
137 lines
6.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const includes = require('lodash.includes');
const minimatch = require('minimatch');
import { danger, fail, markdown, warn } from 'danger';
const isDocsFile = path => includes(path, 'docs/');
const editsDocs = danger.git.modified_files.filter(isDocsFile).length > 0;
const addsDocs = danger.git.created_files.filter(isDocsFile).length > 0;
if (addsDocs || editsDocs) {
// Note, this does not yet cover edits to the autogenerated docs
// (e.g. comments within JS source files)
markdown(':page_facing_up: Thanks for your contribution to the docs!');
const isBlogFile = path => includes(path, 'blog/');
// Flags new blog posts. Note that mentions will not be parsed as the access token we're using does
// not belong to the Facebook org (on purpose)
const addsBlogPost = danger.git.created_files.filter(isBlogFile).length > 0;
if (addsBlogPost) {
const message = ':memo: Blog post';
const idea = 'This PR appears to add a new blog post, ' +
'and may require further review from the React Native team.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// Flags edits to blog posts
const editsBlogPost = danger.git.modified_files.filter(isBlogFile).length > 0;
if (editsBlogPost) {
const message = ':memo: Blog post';
const idea = 'This PR appears to edit an existing blog post, ' +
'and may require further review from the React Native team.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// Fails if the description is too short.
if ( < 10) {
fail(':grey_question: This pull request needs a description.');
// Warns if the PR title contains [WIP]
const isWIP = includes(, '[WIP]');
if (isWIP) {
const message = ':construction_worker: Work In Progress';
const idea = 'This PR appears to be a work in progress, and may not be ready to be merged yet.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// Warns if there are changes to package.json, and tags the team.
const packageChanged = includes(danger.git.modified_files, 'package.json');
if (packageChanged) {
const message = ':lock: package.json';
const idea = 'Changes were made to package.json. ' +
'This will require a manual import by a Facebook employee.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// Warns if a test plan is missing.
const gettingStartedChanged = includes(danger.git.modified_files, 'docs/');
const includesTestPlan ='test plan');
// Warns if a test plan is missing, when editing the Getting Started guide. This page needs to be
// tested in all its permutations.
if (!includesTestPlan && gettingStartedChanged) {
const message = ':clipboard: Test Plan';
const idea = 'This PR appears to be missing a Test Plan.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// Doc edits rarely require a test plan. We'll trust the reviewer to push back if one is needed.
if (!includesTestPlan && !editsDocs) {
const message = ':clipboard: Test Plan';
const idea = 'This PR appears to be missing a Test Plan.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// Tags PRs that have been submitted by a core contributor.
const taskforce = fs.readFileSync('../bots/IssueCommands.txt', 'utf8').split('\n')[0].split(':')[1];
const isSubmittedByTaskforce = includes(taskforce,;
if (isSubmittedByTaskforce) {
markdown('This PR has been submitted by a core contributor.');
// Warns if the bots whitelist file is updated.
const issueCommandsFileModified = includes(danger.git.modified_files, 'bots/IssueCommands.txt');
if (issueCommandsFileModified) {
const message = ':exclamation: Bots';
const idea = 'This PR appears to modify the list of people that may issue commands to the ' +
'GitHub bot.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// Warns if the PR is opened against stable, as commits need to be cherry picked and tagged by a release maintainer.
// Fails if the PR is opened against anything other than `master` or `-stable`.
const isMergeRefMaster = === 'master';
const isMergeRefStable =`-stable`) !== -1;
if (!isMergeRefMaster && isMergeRefStable) {
const message = ':grey_question: Base Branch';
const idea = 'The base branch for this PR is something other than `master`. Are you sure you want to merge these changes into a stable release? If you are interested in backporting updates to an older release, the suggested approach is to land those changes on `master` first and then cherry-pick the commits into the branch for that release. The [Releases Guide]( has more information.';
warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
} else if (!isMergeRefMaster && !isMergeRefStable) {
const message = ':exclamation: Base Branch';
const idea = 'The base branch for this PR is something other than `master`. [Are you sure you want to target something other than the `master` branch?](';
fail(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`);
// People can add themselves to CODEOWNERS in order to be automatically added as reviewers when a file matching a glob pattern is modified. The following will have the bot add a mention in that case.
const codeowners = fs.readFileSync('../.github/CODEOWNERS', 'utf8').split('\n');
let mentions = [];
codeowners.forEach((codeowner) => {
const pattern = codeowner.split(' ')[0];
const owners = codeowner.substring(pattern.length).trim().split(' ');
const modifiedFileHasOwner = path => minimatch(path, pattern);
const modifiesOwnedCode = danger.git.modified_files.filter(modifiedFileHasOwner).length > 0;
if (modifiesOwnedCode) {
mentions = mentions.concat(owners);
const isOwnedCodeModified = mentions.length > 0;
if (isOwnedCodeModified) {
const uniqueMentions = new Set(mentions);
markdown('Attention: ' + [...uniqueMentions].join(', '));