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synced 2025-03-03 19:00:37 +00:00
Summary: @public Migrate scripts to open source and add new route on the packager to directly convert profiler outputs to a devtools compatible format. Reviewed By: @jspahrsummers Differential Revision: D2425740
255 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File
255 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
import json
import smap
import trace_data
import urllib
class Marker(object):
def __init__(self, _name, _timestamp, _depth, _is_end, _ident, url, line, col):
self.name = _name
self.timestamp = _timestamp
self.depth = _depth
self.is_end = _is_end
self.ident = _ident
self.url = url
self.line = line
self.col = col
# sort markers making sure they are ordered by timestamp then depth of function call
# and finally that markers of the same ident are sorted in the order begin then end
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.timestamp < other.timestamp:
return -1
if self.timestamp > other.timestamp:
return 1
if self.depth < other.depth:
return -1
if self.depth > other.depth:
return 1
if self.ident == other.ident:
if self.is_end:
return 1
return 0
# calculate marker name based on combination of function name and location
def _calcname(entry):
funcname = ""
if "functionName" in entry:
funcname = funcname + entry["functionName"]
return funcname
def _calcurl(mapcache, entry, map_file):
if entry.url not in mapcache:
map_url = entry.url.replace('.bundle', '.map')
if map_url != entry.url:
if map_file:
print('Loading sourcemap from:' + map_file)
map_url = map_file
url_file = urllib.urlopen(map_url)
if url_file != None:
entries = smap.parse(url_file)
mapcache[entry.url] = entries
except Exception, e:
mapcache[entry.url] = []
if entry.url in mapcache:
source_entry = smap.find(mapcache[entry.url], entry.line, entry.col)
if source_entry:
entry.url = 'file://' + source_entry.src
entry.line = source_entry.src_line
entry.col = source_entry.src_col
def _compute_markers(markers, call_point, depth):
name = _calcname(call_point)
ident = len(markers)
url = ""
lineNumber = -1
columnNumber = -1
if "url" in call_point:
url = call_point["url"]
if "lineNumber" in call_point:
lineNumber = call_point["lineNumber"]
if "columnNumber" in call_point:
columnNumber = call_point["columnNumber"]
for call in call_point["calls"]:
markers.append(Marker(name, call["startTime"], depth, 0, ident, url, lineNumber, columnNumber))
markers.append(Marker(name, call["startTime"] + call["totalTime"], depth, 1, ident, url, lineNumber, columnNumber))
ident = ident + 2
if "children" in call_point:
for child in call_point["children"]:
_compute_markers(markers, child, depth+1);
def _find_child(children, name):
for child in children:
if child['functionName'] == name:
return child
return None
def _add_entry_cpuprofiler_program(newtime, cpuprofiler):
curnode = _find_child(cpuprofiler['head']['children'], '(program)')
if cpuprofiler['lastTime'] != None:
lastTime = cpuprofiler['lastTime']
while lastTime < newtime:
curnode['hitCount'] += 1
cpuprofiler['lastTime'] = lastTime
cpuprofiler['lastTime'] = newtime
def _add_entry_cpuprofiler(stack, newtime, cpuprofiler):
index = len(stack) - 1
marker = stack[index]
if marker.name not in cpuprofiler['markers']:
cpuprofiler['markers'][marker.name] = cpuprofiler['id']
cpuprofiler['callUID'] += 1
callUID = cpuprofiler['markers'][marker.name]
curnode = cpuprofiler['head']
index = 0
while index < len(stack):
newnode = _find_child(curnode['children'], stack[index].name)
if newnode == None:
newnode = {}
newnode['callUID'] = callUID
newnode['url'] = marker.url
newnode['functionName'] = stack[index].name
newnode['hitCount'] = 0
newnode['lineNumber'] = marker.line
newnode['columnNumber'] = marker.col
newnode['scriptId'] = callUID
newnode['positionTicks'] = []
newnode['id'] = cpuprofiler['id']
cpuprofiler['id'] += 1
newnode['children'] = []
curnode['deoptReason'] = ''
curnode = newnode
index += 1
if cpuprofiler['lastTime'] == None:
cpuprofiler['lastTime'] = newtime
if cpuprofiler['lastTime'] != None:
lastTime = cpuprofiler['lastTime']
while lastTime < newtime:
curnode['hitCount'] += 1
if len(curnode['positionTicks']) == 0:
ticks = {}
ticks['line'] = curnode['callUID']
ticks['ticks'] = 0
curnode['positionTicks'][0]['ticks'] += 1
lastTime += 0.0001
cpuprofiler['lastTime'] = lastTime
def _create_default_cpuprofiler_node(name, _id, _uid):
return {'functionName': name,
'children': [],
'hitCount': 0,
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Converts JSON profile format to fbsystrace text output")
dest = "output_file",
default = None,
help = "Output file for trace data")
dest = "output_cpuprofiler",
default = None,
help = "Output file for cpuprofiler data")
dest = "map_file",
default = None,
help = "Map file for symbolicating")
parser.add_argument( "file", help = "JSON trace input_file")
args = parser.parse_args()
markers = []
with open(args.file, "r") as trace_file:
trace = json.load(trace_file)
for root_entry in trace["rootNodes"]:
_compute_markers(markers, root_entry, 0)
mapcache = {}
for m in markers:
_calcurl(mapcache, m, args.map_file)
sorted_markers = list(sorted(markers));
if args.output_cpuprofiler != None:
cpuprofiler = {}
cpuprofiler['startTime'] = None
cpuprofiler['endTime'] = None
cpuprofiler['lastTime'] = None
cpuprofiler['id'] = 4
cpuprofiler['callUID'] = 4
cpuprofiler['samples'] = []
cpuprofiler['timestamps'] = []
cpuprofiler['markers'] = {}
cpuprofiler['head'] = _create_default_cpuprofiler_node('(root)', 1, 1)
cpuprofiler['head']['children'].append(_create_default_cpuprofiler_node('(root)', 2, 2))
cpuprofiler['head']['children'].append(_create_default_cpuprofiler_node('(program)', 3, 3))
marker_stack = []
with open(args.output_cpuprofiler, 'w') as file_out:
for marker in sorted_markers:
if len(marker_stack):
_add_entry_cpuprofiler(marker_stack, marker.timestamp, cpuprofiler)
_add_entry_cpuprofiler_program(marker.timestamp, cpuprofiler)
if marker.is_end:
cpuprofiler['startTime'] = cpuprofiler['timestamps'][0] / 1000000.0
cpuprofiler['endTime'] = cpuprofiler['timestamps'][len(cpuprofiler['timestamps']) - 1] / 1000000.0
json.dump(cpuprofiler, file_out, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
if args.output_file != None:
with open(args.output_file,"w") as trace_file:
for marker in sorted_markers:
start_or_end = None
if marker.is_end:
start_or_end = "E"
start_or_end = "B"
#output with timestamp at high level of precision
trace_file.write("json-0 [000] .... {0:.12f}: tracing_mark_write: {1}|0|{2}\n".format(