Christopher Chedeau 9a4ee17adb Updates from Mon 30 Mar
- [ReactNative] Clean up no longer needed reference to NavigationBarClass | Philipp von Weitershausen
- [TextInput] returnKeyType, enablesReturnKeyAutomatically, secureTextEntry, more keyboardTypes | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] PropTypes for NavigationBars | Philipp von Weitershausen
- Changed LayoutAnimation to use ms instead of seconds for consistency | Nick Lockwood
- Better date support | Nick Lockwood
- Renamed throttleScrollCallbackMS to scrollEventThrottle | Nick Lockwood
- Fixed threading issues in RCTImageDownloader | Nick Lockwood
- [iOS][Assets]: Cleaning up more 1x png from Libraries | Radu Marin
- [ReactNative][docs] LinkingIOS | Tadeu Zagallo
- Fixing TouchableOpacity and TouchableHighlight documentation | Ben Alpert
- [react-native] Add React.addons.createFragment | Ben Alpert
2015-03-30 20:12:32 -07:00

6 lines
286 B

// Offline JS
// To re-generate the offline bundle, run this from root of your project
// $ curl 'http://localhost:8081/Examples/SampleApp/index.ios.bundle?dev=false&minify=true' -o iOS/main.jsbundle
throw new Error('Offline JS file is empty. See iOS/main.jsbundle for instructions');