/** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * Facebook, Inc. ("Facebook") owns all right, title and interest, including * all intellectual property and other proprietary rights, in and to the React * Native CustomComponents software (the "Software"). Subject to your * compliance with these terms, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, * worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to (1) use and copy the Software; * and (2) reproduce and distribute the Software as part of your own software * ("Your Software"). Facebook reserves all rights not expressly granted to * you in this license agreement. * * THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL FACEBOOK OR ITS AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR * EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @providesModule Navigator */ /* eslint-disable no-extra-boolean-cast*/ 'use strict'; var AnimationsDebugModule = require('NativeModules').AnimationsDebugModule; var Dimensions = require('Dimensions'); var InteractionMixin = require('InteractionMixin'); var NavigationContext = require('NavigationContext'); var NavigatorBreadcrumbNavigationBar = require('NavigatorBreadcrumbNavigationBar'); var NavigatorNavigationBar = require('NavigatorNavigationBar'); var NavigatorSceneConfigs = require('NavigatorSceneConfigs'); var PanResponder = require('PanResponder'); var React = require('React'); var StyleSheet = require('StyleSheet'); var Subscribable = require('Subscribable'); var TVEventHandler = require('TVEventHandler'); var TimerMixin = require('react-timer-mixin'); var View = require('View'); const ViewPropTypes = require('ViewPropTypes'); var clamp = require('clamp'); var flattenStyle = require('flattenStyle'); var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant'); var rebound = require('rebound'); var PropTypes = React.PropTypes; // TODO: this is not ideal because there is no guarantee that the navigator // is full screen, however we don't have a good way to measure the actual // size of the navigator right now, so this is the next best thing. var SCREEN_WIDTH = Dimensions.get('window').width; var SCREEN_HEIGHT = Dimensions.get('window').height; var SCENE_DISABLED_NATIVE_PROPS = { pointerEvents: 'none', style: { top: SCREEN_HEIGHT, bottom: -SCREEN_HEIGHT, opacity: 0, }, }; var __uid = 0; function getuid() { return __uid++; } function getRouteID(route) { if (route === null || typeof route !== 'object') { return String(route); } var key = '__navigatorRouteID'; if (!route.hasOwnProperty(key)) { Object.defineProperty(route, key, { enumerable: false, configurable: false, writable: false, value: getuid(), }); } return route[key]; } // styles moved to the top of the file so getDefaultProps can refer to it var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, overflow: 'hidden', }, defaultSceneStyle: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0, transform: [ {translateX: 0}, {translateY: 0}, {scaleX: 1}, {scaleY: 1}, {rotate: '0deg'}, {skewX: '0deg'}, {skewY: '0deg'}, ], }, baseScene: { position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0, }, disabledScene: { top: SCREEN_HEIGHT, bottom: -SCREEN_HEIGHT, }, transitioner: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'transparent', overflow: 'hidden', } }); var GESTURE_ACTIONS = [ 'pop', 'jumpBack', 'jumpForward', ]; /** * `Navigator` handles the transition between different scenes in your app. * It is implemented in JavaScript and is available on both iOS and Android. If * you are targeting iOS only, you may also want to consider using * [`NavigatorIOS`](docs/navigatorios.html) as it leverages native UIKit * navigation. * * To set up the `Navigator` you provide one or more objects called routes, * to identify each scene. You also provide a `renderScene` function that * renders the scene for each route object. * * ``` * import React, { Component } from 'react'; * import { Text, Navigator, TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native'; * * export default class NavAllDay extends Component { * render() { * return ( * * Hello {route.title}! * } * style={{padding: 100}} * /> * ); * } * } * ``` * * In the above example, `initialRoute` is used to specify the first route. It * contains a `title` property that identifies the route. The `renderScene` * prop returns a function that displays text based on the route's title. * * ### Additional Scenes * * The first example demonstrated one scene. To set up multiple scenes, you pass * the `initialRouteStack` prop to `Navigator`: * * ``` * render() { * const routes = [ * {title: 'First Scene', index: 0}, * {title: 'Second Scene', index: 1}, * ]; * return ( * * { * if (route.index === 0) { * navigator.push(routes[1]); * } else { * navigator.pop(); * } * }}> * Hello {route.title}! * * } * style={{padding: 100}} * /> * ); * } * ``` * * In the above example, a `routes` variable is defined with two route objects * representing two scenes. Each route has an `index` property that is used to * manage the scene being rendered. The `renderScene` method is changed to * either push or pop the navigator depending on the current route's index. * Finally, the `Text` component in the scene is now wrapped in a * `TouchableHighlight` component to help trigger the navigator transitions. * * ### Navigation Bar * * You can optionally pass in your own navigation bar by returning a * `Navigator.NavigationBar` component to the `navigationBar` prop in * `Navigator`. You can configure the navigation bar properties, through * the `routeMapper` prop. There you set up the left, right, and title * properties of the navigation bar: * * ``` * * // ... * } * navigationBar={ * * { return (Cancel); }, * RightButton: (route, navigator, index, navState) => * { return (Done); }, * Title: (route, navigator, index, navState) => * { return (Awesome Nav Bar); }, * }} * style={{backgroundColor: 'gray'}} * /> * } * /> * ``` * * When configuring the left, right, and title items for the navigation bar, * you have access to info such as the current route object and navigation * state. This allows you to customize the title for each scene as well as * the buttons. For example, you can choose to hide the left button for one of * the scenes. * * Typically you want buttons to represent the left and right buttons. Building * on the previous example, you can set this up as follows: * * ``` * LeftButton: (route, navigator, index, navState) => * { * if (route.index === 0) { * return null; * } else { * return ( * navigator.pop()}> * Back * * ); * } * }, * ``` * * This sets up a left navigator bar button that's visible on scenes after the * the first one. When the button is tapped the navigator is popped. * * Another type of navigation bar, with breadcrumbs, is provided by * `Navigator.BreadcrumbNavigationBar`. You can also provide your own navigation * bar by passing it through the `navigationBar` prop. See the * [UIExplorer](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/tree/master/Examples/UIExplorer) * demo to try out both built-in navigation bars out and see how to use them. * * ### Scene Transitions * * To change the animation or gesture properties of the scene, provide a * `configureScene` prop to get the config object for a given route: * * ``` * * // ... * } * configureScene={(route, routeStack) => * Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottom} * /> * ``` * In the above example, the newly pushed scene will float up from the bottom. * See `Navigator.SceneConfigs` for default animations and more info on * available [scene config options](docs/navigator.html#configurescene). */ var Navigator = React.createClass({ propTypes: { /** * Optional function where you can configure scene animations and * gestures. Will be invoked with `route` and `routeStack` parameters, * where `route` corresponds to the current scene being rendered by the * `Navigator` and `routeStack` is the set of currently mounted routes * that the navigator could transition to. * * The function should return a scene configuration object. * * ``` * (route, routeStack) => Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight * ``` * * Available scene configuration options are: * * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.PushFromRight (default) * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromLeft * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottom * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottomAndroid * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FadeAndroid * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.SwipeFromLeft * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.HorizontalSwipeJump * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.HorizontalSwipeJumpFromRight * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.HorizontalSwipeJumpFromLeft * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.VerticalUpSwipeJump * - Navigator.SceneConfigs.VerticalDownSwipeJump * */ configureScene: PropTypes.func, /** * Required function which renders the scene for a given route. Will be * invoked with the `route` and the `navigator` object. * * ``` * (route, navigator) => * * ``` */ renderScene: PropTypes.func.isRequired, /** * The initial route for navigation. A route is an object that the navigator * will use to identify each scene it renders. * * If both `initialRoute` and `initialRouteStack` props are passed to * `Navigator`, then `initialRoute` must be in a route in * `initialRouteStack`. If `initialRouteStack` is passed as a prop but * `initialRoute` is not, then `initialRoute` will default internally to * the last item in `initialRouteStack`. */ initialRoute: PropTypes.object, /** * Pass this in to provide a set of routes to initially mount. This prop * is required if `initialRoute` is not provided to the navigator. If this * prop is not passed in, it will default internally to an array * containing only `initialRoute`. */ initialRouteStack: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), /** * Pass in a function to get notified with the target route when * the navigator component is mounted and before each navigator transition. */ onWillFocus: PropTypes.func, /** * Will be called with the new route of each scene after the transition is * complete or after the initial mounting. */ onDidFocus: PropTypes.func, /** * Use this to provide an optional component representing a navigation bar * that is persisted across scene transitions. This component will receive * two props: `navigator` and `navState` representing the navigator * component and its state. The component is re-rendered when the route * changes. */ navigationBar: PropTypes.node, /** * Optionally pass in the navigator object from a parent `Navigator`. */ navigator: PropTypes.object, /** * Styles to apply to the container of each scene. */ sceneStyle: ViewPropTypes.style, }, statics: { BreadcrumbNavigationBar: NavigatorBreadcrumbNavigationBar, NavigationBar: NavigatorNavigationBar, SceneConfigs: NavigatorSceneConfigs, }, mixins: [TimerMixin, InteractionMixin, Subscribable.Mixin], getDefaultProps: function() { return { configureScene: () => NavigatorSceneConfigs.PushFromRight, sceneStyle: styles.defaultSceneStyle, }; }, getInitialState: function() { this._navigationBarNavigator = this.props.navigationBarNavigator || this; this._renderedSceneMap = new Map(); this._sceneRefs = []; var routeStack = this.props.initialRouteStack || [this.props.initialRoute]; invariant( routeStack.length >= 1, 'Navigator requires props.initialRoute or props.initialRouteStack.' ); var initialRouteIndex = routeStack.length - 1; if (this.props.initialRoute) { initialRouteIndex = routeStack.indexOf(this.props.initialRoute); invariant( initialRouteIndex !== -1, 'initialRoute is not in initialRouteStack.' ); } return { sceneConfigStack: routeStack.map( (route) => this.props.configureScene(route, routeStack) ), routeStack, presentedIndex: initialRouteIndex, transitionFromIndex: null, activeGesture: null, pendingGestureProgress: null, transitionQueue: [], }; }, componentWillMount: function() { // TODO(t7489503): Don't need this once ES6 Class landed. this.__defineGetter__('navigationContext', this._getNavigationContext); this._subRouteFocus = []; this.parentNavigator = this.props.navigator; this._handlers = {}; this.springSystem = new rebound.SpringSystem(); this.spring = this.springSystem.createSpring(); this.spring.setRestSpeedThreshold(0.05); this.spring.setCurrentValue(0).setAtRest(); this.spring.addListener({ onSpringEndStateChange: () => { if (!this._interactionHandle) { this._interactionHandle = this.createInteractionHandle(); } }, onSpringUpdate: () => { this._handleSpringUpdate(); }, onSpringAtRest: () => { this._completeTransition(); }, }); this.panGesture = PanResponder.create({ onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: this._handleMoveShouldSetPanResponder, onPanResponderRelease: this._handlePanResponderRelease, onPanResponderMove: this._handlePanResponderMove, onPanResponderTerminate: this._handlePanResponderTerminate, }); this._interactionHandle = null; this._emitWillFocus(this.state.routeStack[this.state.presentedIndex]); }, componentDidMount: function() { this._handleSpringUpdate(); this._emitDidFocus(this.state.routeStack[this.state.presentedIndex]); this._enableTVEventHandler(); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { if (this._navigationContext) { this._navigationContext.dispose(); this._navigationContext = null; } this.spring.destroy(); if (this._interactionHandle) { this.clearInteractionHandle(this._interactionHandle); } this._disableTVEventHandler(); }, /** * Reset every scene with an array of routes. * * @param {RouteStack} nextRouteStack Next route stack to reinitialize. * All existing route stacks are destroyed and potentially recreated. There * is no accompanying animation and this method immediately replaces and * re-renders the navigation bar and the stack items. */ immediatelyResetRouteStack: function(nextRouteStack) { var destIndex = nextRouteStack.length - 1; this._emitWillFocus(nextRouteStack[destIndex]); this.setState({ routeStack: nextRouteStack, sceneConfigStack: nextRouteStack.map( route => this.props.configureScene(route, nextRouteStack) ), presentedIndex: destIndex, activeGesture: null, transitionFromIndex: null, transitionQueue: [], }, () => { this._handleSpringUpdate(); var navBar = this._navBar; if (navBar && navBar.immediatelyRefresh) { navBar.immediatelyRefresh(); } this._emitDidFocus(this.state.routeStack[this.state.presentedIndex]); }); }, _transitionTo: function(destIndex, velocity, jumpSpringTo, cb) { if (this.state.presentedIndex === destIndex) { cb && cb(); return; } if (this.state.transitionFromIndex !== null) { // Navigation is still transitioning, put the `destIndex` into queue. this.state.transitionQueue.push({ destIndex, velocity, cb, }); return; } this.state.transitionFromIndex = this.state.presentedIndex; this.state.presentedIndex = destIndex; this.state.transitionCb = cb; this._onAnimationStart(); if (AnimationsDebugModule) { AnimationsDebugModule.startRecordingFps(); } var sceneConfig = this.state.sceneConfigStack[this.state.transitionFromIndex] || this.state.sceneConfigStack[this.state.presentedIndex]; invariant( sceneConfig, 'Cannot configure scene at index ' + this.state.transitionFromIndex ); if (jumpSpringTo != null) { this.spring.setCurrentValue(jumpSpringTo); } this.spring.setOvershootClampingEnabled(true); this.spring.getSpringConfig().friction = sceneConfig.springFriction; this.spring.getSpringConfig().tension = sceneConfig.springTension; this.spring.setVelocity(velocity || sceneConfig.defaultTransitionVelocity); this.spring.setEndValue(1); }, /** * This happens for each frame of either a gesture or a transition. If both are * happening, we only set values for the transition and the gesture will catch up later */ _handleSpringUpdate: function() { if (!this.isMounted()) { return; } // Prioritize handling transition in progress over a gesture: if (this.state.transitionFromIndex != null) { this._transitionBetween( this.state.transitionFromIndex, this.state.presentedIndex, this.spring.getCurrentValue() ); } else if (this.state.activeGesture != null) { var presentedToIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); this._transitionBetween( this.state.presentedIndex, presentedToIndex, this.spring.getCurrentValue() ); } }, /** * This happens at the end of a transition started by transitionTo, and when the spring catches up to a pending gesture */ _completeTransition: function() { if (!this.isMounted()) { return; } if (this.spring.getCurrentValue() !== 1 && this.spring.getCurrentValue() !== 0) { // The spring has finished catching up to a gesture in progress. Remove the pending progress // and we will be in a normal activeGesture state if (this.state.pendingGestureProgress) { this.state.pendingGestureProgress = null; } return; } this._onAnimationEnd(); var presentedIndex = this.state.presentedIndex; var didFocusRoute = this._subRouteFocus[presentedIndex] || this.state.routeStack[presentedIndex]; if (AnimationsDebugModule) { AnimationsDebugModule.stopRecordingFps(Date.now()); } this.state.transitionFromIndex = null; this.spring.setCurrentValue(0).setAtRest(); this._hideScenes(); if (this.state.transitionCb) { this.state.transitionCb(); this.state.transitionCb = null; } this._emitDidFocus(didFocusRoute); if (this._interactionHandle) { this.clearInteractionHandle(this._interactionHandle); this._interactionHandle = null; } if (this.state.pendingGestureProgress) { // A transition completed, but there is already another gesture happening. // Enable the scene and set the spring to catch up with the new gesture var gestureToIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); this._enableScene(gestureToIndex); this.spring.setEndValue(this.state.pendingGestureProgress); return; } if (this.state.transitionQueue.length) { var queuedTransition = this.state.transitionQueue.shift(); this._enableScene(queuedTransition.destIndex); this._emitWillFocus(this.state.routeStack[queuedTransition.destIndex]); this._transitionTo( queuedTransition.destIndex, queuedTransition.velocity, null, queuedTransition.cb ); } }, _emitDidFocus: function(route) { this.navigationContext.emit('didfocus', {route: route}); if (this.props.onDidFocus) { this.props.onDidFocus(route); } }, _emitWillFocus: function(route) { this.navigationContext.emit('willfocus', {route: route}); var navBar = this._navBar; if (navBar && navBar.handleWillFocus) { navBar.handleWillFocus(route); } if (this.props.onWillFocus) { this.props.onWillFocus(route); } }, /** * Hides all scenes that we are not currently on, gesturing to, or transitioning from */ _hideScenes: function() { var gesturingToIndex = null; if (this.state.activeGesture) { gesturingToIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); } for (var i = 0; i < this.state.routeStack.length; i++) { if (i === this.state.presentedIndex || i === this.state.transitionFromIndex || i === gesturingToIndex) { continue; } this._disableScene(i); } }, /** * Push a scene off the screen, so that opacity:0 scenes will not block touches sent to the presented scenes */ _disableScene: function(sceneIndex) { this._sceneRefs[sceneIndex] && this._sceneRefs[sceneIndex].setNativeProps(SCENE_DISABLED_NATIVE_PROPS); }, /** * Put the scene back into the state as defined by props.sceneStyle, so transitions can happen normally */ _enableScene: function(sceneIndex) { // First, determine what the defined styles are for scenes in this navigator var sceneStyle = flattenStyle([styles.baseScene, this.props.sceneStyle]); // Then restore the pointer events and top value for this scene var enabledSceneNativeProps = { pointerEvents: 'auto', style: { top: sceneStyle.top, bottom: sceneStyle.bottom, }, }; if (sceneIndex !== this.state.transitionFromIndex && sceneIndex !== this.state.presentedIndex) { // If we are not in a transition from this index, make sure opacity is 0 // to prevent the enabled scene from flashing over the presented scene enabledSceneNativeProps.style.opacity = 0; } this._sceneRefs[sceneIndex] && this._sceneRefs[sceneIndex].setNativeProps(enabledSceneNativeProps); }, _clearTransformations: function(sceneIndex) { const defaultStyle = flattenStyle([styles.defaultSceneStyle]); this._sceneRefs[sceneIndex].setNativeProps({ style: defaultStyle }); }, _onAnimationStart: function() { var fromIndex = this.state.presentedIndex; var toIndex = this.state.presentedIndex; if (this.state.transitionFromIndex != null) { fromIndex = this.state.transitionFromIndex; } else if (this.state.activeGesture) { toIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); } this._setRenderSceneToHardwareTextureAndroid(fromIndex, true); this._setRenderSceneToHardwareTextureAndroid(toIndex, true); var navBar = this._navBar; if (navBar && navBar.onAnimationStart) { navBar.onAnimationStart(fromIndex, toIndex); } }, _onAnimationEnd: function() { var max = this.state.routeStack.length - 1; for (var index = 0; index <= max; index++) { this._setRenderSceneToHardwareTextureAndroid(index, false); } var navBar = this._navBar; if (navBar && navBar.onAnimationEnd) { navBar.onAnimationEnd(); } }, _setRenderSceneToHardwareTextureAndroid: function(sceneIndex, shouldRenderToHardwareTexture) { var viewAtIndex = this._sceneRefs[sceneIndex]; if (viewAtIndex === null || viewAtIndex === undefined) { return; } viewAtIndex.setNativeProps({renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: shouldRenderToHardwareTexture}); }, _handleTouchStart: function() { this._eligibleGestures = GESTURE_ACTIONS; }, _handleMoveShouldSetPanResponder: function(e, gestureState) { var sceneConfig = this.state.sceneConfigStack[this.state.presentedIndex]; if (!sceneConfig) { return false; } this._expectingGestureGrant = this._matchGestureAction(this._eligibleGestures, sceneConfig.gestures, gestureState); return !!this._expectingGestureGrant; }, _doesGestureOverswipe: function(gestureName) { var wouldOverswipeBack = this.state.presentedIndex <= 0 && (gestureName === 'pop' || gestureName === 'jumpBack'); var wouldOverswipeForward = this.state.presentedIndex >= this.state.routeStack.length - 1 && gestureName === 'jumpForward'; return wouldOverswipeForward || wouldOverswipeBack; }, _deltaForGestureAction: function(gestureAction) { switch (gestureAction) { case 'pop': case 'jumpBack': return -1; case 'jumpForward': return 1; default: invariant(false, 'Unsupported gesture action ' + gestureAction); return; } }, _handlePanResponderRelease: function(e, gestureState) { var sceneConfig = this.state.sceneConfigStack[this.state.presentedIndex]; var releaseGestureAction = this.state.activeGesture; if (!releaseGestureAction) { // The gesture may have been detached while responder, so there is no action here return; } var releaseGesture = sceneConfig.gestures[releaseGestureAction]; var destIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); if (this.spring.getCurrentValue() === 0) { // The spring is at zero, so the gesture is already complete this.spring.setCurrentValue(0).setAtRest(); this._completeTransition(); return; } var isTravelVertical = releaseGesture.direction === 'top-to-bottom' || releaseGesture.direction === 'bottom-to-top'; var isTravelInverted = releaseGesture.direction === 'right-to-left' || releaseGesture.direction === 'bottom-to-top'; var velocity, gestureDistance; if (isTravelVertical) { velocity = isTravelInverted ? -gestureState.vy : gestureState.vy; gestureDistance = isTravelInverted ? -gestureState.dy : gestureState.dy; } else { velocity = isTravelInverted ? -gestureState.vx : gestureState.vx; gestureDistance = isTravelInverted ? -gestureState.dx : gestureState.dx; } var transitionVelocity = clamp(-10, velocity, 10); if (Math.abs(velocity) < releaseGesture.notMoving) { // The gesture velocity is so slow, is "not moving" var hasGesturedEnoughToComplete = gestureDistance > releaseGesture.fullDistance * releaseGesture.stillCompletionRatio; transitionVelocity = hasGesturedEnoughToComplete ? releaseGesture.snapVelocity : -releaseGesture.snapVelocity; } if (transitionVelocity < 0 || this._doesGestureOverswipe(releaseGestureAction)) { // This gesture is to an overswiped region or does not have enough velocity to complete // If we are currently mid-transition, then this gesture was a pending gesture. Because this gesture takes no action, we can stop here if (this.state.transitionFromIndex == null) { // There is no current transition, so we need to transition back to the presented index var transitionBackToPresentedIndex = this.state.presentedIndex; // slight hack: change the presented index for a moment in order to transitionTo correctly this.state.presentedIndex = destIndex; this._transitionTo( transitionBackToPresentedIndex, -transitionVelocity, 1 - this.spring.getCurrentValue() ); } } else { // The gesture has enough velocity to complete, so we transition to the gesture's destination this._emitWillFocus(this.state.routeStack[destIndex]); this._transitionTo( destIndex, transitionVelocity, null, () => { if (releaseGestureAction === 'pop') { this._cleanScenesPastIndex(destIndex); } } ); } this._detachGesture(); }, _handlePanResponderTerminate: function(e, gestureState) { if (this.state.activeGesture == null) { return; } var destIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); this._detachGesture(); var transitionBackToPresentedIndex = this.state.presentedIndex; // slight hack: change the presented index for a moment in order to transitionTo correctly this.state.presentedIndex = destIndex; this._transitionTo( transitionBackToPresentedIndex, null, 1 - this.spring.getCurrentValue() ); }, _attachGesture: function(gestureId) { this.state.activeGesture = gestureId; var gesturingToIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); this._enableScene(gesturingToIndex); }, _detachGesture: function() { this.state.activeGesture = null; this.state.pendingGestureProgress = null; this._hideScenes(); }, _handlePanResponderMove: function(e, gestureState) { if (this._isMoveGestureAttached !== undefined) { invariant( this._expectingGestureGrant, 'Responder granted unexpectedly.' ); this._attachGesture(this._expectingGestureGrant); this._onAnimationStart(); this._expectingGestureGrant = undefined; } var sceneConfig = this.state.sceneConfigStack[this.state.presentedIndex]; if (this.state.activeGesture) { var gesture = sceneConfig.gestures[this.state.activeGesture]; return this._moveAttachedGesture(gesture, gestureState); } var matchedGesture = this._matchGestureAction(GESTURE_ACTIONS, sceneConfig.gestures, gestureState); if (matchedGesture) { this._attachGesture(matchedGesture); } }, _moveAttachedGesture: function(gesture, gestureState) { var isTravelVertical = gesture.direction === 'top-to-bottom' || gesture.direction === 'bottom-to-top'; var isTravelInverted = gesture.direction === 'right-to-left' || gesture.direction === 'bottom-to-top'; var distance = isTravelVertical ? gestureState.dy : gestureState.dx; distance = isTravelInverted ? -distance : distance; var gestureDetectMovement = gesture.gestureDetectMovement; var nextProgress = (distance - gestureDetectMovement) / (gesture.fullDistance - gestureDetectMovement); if (nextProgress < 0 && gesture.isDetachable) { var gesturingToIndex = this.state.presentedIndex + this._deltaForGestureAction(this.state.activeGesture); this._transitionBetween(this.state.presentedIndex, gesturingToIndex, 0); this._detachGesture(); if (this.state.pendingGestureProgress != null) { this.spring.setCurrentValue(0); } return; } if (gesture.overswipe && this._doesGestureOverswipe(this.state.activeGesture)) { var frictionConstant = gesture.overswipe.frictionConstant; var frictionByDistance = gesture.overswipe.frictionByDistance; var frictionRatio = 1 / ((frictionConstant) + (Math.abs(nextProgress) * frictionByDistance)); nextProgress *= frictionRatio; } nextProgress = clamp(0, nextProgress, 1); if (this.state.transitionFromIndex != null) { this.state.pendingGestureProgress = nextProgress; } else if (this.state.pendingGestureProgress) { this.spring.setEndValue(nextProgress); } else { this.spring.setCurrentValue(nextProgress); } }, _matchGestureAction: function(eligibleGestures, gestures, gestureState) { if (!gestures || !eligibleGestures || !eligibleGestures.some) { return null; } var matchedGesture = null; eligibleGestures.some((gestureName, gestureIndex) => { var gesture = gestures[gestureName]; if (!gesture) { return; } if (gesture.overswipe == null && this._doesGestureOverswipe(gestureName)) { // cannot swipe past first or last scene without overswiping return false; } var isTravelVertical = gesture.direction === 'top-to-bottom' || gesture.direction === 'bottom-to-top'; var isTravelInverted = gesture.direction === 'right-to-left' || gesture.direction === 'bottom-to-top'; var startedLoc = isTravelVertical ? gestureState.y0 : gestureState.x0; var currentLoc = isTravelVertical ? gestureState.moveY : gestureState.moveX; var travelDist = isTravelVertical ? gestureState.dy : gestureState.dx; var oppositeAxisTravelDist = isTravelVertical ? gestureState.dx : gestureState.dy; var edgeHitWidth = gesture.edgeHitWidth; if (isTravelInverted) { startedLoc = -startedLoc; currentLoc = -currentLoc; travelDist = -travelDist; oppositeAxisTravelDist = -oppositeAxisTravelDist; edgeHitWidth = isTravelVertical ? -(SCREEN_HEIGHT - edgeHitWidth) : -(SCREEN_WIDTH - edgeHitWidth); } if (startedLoc === 0) { startedLoc = currentLoc; } var moveStartedInRegion = gesture.edgeHitWidth == null || startedLoc < edgeHitWidth; if (!moveStartedInRegion) { return false; } var moveTravelledFarEnough = travelDist >= gesture.gestureDetectMovement; if (!moveTravelledFarEnough) { return false; } var directionIsCorrect = Math.abs(travelDist) > Math.abs(oppositeAxisTravelDist) * gesture.directionRatio; if (directionIsCorrect) { matchedGesture = gestureName; return true; } else { this._eligibleGestures = this._eligibleGestures.slice().splice(gestureIndex, 1); } }); return matchedGesture || null; }, _transitionSceneStyle: function(fromIndex, toIndex, progress, index) { var viewAtIndex = this._sceneRefs[index]; if (viewAtIndex === null || viewAtIndex === undefined) { return; } // Use toIndex animation when we move forwards. Use fromIndex when we move back var sceneConfigIndex = fromIndex < toIndex ? toIndex : fromIndex; var sceneConfig = this.state.sceneConfigStack[sceneConfigIndex]; // this happens for overswiping when there is no scene at toIndex if (!sceneConfig) { sceneConfig = this.state.sceneConfigStack[sceneConfigIndex - 1]; } var styleToUse = {}; var useFn = index < fromIndex || index < toIndex ? sceneConfig.animationInterpolators.out : sceneConfig.animationInterpolators.into; var directionAdjustedProgress = fromIndex < toIndex ? progress : 1 - progress; var didChange = useFn(styleToUse, directionAdjustedProgress); if (didChange) { viewAtIndex.setNativeProps({style: styleToUse}); } }, _transitionBetween: function(fromIndex, toIndex, progress) { this._transitionSceneStyle(fromIndex, toIndex, progress, fromIndex); this._transitionSceneStyle(fromIndex, toIndex, progress, toIndex); var navBar = this._navBar; if (navBar && navBar.updateProgress && toIndex >= 0 && fromIndex >= 0) { navBar.updateProgress(progress, fromIndex, toIndex); } }, _handleResponderTerminationRequest: function() { return false; }, _getDestIndexWithinBounds: function(n) { var currentIndex = this.state.presentedIndex; var destIndex = currentIndex + n; invariant( destIndex >= 0, 'Cannot jump before the first route.' ); var maxIndex = this.state.routeStack.length - 1; invariant( maxIndex >= destIndex, 'Cannot jump past the last route.' ); return destIndex; }, _jumpN: function(n) { var destIndex = this._getDestIndexWithinBounds(n); this._enableScene(destIndex); this._emitWillFocus(this.state.routeStack[destIndex]); this._transitionTo(destIndex); }, /** * Transition to an existing scene without unmounting. * @param {object} route Route to transition to. The specified route must * be in the currently mounted set of routes defined in `routeStack`. */ jumpTo: function(route) { var destIndex = this.state.routeStack.indexOf(route); invariant( destIndex !== -1, 'Cannot jump to route that is not in the route stack' ); this._jumpN(destIndex - this.state.presentedIndex); }, /** * Jump forward to the next scene in the route stack. */ jumpForward: function() { this._jumpN(1); }, /** * Jump backward without unmounting the current scene. */ jumpBack: function() { this._jumpN(-1); }, /** * Navigate forward to a new scene, squashing any scenes that you could * jump forward to. * @param {object} route Route to push into the navigator stack. */ push: function(route) { invariant(!!route, 'Must supply route to push'); var activeLength = this.state.presentedIndex + 1; var activeStack = this.state.routeStack.slice(0, activeLength); var activeAnimationConfigStack = this.state.sceneConfigStack.slice(0, activeLength); var nextStack = activeStack.concat([route]); var destIndex = nextStack.length - 1; var nextSceneConfig = this.props.configureScene(route, nextStack); var nextAnimationConfigStack = activeAnimationConfigStack.concat([nextSceneConfig]); this._emitWillFocus(nextStack[destIndex]); this.setState({ routeStack: nextStack, sceneConfigStack: nextAnimationConfigStack, }, () => { this._enableScene(destIndex); this._transitionTo(destIndex, nextSceneConfig.defaultTransitionVelocity); }); }, /** * Go back N scenes at once. When N=1, behavior matches `pop()`. * When N is invalid(negative or bigger than current routes count), do nothing. * @param {number} n The number of scenes to pop. Should be an integer. */ popN: function(n) { invariant(typeof n === 'number', 'Must supply a number to popN'); n = parseInt(n, 10); if (n <= 0 || this.state.presentedIndex - n < 0) { return; } var popIndex = this.state.presentedIndex - n; var presentedRoute = this.state.routeStack[this.state.presentedIndex]; var popSceneConfig = this.props.configureScene(presentedRoute); // using the scene config of the currently presented view this._enableScene(popIndex); // This is needed because scene at the pop index may be transformed // with a configuration different from the configuration on the presented // route. this._clearTransformations(popIndex); this._emitWillFocus(this.state.routeStack[popIndex]); this._transitionTo( popIndex, popSceneConfig.defaultTransitionVelocity, null, // no spring jumping () => { this._cleanScenesPastIndex(popIndex); } ); }, /** * Transition back and unmount the current scene. */ pop: function() { if (this.state.transitionQueue.length) { // This is the workaround to prevent user from firing multiple `pop()` // calls that may pop the routes beyond the limit. // Because `this.state.presentedIndex` does not update until the // transition starts, we can't reliably use `this.state.presentedIndex` // to know whether we can safely keep popping the routes or not at this // moment. return; } this.popN(1); }, /** * Replace a scene as specified by an index. * @param {object} route Route representing the new scene to render. * @param {number} index The route in the stack that should be replaced. * If negative, it counts from the back of the stack. * @param {Function} cb Callback function when the scene has been replaced. */ replaceAtIndex: function(route, index, cb) { invariant(!!route, 'Must supply route to replace'); if (index < 0) { index += this.state.routeStack.length; } if (this.state.routeStack.length <= index) { return; } var nextRouteStack = this.state.routeStack.slice(); var nextAnimationModeStack = this.state.sceneConfigStack.slice(); nextRouteStack[index] = route; nextAnimationModeStack[index] = this.props.configureScene(route, nextRouteStack); if (index === this.state.presentedIndex) { this._emitWillFocus(route); } this.setState({ routeStack: nextRouteStack, sceneConfigStack: nextAnimationModeStack, }, () => { if (index === this.state.presentedIndex) { this._emitDidFocus(route); } cb && cb(); }); }, /** * Replace the current scene with a new route. * @param {object} route Route that replaces the current scene. */ replace: function(route) { this.replaceAtIndex(route, this.state.presentedIndex); }, /** * Replace the previous scene. * @param {object} route Route that replaces the previous scene. */ replacePrevious: function(route) { this.replaceAtIndex(route, this.state.presentedIndex - 1); }, /** * Pop to the first scene in the stack, unmounting every other scene. */ popToTop: function() { this.popToRoute(this.state.routeStack[0]); }, /** * Pop to a particular scene, as specified by its route. * All scenes after it will be unmounted. * @param {object} route Route to pop to. */ popToRoute: function(route) { var indexOfRoute = this.state.routeStack.indexOf(route); invariant( indexOfRoute !== -1, 'Calling popToRoute for a route that doesn\'t exist!' ); var numToPop = this.state.presentedIndex - indexOfRoute; this.popN(numToPop); }, /** * Replace the previous scene and pop to it. * @param {object} route Route that replaces the previous scene. */ replacePreviousAndPop: function(route) { if (this.state.routeStack.length < 2) { return; } this.replacePrevious(route); this.pop(); }, /** * Navigate to a new scene and reset route stack. * @param {object} route Route to navigate to. */ resetTo: function(route) { invariant(!!route, 'Must supply route to push'); this.replaceAtIndex(route, 0, () => { // Do not use popToRoute here, because race conditions could prevent the // route from existing at this time. Instead, just go to index 0 this.popN(this.state.presentedIndex); }); }, /** * Returns the current list of routes. */ getCurrentRoutes: function() { // Clone before returning to avoid caller mutating the stack return this.state.routeStack.slice(); }, _cleanScenesPastIndex: function(index) { var newStackLength = index + 1; // Remove any unneeded rendered routes. if (newStackLength < this.state.routeStack.length) { this.setState({ sceneConfigStack: this.state.sceneConfigStack.slice(0, newStackLength), routeStack: this.state.routeStack.slice(0, newStackLength), }); } }, _renderScene: function(route, i) { var disabledSceneStyle = null; var disabledScenePointerEvents = 'auto'; if (i !== this.state.presentedIndex) { disabledSceneStyle = styles.disabledScene; disabledScenePointerEvents = 'none'; } return ( { this._sceneRefs[i] = scene; }} onStartShouldSetResponderCapture={() => { return (this.state.transitionFromIndex != null); }} pointerEvents={disabledScenePointerEvents} style={[styles.baseScene, this.props.sceneStyle, disabledSceneStyle]}> {this.props.renderScene( route, this )} ); }, _renderNavigationBar: function() { const { navigationBar } = this.props; if (!navigationBar) { return null; } return React.cloneElement(navigationBar, { ref: (navBar) => { this._navBar = navBar; if (navigationBar && typeof navigationBar.ref === 'function') { navigationBar.ref(navBar); } }, navigator: this._navigationBarNavigator, navState: this.state, }); }, _tvEventHandler: TVEventHandler, _enableTVEventHandler: function() { this._tvEventHandler = new TVEventHandler(); this._tvEventHandler.enable(this, function(cmp, evt) { if (evt && evt.eventType === 'menu') { cmp.pop(); } }); }, _disableTVEventHandler: function() { if (this._tvEventHandler) { this._tvEventHandler.disable(); delete this._tvEventHandler; } }, render: function() { var newRenderedSceneMap = new Map(); var scenes = this.state.routeStack.map((route, index) => { var renderedScene; if (this._renderedSceneMap.has(route) && index !== this.state.presentedIndex) { renderedScene = this._renderedSceneMap.get(route); } else { renderedScene = this._renderScene(route, index); } newRenderedSceneMap.set(route, renderedScene); return renderedScene; }); this._renderedSceneMap = newRenderedSceneMap; return ( {scenes} {this._renderNavigationBar()} ); }, _getNavigationContext: function() { if (!this._navigationContext) { this._navigationContext = new NavigationContext(); } return this._navigationContext; } }); module.exports = Navigator;