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synced 2025-03-03 10:50:35 +00:00
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* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule ExceptionsManager
* @flow
'use strict';
var RCTExceptionsManager = require('NativeModules').ExceptionsManager;
var loadSourceMap = require('loadSourceMap');
var parseErrorStack = require('parseErrorStack');
var stringifySafe = require('stringifySafe');
var sourceMapPromise;
type Exception = {
sourceURL: string;
line: number;
message: string;
function reportException(e: Exception, isFatal: bool, stack?: any) {
if (RCTExceptionsManager) {
if (!stack) {
stack = parseErrorStack(e);
if (isFatal) {
RCTExceptionsManager.reportFatalException(e.message, stack);
} else {
RCTExceptionsManager.reportSoftException(e.message, stack);
if (__DEV__) {
(sourceMapPromise = sourceMapPromise || loadSourceMap())
.then(map => {
var prettyStack = parseErrorStack(e, map);
RCTExceptionsManager.updateExceptionMessage(e.message, prettyStack);
.catch(error => {
// This can happen in a variety of normal situations, such as
// Network module not being available, or when running locally
console.warn('Unable to load source map: ' + error.message);
function handleException(e: Exception, isFatal: boolean) {
var stack = parseErrorStack(e);
var msg =
'Error: ' + e.message +
'\n stack: \n' + stackToString(stack) +
'\n URL: ' + e.sourceURL +
'\n line: ' + e.line +
'\n message: ' + e.message;
if (console.errorOriginal) {
} else {
reportException(e, isFatal, stack);
* Shows a redbox with stacktrace for all console.error messages. Disable by
* setting `console.reportErrorsAsExceptions = false;` in your app.
function installConsoleErrorReporter() {
if (console.reportException) {
return; // already installed
console.reportException = reportException;
console.errorOriginal = console.error.bind(console);
console.error = function reactConsoleError() {
console.errorOriginal.apply(null, arguments);
if (!console.reportErrorsAsExceptions) {
var str = Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, stringifySafe).join(', ');
var error: any = new Error('console.error: ' + str);
error.framesToPop = 1;
reportException(error, /* isFatal */ false);
if (console.reportErrorsAsExceptions === undefined) {
console.reportErrorsAsExceptions = true; // Individual apps can disable this
function stackToString(stack) {
var maxLength = Math.max.apply(null, stack.map(frame => frame.methodName.length));
return stack.map(frame => stackFrameToString(frame, maxLength)).join('\n');
function stackFrameToString(stackFrame, maxLength) {
var fileNameParts = stackFrame.file.split('/');
var fileName = fileNameParts[fileNameParts.length - 1];
if (fileName.length > 18) {
fileName = fileName.substr(0, 17) + '\u2026' /* ... */;
var spaces = fillSpaces(maxLength - stackFrame.methodName.length);
return ' ' + stackFrame.methodName + spaces + ' ' + fileName + ':' + stackFrame.lineNumber;
function fillSpaces(n) {
return new Array(n + 1).join(' ');
module.exports = { handleException, installConsoleErrorReporter };