## Screen tracking and analytics This example shows how to do screen tracking and send to Google Analytics. The approach can be adapted to any other mobile analytics SDK. ### Screen tracking When using built-in navigation container, we can use `onNavigationStateChange` to track the screen. ```js import { GoogleAnalyticsTracker } from 'react-native-google-analytics-bridge'; const tracker = new GoogleAnalyticsTracker(GA_TRACKING_ID); // gets the current screen from navigation state function getCurrentRouteName(navigationState) { if (!navigationState) { return null; } const route = navigationState.routes[navigationState.index]; // dive into nested navigators if (route.routes) { return getCurrentRouteName(route); } return route.routeName; } const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(AppRouteConfigs); export default () => ( { const currentScreen = getCurrentRouteName(currentState); const prevScreen = getCurrentRouteName(prevState); if (prevScreen !== currentScreen) { // the line below uses the Google Analytics tracker // change the tracker here to use other Mobile analytics SDK. tracker.trackScreenView(currentScreen); } }} /> ); ``` ### Screen tracking with Redux When using Redux, we can write a Redux middleware to track the screen. For this purpose, we will reuse `getCurrentRouteName` from the previous section. ```js import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation'; import { GoogleAnalyticsTracker } from 'react-native-google-analytics-bridge'; const tracker = new GoogleAnalyticsTracker(GA_TRACKING_ID); const screenTracking = ({ getState }) => next => (action) => { if ( action.type !== NavigationActions.NAVIGATE && action.type !== NavigationActions.BACK ) { return next(action); } const currentScreen = getCurrentRouteName(getState().navigation); const result = next(action); const nextScreen = getCurrentRouteName(getState().navigation); if (nextScreen !== currentScreen) { // the line below uses the Google Analytics tracker // change the tracker here to use other Mobile analytics SDK. tracker.trackScreenView(nextScreen); } return result; }; export default screenTracking; ``` ### Create Redux store and apply the above middleware The `screenTracking` middleware can be applied to the store during its creation. See [Redux Integration](Redux-Integration.md) for details. ```js const store = createStore( combineReducers({ navigation: navigationReducer, ... }), applyMiddleware( screenTracking, ... ), ); ```