
373 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import "RCTModuleData.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#include <mutex>
#import "RCTBridge+Private.h"
#import "RCTBridge.h"
#import "RCTLog.h"
#import "RCTModuleMethod.h"
#import "RCTProfile.h"
#import "RCTUtils.h"
@implementation RCTModuleData
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *_constantsToExport;
NSString *_queueName;
__weak RCTBridge *_bridge;
RCTBridgeModuleProvider _moduleProvider;
std::mutex _instanceLock;
BOOL _setupComplete;
@synthesize methods = _methods;
@synthesize instance = _instance;
@synthesize methodQueue = _methodQueue;
- (void)setUp
_implementsBatchDidComplete = [_moduleClass instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(batchDidComplete)];
_implementsPartialBatchDidFlush = [_moduleClass instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(partialBatchDidFlush)];
static IMP objectInitMethod;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
objectInitMethod = [NSObject instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(init)];
// If a module overrides `init` then we must assume that it expects to be
// initialized on the main thread, because it may need to access UIKit.
_requiresMainQueueSetup = !_instance &&
[_moduleClass instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(init)] != objectInitMethod;
// If a module overrides `constantsToExport` then we must assume that it
// must be called on the main thread, because it may need to access UIKit.
_hasConstantsToExport = [_moduleClass instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(constantsToExport)];
- (instancetype)initWithModuleClass:(Class)moduleClass
bridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
return [self initWithModuleClass:moduleClass
moduleProvider:^id<RCTBridgeModule>{ return [moduleClass new]; }
- (instancetype)initWithModuleClass:(Class)moduleClass
bridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
if (self = [super init]) {
_bridge = bridge;
_moduleClass = moduleClass;
_moduleProvider = [moduleProvider copy];
[self setUp];
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithModuleInstance:(id<RCTBridgeModule>)instance
bridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
if (self = [super init]) {
_bridge = bridge;
_instance = instance;
_moduleClass = [instance class];
[self setUp];
return self;
RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)init);
#pragma mark - private setup methods
- (void)setUpInstanceAndBridge
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"[RCTModuleData setUpInstanceAndBridge]", @{
@"moduleClass": NSStringFromClass(_moduleClass)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_instanceLock);
if (!_setupComplete && _bridge.valid) {
if (!_instance) {
if (RCT_DEBUG && _requiresMainQueueSetup) {
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"[RCTModuleData setUpInstanceAndBridge] Create module", nil);
_instance = _moduleProvider ? _moduleProvider() : nil;
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
if (!_instance) {
// Module init returned nil, probably because automatic instantatiation
// of the module is not supported, and it is supposed to be passed in to
// the bridge constructor. Mark setup complete to avoid doing more work.
_setupComplete = YES;
RCTLogWarn(@"The module %@ is returning nil from its constructor. You "
"may need to instantiate it yourself and pass it into the "
"bridge.", _moduleClass);
if (_instance && RCTProfileIsProfiling()) {
// Bridge must be set before methodQueue is set up, as methodQueue
// initialization requires it (View Managers get their queue by calling
// self.bridge.uiManager.methodQueue)
[self setBridgeForInstance];
[self setUpMethodQueue];
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
// This is called outside of the lock in order to prevent deadlock issues
// because the logic in `finishSetupForInstance` can cause
// `moduleData.instance` to be accessed re-entrantly.
if (_bridge.moduleSetupComplete) {
[self finishSetupForInstance];
} else {
// If we're here, then the module is completely initialized,
// except for what finishSetupForInstance does. When the instance
// method is called after moduleSetupComplete,
// finishSetupForInstance will run. If _requiresMainQueueSetup
// is true, getting the instance will block waiting for the main
// thread, which could take a while if the main thread is busy
// (I've seen 50ms in testing). So we clear that flag, since
// nothing in finishSetupForInstance needs to be run on the main
// thread.
_requiresMainQueueSetup = NO;
- (void)setBridgeForInstance
if ([_instance respondsToSelector:@selector(bridge)] && _instance.bridge != _bridge) {
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"[RCTModuleData setBridgeForInstance]", nil);
@try {
[(id)_instance setValue:_bridge forKey:@"bridge"];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
RCTLogError(@"%@ has no setter or ivar for its bridge, which is not "
"permitted. You must either @synthesize the bridge property, "
"or provide your own setter method.",;
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
- (void)finishSetupForInstance
if (!_setupComplete && _instance) {
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"[RCTModuleData finishSetupForInstance]", nil);
_setupComplete = YES;
[_bridge registerModuleForFrameUpdates:_instance withModuleData:self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTDidInitializeModuleNotification
userInfo:@{@"module": _instance, @"bridge": RCTNullIfNil(_bridge.parentBridge)}];
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
- (void)setUpMethodQueue
if (_instance && !_methodQueue && _bridge.valid) {
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"[RCTModuleData setUpMethodQueue]", nil);
BOOL implementsMethodQueue = [_instance respondsToSelector:@selector(methodQueue)];
if (implementsMethodQueue && _bridge.valid) {
_methodQueue = _instance.methodQueue;
if (!_methodQueue && _bridge.valid) {
// Create new queue (store queueName, as it isn't retained by dispatch_queue)
_queueName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"com.facebook.react.%@Queue",];
_methodQueue = dispatch_queue_create(_queueName.UTF8String, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
// assign it to the module
if (implementsMethodQueue) {
@try {
[(id)_instance setValue:_methodQueue forKey:@"methodQueue"];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
RCTLogError(@"%@ is returning nil for its methodQueue, which is not "
"permitted. You must either return a pre-initialized "
"queue, or @synthesize the methodQueue to let the bridge "
"create a queue for you.",;
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
#pragma mark - public getters
- (BOOL)hasInstance
return _instance != nil;
- (id<RCTBridgeModule>)instance
if (!_setupComplete) {
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"[RCTModuleData instanceForClass:%@]", _moduleClass]), nil);
if (_requiresMainQueueSetup) {
// The chances of deadlock here are low, because module init very rarely
// calls out to other threads, however we can't control when a module might
// get accessed by client code during bridge setup, and a very low risk of
// deadlock is better than a fairly high risk of an assertion being thrown.
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"[RCTModuleData instance] main thread setup", nil);
if (!RCTIsMainQueue()) {
RCTLogWarn(@"RCTBridge required dispatch_sync to load %@. This may lead to deadlocks", _moduleClass);
[self setUpInstanceAndBridge];
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
} else {
[self setUpInstanceAndBridge];
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
return _instance;
- (NSString *)name
return RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(_moduleClass);
- (NSArray<id<RCTBridgeMethod>> *)methods
if (!_methods) {
NSMutableArray<id<RCTBridgeMethod>> *moduleMethods = [NSMutableArray new];
if ([_moduleClass instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(methodsToExport)]) {
[moduleMethods addObjectsFromArray:[self.instance methodsToExport]];
unsigned int methodCount;
Class cls = _moduleClass;
while (cls && cls != [NSObject class] && cls != [NSProxy class]) {
Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(object_getClass(cls), &methodCount);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++) {
Method method = methods[i];
SEL selector = method_getName(method);
if ([NSStringFromSelector(selector) hasPrefix:@"__rct_export__"]) {
IMP imp = method_getImplementation(method);
NSArray *entries =
((NSArray *(*)(id, SEL))imp)(_moduleClass, selector);
id<RCTBridgeMethod> moduleMethod =
[[RCTModuleMethod alloc] initWithMethodSignature:entries[1]
isSync:((NSNumber *)entries[2]).boolValue
[moduleMethods addObject:moduleMethod];
cls = class_getSuperclass(cls);
_methods = [moduleMethods copy];
return _methods;
- (void)gatherConstants
if (_hasConstantsToExport && !_constantsToExport) {
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"[RCTModuleData gatherConstants] %@", _moduleClass]), nil);
(void)[self instance];
if (!RCTIsMainQueue()) {
RCTLogWarn(@"Required dispatch_sync to load constants for %@. This may lead to deadlocks", _moduleClass);
self->_constantsToExport = [self->_instance constantsToExport] ?: @{};
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"");
- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)exportedConstants
[self gatherConstants];
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *constants = _constantsToExport;
_constantsToExport = nil; // Not needed anymore
return constants;
// TODO 10487027: this method can go once RCTBatchedBridge is gone
- (NSArray *)config
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *constants = [self exportedConstants];
if (constants.count == 0 && self.methods.count == 0) {
return (id)kCFNull; // Nothing to export
RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"[RCTModuleData config] %@", _moduleClass]), nil);
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *methods = self.methods.count ? [NSMutableArray new] : nil;
NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *promiseMethods = nil;
NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *syncMethods = nil;
for (id<RCTBridgeMethod> method in self.methods) {
if (method.functionType == RCTFunctionTypePromise) {
if (!promiseMethods) {
promiseMethods = [NSMutableArray new];
[promiseMethods addObject:@(methods.count)];
else if (method.functionType == RCTFunctionTypeSync) {
if (!syncMethods) {
syncMethods = [NSMutableArray new];
[syncMethods addObject:@(methods.count)];
[methods addObject:method.JSMethodName];
NSArray *config = @[,
RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"[RCTModuleData config] %@", _moduleClass]));
return config;
- (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue
(void)[self instance];
return _methodQueue;
- (void)invalidate
_methodQueue = nil;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; name=\"%@\">", [self class], self,];