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synced 2025-02-11 08:56:44 +00:00
- [ReactNative] Make tests run on TravisCI | Alex Kotliarskyi - [Relay] Update Relay + ES6 class containers | Christoph Pojer - [React Native] Add RCTAdSupport.xcodeproj | Alexsander Akers - [ReactNative][Android] Fix after a new React version was downstreamed | Philipp von Weitershausen - [React Native] Add preliminary animation API | Alex Akers - [ReactKit] Create test for OSS ReactKit | Alex Kotliarskyi - [React Native][Device ID][wip] implement most basic js access | Alex Akers - [ReactNative] OSS Picker | Spencer Ahrens - [ReactNative] Fix typo in RCTUIManager | Tadeu Zagallo - [ReactNative] Fix GeoLocation files letter case | Tadeu Zagallo - Unified the method signature for addUIBlock: to further simplify porting ViewManagers | Nick Lockwood - [ReactNative] Oss GeoMap | Tadeu Zagallo - [ReactNative] OSS CameraRoll | Tadeu Zagallo - [ReactNative] allowLossyConversion on NSString->NSData conversion | Andrew Rasmussen - [React Native][RFC] Print __DEV__ value on app start | Alex Kotliarskyi
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