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synced 2025-02-10 16:36:25 +00:00
- Bugfix/require module regexp | Amjad Masad - [ReactNative] RCTView's shadowOffset is of float type, not CGFloat | Kevin Gozali - Fix WebView automaticallyAdjustContentInsets error | Spencer Ahrens - [react-native] map view - add onTouch** props | Jiajie Zhu - [react-native] Fix documentation extraction for View | Ben Alpert - [ReactNative] Add few hints in the UI | Alex Kotliarskyi - Adding `scrollWithoutAnimationTo` method for ScrollViews | Felix Oghina - [ScrollView] Add "bounces" property to ScrollView propTypes | Spencer Ahrens - Fix a crash in RCTAsyncLocalStorage when the value is not a string. | Spencer Ahrens - [ReactNative] Remove global MutationObserver to fix Bluebird feature detection | Christopher Chedeau - [catalyst] fix typo | Jiajie Zhu - [react-packager] check-in bluebird | Amjad Masad - [react-native] v0.3.1 | Amjad Masad - [Pod] Preserve header directory structure | Alex Akers - [react-native] Bring React.render behavior in line with web | Ben Alpert - Expose html prop on WebView | Spencer Ahrens - missing '.' in ListView.DataSource example | Christopher Chedeau - [react-native] Support returning null from a component | Ben Alpert - [react-native] Fix race condition in removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID: | Ben Alpert
95 lines
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95 lines
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Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "React"
s.version = "0.3.1"
s.summary = "Build high quality mobile apps using React."
s.description = <<-DESC
React Native apps are built using the React JS
framework, and render directly to native UIKit
elements using a fully asynchronous architecture.
There is no browser and no HTML. We have picked what
we think is the best set of features from these and
other technologies to build what we hope to become
the best product development framework available,
with an emphasis on iteration speed, developer
delight, continuity of technology, and absolutely
beautiful and fast products with no compromises in
quality or capability.
s.homepage = "http://facebook.github.io/react-native/"
s.license = "BSD"
s.author = "Facebook"
s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/facebook/react-native.git", :tag => "v#{s.version}" }
s.default_subspec = 'Core'
s.requires_arc = true
s.platform = :ios, "7.0"
s.prepare_command = 'npm install'
s.preserve_paths = "cli.js", "Libraries/**/*.js", "lint", "linter.js", "node_modules", "package.json", "packager", "PATENTS", "react-native-cli"
s.header_mappings_dir = "."
s.subspec 'Core' do |ss|
ss.source_files = "React/**/*.{c,h,m}"
ss.exclude_files = "**/__tests__/*", "IntegrationTests/*"
ss.frameworks = "JavaScriptCore"
s.subspec 'RCTActionSheet' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTAdSupport' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/AdSupport/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/AdSupport/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTAnimation' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Animation/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/Animation/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTGeolocation' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Geolocation/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/Geolocation/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTImage' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Image/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/Image/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTNetwork' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Network/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/Network/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTPushNotification' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/PushNotificationIOS/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/PushNotificationIOS/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTWebSocketDebugger' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.libraries = 'icucore'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/RCTWebSocketDebugger/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec 'RCTText' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Text/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/Text/*.js"
s.subspec 'RCTVibration' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'React/Core'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Vibration/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/Vibration/*.js"