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synced 2025-02-01 20:28:06 +00:00
- [ReactNative] Add root package.json name back | Tadeu Zagallo - [react-packager] Make sure projectRoots is converted to an array | Amjad Masad - [ReactNative] Init script that bootstraps new Xcode project | Alex Kotliarskyi - [ReactNative] New SampleApp | Alex Kotliarskyi - [ReactNative] Touchable invoke press on longPress when longPress handler missing | Eric Vicenti - [ReactNative] Commit missing RCTWebSocketDebugger.xcodeproj | Alex Kotliarskyi - [ReactNative] Add Custom Components folder | Christopher Chedeau - [react-packager] Hash cache file name information to avoid long names | Amjad Masad - [ReactNative] Put all iOS-related files in a subfolder | Alex Kotliarskyi - [react-packager] Fix OOM | Amjad Masad - [ReactNative] Bring Chrome debugger to OSS. Part 2 | Alex Kotliarskyi - [ReactNative] Add search to UIExplorer | Tadeu Zagallo - [ReactNative][RFC] Bring Chrome debugger to OSS. Part 1 | Alex Kotliarskyi - [ReactNative] Return the appropriate status code from XHR | Tadeu Zagallo - [ReactNative] Make JS stack traces in Xcode prettier | Alex Kotliarskyi - [ReactNative] Remove duplicate package.json with the same name | Christopher Chedeau - [ReactNative] Remove invariant from require('react-native') | Christopher Chedeau - [ReactNative] Remove ListViewDataSource from require('react-native') | Christopher Chedeau - [react-packager] Add assetRoots option | Amjad Masad - Convert UIExplorer to ListView | Christopher Chedeau - purge rni | Basil Hosmer - [ReactNative] s/render*View/render/ in <WebView> | Christopher Chedeau
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