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* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule MapView
* @flow
'use strict';
var EdgeInsetsPropType = require('EdgeInsetsPropType');
var NativeMethodsMixin = require('NativeMethodsMixin');
var React = require('React');
var ReactIOSViewAttributes = require('ReactIOSViewAttributes');
var View = require('View');
var createReactIOSNativeComponentClass = require('createReactIOSNativeComponentClass');
var deepDiffer = require('deepDiffer');
var insetsDiffer = require('insetsDiffer');
var merge = require('merge');
type Event = Object;
var MapView = React.createClass({
mixins: [NativeMethodsMixin],
propTypes: {
* Used to style and layout the `MapView`. See `StyleSheet.js` and
* `ViewStylePropTypes.js` for more info.
style: View.propTypes.style,
* If `true` the app will ask for the user's location and focus on it.
* Default value is `false`.
* **NOTE**: You need to add NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in
* Info.plist to enable geolocation, otherwise it is going
* to *fail silently*!
showsUserLocation: React.PropTypes.bool,
* If `false` the user won't be able to pinch/zoom the map.
* Default `value` is true.
zoomEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
* When this property is set to `true` and a valid camera is associated with
* the map, the camera’s heading angle is used to rotate the plane of the
* map around its center point. When this property is set to `false`, the
* camera’s heading angle is ignored and the map is always oriented so
* that true north is situated at the top of the map view
rotateEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
* When this property is set to `true` and a valid camera is associated
* with the map, the camera’s pitch angle is used to tilt the plane
* of the map. When this property is set to `false`, the camera’s pitch
* angle is ignored and the map is always displayed as if the user
* is looking straight down onto it.
pitchEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
* If `false` the user won't be able to change the map region being displayed.
* Default value is `true`.
scrollEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
* The region to be displayed by the map.
* The region is defined by the center coordinates and the span of
* coordinates to display.
region: React.PropTypes.shape({
* Coordinates for the center of the map.
latitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
longitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
* Distance between the minimun and the maximum latitude/longitude
* to be displayed.
latitudeDelta: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
longitudeDelta: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
* Maximum size of area that can be displayed.
maxDelta: React.PropTypes.number,
* Minimum size of area that can be displayed.
minDelta: React.PropTypes.number,
* Insets for the map's legal label, originally at bottom left of the map.
* See `EdgeInsetsPropType.js` for more information.
legalLabelInsets: EdgeInsetsPropType,
* Callback that is called continuously when the user is dragging the map.
onRegionChange: React.PropTypes.func,
* Callback that is called once, when the user is done moving the map.
onRegionChangeComplete: React.PropTypes.func,
_onChange: function(event: Event) {
if (event.nativeEvent.continuous) {
this.props.onRegionChange &&
} else {
this.props.onRegionChangeComplete &&
render: function() {
return (
var RCTMap = createReactIOSNativeComponentClass({
validAttributes: merge(
ReactIOSViewAttributes.UIView, {
showsUserLocation: true,
zoomEnabled: true,
rotateEnabled: true,
pitchEnabled: true,
scrollEnabled: true,
region: {diff: deepDiffer},
maxDelta: true,
minDelta: true,
legalLabelInsets: {diff: insetsDiffer},
uiViewClassName: 'RCTMap',
module.exports = MapView;