
833 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
#import "RCTConvert.h"
#import <objc/message.h>
#import "RCTLog.h"
CGFloat const RCTDefaultFontSize = 14;
NSString *const RCTDefaultFontName = @"HelveticaNeue";
NSString *const RCTDefaultFontWeight = @"normal";
NSString *const RCTBoldFontWeight = @"bold";
@implementation RCTConvert
RCT_CONVERTER(double, double, doubleValue)
RCT_CONVERTER(float, float, floatValue)
RCT_CONVERTER(int, int, intValue)
RCT_CONVERTER(NSInteger, NSInteger, integerValue)
RCT_CONVERTER_CUSTOM(NSUInteger, NSUInteger, [json unsignedIntegerValue])
RCT_CONVERTER_CUSTOM(NSArray *, NSArray, [NSArray arrayWithArray:json])
RCT_CONVERTER_CUSTOM(NSDictionary *, NSDictionary, [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:json])
RCT_CONVERTER(NSString *, NSString, description)
RCT_CONVERTER_CUSTOM(NSNumber *, NSNumber, @([json doubleValue]))
+ (NSURL *)NSURL:(id)json
if (![json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Expected NSString for NSURL, received %@: %@", [json class], json);
return nil;
NSString *path = json;
if ([path isAbsolutePath])
return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
else if ([path length])
return [NSURL URLWithString:path relativeToURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourceURL]];
return nil;
+ (NSURLRequest *)NSURLRequest:(id)json
return [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[self NSURL:json]];
// JS Standard for time is milliseconds
RCT_CONVERTER_CUSTOM(NSDate *, NSDate, [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[json doubleValue] / 1000.0])
RCT_CONVERTER_CUSTOM(NSTimeInterval, NSTimeInterval, [json doubleValue] / 1000.0)
// JS standard for time zones is minutes.
RCT_CONVERTER_CUSTOM(NSTimeZone *, NSTimeZone, [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:[json doubleValue] * 60.0])
@"auto": @(NSTextAlignmentNatural),
@"left": @(NSTextAlignmentLeft),
@"center": @(NSTextAlignmentCenter),
@"right": @(NSTextAlignmentRight),
@"justify": @(NSTextAlignmentJustified),
}), NSTextAlignmentNatural, integerValue)
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(NSWritingDirection, (@{
@"auto": @(NSWritingDirectionNatural),
@"ltr": @(NSWritingDirectionLeftToRight),
@"rtl": @(NSWritingDirectionRightToLeft),
}), NSWritingDirectionNatural, integerValue)
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(UITextAutocapitalizationType, (@{
@"none": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone),
@"words": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords),
@"sentences": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences),
@"characters": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters)
}), UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences, integerValue)
@"numeric": @(UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad),
@"default": @(UIKeyboardTypeDefault),
}), UIKeyboardTypeDefault, integerValue)
RCT_CONVERTER(CGFloat, CGFloat, doubleValue)
RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGPoint, (@[@"x", @"y"]))
RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGSize, (@[@"w", @"h"]))
RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGRect, (@[@"x", @"y", @"w", @"h"]))
RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(UIEdgeInsets, (@[@"top", @"left", @"bottom", @"right"]))
@"miter": @(kCGLineJoinMiter),
@"round": @(kCGLineJoinRound),
@"bevel": @(kCGLineJoinBevel),
}), kCGLineJoinMiter, intValue)
@"butt": @(kCGLineCapButt),
@"round": @(kCGLineCapRound),
@"square": @(kCGLineCapSquare),
}), kCGLineCapButt, intValue)
@"m11", @"m12", @"m13", @"m14",
@"m21", @"m22", @"m23", @"m24",
@"m31", @"m32", @"m33", @"m34",
@"m41", @"m42", @"m43", @"m44"
RCT_CGSTRUCT_CONVERTER(CGAffineTransform, (@[@"a", @"b", @"c", @"d", @"tx", @"ty"]))
+ (UIColor *)UIColor:(id)json
// Check color cache
static NSMutableDictionary *colorCache = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
colorCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
UIColor *color = colorCache[json];
if (color) {
return color;
if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
// Check named colors
static NSDictionary *namedColors = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
namedColors = @{
// CSS colors
@"aliceblue": @"#f0f8ff",
@"antiquewhite": @"#faebd7",
@"aqua": @"#00ffff",
@"aquamarine": @"#7fffd4",
@"azure": @"#f0ffff",
@"beige": @"#f5f5dc",
@"bisque": @"#ffe4c4",
@"black": @"#000000",
@"blanchedalmond": @"#ffebcd",
@"blue": @"#0000ff",
@"blueviolet": @"#8a2be2",
@"brown": @"#a52a2a",
@"burlywood": @"#deb887",
@"cadetblue": @"#5f9ea0",
@"chartreuse": @"#7fff00",
@"chocolate": @"#d2691e",
@"coral": @"#ff7f50",
@"cornflowerblue": @"#6495ed",
@"cornsilk": @"#fff8dc",
@"crimson": @"#dc143c",
@"cyan": @"#00ffff",
@"darkblue": @"#00008b",
@"darkcyan": @"#008b8b",
@"darkgoldenrod": @"#b8860b",
@"darkgray": @"#a9a9a9",
@"darkgrey": @"#a9a9a9",
@"darkgreen": @"#006400",
@"darkkhaki": @"#bdb76b",
@"darkmagenta": @"#8b008b",
@"darkolivegreen": @"#556b2f",
@"darkorange": @"#ff8c00",
@"darkorchid": @"#9932cc",
@"darkred": @"#8b0000",
@"darksalmon": @"#e9967a",
@"darkseagreen": @"#8fbc8f",
@"darkslateblue": @"#483d8b",
@"darkslategray": @"#2f4f4f",
@"darkslategrey": @"#2f4f4f",
@"darkturquoise": @"#00ced1",
@"darkviolet": @"#9400d3",
@"deeppink": @"#ff1493",
@"deepskyblue": @"#00bfff",
@"dimgray": @"#696969",
@"dimgrey": @"#696969",
@"dodgerblue": @"#1e90ff",
@"firebrick": @"#b22222",
@"floralwhite": @"#fffaf0",
@"forestgreen": @"#228b22",
@"fuchsia": @"#ff00ff",
@"gainsboro": @"#dcdcdc",
@"ghostwhite": @"#f8f8ff",
@"gold": @"#ffd700",
@"goldenrod": @"#daa520",
@"gray": @"#808080",
@"grey": @"#808080",
@"green": @"#008000",
@"greenyellow": @"#adff2f",
@"honeydew": @"#f0fff0",
@"hotpink": @"#ff69b4",
@"indianred": @"#cd5c5c",
@"indigo": @"#4b0082",
@"ivory": @"#fffff0",
@"khaki": @"#f0e68c",
@"lavender": @"#e6e6fa",
@"lavenderblush": @"#fff0f5",
@"lawngreen": @"#7cfc00",
@"lemonchiffon": @"#fffacd",
@"lightblue": @"#add8e6",
@"lightcoral": @"#f08080",
@"lightcyan": @"#e0ffff",
@"lightgoldenrodyellow": @"#fafad2",
@"lightgray": @"#d3d3d3",
@"lightgrey": @"#d3d3d3",
@"lightgreen": @"#90ee90",
@"lightpink": @"#ffb6c1",
@"lightsalmon": @"#ffa07a",
@"lightseagreen": @"#20b2aa",
@"lightskyblue": @"#87cefa",
@"lightslategray": @"#778899",
@"lightslategrey": @"#778899",
@"lightsteelblue": @"#b0c4de",
@"lightyellow": @"#ffffe0",
@"lime": @"#00ff00",
@"limegreen": @"#32cd32",
@"linen": @"#faf0e6",
@"magenta": @"#ff00ff",
@"maroon": @"#800000",
@"mediumaquamarine": @"#66cdaa",
@"mediumblue": @"#0000cd",
@"mediumorchid": @"#ba55d3",
@"mediumpurple": @"#9370db",
@"mediumseagreen": @"#3cb371",
@"mediumslateblue": @"#7b68ee",
@"mediumspringgreen": @"#00fa9a",
@"mediumturquoise": @"#48d1cc",
@"mediumvioletred": @"#c71585",
@"midnightblue": @"#191970",
@"mintcream": @"#f5fffa",
@"mistyrose": @"#ffe4e1",
@"moccasin": @"#ffe4b5",
@"navajowhite": @"#ffdead",
@"navy": @"#000080",
@"oldlace": @"#fdf5e6",
@"olive": @"#808000",
@"olivedrab": @"#6b8e23",
@"orange": @"#ffa500",
@"orangered": @"#ff4500",
@"orchid": @"#da70d6",
@"palegoldenrod": @"#eee8aa",
@"palegreen": @"#98fb98",
@"paleturquoise": @"#afeeee",
@"palevioletred": @"#db7093",
@"papayawhip": @"#ffefd5",
@"peachpuff": @"#ffdab9",
@"peru": @"#cd853f",
@"pink": @"#ffc0cb",
@"plum": @"#dda0dd",
@"powderblue": @"#b0e0e6",
@"purple": @"#800080",
@"rebeccapurple": @"#663399",
@"red": @"#ff0000",
@"rosybrown": @"#bc8f8f",
@"royalblue": @"#4169e1",
@"saddlebrown": @"#8b4513",
@"salmon": @"#fa8072",
@"sandybrown": @"#f4a460",
@"seagreen": @"#2e8b57",
@"seashell": @"#fff5ee",
@"sienna": @"#a0522d",
@"silver": @"#c0c0c0",
@"skyblue": @"#87ceeb",
@"slateblue": @"#6a5acd",
@"slategray": @"#708090",
@"slategrey": @"#708090",
@"snow": @"#fffafa",
@"springgreen": @"#00ff7f",
@"steelblue": @"#4682b4",
@"tan": @"#d2b48c",
@"teal": @"#008080",
@"thistle": @"#d8bfd8",
@"tomato": @"#ff6347",
@"turquoise": @"#40e0d0",
@"violet": @"#ee82ee",
@"wheat": @"#f5deb3",
@"white": @"#ffffff",
@"whitesmoke": @"#f5f5f5",
@"yellow": @"#ffff00",
@"yellowgreen": @"#9acd32",
// Nonstandard color extensions
@"transparent": @"rgba(0,0,0,0)",
NSString *colorString = namedColors[json];
if (!colorString) {
colorString = json;
// Parse color
NSUInteger red = -1;
NSUInteger green = -1;
NSUInteger blue = -1;
CGFloat alpha = 1.0;
if ([colorString hasPrefix:@"#"]) {
sscanf([colorString UTF8String], "#%02tX%02tX%02tX", &red, &green, &blue);
} else if ([colorString hasPrefix:@"rgba("]) {
double tmpAlpha;
sscanf([colorString UTF8String], "rgba(%zd,%zd,%zd,%lf)", &red, &green, &blue, &tmpAlpha);
alpha = tmpAlpha > 0.99 ? 1.0 : tmpAlpha;
} else if ([colorString hasPrefix:@"rgb("]) {
sscanf([colorString UTF8String], "rgb(%zd,%zd,%zd)", &red, &green, &blue);
} else {
RCTLogError(@"Unrecognized color format '%@', must be one of #hex|rgba|rgb", colorString);
if (red == -1 || green == -1 || blue == -1 || alpha > 1.0 || alpha < 0.0) {
RCTLogError(@"Invalid color string '%@'", colorString);
} else {
color = [UIColor colorWithRed:red / 255.0 green:green / 255.0 blue:blue / 255.0 alpha:alpha];
} else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
if ([json count] < 3 || [json count] > 4) {
RCTLogError(@"Expected array with count 3 or 4, but count is %zd: %@", [json count], json);
} else {
// Color array
color = [UIColor colorWithRed:[json[0] doubleValue]
green:[json[1] doubleValue]
blue:[json[2] doubleValue]
alpha:[json count] > 3 ? [json[3] doubleValue] : 1];
} else if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
// Color dictionary
color = [UIColor colorWithRed:[json[@"r"] doubleValue]
green:[json[@"g"] doubleValue]
blue:[json[@"b"] doubleValue]
alpha:[json[@"a"] ?: @1 doubleValue]];
} else if (json && ![json isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Expected NSArray, NSDictionary or NSString for UIColor, received %@: %@", [json class], json);
// Default color
if (!color) {
color = [UIColor whiteColor];
// Cache and return
if (json) {
colorCache[json] = color;
return color;
+ (CGColorRef)CGColor:(id)json
return [self UIColor:json].CGColor;
+ (UIImage *)UIImage:(id)json
// TODO: we might as well cache the result of these checks (and possibly the
// image itself) so as to reduce overhead on subsequent checks of the same input
if (![json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Expected NSString for UIImage, received %@: %@", [json class], json);
return nil;
if ([json length] == 0) {
return nil;
UIImage *image = nil;
NSString *path = json;
if ([path isAbsolutePath]) {
image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
} else {
image = [UIImage imageNamed:path];
if (!image) {
image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:path ofType:nil]];
// NOTE: we don't warn about nil images because there are legitimate
// case where we find out if a string is an image by using this method
return image;
+ (CGImageRef)CGImage:(id)json
return [self UIImage:json].CGImage;
+ (UIFont *)UIFont:(UIFont *)font withSize:(id)json
return [self UIFont:font withFamily:nil size:json weight:nil];
+ (UIFont *)UIFont:(UIFont *)font withWeight:(id)json
return [self UIFont:font withFamily:nil size:nil weight:json];
+ (UIFont *)UIFont:(UIFont *)font withFamily:(id)json
return [self UIFont:font withFamily:json size:nil weight:nil];
+ (UIFont *)UIFont:(UIFont *)font withFamily:(id)family size:(id)size weight:(id)weight
// Create descriptor
UIFontDescriptor *fontDescriptor = font.fontDescriptor ?: [UIFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithName:RCTDefaultFontName size:RCTDefaultFontSize];
// Get font size
CGFloat fontSize = [self CGFloat:size];
if (fontSize && !isnan(fontSize)) {
fontDescriptor = [fontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSize:fontSize];
// Get font family
NSString *familyName = [self NSString:family];
if (familyName) {
if ([UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:familyName].count == 0) {
font = [UIFont fontWithName:familyName size:fontDescriptor.pointSize];
if (font) {
// It's actually a font name, not a font family name,
// but we'll do what was meant, not what was said.
familyName = font.familyName;
fontDescriptor = font.fontDescriptor;
} else {
// Not a valid font or family
RCTLogError(@"Unrecognized font family '%@'", familyName);
} else {
// Set font family
fontDescriptor = [fontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithFamily:familyName];
// Get font weight
NSString *fontWeight = [self NSString:weight];
if (fontWeight) {
static NSSet *values;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
values = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"bold", @"normal", nil];
if (fontWeight && ![values containsObject:fontWeight]) {
RCTLogError(@"Unrecognized font weight '%@', must be one of %@", fontWeight, values);
UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits symbolicTraits = fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits;
if ([fontWeight isEqualToString:RCTBoldFontWeight]) {
symbolicTraits |= UIFontDescriptorTraitBold;
} else {
symbolicTraits &= ~UIFontDescriptorTraitBold;
fontDescriptor = [fontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:symbolicTraits];
// TODO: font style
// Create font
return [UIFont fontWithDescriptor:fontDescriptor size:fontDescriptor.pointSize];
// Can't use RCT_ARRAY_CONVERTER due to bridged cast
+ (NSArray *)CGColorArray:(id)json
NSMutableArray *colors = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (id value in [self NSArray:json]) {
[colors addObject:(__bridge id)[self CGColor:value]];
return colors;
typedef BOOL css_overflow;
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(css_overflow, (@{
@"hidden": @NO,
@"visible": @YES
}), YES, boolValue)
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(css_flex_direction_t, (@{
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(css_justify_t, (@{
@"flex-start": @(CSS_JUSTIFY_FLEX_START),
@"flex-end": @(CSS_JUSTIFY_FLEX_END),
@"center": @(CSS_JUSTIFY_CENTER),
@"space-between": @(CSS_JUSTIFY_SPACE_BETWEEN),
@"space-around": @(CSS_JUSTIFY_SPACE_AROUND)
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(css_align_t, (@{
@"flex-start": @(CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_START),
@"flex-end": @(CSS_ALIGN_FLEX_END),
@"center": @(CSS_ALIGN_CENTER),
@"auto": @(CSS_ALIGN_AUTO),
@"stretch": @(CSS_ALIGN_STRETCH)
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(css_position_type_t, (@{
@"absolute": @(CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE),
RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(css_wrap_type_t, (@{
@"wrap": @(CSS_WRAP),
@"nowrap": @(CSS_NOWRAP)
}), CSS_NOWRAP, intValue)
@"none": @(RCTPointerEventsNone),
@"box-only": @(RCTPointerEventsBoxOnly),
@"box-none": @(RCTPointerEventsBoxNone),
@"auto": @(RCTPointerEventsUnspecified)
}), RCTPointerEventsUnspecified, integerValue)
@"spring": @(RCTAnimationTypeSpring),
@"linear": @(RCTAnimationTypeLinear),
@"easeIn": @(RCTAnimationTypeEaseIn),
@"easeOut": @(RCTAnimationTypeEaseOut),
@"easeInEaseOut": @(RCTAnimationTypeEaseInEaseOut),
}), RCTAnimationTypeEaseInEaseOut, integerValue)
static NSString *RCTGuessTypeEncoding(id target, NSString *key, id value, NSString *encoding)
* NOTE: the property names below may seem weird, but it's
* because they are tested as case-sensitive suffixes, so
* "ffset" will match any of the following
* - offset
* - contentOffset
// TODO (#5906496): handle more cases
if ([key hasSuffix:@"olor"]) {
if ([target isKindOfClass:[CALayer class]]) {
return @(@encode(CGColorRef));
} else {
return @"@\"UIColor\"";
} else if ([key hasSuffix:@"Inset"] || [key hasSuffix:@"Insets"]) {
return @(@encode(UIEdgeInsets));
} else if ([key hasSuffix:@"rame"] || [key hasSuffix:@"ounds"]) {
return @(@encode(CGRect));
} else if ([key hasSuffix:@"ffset"] || [key hasSuffix:@"osition"]) {
return @(@encode(CGPoint));
} else if ([key hasSuffix:@"ize"]) {
return @(@encode(CGSize));
return nil;
static id RCTConvertValueWithEncoding(id value, NSString *encoding)
static NSDictionary *converters = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
id (^numberConvert)(id) = ^(id val){
return [RCTConvert NSNumber:val];
id (^boolConvert)(id) = ^(id val){
return @([RCTConvert BOOL:val]);
// TODO (#5906496): add the rest of RCTConvert here
converters =
@(@encode(char)): boolConvert,
@(@encode(int)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(short)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(long long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned char)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned int)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned short)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned long long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(float)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(double)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(bool)): boolConvert,
@(@encode(UIEdgeInsets)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:[RCTConvert UIEdgeInsets:val]];
@(@encode(CGPoint)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:[RCTConvert CGPoint:val]];
@(@encode(CGSize)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGSize:[RCTConvert CGSize:val]];
@(@encode(CGRect)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGRect:[RCTConvert CGRect:val]];
@(@encode(CGColorRef)): ^(id val) {
return (id)[RCTConvert CGColor:val];
@(@encode(CGAffineTransform)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGAffineTransform:[RCTConvert CGAffineTransform:val]];
@(@encode(CATransform3D)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:[RCTConvert CATransform3D:val]];
@"@\"NSString\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSString:val];
@"@\"NSURL\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSURL:val];
@"@\"UIColor\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UIColor:val];
@"@\"UIImage\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UIImage:val];
@"@\"NSDate\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSDate:val];
@"@\"NSTimeZone\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSTimeZone:val];
// Handle null values
if (value == [NSNull null] && ![encoding isEqualToString:@"@\"NSNull\""]) {
return nil;
// Convert value
id (^converter)(id) = converters[encoding];
return converter ? converter(value) : value;
static NSString *RCTPropertyEncoding(id target, NSString *key, id value)
// Check target class for property definition
NSString *encoding = nil;
objc_property_t property = class_getProperty([target class], [key UTF8String]);
if (property) {
// Get type info
char *typeEncoding = property_copyAttributeValue(property, "T");
encoding = @(typeEncoding);
} else {
// Check if setter exists
SEL setter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set%@%@:",
[[key substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],
[key substringFromIndex:1]]);
if (![target respondsToSelector:setter]) {
return nil;
// Get type of first method argument
Method method = class_getInstanceMethod([target class], setter);
char *typeEncoding = method_copyArgumentType(method, 2);
if (typeEncoding) {
encoding = @(typeEncoding);
if (encoding.length == 0 || [encoding isEqualToString:@(@encode(id))]) {
// Not enough info about the type encoding to be useful, so
// try to guess the type from the value and property name
encoding = RCTGuessTypeEncoding(target, key, value, encoding);
// id encoding means unknown, as opposed to nil which means no setter exists.
return encoding ?: @(@encode(id));
static id RCTConvertValueWithExplicitEncoding(id target, NSString *key, id json, NSString *encoding)
// Special case for numeric encodings, which may be enums
if ([json isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] &&
([encoding isEqualToString:@(@encode(id))] ||
[@"iIsSlLqQ" rangeOfString:[encoding substringToIndex:1]].length)) {
* NOTE: the property names below may seem weird, but it's
* because they are tested as case-sensitive suffixes, so
* "apitalizationType" will match any of the following
* - capitalizationType
* - autocapitalizationType
* - autoCapitalizationType
* - titleCapitalizationType
* - etc.
static NSDictionary *converters = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
converters =
@"apitalizationType": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UITextAutocapitalizationType:val];
@"eyboardType": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UIKeyboardType:val];
@"extAlignment": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSTextAlignment:val];
@"Cap": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert CGLineCap:val];
@"Join": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert CGLineJoin:val];
@"ointerEvents": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert RCTPointerEvents:val];
for (NSString *subkey in converters) {
if ([key hasSuffix:subkey]) {
NSInteger (^converter)(NSString *) = converters[subkey];
json = @(converter(json));
return RCTConvertValueWithEncoding(json, encoding);
id RCTConvertValue(id target, NSString *key, id json)
NSString *encoding = RCTPropertyEncoding(target, key, json);
return RCTConvertValueWithExplicitEncoding(target, key, json, encoding);
BOOL RCTSetProperty(id target, NSString *keypath, id value)
// Split keypath
NSArray *parts = [keypath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString *key = [parts lastObject];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < parts.count - 1; i++) {
target = [target valueForKey:parts[i]];
if (!target) {
return NO;
// Get encoding
NSString *encoding = RCTPropertyEncoding(target, key, value);
if (!encoding) {
return NO;
// Convert value
value = RCTConvertValueWithExplicitEncoding(target, keypath, value, encoding);
// Another nasty special case
if ([target isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
static NSDictionary *specialCases = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
specialCases = @{
@"autocapitalizationType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.autocapitalizationType = v; },
@"autocorrectionType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.autocorrectionType = v; },
@"spellCheckingType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.spellCheckingType = v; },
@"keyboardType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.keyboardType = v; },
@"keyboardAppearance": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.keyboardAppearance = v; },
@"returnKeyType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.returnKeyType = v; },
@"enablesReturnKeyAutomatically": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.enablesReturnKeyAutomatically = !!v; },
@"secureTextEntry": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.secureTextEntry = !!v; }};
void (^block)(UITextField *f, NSInteger v) = specialCases[key];
if (block) {
block(target, [value integerValue]);
return YES;
// Set converted value
[target setValue:value forKey:key];
return YES;
BOOL RCTCopyProperty(id target, id source, NSString *keypath)
// Split keypath
NSArray *parts = [keypath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString *key = [parts lastObject];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < parts.count - 1; i++) {
source = [source valueForKey:parts[i]];
target = [target valueForKey:parts[i]];
if (!source || !target) {
return NO;
// Check class for property definition
if (!class_getProperty([source class], [key UTF8String])) {
// Check if setter exists
SEL setter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set%@%@:",
[[key substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],
[key substringFromIndex:1]]);
if (![source respondsToSelector:setter]
|| ![target respondsToSelector:setter]) {
return NO;
[target setValue:[source valueForKey:key] forKey:key];
return YES;