * cause the remaining space in the corners to be filled with a solid color. * This is useful in cases which are not supported by the Android * implementation of rounded corners: * - Certain resize modes, such as 'contain' * - Animated GIFs * * A typical way to use this prop is with images displayed on a solid * background and setting the `overlayColor` to the same color * as the background. * * For details of how this works under the hood, see * * * @platform android */ overlayColor?: string, // Android-Specific styles borderTopLeftRadius?: number, borderTopRightRadius?: number, borderBottomLeftRadius?: number, borderBottomRightRadius?: number, |}; declare type ViewStylePropTypes = {| ...LayoutPropTypes, ...ShadowPropTypes, ...TransformPropTypes, ...ExtraViewStylePropTypes, |}; declare type TextStylePropTypes = {| ...LayoutPropTypes, ...ShadowPropTypes, ...TransformPropTypes, ...ExtraViewStylePropTypes, ...ExtraTextStylePropTypes, |}; declare type ImageStylePropTypes = {| ...LayoutPropTypes, ...ShadowPropTypes, ...TransformPropTypes, ...ExtraImageStylePropTypes, |}; declare type StylePropTypes = {| ...LayoutPropTypes, ...ShadowPropTypes, ...$Exact, ...ExtraImageStylePropTypes, ...ExtraTextStylePropTypes, ...ExtraViewStylePropTypes, |} declare type StyleId = number; declare export type StyleDefinition = {[key: string]: StylePropTypes}; declare type StyleRuleSet = {[key: $Keys]: StyleId}; declare type StyleProp = false | null | void | T | V | Array>; declare export var StyleSheet: {| hairlineWidth: number, absoluteFill: StyleId, absoluteFillObject: Object, flatten: (style: StyleProp) => StylePropTypes, create(styles: S): StyleRuleSet, setStyleAttributePreprocessor(property: string, process: (nextProp: mixed) => mixed): void, |}; declare type EdgeInsetsProp = { top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number, }; declare type AccessibilityTrait = 'none' | 'button' | 'link' | 'header' | 'search' | 'image' | 'selected' | 'plays' | 'key' | 'text' | 'summary' | 'disabled' | 'frequentUpdates' | 'startsMedia' | 'adjustable' | 'allowsDirectInteraction' | 'pageTurn'; declare type AccessibilityComponentType = 'none' | 'button' | 'radiobutton_checked' | 'radiobutton_unchecked'; declare type MeasureOnSuccessCallback = ( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, pageX: number, pageY: number, ) => void; declare type MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback = ( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, ) => void; declare type MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback = ( left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number, ) => void; declare type NativeMethodsMixinType = { blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: Object): void, }; declare type ViewDefaultProps = { }; declare type RCTViewAttributes = { accessible?: boolean, accessibilityLabel?: React$PropType$Primitive, accessibilityComponentType?: AccessibilityComponentType, accessibilityLiveRegion?: 'none' | 'polite' | 'assertive', importantForAccessibility?: 'auto'| 'yes'| 'no'| 'no-hide-descendants', accessibilityTraits?: AccessibilityTrait | Array, accessibilityViewIsModal?: boolean, onAccessibilityTap?: Function, onMagicTap?: Function, testID?: string, nativeID?: string, pointerEvents?: 'box-none'| 'none'| 'box-only'| 'auto', removeClippedSubviews?: boolean, renderToHardwareTextureAndroid?: boolean, shouldRasterizeIOS?: boolean, collapsable?: boolean, needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing?: boolean, hitSlop?: EdgeInsetsProp, /** * Invoked on mount and layout changes with * * `{nativeEvent: {layout: {x, y, width, height}}}` */ onLayout?: Function, } declare export type ViewProps = { ...$Exact, onResponderGrant?: Function, onResponderMove?: Function, onResponderReject?: Function, onResponderRelease?: Function, onResponderTerminate?: Function, onResponderTerminationRequest?: Function, onStartShouldSetResponder?: Function, onStartShouldSetResponderCapture?: Function, onMoveShouldSetResponder?: Function, onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture?: Function, style?: StyleProp, children?: React$Element<*>, }; declare class BaseView extends React$Component { blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: P): void, } declare export class View extends BaseView {} declare export type AnimatedViewStylePropTypes = { ...$Exact, ...({ [key: $Keys]: AnimatedValue | AnimatedInterpolation }) }; declare type AnimatedViewProps = { ...$Exact, style: StyleProp, } declare class AnimatedView extends BaseView {} declare type TextDefaultProps = { accessible: true, allowFontScaling: true, ellipsizeMode: 'tail', disabled: false, }; declare export type TextProps = { ...$Exact, /** * When `numberOfLines` is set, this prop defines how text will be truncated. * `numberOfLines` must be set in conjunction with this prop. * * This can be one of the following values: * * - `head` - The line is displayed so that the end fits in the container and the missing text * at the beginning of the line is indicated by an ellipsis glyph. e.g., "...wxyz" * - `middle` - The line is displayed so that the beginning and end fit in the container and the * missing text in the middle is indicated by an ellipsis glyph. "ab...yz" * - `tail` - The line is displayed so that the beginning fits in the container and the * missing text at the end of the line is indicated by an ellipsis glyph. e.g., "abcd..." * - `clip` - Lines are not drawn past the edge of the text container. * * The default is `tail`. * * > `clip` is working only for iOS */ ellipsizeMode?: 'head' | 'middle' | 'tail' | 'clip', /** * Used to truncate the text with an ellipsis after computing the text * layout, including line wrapping, such that the total number of lines * does not exceed this number. * * This prop is commonly used with `ellipsizeMode`. */ numberOfLines?: number, /** * Set text break strategy on Android API Level 23+, possible values are `simple`, `highQuality`, `balanced` * The default value is `highQuality`. * @platform android */ textBreakStrategy?: 'simple' | 'highQuality' | 'balanced', /** * This function is called on press. * * e.g., `onPress={() => console.log('1st')}` */ onPress?: Function, /** * This function is called on long press. * * e.g., `onLongPress={this.increaseSize}>` */ onLongPress?: Function, /** * When the scroll view is disabled, this defines how far your touch may * move off of the button, before deactivating the button. Once deactivated, * try moving it back and you'll see that the button is once again * reactivated! Move it back and forth several times while the scroll view * is disabled. Ensure you pass in a constant to reduce memory allocations. */ pressRetentionOffset?: EdgeInsetsProp, /** * Lets the user select text, to use the native copy and paste functionality. */ selectable?: boolean, /** * The highlight color of the text. * @platform android */ selectionColor?: Color, /** * When `true`, no visual change is made when text is pressed down. By * default, a gray oval highlights the text on press down. * @platform ios */ suppressHighlighting?: boolean, /** * Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests. */ testID?: string, /** * Used to locate this view from native code. * @platform android */ nativeID?: string, /** * Specifies whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings. The * default is `true`. */ allowFontScaling?: boolean, /** * When set to `true`, indicates that the view is an accessibility element. The default value * for a `Text` element is `true`. * * See the * [Accessibility guide](docs/accessibility.html#accessible-ios-android) * for more information. */ accessible?: boolean, /** * Specifies whether font should be scaled down automatically to fit given style constraints. * @platform ios */ adjustsFontSizeToFit?: boolean, /** * Specifies smallest possible scale a font can reach when adjustsFontSizeToFit is enabled. (values 0.01-1.0). * @platform ios */ minimumFontScale?: number, /** * Specifies the disabled state of the text view for testing purposes * @platform android */ disabled?: boolean, style?: StyleProp, children?: React$Element<*>, }; declare class BaseText extends React$Component { blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: P): void, } declare export class Text extends BaseText {} declare type AnimatedTextStylePropTypes = { ...$Exact, ...({ [key: $Keys]: AnimatedValue | AnimatedInterpolation }) }; declare type AnimatedTextProps = { ...$Exact, style: StyleProp, }; declare class AnimatedText extends BaseText {} declare type ImageUriSourcePropType = { uri: string, width?: number, height?: number, scale?: number, /** * `bundle` is the iOS asset bundle which the image is included in. This * will default to [NSBundle mainBundle] if not set. * @platform ios */ bundle?: string, /** * `method` is the HTTP Method to use. Defaults to GET if not specified. */ method?: string, /** * `headers` is an object representing the HTTP headers to send along with the * request for a remote image. */ headers?: { [key: string]: string }, /** * `body` is the HTTP body to send with the request. This must be a valid * UTF-8 string, and will be sent exactly as specified, with no * additional encoding (e.g. URL-escaping or base64) applied. */ body?: string, /** * `cache` determines how the requests handles potentially cached * responses. * * - `default`: Use the native platforms default strategy. `useProtocolCachePolicy` on iOS. * * - `reload`: The data for the URL will be loaded from the originating source. * No existing cache data should be used to satisfy a URL load request. * * - `force-cache`: The existing cached data will be used to satisfy the request, * regardless of its age or expiration date. If there is no existing data in the cache * corresponding the request, the data is loaded from the originating source. * * - `only-if-cached`: The existing cache data will be used to satisfy a request, regardless of * its age or expiration date. If there is no existing data in the cache corresponding * to a URL load request, no attempt is made to load the data from the originating source, * and the load is considered to have failed. * * @platform ios */ cache?: 'default' | 'reload' | 'force-cache' | 'only-if-cached', }; declare type ImageSourcePropType = ImageUriSourcePropType | number | Array; declare type ImageProps = { /** * > `ImageResizeMode` is an `Enum` for different image resizing modes, set via the * > `resizeMode` style property on `Image` components. The values are `contain`, `cover`, * > `stretch`, `center`, `repeat`. */ style?: StyleProp, /** * The image source (either a remote URL or a local file resource). * * This prop can also contain several remote URLs, specified together with * their width and height and potentially with scale/other URI arguments. * The native side will then choose the best `uri` to display based on the * measured size of the image container. A `cache` property can be added to * control how networked request interacts with the local cache. * * The currently supported formats are `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`, `bmp`, `gif`, * `webp` (Android only), `psd` (iOS only). */ source?: ImageSourcePropType, /** * A static image to display while loading the image source. * * - `uri` - a string representing the resource identifier for the image, which * should be either a local file path or the name of a static image resource * (which should be wrapped in the `require('./path/to/image.png')` function). * - `width`, `height` - can be specified if known at build time, in which case * these will be used to set the default `` component dimensions. * - `scale` - used to indicate the scale factor of the image. Defaults to 1.0 if * unspecified, meaning that one image pixel equates to one display point / DIP. * - `number` - Opaque type returned by something like `require('./image.jpg')`. * * @platform ios */ defaultSource?: ImageSourcePropType, /** * When true, indicates the image is an accessibility element. * @platform ios */ accessible?: boolean, /** * The text that's read by the screen reader when the user interacts with * the image. * @platform ios */ accessibilityLabel?: React$PropType$Primitive, /** * blurRadius: the blur radius of the blur filter added to the image */ blurRadius?: number, /** * When the image is resized, the corners of the size specified * by `capInsets` will stay a fixed size, but the center content and borders * of the image will be stretched. This is useful for creating resizable * rounded buttons, shadows, and other resizable assets. More info in the * [official Apple documentation]( * * @platform ios */ capInsets?: EdgeInsetsPropType, /** * The mechanism that should be used to resize the image when the image's dimensions * differ from the image view's dimensions. Defaults to `auto`. * * - `auto`: Use heuristics to pick between `resize` and `scale`. * * - `resize`: A software operation which changes the encoded image in memory before it * gets decoded. This should be used instead of `scale` when the image is much larger * than the view. * * - `scale`: The image gets drawn downscaled or upscaled. Compared to `resize`, `scale` is * faster (usually hardware accelerated) and produces higher quality images. This * should be used if the image is smaller than the view. It should also be used if the * image is slightly bigger than the view. * * More details about `resize` and `scale` can be found at * * @platform android */ resizeMethod?: 'auto' | 'resize' | 'scale', /** * Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn't match the raw * image dimensions. * * - `cover`: Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) * so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal * to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding). * * - `contain`: Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) * so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to * or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding). * * - `stretch`: Scale width and height independently, This may change the * aspect ratio of the src. * * - `repeat`: Repeat the image to cover the frame of the view. The * image will keep it's size and aspect ratio. (iOS only) */ resizeMode?: $Keys, /** * A unique identifier for this element to be used in UI Automation * testing scripts. */ testID?: string, /** * Invoked on mount and layout changes with * `{nativeEvent: {layout: {x, y, width, height}}}`. */ onLayout?: Function, /** * Invoked on load start. * * e.g., `onLoadStart={(e) => this.setState({loading: true})}` */ onLoadStart?: Function, /** * Invoked on download progress with `{nativeEvent: {loaded, total}}`. * @platform ios */ onProgress?: Function, /** * Invoked on load error with `{nativeEvent: {error}}`. */ onError?: Function, /** * Invoked when a partial load of the image is complete. The definition of * what constitutes a "partial load" is loader specific though this is meant * for progressive JPEG loads. * @platform ios */ onPartialLoad?: Function, /** * Invoked when load completes successfully. */ onLoad?: Function, /** * Invoked when load either succeeds or fails. */ onLoadEnd?: Function, children?: React$Element<*>, } declare type ResolvedAssetSource = { __packager_asset: boolean, width: ?number, height: ?number, uri: string, scale: number, }; declare class BaseImage extends React$Component { static resizeMode: ImageResizeModeEnum, /** * Retrieve the width and height (in pixels) of an image prior to displaying it. * This method can fail if the image cannot be found, or fails to download. * * In order to retrieve the image dimensions, the image may first need to be * loaded or downloaded, after which it will be cached. This means that in * principle you could use this method to preload images, however it is not * optimized for that purpose, and may in future be implemented in a way that * does not fully load/download the image data. A proper, supported way to * preload images will be provided as a separate API. * * Does not work for static image resources. * * @param uri The location of the image. * @param success The function that will be called if the image was successfully found and width * and height retrieved. * @param failure The function that will be called if there was an error, such as failing to * to retrieve the image. * * @returns void * * @platform ios */ static getSize( uri: string, success: (width: number, height: number) => void, failure?: (error: any) => void, ): void, /** * Prefetches a remote image for later use by downloading it to the disk * cache * * @param url The remote location of the image. * * @return The prefetched image. */ static prefetch(url: string): Promise, /** * Resolves an asset reference into an object which has the properties `uri`, `width`, * and `height`. The input may either be a number (opaque type returned by * require('./foo.png')) or an `ImageSource` like { uri: '' } */ static resolveAssetSource(source: ImageSourcePropType): ?ResolvedAssetSource, blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: P): void, } declare export class Image extends BaseImage {} declare type AnimatedImageStylePropTypes = { ...$Exact, ...({ [key: $Keys]: AnimatedValue | AnimatedInterpolation }) }; declare type AnimatedImageProps = { ...$Exact, style: StyleProp, }; declare class AnimatedImage extends BaseView {} declare type ScrollViewProps = { ...$Exact, /** * Controls whether iOS should automatically adjust the content inset * for scroll views that are placed behind a navigation bar or * tab bar/ toolbar. The default value is true. * @platform ios */ automaticallyAdjustContentInsets?: boolean, /** * The amount by which the scroll view content is inset from the edges * of the scroll view. Defaults to `{top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0}`. * @platform ios */ contentInset?: EdgeInsetsPropType, /** * Used to manually set the starting scroll offset. * The default value is `{x: 0, y: 0}`. * @platform ios */ contentOffset?: PointPropType, /** * When true, the scroll view bounces when it reaches the end of the * content if the content is larger then the scroll view along the axis of * the scroll direction. When false, it disables all bouncing even if * the `alwaysBounce*` props are true. The default value is true. * @platform ios */ bounces?: boolean, /** * When true, gestures can drive zoom past min/max and the zoom will animate * to the min/max value at gesture end, otherwise the zoom will not exceed * the limits. * @platform ios */ bouncesZoom?: boolean, /** * When true, the scroll view bounces horizontally when it reaches the end * even if the content is smaller than the scroll view itself. The default * value is true when `horizontal={true}` and false otherwise. * @platform ios */ alwaysBounceHorizontal?: boolean, /** * When true, the scroll view bounces vertically when it reaches the end * even if the content is smaller than the scroll view itself. The default * value is false when `horizontal={true}` and true otherwise. * @platform ios */ alwaysBounceVertical?: boolean, /** * When true, the scroll view automatically centers the content when the * content is smaller than the scroll view bounds; when the content is * larger than the scroll view, this property has no effect. The default * value is false. * @platform ios */ centerContent?: boolean, /** * These styles will be applied to the scroll view content container which * wraps all of the child views. Example: * * ``` * return ( * * * ); * ... * const styles = StyleSheet.create({ * contentContainer: { * paddingVertical: 20 * } * }); * ``` */ contentContainerStyle?: StyleProp, /** * A floating-point number that determines how quickly the scroll view * decelerates after the user lifts their finger. You may also use string * shortcuts `"normal"` and `"fast"` which match the underlying iOS settings * for `UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal` and * `UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast` respectively. * * - `'normal'`: 0.998 (the default) * - `'fast'`: 0.99 * * @platform ios */ decelerationRate?: 'fast' | 'normal' | number, /** * When true, the scroll view's children are arranged horizontally in a row * instead of vertically in a column. The default value is false. */ horizontal?: boolean, /** * The style of the scroll indicators. * * - `'default'` (the default), same as `black`. * - `'black'`, scroll indicator is black. This style is good against a light background. * - `'white'`, scroll indicator is white. This style is good against a dark background. * * @platform ios */ indicatorStyle?: 'default' | 'black' | 'white', /** * When true, the ScrollView will try to lock to only vertical or horizontal * scrolling while dragging. The default value is false. * @platform ios */ directionalLockEnabled?: boolean, /** * When false, once tracking starts, won't try to drag if the touch moves. * The default value is true. * @platform ios */ canCancelContentTouches?: boolean, /** * Determines whether the keyboard gets dismissed in response to a drag. * * - `'none'` (the default), drags do not dismiss the keyboard. * - `'on-drag'`, the keyboard is dismissed when a drag begins. * - `'interactive'`, the keyboard is dismissed interactively with the drag and moves in * synchrony with the touch; dragging upwards cancels the dismissal. * On android this is not supported and it will have the same behavior as 'none'. */ keyboardDismissMode?: 'none' | 'interactive' | 'on-drag', /** * Determines when the keyboard should stay visible after a tap. * * - `'never'` (the default), tapping outside of the focused text input when the keyboard * is up dismisses the keyboard. When this happens, children won't receive the tap. * - `'always'`, the keyboard will not dismiss automatically, and the scroll view will not * catch taps, but children of the scroll view can catch taps. * - `'handled'`, the keyboard will not dismiss automatically when the tap was handled by * a children, (or captured by an ancestor). * - `false`, deprecated, use 'never' instead * - `true`, deprecated, use 'always' instead */ keyboardShouldPersistTaps?: 'always' | 'never' | 'handled' | false | true, /** * The maximum allowed zoom scale. The default value is 1.0. * @platform ios */ maximumZoomScale?: number, /** * The minimum allowed zoom scale. The default value is 1.0. * @platform ios */ minimumZoomScale?: number, /** * Fires at most once per frame during scrolling. The frequency of the * events can be controlled using the `scrollEventThrottle` prop. */ onScroll?: Function, /** * Called when a scrolling animation ends. * @platform ios */ onScrollAnimationEnd?: Function, /** * Called when scrollable content view of the ScrollView changes. * * Handler function is passed the content width and content height as parameters: * `(contentWidth, contentHeight)` * * It's implemented using onLayout handler attached to the content container * which this ScrollView renders. */ onContentSizeChange?: Function, /** * When true, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view's size * when scrolling. This can be used for horizontal pagination. The default * value is false. */ pagingEnabled?: boolean, /** * When false, the view cannot be scrolled via touch interaction. * The default value is true. * * Note that the view can be always be scrolled by calling `scrollTo`. */ scrollEnabled?: boolean, /** * This controls how often the scroll event will be fired while scrolling * (as a time interval in ms). A lower number yields better accuracy for code * that is tracking the scroll position, but can lead to scroll performance * problems due to the volume of information being send over the bridge. * You will not notice a difference between values set between 1-16 as the * JS run loop is synced to the screen refresh rate. If you do not need precise * scroll position tracking, set this value higher to limit the information * being sent across the bridge. The default value is zero, which results in * the scroll event being sent only once each time the view is scrolled. * @platform ios */ scrollEventThrottle?: number, /** * The amount by which the scroll view indicators are inset from the edges * of the scroll view. This should normally be set to the same value as * the `contentInset`. Defaults to `{0, 0, 0, 0}`. * @platform ios */ scrollIndicatorInsets?: EdgeInsetsPropType, /** * When true, the scroll view scrolls to top when the status bar is tapped. * The default value is true. * @platform ios */ scrollsToTop?: boolean, /** * When true, shows a horizontal scroll indicator. * The default value is true. */ showsHorizontalScrollIndicator?: boolean, /** * When true, shows a vertical scroll indicator. * The default value is true. */ showsVerticalScrollIndicator?: boolean, /** * An array of child indices determining which children get docked to the * top of the screen when scrolling. For example, passing * `stickyHeaderIndices={[0]}` will cause the first child to be fixed to the * top of the scroll view. This property is not supported in conjunction * with `horizontal={true}`. */ stickyHeaderIndices?: Array, /** * When set, causes the scroll view to stop at multiples of the value of * `snapToInterval`. This can be used for paginating through children * that have lengths smaller than the scroll view. Used in combination * with `snapToAlignment`. * @platform ios */ snapToInterval?: number, /** * When `snapToInterval` is set, `snapToAlignment` will define the relationship * of the snapping to the scroll view. * * - `'start'` (the default) will align the snap at the left (horizontal) or top (vertical) * - `'center'` will align the snap in the center * - `'end'` will align the snap at the right (horizontal) or bottom (vertical) * * @platform ios */ snapToAlignment?: 'start' | 'center' | 'end', /** * Experimental: When true, offscreen child views (whose `overflow` value is * `hidden`) are removed from their native backing superview when offscreen. * This can improve scrolling performance on long lists. The default value is * true. */ removeClippedSubviews?: boolean, /** * The current scale of the scroll view content. The default value is 1.0. * @platform ios */ zoomScale?: number, /** * A RefreshControl component, used to provide pull-to-refresh * functionality for the ScrollView. Only works for vertical ScrollViews * (`horizontal` prop must be `false`). * * See [RefreshControl](docs/refreshcontrol.html). */ refreshControl?: React$Element<*>, /** * Sometimes a scrollview takes up more space than its content fills. When this is * the case, this prop will fill the rest of the scrollview with a color to avoid setting * a background and creating unnecessary overdraw. This is an advanced optimization * that is not needed in the general case. * @platform android */ endFillColor?: Color, /** * Tag used to log scroll performance on this scroll view. Will force * momentum events to be turned on (see sendMomentumEvents). This doesn't do * anything out of the box and you need to implement a custom native * FpsListener for it to be useful. * @platform android */ scrollPerfTag?: string, /** * Used to override default value of overScroll mode. * * Possible values: * * - `'auto'` - Default value, allow a user to over-scroll * this view only if the content is large enough to meaningfully scroll. * - `'always'` - Always allow a user to over-scroll this view. * - `'never'` - Never allow a user to over-scroll this view. * * @platform android */ overScrollMode?: 'auto' | 'always' | 'never', } declare export class BaseScrollView extends React$Component { // TODO(lmr): ScrollResponder.Mixin? setNativeProps(props: P): void, /** * Returns a reference to the underlying scroll responder, which supports * operations like `scrollTo`. All ScrollView-like components should * implement this method so that they can be composed while providing access * to the underlying scroll responder's methods. */ getScrollResponder(): ScrollView, getScrollableNode(): any, getInnerViewNode(): any, /** * Scrolls to a given x, y offset, either immediately or with a smooth animation. * * Example: * * `scrollTo({x: 0, y: 0, animated: true})` * * Note: The weird function signature is due to the fact that, for historical reasons, * the function also accepts separate arguments as an alternative to the options object. * This is deprecated due to ambiguity (y before x), and SHOULD NOT BE USED. */ scrollTo( y?: number | { x?: number, y?: number, animated?: boolean }, x?: number, animated?: boolean ): void, /** * If this is a vertical ScrollView scrolls to the bottom. * If this is a horizontal ScrollView scrolls to the right. * * Use `scrollToEnd({animated: true})` for smooth animated scrolling, * `scrollToEnd({animated: false})` for immediate scrolling. * If no options are passed, `animated` defaults to true. */ scrollToEnd( options?: { animated?: boolean }, ): void, } declare export class ScrollView extends BaseScrollView {} declare type AnimatedScrollViewStyleProps = { ...$Exact, ...({ [key: $Keys]: AnimatedValue | AnimatedInterpolation }) }; declare type AnimatedScrollViewProps = { ...$Exact, style: StyleProp, }; declare class AnimatedScrollView extends BaseView {} declare export var Platform: {| OS: 'ios' | 'android', Version: number, isPad: boolean, isTesting: boolean, isTVOS: boolean, select(obj: { [key: string]: T }): T, |} declare type Dimension = { width: number, height: number, scale: number, fontScale: number, }; declare type DimensionName = 'window' | 'screen'; declare export var Dimensions: {| set(dims: { [key: DimensionName]: Dimension }): void, get(dim: DimensionName): Dimensions, addEventListener( type: string, handler: Function ): void, removeEventListener( type: string, handler: Function ): void, |} declare export var PixelRatio: {| /** * Returns the device pixel density. Some examples: * * - PixelRatio.get() === 1 * - mdpi Android devices (160 dpi) * - PixelRatio.get() === 1.5 * - hdpi Android devices (240 dpi) * - PixelRatio.get() === 2 * - iPhone 4, 4S * - iPhone 5, 5c, 5s * - iPhone 6 * - xhdpi Android devices (320 dpi) * - PixelRatio.get() === 3 * - iPhone 6 plus * - xxhdpi Android devices (480 dpi) * - PixelRatio.get() === 3.5 * - Nexus 6 */ get(): number, /** * Returns the scaling factor for font sizes. This is the ratio that is used to calculate the * absolute font size, so any elements that heavily depend on that should use this to do * calculations. * * If a font scale is not set, this returns the device pixel ratio. * * Currently this is only implemented on Android and reflects the user preference set in * Settings > Display > Font size, on iOS it will always return the default pixel ratio. * @platform android */ getFontScale(): number, /** * Converts a layout size (dp) to pixel size (px). * * Guaranteed to return an integer number. */ getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(layoutSize: number): number, /** * Rounds a layout size (dp) to the nearest layout size that corresponds to * an integer number of pixels. For example, on a device with a PixelRatio * of 3, `PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(8.4) = 8.33`, which corresponds to * exactly (8.33 * 3) = 25 pixels. */ roundToNearestPixel(layoutSize: number): number, // No-op for iOS, but used on the web. Should not be documented. startDetecting(): void, |}; declare type LayoutAnimationTypesEnum = { spring: 'spring', linear: 'linear', easeInEaseOut: 'easeInEaseOut', easeIn: 'easeIn', easeOut: 'easeOut', keyboard: 'keyboard', }; declare type LayoutAnimationPropertiesEnum = { opacity: 'opacity', scaleXY: 'scaleXY', }; declare type Anim = { duration?: number, delay?: number, springDamping?: number, initialVelocity?: number, type?: $Keys, property?: $Keys, }; declare type LayoutAnimationConfig = { duration: number, create?: Anim, update?: Anim, delete?: Anim, }; declare export var LayoutAnimation: { /** * Schedules an animation to happen on the next layout. * * @param config Specifies animation properties: * * - `duration` in milliseconds * - `create`, config for animating in new views (see `Anim` type) * - `update`, config for animating views that have been updated * (see `Anim` type) * * @param onAnimationDidEnd Called when the animation finished. * Only supported on iOS. * @param onError Called on error. Only supported on iOS. */ configureNext(config: LayoutAnimationConfig, onAnimationDidEnd?: Function): void, /** * Helper for creating a config for `configureNext`. */ create(duration: number, type, creationProp): LayoutAnimationConfig, Types: LayoutAnimationTypesEnum, Properties: LayoutAnimationPropertiesEnum, Presets: { easeInEaseOut: LayoutAnimationConfig, linear: LayoutAnimationConfig, spring: LayoutAnimationConfig, }, easeInEaseOut(onAnimationDidEnd?: Function): void, linear(onAnimationDidEnd?: Function): void, spring(onAnimationDidEnd?: Function): void, }; declare type Event = Object; declare type Selection = { start: number, end?: number, }; declare type DataDetector = 'phoneNumber' | 'link' | 'address' | 'calendarEvent' | 'none' | 'all'; declare type TextInputState = {| /** * Returns the ID of the currently focused text field, if one exists * If no text field is focused it returns null */ currentlyFocusedField(): ?number, /** * @param {number} TextInputID id of the text field to focus * Focuses the specified text field * noop if the text field was already focused */ focusTextInput(textFieldID: ?number): void, /** * @param {number} textFieldID id of the text field to focus * Unfocuses the specified text field * noop if it wasn't focused */ blurTextInput(textFieldID: ?number): void, |}; declare type EventSubscription = { eventType: string; key: number; subscriber: EventSubscriptionVendor; remove(): void, } declare type EventSubscriptionVendor = { addSubscription(eventType: string, subscription: EventSubscription): EventSubscription, removeAllSubscriptions(eventType: ?string): void, removeSubscription(subscription: EventSubscription): void, getSubscriptionsForType(eventType: string): ?[EventSubscription], } declare type EmitterSubscription = { emitter: EventEmitter; listener: Function; context: ?Object; remove(): void, } declare type EventEmitter = { emit(eventType: T, ...args: any[]): void, addListener(eventType: T, listener: Function, context: ?Object): EmitterSubscription, once(eventType: T, listener: Function, context: ?Object): EmitterSubscription, removeAllListeners(): void, removeCurrentListener(): void, removeSubscription(subscription: EmitterSubscription): void, listeners(eventType: T): [EmitterSubscription], removeListener(eventType: T, listener: Function): void, } declare type EventHolderToken = { eventType: T, index: number }; declare type EventHolder = { holdEvent(eventType: T, ...args: any[]): EventHolderToken, emitToListener(eventType: ?T, listener: Function, context: ?Object): void, releaseCurrentEvent(): void, releaseEvent(token: EventHolderToken): void, releaseEventType(eventType: T): void, } declare type EventEmitterWithHolding = { addListener(eventType: T, listener: Function, context: ?Object): EmitterSubscription, once(eventType: T, listener: Function, context: ?Object): EmitterSubscription, removeAllListeners(eventType: T): void, removeCurrentListener(): void, listeners(eventType: T): [EmitterSubscription], emit(eventType: T, ...args: any[]): void, addRetroactiveListener(eventType: T, listener: Function, context: ?Object): EmitterSubscription, emitAndHold(eventType: T, ...args: any[]): void, releaseCurrentEvent(): void, releaseHeldEventType(eventType: T): void, } declare type DocumentSelectionState = {| ...EventEmitterWithHolding<'blur' | 'focus' | 'update'>, update(anchor, focus): void, constrainLength(maxLength: number): void, focus(): void, blur(): void, hasFocus(): void, isCollapsed(): boolean, isBackward(): boolean, getAnchorOffset(): ?number, getFocusOffset(): ?number, getStartOffset(): ?number, getEndOffset(): ?number, overlaps(start: number, end: number): boolean, |} declare type TextInputProps = { ...ViewProps, /** * Can tell `TextInput` to automatically capitalize certain characters. * * - `characters`: all characters. * - `words`: first letter of each word. * - `sentences`: first letter of each sentence (*default*). * - `none`: don't auto capitalize anything. */ autoCapitalize?: 'none' | 'sentences' | 'words' | 'characters', /** * If `false`, disables auto-correct. The default value is `true`. */ autoCorrect?: boolean, /** * If `false`, disables spell-check style (i.e. red underlines). * The default value is inherited from `autoCorrect`. * @platform ios */ spellCheck?: boolean, /** * If `true`, focuses the input on `componentDidMount`. * The default value is `false`. */ autoFocus?: boolean, /** * If `false`, text is not editable. The default value is `true`. */ editable?: boolean, /** * Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.`numeric`. * * The following values work across platforms: * * - `default` * - `numeric` * - `email-address` * - `phone-pad` */ keyboardType?: // Cross-platform 'default' | 'email-address' | 'numeric' | 'phone-pad' | // iOS-only 'ascii-capable' | 'numbers-and-punctuation' | 'url' | 'number-pad' | 'name-phone-pad' | 'decimal-pad' | 'twitter' | 'web-search', /** * Determines the color of the keyboard. * @platform ios */ keyboardAppearance?: 'default' | 'light' | 'dark', /** * Determines how the return key should look. On Android you can also use * `returnKeyLabel`. * * *Cross platform* * * The following values work across platforms: * * - `done` * - `go` * - `next` * - `search` * - `send` * * *Android Only* * * The following values work on Android only: * * - `none` * - `previous` * * *iOS Only* * * The following values work on iOS only: * * - `default` * - `emergency-call` * - `google` * - `join` * - `route` * - `yahoo` */ returnKeyType?: // Cross-platform 'done'| 'go'| 'next'| 'search'| 'send'| // Android-only 'none'| 'previous'| // iOS-only 'default'| 'emergency-call'| 'google'| 'join'| 'route'| 'yahoo', /** * Sets the return key to the label. Use it instead of `returnKeyType`. * @platform android */ returnKeyLabel?: string, /** * Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Use this * instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker. */ maxLength?: number, /** * Sets the number of lines for a `TextInput`. Use it with multiline set to * `true` to be able to fill the lines. * @platform android */ numberOfLines?: number, /** * When `false`, if there is a small amount of space available around a text input * (e.g. landscape orientation on a phone), the OS may choose to have the user edit * the text inside of a full screen text input mode. When `true`, this feature is * disabled and users will always edit the text directly inside of the text input. * Defaults to `false`. * @platform android */ disableFullscreenUI?: boolean, /** * If `true`, the keyboard disables the return key when there is no text and * automatically enables it when there is text. The default value is `false`. * @platform ios */ enablesReturnKeyAutomatically?: boolean, /** * If `true`, the text input can be multiple lines. * The default value is `false`. */ multiline?: boolean, /** * Set text break strategy on Android API Level 23+, possible values are `simple`, `highQuality`, `balanced` * The default value is `simple`. * @platform android */ textBreakStrategy?: 'simple' | 'highQuality' | 'balanced', /** * Callback that is called when the text input is blurred. */ onBlur?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when the text input is focused. */ onFocus?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. */ onChange?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. * Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler. */ onChangeText?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's content size changes. * This will be called with * `{ nativeEvent: { contentSize: { width, height } } }`. * * Only called for multiline text inputs. */ onContentSizeChange?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when text input ends. */ onEndEditing?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when the text input selection is changed. * This will be called with * `{ nativeEvent: { selection: { start, end } } }`. */ onSelectionChange?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed. * Invalid if `multiline={true}` is specified. */ onSubmitEditing?: Function, /** * Callback that is called when a key is pressed. * This will be called with `{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } }` * where `keyValue` is `'Enter'` or `'Backspace'` for respective keys and * the typed-in character otherwise including `' '` for space. * Fires before `onChange` callbacks. * @platform ios */ onKeyPress?: Function, /** * Invoked on mount and layout changes with `{x, y, width, height}`. */ onLayout?: Function, /** * Invoked on content scroll with `{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x, y } } }`. * May also contain other properties from ScrollEvent but on Android contentSize * is not provided for performance reasons. */ onScroll?: Function, /** * The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered. */ placeholder?: Function, /** * The text color of the placeholder string. */ placeholderTextColor?: Color, /** * If `true`, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text * like passwords stay secure. The default value is `false`. */ secureTextEntry?: boolean, /** * The highlight and cursor color of the text input. */ selectionColor?: Color, /** * An instance of `DocumentSelectionState`, this is some state that is responsible for * maintaining selection information for a document. * * Some functionality that can be performed with this instance is: * * - `blur()` * - `focus()` * - `update()` * * > You can reference `DocumentSelectionState` in * > [`vendor/document/selection/DocumentSelectionState.js`]( * * @platform ios */ selectionState?: DocumentSelectionState, /** * The start and end of the text input's selection. Set start and end to * the same value to position the cursor. */ selection?: { start: number, end?: number, }, /** * The value to show for the text input. `TextInput` is a controlled * component, which means the native value will be forced to match this * value prop if provided. For most uses, this works great, but in some * cases this may cause flickering - one common cause is preventing edits * by keeping value the same. In addition to simply setting the same value, * either set `editable={false}`, or set/update `maxLength` to prevent * unwanted edits without flicker. */ value?: string, /** * Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing. * Useful for simple use-cases where you do not want to deal with listening * to events and updating the value prop to keep the controlled state in sync. */ defaultValue?: string, /** * When the clear button should appear on the right side of the text view. * @platform ios */ clearButtonMode?: 'never' | 'while-editing' | 'unless-editing' | 'always', /** * If `true`, clears the text field automatically when editing begins. * @platform ios */ clearTextOnFocus?: boolean, /** * If `true`, all text will automatically be selected on focus. */ selectTextOnFocus?: boolean, /** * If `true`, the text field will blur when submitted. * The default value is true for single-line fields and false for * multiline fields. Note that for multiline fields, setting `blurOnSubmit` * to `true` means that pressing return will blur the field and trigger the * `onSubmitEditing` event instead of inserting a newline into the field. */ blurOnSubmit?: boolean, /** * Note that not all Text styles are supported, * see [Issue#7070]( * for more detail. * * [StyleDefinition](docs/style.html) */ style?: StyleProp, /** * The color of the `TextInput` underline. * @platform android */ underlineColorAndroid?: Color, /** * If defined, the provided image resource will be rendered on the left. * @platform android */ inlineImageLeft?: string, /** * Padding between the inline image, if any, and the text input itself. * @platform android */ inlineImagePadding?: number, /** * Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in the text input. * Only valid if `multiline={true}` and `editable={false}`. * By default no data types are detected. * * You can provide one type or an array of many types. * * Possible values for `dataDetectorTypes` are: * * - `'phoneNumber'` * - `'link'` * - `'address'` * - `'calendarEvent'` * - `'none'` * - `'all'` * * @platform ios */ dataDetectorTypes: DataDetector | Array, /** * If `true`, caret is hidden. The default value is `false`. */ caretHidden?: boolean, }; declare export class TextInput extends React$Component { static State: TextInputState, isFocused(): boolean, clear(): void, blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: TextInputProps): void, } declare type AlertType = $Enum<{ 'default': string, 'plain-text': string, 'secure-text': string, 'login-password': string, }>; declare type AlertButtonStyle = $Enum<{ 'default': string, 'cancel': string, 'destructive': string, }>; /** * Array or buttons * @typedef {Array} ButtonsArray * @property {string=} text Button label * @property {Function=} onPress Callback function when button pressed * @property {AlertButtonStyle=} style Button style */ declare type ButtonsArray = Array<{ /** * Button label */ text?: string, /** * Callback function when button pressed */ onPress?: ?Function, /** * Button style */ style?: AlertButtonStyle, }>; declare type AlertButtons = Array<{ text?: string, onPress?: ?Function, style?: AlertButtonStyle, }>; declare type AlertOptions = { cancelable?: ?boolean, onDismiss?: ?Function, }; declare export var Alert: {| alert( title: ?string, message?: ?string, buttons?: AlertButtons, options?: AlertOptions, type?: AlertType, ): void, |}; declare export var Linking: {| ...$Exact>, addEventListener(type: string, handler: Function): void, removeEventListener(type: string, handler: Function ): void, /** * Try to open the given `url` with any of the installed apps. * * You can use other URLs, like a location (e.g. "geo:37.484847,-122.148386" on Android * or ",-122.148386" on iOS), a contact, * or any other URL that can be opened with the installed apps. * * The method returns a `Promise` object. If the user confirms the open dialog or the * url automatically opens, the promise is resolved. If the user cancels the open dialog * or there are no registered applications for the url, the promise is rejected. * * NOTE: This method will fail if the system doesn't know how to open the specified URL. * If you're passing in a non-http(s) URL, it's best to check {@code canOpenURL} first. * * NOTE: For web URLs, the protocol ("http://", "https://") must be set accordingly! */ openURL(url: string): Promise, /** * Determine whether or not an installed app can handle a given URL. * * NOTE: For web URLs, the protocol ("http://", "https://") must be set accordingly! * * NOTE: As of iOS 9, your app needs to provide the `LSApplicationQueriesSchemes` key * inside `Info.plist` or canOpenURL will always return false. * * @param URL the URL to open */ canOpenURL(url: string): Promise, /** * If the app launch was triggered by an app link, * it will give the link url, otherwise it will give `null` * * NOTE: To support deep linking on Android, refer */ getInitialURL(): Promise, |}; declare export var processColor: Color => number; declare type KeyboardEventName = | 'keyboardWillShow' | 'keyboardDidShow' | 'keyboardWillHide' | 'keyboardDidHide' | 'keyboardWillChangeFrame' | 'keyboardDidChangeFrame'; declare type KeyboardEventData = { endCoordinates: { width: number, height: number, screenX: number, screenY: number, }, }; declare type KeyboardEventListener = (e: KeyboardEventData) => void; declare export var Keyboard: {| ...$Exact>, dismiss(): void, |}; declare export var AsyncStorage: {| /** * Fetches an item for a `key` and invokes a callback upon completion. * Returns a `Promise` object. * @param key Key of the item to fetch. * @param callback Function that will be called with a result if found or * any error. * @returns A `Promise` object. */ getItem( key: string, callback?: ?(error: ?Error, result: ?string) => void ): Promise, /** * Sets the value for a `key` and invokes a callback upon completion. * Returns a `Promise` object. * @param key Key of the item to set. * @param value Value to set for the `key`. * @param callback Function that will be called with any error. * @returns A `Promise` object. */ setItem( key: string, value: string, callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void ): Promise, /** * Removes an item for a `key` and invokes a callback upon completion. * Returns a `Promise` object. * @param key Key of the item to remove. * @param callback Function that will be called with any error. * @returns A `Promise` object. */ removeItem( key: string, callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void ): Promise, /** * Merges an existing `key` value with an input value, assuming both values * are stringified JSON. Returns a `Promise` object. * * **NOTE:** This is not supported by all native implementations. * * @param key Key of the item to modify. * @param value New value to merge for the `key`. * @param callback Function that will be called with any error. * @returns A `Promise` object. * * @example Example * let UID123_object = { * name: 'Chris', * age: 30, * traits: {hair: 'brown', eyes: 'brown'}, * }; * // You only need to define what will be added or updated * let UID123_delta = { * age: 31, * traits: {eyes: 'blue', shoe_size: 10} * }; * * AsyncStorage.setItem('UID123', JSON.stringify(UID123_object), () => { * AsyncStorage.mergeItem('UID123', JSON.stringify(UID123_delta), () => { * AsyncStorage.getItem('UID123', (err, result) => { * console.log(result); * }); * }); * }); * * // Console log result: * // => {'name':'Chris','age':31,'traits': * // {'shoe_size':10,'hair':'brown','eyes':'blue'}} */ mergeItem( key: string, value: string, callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void ): Promise, /** * Erases *all* `AsyncStorage` for all clients, libraries, etc. You probably * don't want to call this; use `removeItem` or `multiRemove` to clear only * your app's keys. Returns a `Promise` object. * @param callback Function that will be called with any error. * @returns A `Promise` object. */ clear(callback?: ?(error: ?Error) => void): Promise, /** * Gets *all* keys known to your app; for all callers, libraries, etc. * Returns a `Promise` object. * @param callback Function that will be called the keys found and any error. * @returns A `Promise` object. * * Example: see the `multiGet` example. */ getAllKeys(callback?: ?(error: ?Error, keys: ?Array) => void): Promise, /** * The following batched functions are useful for executing a lot of * operations at once, allowing for native optimizations and provide the * convenience of a single callback after all operations are complete. * * These functions return arrays of errors, potentially one for every key. * For key-specific errors, the Error object will have a key property to * indicate which key caused the error. */ /** Flushes any pending requests using a single batch call to get the data. */ flushGetRequests(): void, /** * This allows you to batch the fetching of items given an array of `key` * inputs. Your callback will be invoked with an array of corresponding * key-value pairs found: * * ``` * multiGet(['k1', 'k2'], cb) -> cb([['k1', 'val1'], ['k2', 'val2']]) * ``` * * The method returns a `Promise` object. * * @param keys Array of key for the items to get. * @param callback Function that will be called with a key-value array of * the results, plus an array of any key-specific errors found. * @returns A `Promise` object. * * @example Example * * AsyncStorage.getAllKeys((err, keys) => { * AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys, (err, stores) => { *, i, store) => { * // get at each store's key/value so you can work with it * let key = store[i][0]; * let value = store[i][1]; * }); * }); * }); */ multiGet( keys: Array, callback?: ?(errors: ?Array, result: ?Array>) => void ): Promise, /** * Use this as a batch operation for storing multiple key-value pairs. When * the operation completes you'll get a single callback with any errors: * * ``` * multiSet([['k1', 'val1'], ['k2', 'val2']], cb); * ``` * * The method returns a `Promise` object. * * @param keyValuePairs Array of key-value array for the items to set. * @param callback Function that will be called with an array of any * key-specific errors found. * @returns A `Promise` object. * Example: see the `multiMerge` example. */ multiSet( keyValuePairs: Array>, callback?: ?(errors: ?Array) => void ): Promise, /** * Call this to batch the deletion of all keys in the `keys` array. Returns * a `Promise` object. * * @param keys Array of key for the items to delete. * @param callback Function that will be called an array of any key-specific * errors found. * @returns A `Promise` object. * * @example Example * let keys = ['k1', 'k2']; * AsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys, (err) => { * // keys k1 & k2 removed, if they existed * // do most stuff after removal (if you want) * }); */ multiRemove( keys: Array, callback?: ?(errors: ?Array) => void ): Promise, /** * Batch operation to merge in existing and new values for a given set of * keys. This assumes that the values are stringified JSON. Returns a * `Promise` object. * * **NOTE**: This is not supported by all native implementations. * * @param keyValuePairs Array of key-value array for the items to merge. * @param callback Function that will be called with an array of any * key-specific errors found. * @returns A `Promise` object. * * @example Example * // first user, initial values * let UID234_object = { * name: 'Chris', * age: 30, * traits: {hair: 'brown', eyes: 'brown'}, * }; * * // first user, delta values * let UID234_delta = { * age: 31, * traits: {eyes: 'blue', shoe_size: 10}, * }; * * // second user, initial values * let UID345_object = { * name: 'Marge', * age: 25, * traits: {hair: 'blonde', eyes: 'blue'}, * }; * * // second user, delta values * let UID345_delta = { * age: 26, * traits: {eyes: 'green', shoe_size: 6}, * }; * * let multi_set_pairs = [['UID234', JSON.stringify(UID234_object)], ['UID345', JSON.stringify(UID345_object)]] * let multi_merge_pairs = [['UID234', JSON.stringify(UID234_delta)], ['UID345', JSON.stringify(UID345_delta)]] * * AsyncStorage.multiSet(multi_set_pairs, (err) => { * AsyncStorage.multiMerge(multi_merge_pairs, (err) => { * AsyncStorage.multiGet(['UID234','UID345'], (err, stores) => { * (result, i, store) => { * let key = store[i][0]; * let val = store[i][1]; * console.log(key, val); * }); * }); * }); * }); * * // Console log results: * // => UID234 {"name":"Chris","age":31,"traits":{"shoe_size":10,"hair":"brown","eyes":"blue"}} * // => UID345 {"name":"Marge","age":26,"traits":{"shoe_size":6,"hair":"blonde","eyes":"green"}} */ multiMerge( keyValuePairs: Array>, callback?: ?(errors: ?Array) => void ): Promise, |}; declare type InteractionManagerEvents = { interactionStart: 'interactionStart', interactionComplete: 'interactionComplete', }; declare export var InteractionManager: {| Events: InteractionManagerEvents, /** * Schedule a function to run after all interactions have completed. Returns a cancellable * "promise". */ runAfterInteractions(task: ?Task): {then: Function, done: Function, cancel: Function}, /** * Notify manager that an interaction has started. */ createInteractionHandle(): Handle, /** * Notify manager that an interaction has completed. */ clearInteractionHandle(handle: Handle): void, addListener( eventType: $Keys, listener: Function, context: ?Object ): EmitterSubscription<$Keys>, /** * A positive number will use setTimeout to schedule any tasks after the * eventLoopRunningTime hits the deadline value, otherwise all tasks will be * executed in one setImmediate batch (default). */ setDeadline(deadline: number): void, |}; declare type EasingFunction = (t?: number) => number; declare type EasingFunctionGenerator = (s: number) => EasingFunction; declare export var Easing: {| step0: (n: number) => EasingFunction, step1: (n: number) => EasingFunction, linear: EasingFunction, ease: EasingFunction, quad: EasingFunction, cubic: EasingFunction, /** * A power function. Position is equal to the Nth power of elapsed time. * * n = 4: * n = 5: */ poly: EasingFunctionGenerator, /** * A sinusoidal function. * * */ sin: EasingFunction, /** * A circular function. * * */ circle: EasingFunction, /** * An exponential function. * * */ exp: EasingFunction, /** * A simple elastic interaction, similar to a spring oscillating back and * forth. * * Default bounciness is 1, which overshoots a little bit once. 0 bounciness * doesn't overshoot at all, and bounciness of N > 1 will overshoot about N * times. * * * * Wolfram Plots: * * - (bounciness = 1, default) * - (bounciness = 3) */ elastic(bounciness?: number): EasingFunction, /** * Use with `Animated.parallel()` to create a simple effect where the object * animates back slightly as the animation starts. * * Wolfram Plot: * * - (s = 1.70158, default) */ back(s: number): EasingFunction, /** * Provides a simple bouncing effect. * * */ bounce: EasingFunction, /** * Provides a cubic bezier curve, equivalent to CSS Transitions' * `transition-timing-function`. * * A useful tool to visualize cubic bezier curves can be found at * */ bezier( x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number ): EasingFunction, /** * Runs an easing function forwards. */ in(easing: EasingFunction): EasingFunction, /** * Runs an easing function backwards. */ out(easing: EasingFunction): EasingFunction, /** * Makes any easing function symmetrical. The easing function will run * forwards for half of the duration, then backwards for the rest of the * duration. */ inOut(easing: EasingFunction): EasingFunction, |}; declare type ExtrapolateType = 'extend' | 'identity' | 'clamp'; declare type InterpolationConfigType = { inputRange: Array, outputRange: (Array | Array), easing?: ((input: number) => number), extrapolate?: ExtrapolateType, extrapolateLeft?: ExtrapolateType, extrapolateRight?: ExtrapolateType, }; declare type EndResult = {finished: bool}; declare type EndCallback = (result: EndResult) => void; declare type AnimationConfig = { isInteraction?: bool, useNativeDriver?: bool, onComplete?: ?EndCallback, iterations?: number, }; declare class Interpolation { static create(config: InterpolationConfigType): (input: number) => number | string, } declare class BaseAnimated { } declare class Animation { start( fromValue: number, onUpdate: (value: number) => void, onEnd: ?EndCallback, previousAnimation: ?Animation, animatedValue: AnimatedValue ): void, onUpdate(): void, stop(): void, } declare class AnimatedWithChildren extends BaseAnimated {} declare class TimingAnimation extends Animation {} declare type DecayAnimationConfig = AnimationConfig & { velocity: number | {x: number, y: number}, deceleration?: number, }; declare type DecayAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & { velocity: number, deceleration?: number, }; declare type SpringAnimationConfig = AnimationConfig & { toValue: number | AnimatedValue | {x: number, y: number} | AnimatedValueXY, overshootClamping?: bool, restDisplacementThreshold?: number, restSpeedThreshold?: number, velocity?: number | {x: number, y: number}, bounciness?: number, speed?: number, tension?: number, friction?: number, }; declare type SpringAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, overshootClamping?: bool, restDisplacementThreshold?: number, restSpeedThreshold?: number, velocity?: number, bounciness?: number, speed?: number, tension?: number, friction?: number, }; declare class DecayAnimation extends Animation {} declare class SpringAnimation extends Animation {} declare type ValueListenerCallback = (state: {value: number}) => void; declare class AnimatedValue extends AnimatedWithChildren { __isNative: boolean, __getValue: () => number, __getAnimatedValue: () => number, _listeners: { [key: string]: mixed }, constructor(value: number): void, /** * Directly set the value. This will stop any animations running on the value * and update all the bound properties. */ setValue(value: number): void, /** * Sets an offset that is applied on top of whatever value is set, whether via * `setValue`, an animation, or `Animated.event`. Useful for compensating * things like the start of a pan gesture. */ setOffset(offset: number): void, /** * Merges the offset value into the base value and resets the offset to zero. * The final output of the value is unchanged. */ flattenOffset(): void, /** * Sets the offset value to the base value, and resets the base value to zero. * The final output of the value is unchanged. */ extractOffset(): void, /** * Adds an asynchronous listener to the value so you can observe updates from * animations. This is useful because there is no way to * synchronously read the value because it might be driven natively. */ addListener(callback: ValueListenerCallback): string, removeListener(id: string): void, removeAllListeners(): void, /** * Stops any running animation or tracking. `callback` is invoked with the * final value after stopping the animation, which is useful for updating * state to match the animation position with layout. */ stopAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void, /** * Stops any animation and resets the value to its original */ resetAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void, /** * Interpolates the value before updating the property, e.g. mapping 0-1 to * 0-10. */ interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation, /** * Typically only used internally, but could be used by a custom Animation * class. */ animate(animation: Animation, callback: ?EndCallback): void, /** * Typically only used internally. */ stopTracking(): void, /** * Typically only used internally. */ track(tracking: BaseAnimated): void, } declare type ValueXYListenerCallback = (value: {x: number, y: number}) => void; declare class AnimatedValueXY extends AnimatedWithChildren { x: AnimatedValue; y: AnimatedValue; constructor(valueIn?: ?{x: number | AnimatedValue, y: number | AnimatedValue}): void, setValue(value: {x: number, y: number}): void, setOffset(offset: {x: number, y: number}): void, flattenOffset(): void, extractOffset(): void, resetAnimation(callback?: (value: {x: number, y: number}) => void): void, stopAnimation(callback?: (value: {x: number, y: number}) => void): void, addListener(callback: ValueXYListenerCallback): string, removeListener(id: string): void, removeAllListeners(): void, /** * Converts `{x, y}` into `{left, top}` for use in style, e.g. * *```javascript * style={this.state.anim.getLayout()} *``` */ getLayout(): {[key: string]: AnimatedValue}, /** * Converts `{x, y}` into a useable translation transform, e.g. * *```javascript * style={{ * transform: this.state.anim.getTranslateTransform() * }} *``` */ getTranslateTransform(): Array<{[key: string]: AnimatedValue}>, } declare class AnimatedInterpolation extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(parent: BaseAnimated, config: InterpolationConfigType): void, interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation, } declare class AnimatedAddition extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(a: BaseAnimated | number, b: BaseAnimated | number): void, interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation, } declare class AnimatedDivision extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(a: BaseAnimated | number, b: BaseAnimated | number): void, interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation, } declare class AnimatedMultiplication extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(a: BaseAnimated | number, b: BaseAnimated | number): void, interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation, } declare class AnimatedModulo extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(a: BaseAnimated | number, moduluis: number): void, interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation, } declare class AnimatedDiffClamp extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(a: BaseAnimated, min: number, max: number): void, interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation, } declare class AnimatedTransform extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(transforms: Array): void, } declare class AnimatedStyle extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor(style: any): void, } declare class AnimatedProps extends AnimatedWithChildren { constructor( props: Object, callback: () => void, ): void, update(): void, setNativeView(animatedView: any): void, } declare class AnimatedComponent extends React$Component<*,*,*> { getNode(): any, } declare class AnimatedTracking extends BaseAnimated { constructor( value: AnimatedValue, parent: BaseAnimated, animationClass: any, animationConfig: Object, callback?: ?EndCallback, ): void, update(): void, } declare type CompositeAnimation = { start: (callback?: ?EndCallback) => void, stop: () => void, reset: () => void, }; declare type ParallelConfig = { stopTogether?: bool, // If one is stopped, stop all. default: true } declare type LoopAnimationConfig = { iterations: number }; declare type Mapping = {[key: string]: Mapping} | AnimatedValue; declare type EventConfig = { listener?: ?Function, useNativeDriver?: bool, }; declare class AnimatedEvent { } declare export var Animated: {| /** * Standard value class for driving animations. Typically initialized with * `new Animated.Value(0);` * * See also [`AnimatedValue`](docs/animated.html#animatedvalue). */ Value: Class, /** * 2D value class for driving 2D animations, such as pan gestures. * * See also [`AnimatedValueXY`](docs/animated.html#animatedvaluexy). */ ValueXY: Class, /** * exported to use the Interpolation type in flow * * See also [`AnimatedInterpolation`](docs/animated.html#animatedinterpolation). */ Interpolation: Class, /** * Animates a value from an initial velocity to zero based on a decay * coefficient. * * Config is an object that may have the following options: * * - `velocity`: Initial velocity. Required. * - `deceleration`: Rate of decay. Default 0.997. * - `useNativeDriver`: Uses the native driver when true. Default false. */ decay(value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY, config: DecayAnimationConfig): CompositeAnimation, /** * Animates a value along a timed easing curve. The * [`Easing`](docs/easing.html) module has tons of predefined curves, or you * can use your own function. * * Config is an object that may have the following options: * * - `duration`: Length of animation (milliseconds). Default 500. * - `easing`: Easing function to define curve. * Default is `Easing.inOut(Easing.ease)`. * - `delay`: Start the animation after delay (milliseconds). Default 0. * - `useNativeDriver`: Uses the native driver when true. Default false. */ timing(value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY, config: TimingAnimationConfig): CompositeAnimation, /** * Spring animation based on Rebound and * [Origami]( Tracks velocity state to * create fluid motions as the `toValue` updates, and can be chained together. * * Config is an object that may have the following options. Note that you can * only define bounciness/speed or tension/friction but not both: * * - `friction`: Controls "bounciness"/overshoot. Default 7. * - `tension`: Controls speed. Default 40. * - `speed`: Controls speed of the animation. Default 12. * - `bounciness`: Controls bounciness. Default 8. * - `useNativeDriver`: Uses the native driver when true. Default false. */ spring(value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY, config: SpringAnimationConfig): CompositeAnimation, /** * Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values added * together. */ add(a: BaseAnimated | number, b: BaseAnimated | number): AnimatedAddition, /** * Creates a new Animated value composed by dividing the first Animated value * by the second Animated value. */ divide(a: BaseAnimated | number, b: BaseAnimated | number): AnimatedDivision, /** * Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values multiplied * together. */ multiply(a: BaseAnimated | number, b: BaseAnimated | number): AnimatedMultiplication, /** * Creates a new Animated value that is the (non-negative) modulo of the * provided Animated value */ modulo(a: BaseAnimated, modulus: number): AnimatedModulo, /** * Create a new Animated value that is limited between 2 values. It uses the * difference between the last value so even if the value is far from the bounds * it will start changing when the value starts getting closer again. * (`value = clamp(value + diff, min, max)`). * * This is useful with scroll events, for example, to show the navbar when * scrolling up and to hide it when scrolling down. */ diffClamp(a: BaseAnimated, min: number, max: number): AnimatedDiffClamp, /** * Starts an animation after the given delay. */ delay(time: number): CompositeAnimation, /** * Starts an array of animations in order, waiting for each to complete * before starting the next. If the current running animation is stopped, no * following animations will be started. */ sequence(animations: Array): CompositeAnimation, /** * Starts an array of animations all at the same time. By default, if one * of the animations is stopped, they will all be stopped. You can override * this with the `stopTogether` flag. */ parallel(animations: Array, config?: ?ParallelConfig): CompositeAnimation, /** * Array of animations may run in parallel (overlap), but are started in * sequence with successive delays. Nice for doing trailing effects. */ stagger(time: number, animations: Array): CompositeAnimation, /** * Loops a given animation continuously, so that each time it reaches the * end, it resets and begins again from the start. Can specify number of * times to loop using the key 'iterations' in the config. Will loop without * blocking the UI thread if the child animation is set to 'useNativeDriver'. */ loop(animation: CompositeAnimation, config?: LoopAnimationConfig): CompositeAnimation, /** * Takes an array of mappings and extracts values from each arg accordingly, * then calls `setValue` on the mapped outputs. e.g. * *```javascript * onScroll={Animated.event( * [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {x: this._scrollX}}}] * {listener}, // Optional async listener * ) * ... * onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([ * null, // raw event arg ignored * {dx: this._panX}, // gestureState arg * ]), *``` * * Config is an object that may have the following options: * * - `listener`: Optional async listener. * - `useNativeDriver`: Uses the native driver when true. Default false. */ event(argMapping: Array, config?: EventConfig): any, /** * Make any React component Animatable. Used to create `Animated.View`, etc. */ createAnimatedComponent(Component: React$Component<*>): AnimatedComponent, /** * Imperative API to attach an animated value to an event on a view. Prefer using * `Animated.event` with `useNativeDrive: true` if possible. */ attachNativeEvent(viewRef: any, eventName: string, argMapping: Array): void, /** * Advanced imperative API for snooping on animated events that are passed in through props. Use * values directly where possible. */ forkEvent(event: ?AnimatedEvent | ?Function, listener: Function): AnimatedEvent | Function, unforkEvent(event: ?AnimatedEvent | ?Function, listener: Function): void , Text: Class, View: Class, Image: Class, ScrollView: Class, |}; declare export function findNodeHandle(componentOrHandle: any): ?number; declare type TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps = { accessible?: boolean, accessibilityComponentType?: AccessibilityComponentType, accessibilityTraits?: AccessibilityTrait | Array, /** * If true, disable all interactions for this component. */ disabled?: boolean, /** * Called when the touch is released, but not if cancelled (e.g. by a scroll * that steals the responder lock). */ onPress?: Function, onPressIn?: Function, onPressOut?: Function, /** * Invoked on mount and layout changes with * * `{nativeEvent: {layout: {x, y, width, height}}}` */ onLayout?: Function, onLongPress?: Function, /** * Delay in ms, from the start of the touch, before onPressIn is called. */ delayPressIn?: number, /** * Delay in ms, from the release of the touch, before onPressOut is called. */ delayPressOut?: number, /** * Delay in ms, from onPressIn, before onLongPress is called. */ delayLongPress?: number, /** * When the scroll view is disabled, this defines how far your touch may * move off of the button, before deactivating the button. Once deactivated, * try moving it back and you'll see that the button is once again * reactivated! Move it back and forth several times while the scroll view * is disabled. Ensure you pass in a constant to reduce memory allocations. */ pressRetentionOffset?: EdgeInsetsProp, /** * This defines how far your touch can start away from the button. This is * added to `pressRetentionOffset` when moving off of the button. * ** NOTE ** * The touch area never extends past the parent view bounds and the Z-index * of sibling views always takes precedence if a touch hits two overlapping * views. */ hitSlop?: EdgeInsetsProp, }; declare export class TouchableWithoutFeedback extends React$Component { blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps): void, } declare type TouchableOpacityProps = { ...TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, /** * Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is * active. Defaults to 0.2. */ activeOpacity?: number, focusedOpacity?: number, /** * Apple TV parallax effects */ tvParallaxProperties?: Object, }; declare type TouchableOpacityDefaultProps = { activeOpacity: number, focusedOpacity: number, }; declare export class TouchableOpacity extends React$Component { static defaultProps: { activeOpacity: 0.2, focusedOpacity: 0.7, }; blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: TouchableOpacityProps): void, } declare type TouchableHighlightProps = { ...TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, /** * Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is * active. */ activeOpacity?: number, /** * The color of the underlay that will show through when the touch is * active. */ underlayColor?: Color, style?: StyleProp, /** * Called immediately after the underlay is shown */ onShowUnderlay?: Function, /** * Called immediately after the underlay is hidden */ onHideUnderlay?: Function, /** * *(Apple TV only)* TV preferred focus (see documentation for the View component). * * @platform ios */ hasTVPreferredFocus?: boolean, /** * *(Apple TV only)* Object with properties to control Apple TV parallax effects. * * enabled: If true, parallax effects are enabled. Defaults to true. * shiftDistanceX: Defaults to 2.0. * shiftDistanceY: Defaults to 2.0. * tiltAngle: Defaults to 0.05. * magnification: Defaults to 1.0. * * @platform ios */ tvParallaxProperties?: Object, }; declare export class TouchableHighlight extends React$Component { static defaultProps: { activeOpacity: 0.85, underlayColor: 'black', }; blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: TouchableHighlightProps): void, } declare type TouchableNativeFeedbackProps = { ...TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, /** * Determines the type of background drawable that's going to be used to * display feedback. It takes an object with `type` property and extra data * depending on the `type`. It's recommended to use one of the static * methods to generate that dictionary. */ background: { type: 'RippleAndroid', color: number, borderless: boolean, } | { type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid', attribute: string, }, /** * Set to true to add the ripple effect to the foreground of the view, instead of the * background. This is useful if one of your child views has a background of its own, or you're * e.g. displaying images, and you don't want the ripple to be covered by them. * * Check TouchableNativeFeedback.canUseNativeForeground() first, as this is only available on * Android 6.0 and above. If you try to use this on older versions you will get a warning and * fallback to background. */ useForeground?: boolean, }; declare type TouchableNativeFeedbackDefaultProps = { activeOpacity: number, underlayColor: string, }; declare export class TouchableNativeFeedback extends React$Component { static defaultProps: { activeOpacity: 0.85, underlayColor: 'black', }; /** * Creates an object that represents android theme's default background for * selectable elements (?android:attr/selectableItemBackground). */ static SelectableBackground(): { type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid', attribute: 'selectableItemBackground' }, /** * Creates an object that represent android theme's default background for borderless * selectable elements (?android:attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless). * Available on android API level 21+. */ static SelectableBackgroundBorderless(): { type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid', attribute: 'selectableItemBackgroundBorderless', }, /** * Creates an object that represents ripple drawable with specified color (as a * string). If property `borderless` evaluates to true the ripple will * render outside of the view bounds (see native actionbar buttons as an * example of that behavior). This background type is available on Android * API level 21+. * * @param color The ripple color * @param borderless If the ripple can render outside it's bounds */ static Ripple(color: string, borderless: boolean): { type: 'RippleAndroid', color: number, borderless: boolean, }, static canUseNativeForeground(): boolean, blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: TouchableNativeFeedbackProps): void, } declare class ListViewDataSource { /** * You can provide custom extraction and `hasChanged` functions for section * headers and rows. If absent, data will be extracted with the * `defaultGetRowData` and `defaultGetSectionHeaderData` functions. * * The default extractor expects data of one of the following forms: * * { sectionID_1: { rowID_1: , ... }, ... } * * or * * { sectionID_1: [ , , ... ], ... } * * or * * [ [ , , ... ], ... ] * * The constructor takes in a params argument that can contain any of the * following: * * - getRowData(dataBlob, sectionID, rowID); * - getSectionHeaderData(dataBlob, sectionID); * - rowHasChanged(prevRowData, nextRowData); * - sectionHeaderHasChanged(prevSectionData, nextSectionData); */ constructor(params: ParamType): void, /** * Clones this `ListViewDataSource` with the specified `dataBlob` and * `rowIdentities`. The `dataBlob` is just an arbitrary blob of data. At * construction an extractor to get the interesting information was defined * (or the default was used). * * The `rowIdentities` is a 2D array of identifiers for rows. * ie. [['a1', 'a2'], ['b1', 'b2', 'b3'], ...]. If not provided, it's * assumed that the keys of the section data are the row identities. * * Note: This function does NOT clone the data in this data source. It simply * passes the functions defined at construction to a new data source with * the data specified. If you wish to maintain the existing data you must * handle merging of old and new data separately and then pass that into * this function as the `dataBlob`. */ cloneWithRows( dataBlob: $ReadOnlyArray | {+[key: string]: any}, rowIdentities: ?$ReadOnlyArray ): ListViewDataSource, /** * This performs the same function as the `cloneWithRows` function but here * you also specify what your `sectionIdentities` are. If you don't care * about sections you should safely be able to use `cloneWithRows`. * * `sectionIdentities` is an array of identifiers for sections. * ie. ['s1', 's2', ...]. If not provided, it's assumed that the * keys of dataBlob are the section identities. * * Note: this returns a new object! */ cloneWithRowsAndSections( dataBlob: any, sectionIdentities: ?Array, rowIdentities: ?Array> ): ListViewDataSource, getRowCount(): number, getRowAndSectionCount(): number, /** * Returns if the row is dirtied and needs to be rerendered */ rowShouldUpdate(sectionIndex: number, rowIndex: number): boolean, /** * Gets the data required to render the row. */ getRowData(sectionIndex: number, rowIndex: number): any, /** * Gets the rowID at index provided if the dataSource arrays were flattened, * or null of out of range indexes. */ getRowIDForFlatIndex(index: number): ?string, /** * Gets the sectionID at index provided if the dataSource arrays were flattened, * or null for out of range indexes. */ getSectionIDForFlatIndex(index: number): ?string, /** * Returns an array containing the number of rows in each section */ getSectionLengths(): Array, /** * Returns if the section header is dirtied and needs to be rerendered */ sectionHeaderShouldUpdate(sectionIndex: number): boolean, /** * Gets the data required to render the section header */ getSectionHeaderData(sectionIndex: number): any, } declare type ListViewProps = { ...ScrollViewProps, /** * An instance of [ListView.DataSource](docs/listviewdatasource.html) to use */ dataSource: ListViewDataSource, /** * (sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted) => renderable * * If provided, a renderable component to be rendered as the separator * below each row but not the last row if there is a section header below. * Take a sectionID and rowID of the row above and whether its adjacent row * is highlighted. */ renderSeparator?: Function, /** * (rowData, sectionID, rowID, highlightRow) => renderable * * Takes a data entry from the data source and its ids and should return * a renderable component to be rendered as the row. By default the data * is exactly what was put into the data source, but it's also possible to * provide custom extractors. ListView can be notified when a row is * being highlighted by calling `highlightRow(sectionID, rowID)`. This * sets a boolean value of adjacentRowHighlighted in renderSeparator, allowing you * to control the separators above and below the highlighted row. The highlighted * state of a row can be reset by calling highlightRow(null). */ renderRow: Function, /** * How many rows to render on initial component mount. Use this to make * it so that the first screen worth of data appears at one time instead of * over the course of multiple frames. */ initialListSize?: number, /** * Called when all rows have been rendered and the list has been scrolled * to within onEndReachedThreshold of the bottom. The native scroll * event is provided. */ onEndReached?: Function, /** * Threshold in pixels (virtual, not physical) for calling onEndReached. */ onEndReachedThreshold?: number, /** * Number of rows to render per event loop. Note: if your 'rows' are actually * cells, i.e. they don't span the full width of your view (as in the * ListViewGridLayoutExample), you should set the pageSize to be a multiple * of the number of cells per row, otherwise you're likely to see gaps at * the edge of the ListView as new pages are loaded. */ pageSize?: number, /** * () => renderable * * The header and footer are always rendered (if these props are provided) * on every render pass. If they are expensive to re-render, wrap them * in StaticContainer or other mechanism as appropriate. Footer is always * at the bottom of the list, and header at the top, on every render pass. */ renderFooter?: Function, renderHeader?: Function, /** * (sectionData, sectionID) => renderable * * If provided, a header is rendered for this section. */ renderSectionHeader?: Function, /** * (props) => renderable * * A function that returns the scrollable component in which the list rows * are rendered. Defaults to returning a ScrollView with the given props. */ renderScrollComponent?: Function, /** * How early to start rendering rows before they come on screen, in * pixels. */ scrollRenderAheadDistance?: number, /** * (visibleRows, changedRows) => void * * Called when the set of visible rows changes. `visibleRows` maps * { sectionID: { rowID: true }} for all the visible rows, and * `changedRows` maps { sectionID: { rowID: true | false }} for the rows * that have changed their visibility, with true indicating visible, and * false indicating the view has moved out of view. */ onChangeVisibleRows?: Function, /** * A performance optimization for improving scroll perf of * large lists, used in conjunction with overflow: 'hidden' on the row * containers. This is enabled by default. */ removeClippedSubviews?: boolean, /** * Makes the sections headers sticky. The sticky behavior means that it * will scroll with the content at the top of the section until it reaches * the top of the screen, at which point it will stick to the top until it * is pushed off the screen by the next section header. This property is * not supported in conjunction with `horizontal={true}`. Only enabled by * default on iOS because of typical platform standards. */ stickySectionHeadersEnabled?: boolean, /** * An array of child indices determining which children get docked to the * top of the screen when scrolling. For example, passing * `stickyHeaderIndices={[0]}` will cause the first child to be fixed to the * top of the scroll view. This property is not supported in conjunction * with `horizontal={true}`. */ stickyHeaderIndices?: Array, /** * Flag indicating whether empty section headers should be rendered. In the future release * empty section headers will be rendered by default, and the flag will be deprecated. * If empty sections are not desired to be rendered their indices should be excluded from sectionID object. */ enableEmptySections?: boolean, }; declare export class ListView extends React$Component { static DataSource: Class, /** * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll responder. * Note that `this._scrollComponent` might not be a `ScrollView`, so we * need to check that it responds to `getScrollResponder` before calling it. */ getScrollResponder(): any, // TODO(lmr): ScrollResponder getScrollableNode(): any, /** * Scrolls to a given x, y offset, either immediately or with a smooth animation. * * See `ScrollView#scrollTo`. */ scrollTo(...args: Array): void, /** * If this is a vertical ListView scrolls to the bottom. * If this is a horizontal ListView scrolls to the right. * * Use `scrollToEnd({animated: true})` for smooth animated scrolling, * `scrollToEnd({animated: false})` for immediate scrolling. * If no options are passed, `animated` defaults to true. * * See `ScrollView#scrollToEnd`. */ scrollToEnd(options?: ?{ animated?: ?boolean }): void, setNativeProps(props: Object): void, } declare type VirtualizedListItem = any; declare type renderItemType = (info: any) => ?React.Element; declare type RequiredVirtualizedListProps = { renderItem: renderItemType, /** * The default accessor functions assume this is an Array<{key: string}> but you can override * getItem, getItemCount, and keyExtractor to handle any type of index-based data. */ data?: any, /** * A generic accessor for extracting an item from any sort of data blob. */ getItem: (data: any, index: number) => ?VirtualizedListItem, /** * Determines how many items are in the data blob. */ getItemCount: (data: any) => number, }; declare type OptionalVirtualizedListProps = { /** * `debug` will turn on extra logging and visual overlays to aid with debugging both usage and * implementation, but with a significant perf hit. */ debug?: ?boolean, /** * DEPRECATED: Virtualization provides significant performance and memory optimizations, but fully * unmounts react instances that are outside of the render window. You should only need to disable * this for debugging purposes. */ disableVirtualization: boolean, /** * A marker property for telling the list to re-render (since it implements `PureComponent`). If * any of your `renderItem`, Header, Footer, etc. functions depend on anything outside of the * `data` prop, stick it here and treat it immutably. */ extraData?: any, getItemLayout?: (data: any, index: number) => {length: number, offset: number, index: number}, // e.g. height, y horizontal?: ?boolean, /** * How many items to render in the initial batch. This should be enough to fill the screen but not * much more. Note these items will never be unmounted as part of the windowed rendering in order * to improve perceived performance of scroll-to-top actions. */ initialNumToRender: number, /** * Instead of starting at the top with the first item, start at `initialScrollIndex`. This * disables the "scroll to top" optimization that keeps the first `initialNumToRender` items * always rendered and immediately renders the items starting at this initial index. Requires * `getItemLayout` to be implemented. */ initialScrollIndex?: ?number, keyExtractor: (item: VirtualizedListItem, index: number) => string, /** * Rendered when the list is empty. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or * a rendered element. */ ListEmptyComponent?: ?(React$Class | React$Element), /** * Rendered at the bottom of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or * a rendered element. */ ListFooterComponent?: ?(React$Class | React$Element), /** * Rendered at the top of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or * a rendered element. */ ListHeaderComponent?: ?(React$Class | React$Element), /** * The maximum number of items to render in each incremental render batch. The more rendered at * once, the better the fill rate, but responsiveness my suffer because rendering content may * interfere with responding to button taps or other interactions. */ maxToRenderPerBatch: number, onEndReached?: ?(info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void, onEndReachedThreshold?: ?number, // units of visible length onLayout?: ?Function, /** * If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for "Pull to Refresh" functionality. Make * sure to also set the `refreshing` prop correctly. */ onRefresh?: ?Function, /** * Called when the viewability of rows changes, as defined by the * `viewabilityConfig` prop. */ onViewableItemsChanged?: ?(info: { viewableItems: Array, changed: Array, }) => void, /** * Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh. */ refreshing?: ?boolean, /** * Note: may have bugs (missing content) in some circumstances - use at your own risk. * * This may improve scroll performance for large lists. */ removeClippedSubviews?: boolean, /** * Render a custom scroll component, e.g. with a differently styled `RefreshControl`. */ renderScrollComponent: (props: Object) => React$Element, /** * Amount of time between low-pri item render batches, e.g. for rendering items quite a ways off * screen. Similar fill rate/responsiveness tradeoff as `maxToRenderPerBatch`. */ updateCellsBatchingPeriod: number, viewabilityConfig?: ViewabilityConfig, /** * Determines the maximum number of items rendered outside of the visible area, in units of * visible lengths. So if your list fills the screen, then `windowSize={21}` (the default) will * render the visible screen area plus up to 10 screens above and 10 below the viewport. Reducing * this number will reduce memory consumption and may improve performance, but will increase the * chance that fast scrolling may reveal momentary blank areas of unrendered content. */ windowSize: number, }; declare type VirtualizedListProps = { ...RequiredVirtualizedListProps, ...OptionalVirtualizedListProps, }; declare class VirtualizedList extends React.PureComponent { scrollToEnd(params?: ?{animated?: ?boolean}): void, // scrollToIndex may be janky without getItemLayout prop scrollToIndex(params: { animated?: ?boolean, index: number, viewOffset?: number, viewPosition?: number }): void, // scrollToItem may be janky without getItemLayout prop. Required linear scan through items - // use scrollToIndex instead if possible. scrollToItem(params: {animated?: ?boolean, item: Item, viewPosition?: number}): void, scrollToOffset(params: {animated?: ?boolean, offset: number}): void, recordInteraction(): void, /** * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll responder. * Note that `this._scrollRef` might not be a `ScrollView`, so we * need to check that it responds to `getScrollResponder` before calling it. */ getScrollResponder(): any, getScrollableNode(): any, } declare type RequiredFlatListProps = { /** * Takes an item from `data` and renders it into the list. Example usage: * * ( * * )} * data={[{title: 'Title Text', key: 'item1'}]} * renderItem={({item, separators}) => ( * this._onPress(item)} * onShowUnderlay={separators.highlight} * onHideUnderlay={separators.unhighlight}> * * {item.title}} * * * )} * /> * * Provides additional metadata like `index` if you need it, as well as a more generic * `separators.updateProps` function which let's you set whatever props you want to change the * rendering of either the leading separator or trailing separator in case the more common * `highlight` and `unhighlight` (which set the `highlighted: boolean` prop) are insufficient for * your use-case. */ renderItem: (info: { item: ItemT, index: number, separators: { highlight: () => void, unhighlight: () => void, updateProps: (select: 'leading' | 'trailing', newProps: Object) => void, }, }) => ?React.Element, /** * For simplicity, data is just a plain array. If you want to use something else, like an * immutable list, use the underlying `VirtualizedList` directly. */ data: ?$ReadOnlyArray, }; declare type OptionalFlatListProps = { /** * Rendered in between each item, but not at the top or bottom. By default, `highlighted` and * `leadingItem` props are provided. `renderItem` provides `separators.highlight`/`unhighlight` * which will update the `highlighted` prop, but you can also add custom props with * `separators.updateProps`. */ ItemSeparatorComponent?: ?ReactClass, /** * Rendered when the list is empty. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or * a rendered element. */ ListEmptyComponent?: ?(ReactClass | React.Element), /** * Rendered at the bottom of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or * a rendered element. */ ListFooterComponent?: ?(ReactClass | React.Element), /** * Rendered at the top of all the items. Can be a React Component Class, a render function, or * a rendered element. */ ListHeaderComponent?: ?(ReactClass | React.Element), /** * Optional custom style for multi-item rows generated when numColumns > 1. */ columnWrapperStyle?: StyleObj, /** * A marker property for telling the list to re-render (since it implements `PureComponent`). If * any of your `renderItem`, Header, Footer, etc. functions depend on anything outside of the * `data` prop, stick it here and treat it immutably. */ extraData?: any, /** * `getItemLayout` is an optional optimizations that let us skip measurement of dynamic content if * you know the height of items a priori. `getItemLayout` is the most efficient, and is easy to * use if you have fixed height items, for example: * * getItemLayout={(data, index) => ( * {length: ITEM_HEIGHT, offset: ITEM_HEIGHT * index, index} * )} * * Remember to include separator length (height or width) in your offset calculation if you * specify `ItemSeparatorComponent`. */ getItemLayout?: (data: ?Array, index: number) => {length: number, offset: number, index: number}, /** * If true, renders items next to each other horizontally instead of stacked vertically. */ horizontal?: ?boolean, /** * How many items to render in the initial batch. This should be enough to fill the screen but not * much more. Note these items will never be unmounted as part of the windowed rendering in order * to improve perceived performance of scroll-to-top actions. */ initialNumToRender: number, /** * Instead of starting at the top with the first item, start at `initialScrollIndex`. This * disables the "scroll to top" optimization that keeps the first `initialNumToRender` items * always rendered and immediately renders the items starting at this initial index. Requires * `getItemLayout` to be implemented. */ initialScrollIndex?: ?number, /** * Used to extract a unique key for a given item at the specified index. Key is used for caching * and as the react key to track item re-ordering. The default extractor checks `item.key`, then * falls back to using the index, like React does. */ keyExtractor: (item: ItemT, index: number) => string, /** * Multiple columns can only be rendered with `horizontal={false}` and will zig-zag like a * `flexWrap` layout. Items should all be the same height - masonry layouts are not supported. */ numColumns: number, /** * Called once when the scroll position gets within `onEndReachedThreshold` of the rendered * content. */ onEndReached?: ?(info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void, /** * How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom edge of the * list must be from the end of the content to trigger the `onEndReached` callback. * Thus a value of 0.5 will trigger `onEndReached` when the end of the content is * within half the visible length of the list. */ onEndReachedThreshold?: ?number, /** * If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for "Pull to Refresh" functionality. Make * sure to also set the `refreshing` prop correctly. */ onRefresh?: ?() => void, /** * Called when the viewability of rows changes, as defined by the `viewabilityConfig` prop. */ onViewableItemsChanged?: ?(info: { viewableItems: Array, changed: Array, }) => void, legacyImplementation?: ?boolean, /** * Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh. */ refreshing?: ?boolean, /** * Note: may have bugs (missing content) in some circumstances - use at your own risk. * * This may improve scroll performance for large lists. */ removeClippedSubviews?: boolean, /** * See `ViewabilityHelper` for flow type and further documentation. */ viewabilityConfig?: ViewabilityConfig, }; declare type FlatListProps = { ...RequiredProps, ...OptionalProps, ...VirtualizedListProps, }; declare export class FlatList extends React$Component, void> { /** * Scrolls to the end of the content. May be janky without `getItemLayout` prop. */ scrollToEnd(params?: ?{animated?: ?boolean}): void, /** * Scrolls to the item at a the specified index such that it is positioned in the viewable area * such that `viewPosition` 0 places it at the top, 1 at the bottom, and 0.5 centered in the * middle. `viewOffset` is a fixed number of pixels to offset the final target position. * * Note: cannot scroll to locations outside the render window without specifying the * `getItemLayout` prop. */ scrollToIndex(params: { animated?: ?boolean, index: number, viewOffset?: number, viewPosition?: number, }): void, /** * Requires linear scan through data - use `scrollToIndex` instead if possible. * * Note: cannot scroll to locations outside the render window without specifying the * `getItemLayout` prop. */ scrollToItem(params: {animated?: ?boolean, item: ItemT, viewPosition?: number}): void, /** * Scroll to a specific content pixel offset, like a normal `ScrollView`. */ scrollToOffset(params: {animated?: ?boolean, offset: number}): void, /** * Tells the list an interaction has occured, which should trigger viewability calculations, e.g. * if `waitForInteractions` is true and the user has not scrolled. This is typically called by * taps on items or by navigation actions. */ recordInteraction(): void, /** * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll responder. */ getScrollResponder(): any, getScrollableNode(): any, } declare export var AppState: {| ...$Exact>, currentState: ?string, isAvailable: boolean, /** * Add a handler to AppState changes by listening to the `change` event type * and providing the handler * * TODO: now that AppState is a subclass of NativeEventEmitter, we could deprecate * `addEventListener` and `removeEventListener` and just use `addListener` and * `listener.remove()` directly. That will be a breaking change though, as both * the method and event names are different (addListener events are currently * required to be globally unique). */ addEventListener(type: string, handler: Function): void, /** * Remove a handler by passing the `change` event type and the handler */ removeEventListener(type: string, handler: Function): void, |} declare export var DeviceEventEmitter: {| ...$Exact>, |} declare export var NativeEventEmitter: {| ...$Exact>, |} declare export var UIManager: {| focus(reactTag: number): void, blur(reactTag: number): void, dispatchViewManagerCommand( reactTag: number, commandID, commandArgs ): void, measure( reactTag: number, callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback, ): void, measureLayout( reactTag: number, relativeTo: number, errorCallback: () => void, callback: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, ): void, measureLayoutRelativeToParent( reactTag: number, errorCallback: () => void, callback: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback ): void, measureViewsInRect( rect: { x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, }, parentView: number, errorCallback: () => void, callback: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback ): void, |} declare export var Clipboard: {| /** * Get content of string type, this method returns a `Promise`, so you can use following code to get clipboard content * ```javascript * async _getContent() { * var content = await Clipboard.getString(); * } * ``` */ getString(): Promise, /** * Set content of string type. You can use following code to set clipboard content * ```javascript * _setContent() { * Clipboard.setString('hello world'); * } * ``` * @param the content to be stored in the clipboard. */ setString(content: string): void, |} declare export var NetInfo: {| /** * Invokes the listener whenever network status changes. * The listener receives one of the connectivity types listed above. */ addEventListener( eventName: ChangeEventName, handler: Function ): {remove: () => void}, /** * Removes the listener for network status changes. */ removeEventListener( eventName: ChangeEventName, handler: Function ): void, /** * Returns a promise that resolves with one of the connectivity types listed * above. */ fetch(): Promise, /** * An object with the same methods as above but the listener receives a * boolean which represents the internet connectivity. * Use this if you are only interested with whether the device has internet * connectivity. */ isConnected: { addEventListener( eventName: ChangeEventName, handler: Function ): {remove: () => void}, removeEventListener( eventName: ChangeEventName, handler: Function ): void, fetch(): Promise, }, isConnectionExpensive(): Promise, |} declare type ComponentInterface = React$Class | { name?: string, displayName?: string, propTypes: Object, }; declare export function requireNativeComponent( viewName: string, componentInterface?: ?ComponentInterface, extraConfig?: ?{nativeOnly?: Object}, ): ReactClass | string; declare type Task = (taskData: any) => Promise; declare type TaskProvider = () => Task; declare type ComponentProvider = () => React$Class; declare type ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook = (component: ComponentProvider) => React$Class; declare type AppConfig = { appKey: string, component?: ComponentProvider, run?: Function, section?: boolean, }; declare type Runnable = { component?: ComponentProvider, run: Function, }; declare type Runnables = { [appKey: string]: Runnable, }; declare type Registry = { sections: Array, runnables: Runnables, }; declare export var AppRegistry: {| registerConfig(config: Array): void, registerComponent( appKey: string, componentProvider: ComponentProvider, section?: boolean, ): string, registerRunnable(appKey: string, run: Function): string, registerSection(appKey: string, component: ComponentProvider): void, getAppKeys(): Array, getSectionKeys(): Array, getSections(): Runnables, getRunnable(appKey: string): ?Runnable, getRegistry(): Registry, setComponentProviderInstrumentationHook(hook: ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook): void, runApplication(appKey: string, appParameters: any): void, unmountApplicationComponentAtRootTag(rootTag: number): void, /** * Register a headless task. A headless task is a bit of code that runs without a UI. * @param taskKey the key associated with this task * @param task a promise returning function that takes some data passed from the native side as * the only argument; when the promise is resolved or rejected the native side is * notified of this event and it may decide to destroy the JS context. */ registerHeadlessTask(taskKey: string, task: TaskProvider): void, /** * Only called from native code. Starts a headless task. * * @param taskId the native id for this task instance to keep track of its execution * @param taskKey the key for the task to start * @param data the data to pass to the task */ startHeadlessTask(taskId: number, taskKey: string, data: any): void, |} declare type ShareContent = { title?: string, message: string } | { title?: string, url: string }; declare type ShareOptions = { dialogTitle?: string, excludeActivityTypes?: Array, tintColor?: string }; declare export var Share: {| /** * Open a dialog to share text content. * * In iOS, Returns a Promise which will be invoked an object containing `action`, `activityType`. * If the user dismissed the dialog, the Promise will still be resolved with action being `Share.dismissedAction` * and all the other keys being undefined. * * In Android, Returns a Promise which always be resolved with action being `Share.sharedAction`. * * ### Content * * - `message` - a message to share * - `title` - title of the message * * #### iOS * * - `url` - an URL to share * * At least one of URL and message is required. * * ### Options * * #### iOS * * - `excludedActivityTypes` * - `tintColor` * * #### Android * * - `dialogTitle` * */ share(content: ShareContent, options: ShareOptions): Promise, /** * The content was successfully shared. */ sharedAction: 'sharedAction', /** * The dialog has been dismissed. * @platform ios */ dismissedAction: 'dismissedAction' |} declare type ActivityIndicatorProps = { ...ViewProps, /** * Whether to show the indicator (true, the default) or hide it (false). */ animating?: boolean, /** * The foreground color of the spinner (default is gray). */ color?: Color, /** * Size of the indicator (default is 'small'). * Passing a number to the size prop is only supported on Android. */ size?: 'small' | 'large' | number, /** * Whether the indicator should hide when not animating (true by default). * * @platform ios */ hidesWhenStopped?: boolean, } declare export class ActivityIndicator extends React$Component { blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: Object): void, } declare type StatusBarStyle = $Enum<{ /** * Default status bar style (dark for iOS, light for Android) */ 'default': string, /** * Dark background, white texts and icons */ 'light-content': string, /** * Light background, dark texts and icons */ 'dark-content': string, }>; /** * Status bar animation */ declare type StatusBarAnimation = $Enum<{ /** * No animation */ 'none': string, /** * Fade animation */ 'fade': string, /** * Slide animation */ 'slide': string, }>; declare type StatusBarProps = { hidden?: boolean, animated?: boolean, backgroundColor?: Color, translucent?: boolean, barStyle?: StatusBarStyle, networkActivityIndicatorVisible?: boolean, showHideTransition?: 'fade' | 'slide', } declare export class StatusBar extends React$Component { static currentHeight: number, // Provide an imperative API as static functions of the component. // See the corresponding prop for more detail. /** * Show or hide the status bar * @param hidden Hide the status bar. * @param animation Optional animation when * changing the status bar hidden property. */ static setHidden(hidden: boolean, animation?: StatusBarAnimation): void, /** * Set the status bar style * @param style Status bar style to set * @param animated Animate the style change. */ static setBarStyle(style: StatusBarStyle, animated?: boolean): void, /** * Control the visibility of the network activity indicator * @param visible Show the indicator. */ static setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible(visible: boolean): void, /** * Set the background color for the status bar * @param color Background color. * @param animated Animate the style change. */ static setBackgroundColor(color: string, animated?: boolean): void, /** * Control the translucency of the status bar * @param translucent Set as translucent. */ static setTranslucent(translucent: boolean): void, } // declare export var View: any; // declare export var StyleSheet: any; // declare export var Text: any; // declare export var Platform: any; // declare export var TouchableOpacity: any; // declare export var Image: any; // declare export var Dimensions: any; // declare export var ScrollView: any; // declare export var Animated: any; // yes // declare export var Alert: any; // yes // declare export var TouchableHighlight: any; // declare export var ActivityIndicator: any; // declare export var TouchableWithoutFeedback: any; // declare export var TextInput: any; // yes // declare export var PixelRatio: any; // yes // declare export var ListView: any; // yes // declare export var StatusBar: any; // declare export var Linking: any; // yes // declare export var Keyboard: any; // yes // declare export var LayoutAnimation: any; // yes // declare export var AsyncStorage: any; // yes // declare export var InteractionManager: any; // yes // declare export var Easing: any; // yes // declare export var TouchableNativeFeedback: any; declare export var Button: any; declare export var NativeModules: any; declare export var Modal: any; declare export var ColorPropType: any; // declare export var AppState: any; // yes declare export var RefreshControl: any; declare export var KeyboardAvoidingView: any; declare export var Picker: any; declare export var ActionSheetIOS: any; declare export var Navigator: any; declare export var WebView: any; // declare export var FlatList: any; // yes // declare export var findNodeHandle: any; // yes declare export var Switch: any; // declare export var UIManager: any; // yes // declare export var Clipboard: any; // yes declare export var PanResponder: any; // yes // declare export var NetInfo: any; // yes declare export var BackAndroid: any; // declare export var Share: any; // yes declare export var NavigationExperimental: any; declare export var CameraRoll: any; declare export var Vibration: any; declare export var PermissionsAndroid: any; declare export var Slider: any; declare export var AlertIOS: any; // declare export var AppRegistry: any; // yes declare export var PushNotificationIOS: any; declare export var RenderingPerf: any; declare export var Perf: any; declare export var ToastAndroid: any; declare export var RecyclerViewBackedScrollView: any; declare export var SectionList: any; declare export var DatePickerIOS: any; declare export var ART: any; // declare export var requireNativeComponent: any; // yes // declare export var DeviceEventEmitter: any; // yes declare export var BackHandler: any; // declare export var NativeEventEmitter: any; // yes declare export var Touchable: any; declare export var ProgressViewIOS: any; declare export var I18nManager: any; declare export var SwipeableListView: any; // declare export var processColor: any; declare export var VibrationIOS: any; declare export var DatePickerAndroid: any; declare export var TimePickerAndroid: any; }