
302 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import "RCTImageView.h"
#import "RCTBridge.h"
#import "RCTConvert.h"
#import "RCTEventDispatcher.h"
#import "RCTImageLoader.h"
#import "RCTImageSource.h"
#import "RCTImageUtils.h"
#import "RCTUtils.h"
#import "RCTImageBlurUtils.h"
#import "UIView+React.h"
* Determines whether an image of `currentSize` should be reloaded for display
* at `idealSize`.
static BOOL RCTShouldReloadImageForSizeChange(CGSize currentSize, CGSize idealSize)
static const CGFloat upscaleThreshold = 1.2;
static const CGFloat downscaleThreshold = 0.5;
CGFloat widthMultiplier = idealSize.width / currentSize.width;
CGFloat heightMultiplier = idealSize.height / currentSize.height;
return widthMultiplier > upscaleThreshold || widthMultiplier < downscaleThreshold ||
heightMultiplier > upscaleThreshold || heightMultiplier < downscaleThreshold;
@interface RCTImageView ()
@property (nonatomic, copy) RCTDirectEventBlock onLoadStart;
@property (nonatomic, copy) RCTDirectEventBlock onProgress;
@property (nonatomic, copy) RCTDirectEventBlock onError;
@property (nonatomic, copy) RCTDirectEventBlock onLoad;
@property (nonatomic, copy) RCTDirectEventBlock onLoadEnd;
@implementation RCTImageView
__weak RCTBridge *_bridge;
CGSize _targetSize;
* A block that can be invoked to cancel the most recent call to -reloadImage,
* if any.
RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock _reloadImageCancellationBlock;
- (instancetype)initWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
if ((self = [super init])) {
_bridge = bridge;
return self;
RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)init)
- (void)updateImage
UIImage *image = self.image;
if (!image) {
// Apply rendering mode
if (_renderingMode != image.renderingMode) {
image = [image imageWithRenderingMode:_renderingMode];
// Applying capInsets of 0 will switch the "resizingMode" of the image to "tile" which is undesired
if (!UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(UIEdgeInsetsZero, _capInsets)) {
image = [image resizableImageWithCapInsets:_capInsets resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeStretch];
// Apply trilinear filtering to smooth out mis-sized images
self.layer.minificationFilter = kCAFilterTrilinear;
self.layer.magnificationFilter = kCAFilterTrilinear;
super.image = image;
- (void)setImage:(UIImage *)image
image = image ?: _defaultImage;
if (image != super.image) {
super.image = image;
[self updateImage];
- (void)setBlurRadius:(CGFloat)blurRadius
if (blurRadius != _blurRadius) {
_blurRadius = blurRadius;
[self reloadImage];
- (void)setCapInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)capInsets
if (!UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(_capInsets, capInsets)) {
if (UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(_capInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero) ||
UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(capInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero)) {
_capInsets = capInsets;
// Need to reload image when enabling or disabling capInsets
[self reloadImage];
} else {
_capInsets = capInsets;
[self updateImage];
- (void)setRenderingMode:(UIImageRenderingMode)renderingMode
if (_renderingMode != renderingMode) {
_renderingMode = renderingMode;
[self updateImage];
- (void)setSource:(RCTImageSource *)source
if (![source isEqual:_source]) {
_source = source;
[self reloadImage];
- (BOOL)sourceNeedsReload
// If capInsets are set, image doesn't need reloading when resized
return UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(_capInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero);
- (void)setContentMode:(UIViewContentMode)contentMode
if (self.contentMode != contentMode) {
super.contentMode = contentMode;
if ([self sourceNeedsReload]) {
[self reloadImage];
- (void)cancelImageLoad
RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock previousCancellationBlock = _reloadImageCancellationBlock;
if (previousCancellationBlock) {
_reloadImageCancellationBlock = nil;
- (void)clearImage
[self cancelImageLoad];
[self.layer removeAnimationForKey:@"contents"];
self.image = nil;
- (void)reloadImage
[self cancelImageLoad];
if (_source && self.frame.size.width > 0 && self.frame.size.height > 0) {
if (_onLoadStart) {
RCTImageLoaderProgressBlock progressHandler = nil;
if (_onProgress) {
progressHandler = ^(int64_t loaded, int64_t total) {
@"loaded": @((double)loaded),
@"total": @((double)total),
CGSize imageSize = self.bounds.size;
CGFloat imageScale = RCTScreenScale();
if (!UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(_capInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero)) {
// Don't resize images that use capInsets
imageSize = CGSizeZero;
imageScale = _source.scale;
RCTImageSource *source = _source;
CGFloat blurRadius = _blurRadius;
__weak RCTImageView *weakSelf = self;
_reloadImageCancellationBlock = [_bridge.imageLoader loadImageWithoutClipping:_source.imageURL.absoluteString
completionBlock:^(NSError *error, UIImage *image) {
RCTImageView *strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (blurRadius > __FLT_EPSILON__) {
// Do this on the background thread to avoid blocking interaction
image = RCTBlurredImageWithRadius(image, blurRadius);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (![source isEqual:strongSelf.source]) {
// Bail out if source has changed since we started loading
if (image.reactKeyframeAnimation) {
[strongSelf.layer addAnimation:image.reactKeyframeAnimation forKey:@"contents"];
} else {
[strongSelf.layer removeAnimationForKey:@"contents"];
strongSelf.image = image;
if (error) {
if (strongSelf->_onError) {
strongSelf->_onError(@{ @"error": error.localizedDescription });
} else {
if (strongSelf->_onLoad) {
if (strongSelf->_onLoadEnd) {
} else {
[self clearImage];
- (void)reactSetFrame:(CGRect)frame
[super reactSetFrame:frame];
if (!self.image || self.image == _defaultImage) {
_targetSize = frame.size;
[self reloadImage];
} else if ([self sourceNeedsReload]) {
CGSize imageSize = self.image.size;
CGSize idealSize = RCTTargetSize(imageSize, self.image.scale, frame.size,
RCTScreenScale(), (RCTResizeMode)self.contentMode, YES);
if (RCTShouldReloadImageForSizeChange(imageSize, idealSize)) {
if (RCTShouldReloadImageForSizeChange(_targetSize, idealSize)) {
RCTLogInfo(@"[PERF IMAGEVIEW] Reloading image %@ as size %@", _source.imageURL, NSStringFromCGSize(idealSize));
// If the existing image or an image being loaded are not the right
// size, reload the asset in case there is a better size available.
_targetSize = idealSize;
[self reloadImage];
} else {
// Our existing image is good enough.
[self cancelImageLoad];
_targetSize = imageSize;
- (void)didMoveToWindow
[super didMoveToWindow];
if (!self.window) {
// Don't keep self alive through the asynchronous dispatch, if the intention
// was to remove the view so it would deallocate.
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
__strong typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (!strongSelf) {
// If we haven't been re-added to a window by this run loop iteration,
// clear out the image to save memory.
if (!strongSelf.window) {
[strongSelf clearImage];
} else if (!self.image || self.image == _defaultImage) {
[self reloadImage];