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synced 2025-02-10 16:36:25 +00:00
118 lines
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118 lines
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var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var blacklist = require('../packager/blacklist.js');
var ReactPackager = require('../packager/react-packager');
var OUT_PATH = {
android: 'android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle',
ios: 'ios/main.jsbundle'
var URL_PATH = {
android: '/index.android.bundle?platform=android&dev=',
ios: '/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev='
android: 'android/index.android.map',
ios: 'ios/index.ios.map'
function getBundle(flags) {
var platform = flags.platform ? flags.platform : 'ios';
var outPath = flags.out ? flags.out : OUT_PATH[platform];
var sourceMapOutPath = SOURCEMAP_OUT_PATH[platform];
var projectRoots = [path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..')];
if (flags.root) {
var assetRoots = [path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..')];
if (flags.assetRoots) {
assetRoots = assetRoots.concat(flags.assetRoots.split(",").map(function(root) {
return path.resolve(root);
var options = {
projectRoots: projectRoots,
transformModulePath: require.resolve('../packager/transformer.js'),
assetRoots: assetRoots,
cacheVersion: '3',
blacklistRE: blacklist(platform),
var url = flags.url ? flags.url.replace(/\.js$/i, '.bundle?dev=') : URL_PATH[platform];
url = url.match(/^\//) ? url : '/' + url;
url += flags.dev;
console.log('Building package...');
ReactPackager.buildPackageFromUrl(options, url)
.done(function(bundle) {
console.log('Build complete');
fs.writeFile(outPath, bundle.getSource({
inlineSourceMap: false,
minify: flags.minify
}), function(bundleWriteErr) {
if (bundleWriteErr) {
console.log(chalk.red('Error saving bundle to disk'));
throw bundleWriteErr;
console.log('Successfully saved bundle to ' + outPath);
if (flags.writeSourcemap) {
fs.writeFile(sourceMapOutPath, bundle.getSourceMap(), function(sourceMapWriteErr) {
if (sourceMapWriteErr) {
console.log(chalk.red('Error saving source map to disk'));
throw sourceMapWriteErr;
} else {
console.log('Successfully saved source map to ' + sourceMapOutPath);
function showHelp() {
'Usage: react-native bundle [options]',
' --dev\t\tsets DEV flag to true',
' --minify\tminify js bundle',
' --root\t\tadd another root(s) to be used in bundling in this project',
' --assetRoots\t\tspecify the root directories of app assets',
' --out\t\tspecify the output file',
' --url\t\tspecify the bundle file url',
' --platform\t\tspecify the platform(android/ios)',
' --write-sourcemap\t\twrite bundle source map to disk'
module.exports = {
init: function(args) {
var flags = {
help: args.indexOf('--help') !== -1,
dev: args.indexOf('--dev') !== -1,
minify: args.indexOf('--minify') !== -1,
root: args.indexOf('--root') !== -1 ? args[args.indexOf('--root') + 1] : false,
platform: args.indexOf('--platform') !== -1 ? args[args.indexOf('--platform') + 1] : false,
assetRoots: args.indexOf('--assetRoots') !== -1 ? args[args.indexOf('--assetRoots') + 1] : false,
out: args.indexOf('--out') !== -1 ? args[args.indexOf('--out') + 1] : false,
url: args.indexOf('--url') !== -1 ? args[args.indexOf('--url') + 1] : false,
writeSourcemap: args.indexOf('--write-sourcemap') !== -1,
if (flags.help) {
} else {