It is common in mobile apps to compose various forms of navigation. The routers and navigators in React Navigation are composable, which allows you to define a complicated navigation structure for your app.
For our chat app, we want to put several tabs on the first screen, to view recent chat threads or all contacts.
Sometimes it is desirable to nest a navigator that is wrapped in a component. This is useful in cases where the navigator only takes up part of the screen. For the child navigator to be wired into the navigation tree, it needs the `navigation` property from the parent navigator.
const SimpleApp = StackNavigator({
Home: { screen: NavigatorWrappingScreen },
Chat: { screen: ChatScreen },
In this case, the NavigatorWrappingScreen is not a navigator, but it renders a navigator as part of its output.
class NavigatorWrappingScreen extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
To wire `MainScreenNavigator` into the navigation tree, we assign its `router` to the wrapping component. This makes `NavigatorWrappingScreen` "navigation aware", which tells the parent navigator to pass the navigation object down. Since the `NavigatorWrappingScreen`'s `router` is overridden with the child navigator's `router`, the child navigator will receive the needed `navigation`.
class NavigatorWrappingScreen extends React.Component {