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synced 2025-03-03 02:40:31 +00:00
Summary: This change (initially discussed in https://github.com/react-community/create-react-native-app/issues/26) moves the HelloWorld project template from two nearly identical entry points (`index.android.js` and `index.ios.js`) to a single, minimal `index.js` entry point. The root component is created in `App.js`. This unifies the project structure between `react-native init` and Create React Native App and allows CRNA's eject to use the entry point from the HelloWorld template without any hacks to customize it. Also examples in the docs can be just copy-pasted to `App.js` the same way in both HelloWorld and CRNA apps without having to first learn about `AppRegistry.registerComponent`. * Created a new project from the template using `./scripts/test-manual-e2e.sh` and verified that: * The app builds, starts and runs both on Android and iOS. * Editing and reloading changes works. * The new files (`index.js`, `App.js`, `__tests__/App.js`) get created in the project folder. <img width="559" alt="screen shot 2017-08-01 at 19 10 51" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/497214/28835171-300a12b6-76ed-11e7-81b2-623639c3b8f6.png"> <img width="467" alt="screen shot 2017-08-01 at 19 09 12" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/497214/28835180-33d285e0-76ed-11e7-8d68-2b3bc44bf585.png"> <!-- Thank you for sending the PR! If you changed any code, please provide us with clear instructions on how you verified your changes work. In other words, a test plan is *required*. Bonus points for screenshots and videos! Please read the Contribution Guidelines at https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md to learn more about contributing to React Native. Happy contributing! --> Closes https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/15312 Differential Revision: D5556276 Pulled By: hramos fbshipit-source-id: 068fdf7e51381c2bc50321522f2be0db47296c5e
236 lines
8.5 KiB
236 lines
8.5 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
'use strict';
* This script tests that React Native end to end installation/bootstrap works for different platforms
* Available arguments:
* --ios - 'react-native init' and check iOS app doesn't redbox
* --tvos - 'react-native init' and check tvOS app doesn't redbox
* --android - 'react-native init' and check Android app doesn't redbox
* --js - 'react-native init' and only check the packager returns a bundle
* --skip-cli-install - to skip react-native-cli global installation (for local debugging)
* --retries [num] - how many times to retry possible flaky commands: npm install and running tests, default 1
/*eslint-disable no-undef */
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const argv = require('yargs').argv;
const path = require('path');
const SCRIPTS = __dirname;
const ROOT = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..'));
const tryExecNTimes = require('./try-n-times');
const TEMP = exec('mktemp -d /tmp/react-native-XXXXXXXX').stdout.trim();
// To make sure we actually installed the local version
// of react-native, we will create a temp file inside the template
// and check that it exists after `react-native init
const MARKER_IOS = exec(`mktemp ${ROOT}/local-cli/templates/HelloWorld/ios/HelloWorld/XXXXXXXX`).stdout.trim();
const MARKER_ANDROID = exec(`mktemp ${ROOT}/local-cli/templates/HelloWorld/android/XXXXXXXX`).stdout.trim();
const numberOfRetries = argv.retries || 1;
let exitCode;
try {
// install CLI
exec('npm pack');
const CLI_PACKAGE = path.join(ROOT, 'react-native-cli', 'react-native-cli-*.tgz');
// can skip cli install for non sudo mode
if (!argv['skip-cli-install']) {
if (exec(`npm install -g ${CLI_PACKAGE}`).code) {
echo('Could not install react-native-cli globally, please run in su mode');
echo('Or with --skip-cli-install to skip this step');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (argv.android) {
if (exec('./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives -Pjobs=1 -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"').code) {
echo('Failed to compile Android binaries');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (exec('npm pack').code) {
echo('Failed to pack react-native');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
const PACKAGE = path.join(ROOT, 'react-native-*.tgz');
if (tryExecNTimes(
() => {
exec('sleep 10s');
return exec(`react-native init EndToEndTest --version ${PACKAGE} --npm`).code;
() => rm('-rf', 'EndToEndTest'))) {
echo('Failed to execute react-native init');
echo('Most common reason is npm registry connectivity, try again');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (argv.android) {
echo('Running an Android e2e test');
echo('Installing e2e framework');
if (tryExecNTimes(
() => exec('npm install --save-dev appium@1.5.1 mocha@2.4.5 wd@0.3.11 colors@1.0.3 pretty-data2@0.40.1', { silent: true }).code,
numberOfRetries)) {
echo('Failed to install appium');
echo('Most common reason is npm registry connectivity, try again');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
cp(`${SCRIPTS}/android-e2e-test.js`, 'android-e2e-test.js');
echo('Downloading Maven deps');
exec('./gradlew :app:copyDownloadableDepsToLibs');
// Make sure we installed local version of react-native
if (!test('-e', path.basename(MARKER_ANDROID))) {
echo('Android marker was not found, react native init command failed?');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
exec('keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/keystores/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"');
echo(`Starting appium server, ${APPIUM_PID}`);
const appiumProcess = spawn('node', ['./node_modules/.bin/appium']);
APPIUM_PID = appiumProcess.pid;
echo('Building the app');
if (exec('buck build android/app').code) {
echo('could not execute Buck build, is it installed and in PATH?');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
echo(`Starting packager server, ${SERVER_PID}`);
// shelljs exec('', {async: true}) does not emit stdout events, so we rely on good old spawn
const packagerProcess = spawn('npm', ['start', '--', '--max-workers 1'], {
env: process.env
SERVER_PID = packagerProcess.pid;
// wait a bit to allow packager to startup
exec('sleep 15s');
echo('Executing android e2e test');
if (tryExecNTimes(
() => {
exec('sleep 10s');
return exec('node node_modules/.bin/_mocha android-e2e-test.js').code;
numberOfRetries)) {
echo('Failed to run Android e2e tests');
echo('Most likely the code is broken');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (argv.ios || argv.tvos) {
var iosTestType = (argv.tvos ? 'tvOS' : 'iOS');
echo('Running the ' + iosTestType + 'app');
// Make sure we installed local version of react-native
if (!test('-e', path.join('EndToEndTest', path.basename(MARKER_IOS)))) {
echo('iOS marker was not found, `react-native init` command failed?');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
// shelljs exec('', {async: true}) does not emit stdout events, so we rely on good old spawn
const packagerEnv = Object.create(process.env);
const packagerProcess = spawn('npm', ['start', '--', '--nonPersistent'],
stdio: 'inherit',
env: packagerEnv
SERVER_PID = packagerProcess.pid;
exec('sleep 15s');
// prepare cache to reduce chances of possible red screen "Can't fibd variable __fbBatchedBridge..."
exec('response=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true)');
echo(`Starting packager server, ${SERVER_PID}`);
echo('Executing ' + iosTestType + ' e2e test');
if (tryExecNTimes(
() => {
exec('sleep 10s');
if (argv.tvos) {
return exec('xcodebuild -destination "platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV 1080p,OS=10.0" -scheme EndToEndTest-tvOS -sdk appletvsimulator test | xcpretty && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}').code;
} else {
return exec('xcodebuild -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s,OS=10.0" -scheme EndToEndTest -sdk iphonesimulator test | xcpretty && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}').code;
numberOfRetries)) {
echo('Failed to run ' + iosTestType + ' e2e tests');
echo('Most likely the code is broken');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (argv.js) {
// Check the packager produces a bundle (doesn't throw an error)
if (exec('react-native bundle --max-workers 1 --platform android --dev true --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android-bundle.js').code) {
echo('Could not build Android bundle');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (exec('react-native --max-workers 1 bundle --platform ios --dev true --entry-file index.js --bundle-output ios-bundle.js').code) {
echo('Could not build iOS bundle');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (exec(`${ROOT}/node_modules/.bin/flow check`).code) {
echo('Flow check does not pass');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
if (exec('npm test').code) {
echo('Jest test failure');
exitCode = 1;
throw Error(exitCode);
exitCode = 0;
} finally {
echo(`Killing packager ${SERVER_PID}`);
exec(`kill -9 ${SERVER_PID}`);
// this is quite drastic but packager starts a daemon that we can't kill by killing the parent process
// it will be fixed in April (quote David Aurelio), so until then we will kill the zombie by the port number
exec("lsof -i tcp:8081 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill");
echo(`Killing appium ${APPIUM_PID}`);
exec(`kill -9 ${APPIUM_PID}`);
/*eslint-enable no-undef */