
943 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule NavigatorIOS
* @flow
'use strict';
var EventEmitter = require('EventEmitter');
var Image = require('Image');
var RCTNavigatorManager = require('NativeModules').NavigatorManager;
var React = require('React');
var PropTypes = require('prop-types');
var ReactNative = require('ReactNative');
var StaticContainer = require('StaticContainer.react');
var StyleSheet = require('StyleSheet');
var TVEventHandler = require('TVEventHandler');
var View = require('View');
var ViewPropTypes = require('ViewPropTypes');
var createReactClass = require('create-react-class');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
var requireNativeComponent = require('requireNativeComponent');
/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.54.0 site=react_native_oss) This comment suppresses an error
* found when Flow v0.54 was deployed. To see the error delete this comment and
* run Flow. */
const keyMirror = require('fbjs/lib/keyMirror');
var TRANSITIONER_REF = 'transitionerRef';
var __uid = 0;
function getuid() {
return __uid++;
class NavigatorTransitionerIOS extends React.Component<$FlowFixMeProps> {
requestSchedulingNavigation(cb) {
render() {
return (
<RCTNavigator {...this.props}/>
const SystemIconLabels = {
done: true,
cancel: true,
edit: true,
save: true,
add: true,
compose: true,
reply: true,
action: true,
organize: true,
bookmarks: true,
search: true,
refresh: true,
stop: true,
camera: true,
trash: true,
play: true,
pause: true,
rewind: true,
'fast-forward': true,
undo: true,
redo: true,
'page-curl': true,
const SystemIcons = keyMirror(SystemIconLabels);
type SystemButtonType = $Enum<typeof SystemIconLabels>;
type Route = {
component: Function,
title: string,
titleImage?: Object,
passProps?: Object,
backButtonTitle?: string,
backButtonIcon?: Object,
leftButtonTitle?: string,
leftButtonIcon?: Object,
leftButtonSystemIcon?: SystemButtonType,
onLeftButtonPress?: Function,
rightButtonTitle?: string,
rightButtonIcon?: Object,
rightButtonSystemIcon?: SystemButtonType,
onRightButtonPress?: Function,
wrapperStyle?: any,
type State = {
idStack: Array<number>,
routeStack: Array<Route>,
requestedTopOfStack: number,
observedTopOfStack: number,
progress: number,
fromIndex: number,
toIndex: number,
makingNavigatorRequest: boolean,
updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond: ?number,
type Event = Object;
* Think of `<NavigatorIOS>` as simply a component that renders an
* `RCTNavigator`, and moves the `RCTNavigator`'s `requestedTopOfStack` pointer
* forward and backward. The `RCTNavigator` interprets changes in
* `requestedTopOfStack` to be pushes and pops of children that are rendered.
* `<NavigatorIOS>` always ensures that whenever the `requestedTopOfStack`
* pointer is moved, that we've also rendered enough children so that the
* `RCTNavigator` can carry out the push/pop with those children.
* `<NavigatorIOS>` also removes children that will no longer be needed
* (after the pop of a child has been fully completed/animated out).
* `NavigatorIOS` is a wrapper around
* [`UINavigationController`](,
* enabling you to implement a navigation stack. It works exactly the same as it
* would on a native app using `UINavigationController`, providing the same
* animations and behavior from UIKit.
* As the name implies, it is only available on iOS. Take a look at
* [`React Navigation`]( for a cross-platform
* solution in JavaScript, or check out either of these components for native
* solutions: [native-navigation](,
* [react-native-navigation](
* To set up the navigator, provide the `initialRoute` prop with a route
* object. A route object is used to describe each scene that your app
* navigates to. `initialRoute` represents the first route in your navigator.
* ```
* import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
* import React, { Component } from 'react';
* import { NavigatorIOS, Text } from 'react-native';
* export default class NavigatorIOSApp extends Component {
* render() {
* return (
* <NavigatorIOS
* initialRoute={{
* component: MyScene,
* title: 'My Initial Scene',
* }}
* style={{flex: 1}}
* />
* );
* }
* }
* class MyScene extends Component {
* static propTypes = {
* title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
* navigator: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
* }
* _onForward = () => {
* this.props.navigator.push({
* title: 'Scene ' + nextIndex,
* });
* }
* render() {
* return (
* <View>
* <Text>Current Scene: { this.props.title }</Text>
* <TouchableHighlight onPress={this._onForward}>
* <Text>Tap me to load the next scene</Text>
* </TouchableHighlight>
* </View>
* )
* }
* }
* ```
* In this code, the navigator renders the component specified in initialRoute,
* which in this case is `MyScene`. This component will receive a `route` prop
* and a `navigator` prop representing the navigator. The navigator's navigation
* bar will render the title for the current scene, "My Initial Scene".
* You can optionally pass in a `passProps` property to your `initialRoute`.
* `NavigatorIOS` passes this in as props to the rendered component:
* ```
* initialRoute={{
* component: MyScene,
* title: 'My Initial Scene',
* passProps: { myProp: 'foo' }
* }}
* ```
* You can then access the props passed in via `{this.props.myProp}`.
* #### Handling Navigation
* To trigger navigation functionality such as pushing or popping a view, you
* have access to a `navigator` object. The object is passed in as a prop to any
* component that is rendered by `NavigatorIOS`. You can then call the
* relevant methods to perform the navigation action you need:
* ```
* class MyView extends Component {
* _handleBackPress() {
* this.props.navigator.pop();
* }
* _handleNextPress(nextRoute) {
* this.props.navigator.push(nextRoute);
* }
* render() {
* const nextRoute = {
* component: MyView,
* title: 'Bar That',
* passProps: { myProp: 'bar' }
* };
* return(
* <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this._handleNextPress(nextRoute)}>
* <Text style={{marginTop: 200, alignSelf: 'center'}}>
* See you on the other nav {this.props.myProp}!
* </Text>
* </TouchableHighlight>
* );
* }
* }
* ```
* You can also trigger navigator functionality from the `NavigatorIOS`
* component:
* ```
* class NavvyIOS extends Component {
* _handleNavigationRequest() {
* this.refs.nav.push({
* component: MyView,
* title: 'Genius',
* passProps: { myProp: 'genius' },
* });
* }
* render() {
* return (
* <NavigatorIOS
* ref='nav'
* initialRoute={{
* component: MyView,
* title: 'Foo This',
* passProps: { myProp: 'foo' },
* rightButtonTitle: 'Add',
* onRightButtonPress: () => this._handleNavigationRequest(),
* }}
* style={{flex: 1}}
* />
* );
* }
* }
* ```
* The code above adds a `_handleNavigationRequest` private method that is
* invoked from the `NavigatorIOS` component when the right navigation bar item
* is pressed. To get access to the navigator functionality, a reference to it
* is saved in the `ref` prop and later referenced to push a new scene into the
* navigation stack.
* #### Navigation Bar Configuration
* Props passed to `NavigatorIOS` will set the default configuration
* for the navigation bar. Props passed as properties to a route object will set
* the configuration for that route's navigation bar, overriding any props
* passed to the `NavigatorIOS` component.
* ```
* _handleNavigationRequest() {
* this.refs.nav.push({
* //...
* passProps: { myProp: 'genius' },
* barTintColor: '#996699',
* });
* }
* render() {
* return (
* <NavigatorIOS
* //...
* style={{flex: 1}}
* barTintColor='#ffffcc'
* />
* );
* }
* ```
* In the example above the navigation bar color is changed when the new route
* is pushed.
var NavigatorIOS = createReactClass({
displayName: 'NavigatorIOS',
propTypes: {
* NavigatorIOS uses `route` objects to identify child views, their props,
* and navigation bar configuration. Navigation operations such as push
* operations expect routes to look like this the `initialRoute`.
initialRoute: PropTypes.shape({
* The React Class to render for this route
component: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
* The title displayed in the navigation bar and the back button for this
* route.
title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
* If set, a title image will appear instead of the text title.
titleImage: Image.propTypes.source,
* Use this to specify additional props to pass to the rendered
* component. `NavigatorIOS` will automatically pass in `route` and
* `navigator` props to the component.
passProps: PropTypes.object,
* If set, the left navigation button image will be displayed using this
* source. Note that this doesn't apply to the header of the current
* view, but to those views that are subsequently pushed.
backButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source,
* If set, the left navigation button text will be set to this. Note that
* this doesn't apply to the left button of the current view, but to
* those views that are subsequently pushed
backButtonTitle: PropTypes.string,
* If set, the left navigation button image will be displayed using
* this source.
leftButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source,
* If set, the left navigation button will display this text.
leftButtonTitle: PropTypes.string,
* If set, the left header button will appear with this system icon
* Supported icons are `done`, `cancel`, `edit`, `save`, `add`,
* `compose`, `reply`, `action`, `organize`, `bookmarks`, `search`,
* `refresh`, `stop`, `camera`, `trash`, `play`, `pause`, `rewind`,
* `fast-forward`, `undo`, `redo`, and `page-curl`
leftButtonSystemIcon: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(SystemIcons)),
* This function will be invoked when the left navigation bar item is
* pressed.
onLeftButtonPress: PropTypes.func,
* If set, the right navigation button image will be displayed using
* this source.
rightButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source,
* If set, the right navigation button will display this text.
rightButtonTitle: PropTypes.string,
* If set, the right header button will appear with this system icon
* See leftButtonSystemIcon for supported icons
rightButtonSystemIcon: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(SystemIcons)),
* This function will be invoked when the right navigation bar item is
* pressed.
onRightButtonPress: PropTypes.func,
* Styles for the navigation item containing the component.
* Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is hidden.
navigationBarHidden: PropTypes.bool,
* Boolean value that indicates whether to hide the 1px hairline
* shadow.
shadowHidden: PropTypes.bool,
* The color used for the buttons in the navigation bar.
tintColor: PropTypes.string,
* The background color of the navigation bar.
barTintColor: PropTypes.string,
* The style of the navigation bar. Supported values are 'default', 'black'.
* Use 'black' instead of setting `barTintColor` to black. This produces
* a navigation bar with the native iOS style with higher translucency.
barStyle: PropTypes.oneOf(['default', 'black']),
* The text color of the navigation bar title.
titleTextColor: PropTypes.string,
* Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is
* translucent.
translucent: PropTypes.bool,
* Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is hidden
* by default.
navigationBarHidden: PropTypes.bool,
* Boolean value that indicates whether to hide the 1px hairline shadow
* by default.
shadowHidden: PropTypes.bool,
* The default wrapper style for components in the navigator.
* A common use case is to set the `backgroundColor` for every scene.
* The default color used for the buttons in the navigation bar.
tintColor: PropTypes.string,
* The default background color of the navigation bar.
barTintColor: PropTypes.string,
* The style of the navigation bar. Supported values are 'default', 'black'.
* Use 'black' instead of setting `barTintColor` to black. This produces
* a navigation bar with the native iOS style with higher translucency.
barStyle: PropTypes.oneOf(['default', 'black']),
* The default text color of the navigation bar title.
titleTextColor: PropTypes.string,
* Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is
* translucent by default
translucent: PropTypes.bool,
* Boolean value that indicates whether the interactive pop gesture is
* enabled. This is useful for enabling/disabling the back swipe navigation
* gesture.
* If this prop is not provided, the default behavior is for the back swipe
* gesture to be enabled when the navigation bar is shown and disabled when
* the navigation bar is hidden. Once you've provided the
* `interactivePopGestureEnabled` prop, you can never restore the default
* behavior.
interactivePopGestureEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
navigator: (undefined: ?Object),
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: function() {
// Precompute a pack of callbacks that's frequently generated and passed to
// instances.
this.navigator = {
push: this.push,
pop: this.pop,
popN: this.popN,
replace: this.replace,
replaceAtIndex: this.replaceAtIndex,
replacePrevious: this.replacePrevious,
replacePreviousAndPop: this.replacePreviousAndPop,
resetTo: this.resetTo,
popToRoute: this.popToRoute,
popToTop: this.popToTop,
componentDidMount: function() {
componentWillUnmount: function() {
getDefaultProps: function(): Object {
return {
translucent: true,
getInitialState: function(): State {
return {
idStack: [getuid()],
routeStack: [this.props.initialRoute],
// The navigation index that we wish to push/pop to.
requestedTopOfStack: 0,
// The last index that native has sent confirmation of completed push/pop
// for. At this point, we can discard any views that are beyond the
// `requestedTopOfStack`. A value of `null` means we have not received
// any confirmation, ever. We may receive an `observedTopOfStack` without
// ever requesting it - native can instigate pops of its own with the
// backswipe gesture.
observedTopOfStack: 0,
progress: 1,
fromIndex: 0,
toIndex: 0,
// Whether or not we are making a navigator request to push/pop. (Used
// for performance optimization).
makingNavigatorRequest: false,
// Whether or not we are updating children of navigator and if so (not
// `null`) which index marks the beginning of all updates. Used for
// performance optimization.
updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond: 0,
_toFocusOnNavigationComplete: (undefined: any),
_handleFocusRequest: function(item: any) {
if (this.state.makingNavigatorRequest) {
this._toFocusOnNavigationComplete = item;
} else {
this._getFocusEmitter().emit('focus', item);
_focusEmitter: (undefined: ?EventEmitter),
_getFocusEmitter: function(): EventEmitter {
// Flow not yet tracking assignments to instance fields.
var focusEmitter = this._focusEmitter;
if (!focusEmitter) {
focusEmitter = new EventEmitter();
this._focusEmitter = focusEmitter;
return focusEmitter;
getChildContext: function(): {
onFocusRequested: Function,
focusEmitter: EventEmitter,
} {
return {
onFocusRequested: this._handleFocusRequest,
focusEmitter: this._getFocusEmitter(),
childContextTypes: {
onFocusRequested: PropTypes.func,
focusEmitter: PropTypes.instanceOf(EventEmitter),
_tryLockNavigator: function(cb: () => void) {
(acquiredLock) => acquiredLock && cb()
_handleNavigatorStackChanged: function(e: Event) {
var newObservedTopOfStack = e.nativeEvent.stackLength - 1;
newObservedTopOfStack <= this.state.requestedTopOfStack,
'No navigator item should be pushed without JS knowing about it %s %s', newObservedTopOfStack, this.state.requestedTopOfStack
var wasWaitingForConfirmation =
this.state.requestedTopOfStack !== this.state.observedTopOfStack;
if (wasWaitingForConfirmation) {
newObservedTopOfStack === this.state.requestedTopOfStack,
'If waiting for observedTopOfStack to reach requestedTopOfStack, ' +
'the only valid observedTopOfStack should be requestedTopOfStack.'
// Mark the most recent observation regardless of if we can lock the
// navigator. `observedTopOfStack` merely represents what we've observed
// and this first `setState` is only executed to update debugging
// overlays/navigation bar.
// Also reset progress, toIndex, and fromIndex as they might not end
// in the correct states for a two possible reasons:
// Progress isn't always 0 or 1 at the end, the system rounds
// If the Navigator is offscreen these values won't be updated
// TOOD: Revisit this decision when no longer relying on native navigator.
var nextState = {
observedTopOfStack: newObservedTopOfStack,
makingNavigatorRequest: false,
updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond: null,
progress: 1,
toIndex: newObservedTopOfStack,
fromIndex: newObservedTopOfStack,
this.setState(nextState, this._eliminateUnneededChildren);
_eliminateUnneededChildren: function() {
// Updating the indices that we're deleting and that's all. (Truth: Nothing
// even uses the indices in this case, but let's make this describe the
// truth anyways).
var updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond =
this.state.routeStack.length > this.state.observedTopOfStack + 1 ?
this.state.observedTopOfStack + 1 :
idStack: this.state.idStack.slice(0, this.state.observedTopOfStack + 1),
routeStack: this.state.routeStack.slice(0, this.state.observedTopOfStack + 1),
// Now we rerequest the top of stack that we observed.
requestedTopOfStack: this.state.observedTopOfStack,
makingNavigatorRequest: true,
updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond: updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond,
* Navigate forward to a new route.
* @param route The new route to navigate to.
push: function(route: Route) {
invariant(!!route, 'Must supply route to push');
// Make sure all previous requests are caught up first. Otherwise reject.
if (this.state.requestedTopOfStack === this.state.observedTopOfStack) {
this._tryLockNavigator(() => {
var nextStack = this.state.routeStack.concat([route]);
var nextIDStack = this.state.idStack.concat([getuid()]);
// We have to make sure that we've also supplied enough views to
// satisfy our request to adjust the `requestedTopOfStack`.
idStack: nextIDStack,
routeStack: nextStack,
requestedTopOfStack: nextStack.length - 1,
makingNavigatorRequest: true,
updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond: nextStack.length - 1,
* Go back N scenes at once. When N=1, behavior matches `pop()`.
* @param n The number of scenes to pop.
popN: function(n: number) {
if (n === 0) {
// Make sure all previous requests are caught up first. Otherwise reject.
if (this.state.requestedTopOfStack === this.state.observedTopOfStack) {
if (this.state.requestedTopOfStack > 0) {
this._tryLockNavigator(() => {
var newRequestedTopOfStack = this.state.requestedTopOfStack - n;
invariant(newRequestedTopOfStack >= 0, 'Cannot pop below 0');
requestedTopOfStack: newRequestedTopOfStack,
makingNavigatorRequest: true,
updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond: this.state.requestedTopOfStack - n,
* Pop back to the previous scene.
pop: function() {
* Replace a route in the navigation stack.
* @param route The new route that will replace the specified one.
* @param index The route into the stack that should be replaced.
* If it is negative, it counts from the back of the stack.
replaceAtIndex: function(route: Route, index: number) {
invariant(!!route, 'Must supply route to replace');
if (index < 0) {
index += this.state.routeStack.length;
if (this.state.routeStack.length <= index) {
// I don't believe we need to lock for a replace since there's no
// navigation actually happening
var nextIDStack = this.state.idStack.slice();
var nextRouteStack = this.state.routeStack.slice();
nextIDStack[index] = getuid();
nextRouteStack[index] = route;
idStack: nextIDStack,
routeStack: nextRouteStack,
makingNavigatorRequest: false,
updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond: index,
* Replace the route for the current scene and immediately
* load the view for the new route.
* @param route The new route to navigate to.
replace: function(route: Route) {
this.replaceAtIndex(route, -1);
* Replace the route/view for the previous scene.
* @param route The new route to will replace the previous scene.
replacePrevious: function(route: Route) {
this.replaceAtIndex(route, -2);
* Go back to the topmost item in the navigation stack.
popToTop: function() {
* Go back to the item for a particular route object.
* @param route The new route to navigate to.
popToRoute: function(route: Route) {
var indexOfRoute = this.state.routeStack.indexOf(route);
indexOfRoute !== -1,
'Calling pop to route for a route that doesn\'t exist!'
var numToPop = this.state.routeStack.length - indexOfRoute - 1;
* Replaces the previous route/view and transitions back to it.
* @param route The new route that replaces the previous scene.
replacePreviousAndPop: function(route: Route) {
// Make sure all previous requests are caught up first. Otherwise reject.
if (this.state.requestedTopOfStack !== this.state.observedTopOfStack) {
if (this.state.routeStack.length < 2) {
this._tryLockNavigator(() => {
requestedTopOfStack: this.state.requestedTopOfStack - 1,
makingNavigatorRequest: true,
* Replaces the top item and pop to it.
* @param route The new route that will replace the topmost item.
resetTo: function(route: Route) {
invariant(!!route, 'Must supply route to push');
// Make sure all previous requests are caught up first. Otherwise reject.
if (this.state.requestedTopOfStack !== this.state.observedTopOfStack) {
this.replaceAtIndex(route, 0);
_handleNavigationComplete: function(e: Event) {
// Don't propagate to other NavigatorIOS instances this is nested in:
if (this._toFocusOnNavigationComplete) {
this._getFocusEmitter().emit('focus', this._toFocusOnNavigationComplete);
this._toFocusOnNavigationComplete = null;
_routeToStackItem: function(routeArg: Route, i: number) {
var {component, wrapperStyle, passProps, ...route} = routeArg;
var {itemWrapperStyle, ...props} = this.props;
var shouldUpdateChild =
this.state.updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond != null &&
this.state.updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond >= i;
var Component = component;
return (
<StaticContainer key={'nav' + i} shouldUpdate={shouldUpdateChild}>
_renderNavigationStackItems: function() {
var shouldRecurseToNavigator =
this.state.makingNavigatorRequest ||
this.state.updatingAllIndicesAtOrBeyond !== null;
// If not recursing update to navigator at all, may as well avoid
// computation of navigator children.
var items = shouldRecurseToNavigator ? : null;
return (
<StaticContainer shouldUpdate={shouldRecurseToNavigator}>
// $FlowFixMe(>=0.41.0)
_tvEventHandler: (undefined: ?TVEventHandler),
_enableTVEventHandler: function() {
this._tvEventHandler = new TVEventHandler();
this._tvEventHandler.enable(this, function(cmp, evt) {
if (evt && evt.eventType === 'menu') {
_disableTVEventHandler: function() {
if (this._tvEventHandler) {
delete this._tvEventHandler;
render: function() {
return (
// $FlowFixMe(>=0.41.0)
<View style={}>
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
stackItem: {
backgroundColor: 'white',
overflow: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
transitioner: {
flex: 1,
var RCTNavigator = requireNativeComponent('RCTNavigator');
var RCTNavigatorItem = requireNativeComponent('RCTNavItem');
module.exports = NavigatorIOS;