/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @providesModule XMLHttpRequestBase * @flow */ 'use strict'; var RCTNetworking = require('RCTNetworking'); var RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('RCTDeviceEventEmitter'); const invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant'); const utf8 = require('utf8'); const warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning'); type ResponseType = '' | 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'document' | 'json' | 'text'; type Response = ?Object | string; const UNSENT = 0; const OPENED = 1; const HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2; const LOADING = 3; const DONE = 4; const SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPES = { arraybuffer: typeof global.ArrayBuffer === 'function', blob: typeof global.Blob === 'function', document: false, json: true, text: true, '': true, }; /** * Shared base for platform-specific XMLHttpRequest implementations. */ class XMLHttpRequestBase { static UNSENT: number; static OPENED: number; static HEADERS_RECEIVED: number; static LOADING: number; static DONE: number; UNSENT: number; OPENED: number; HEADERS_RECEIVED: number; LOADING: number; DONE: number; onreadystatechange: ?Function; onload: ?Function; upload: any; readyState: number; responseHeaders: ?Object; responseText: string; status: number; timeout: number; responseURL: ?string; upload: ?{ onprogress?: (event: Object) => void; }; _requestId: ?number; _subscriptions: [any]; _aborted: boolean; _cachedResponse: Response; _hasError: boolean; _headers: Object; _lowerCaseResponseHeaders: Object; _method: ?string; _response: string | ?Object; _responseType: ResponseType; _sent: boolean; _url: ?string; constructor() { this.UNSENT = UNSENT; this.OPENED = OPENED; this.HEADERS_RECEIVED = HEADERS_RECEIVED; this.LOADING = LOADING; this.DONE = DONE; this.onreadystatechange = null; this.onload = null; this.upload = undefined; /* Upload not supported yet */ this.timeout = 0; this._reset(); this._method = null; this._url = null; this._aborted = false; } _reset(): void { this.readyState = this.UNSENT; this.responseHeaders = undefined; this.responseText = ''; this.status = 0; delete this.responseURL; this._requestId = null; this._cachedResponse = undefined; this._hasError = false; this._headers = {}; this._responseType = ''; this._sent = false; this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders = {}; this._clearSubscriptions(); } // $FlowIssue #10784535 get responseType(): ResponseType { return this._responseType; } // $FlowIssue #10784535 set responseType(responseType: ResponseType): void { if (this.readyState > HEADERS_RECEIVED) { throw new Error( "Failed to set the 'responseType' property on 'XMLHttpRequest': The " + "response type cannot be set if the object's state is LOADING or DONE" ); } if (!SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPES.hasOwnProperty(responseType)) { warning( `The provided value '${responseType}' is not a valid 'responseType'.`); return; } // redboxes early, e.g. for 'arraybuffer' on ios 7 invariant( SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPES[responseType] || responseType === 'document', `The provided value '${responseType}' is unsupported in this environment.` ); this._responseType = responseType; } // $FlowIssue #10784535 get response(): Response { const {responseType} = this; if (responseType === '' || responseType === 'text') { return this.readyState < LOADING || this._hasError ? '' : this.responseText; } if (this.readyState !== DONE) { return null; } if (this._cachedResponse !== undefined) { return this._cachedResponse; } switch (this.responseType) { case 'document': this._cachedResponse = null; break; case 'arraybuffer': this._cachedResponse = toArrayBuffer( this.responseText, this.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''); break; case 'blob': this._cachedResponse = new global.Blob( [this.responseText], {type: this.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''} ); break; case 'json': try { this._cachedResponse = JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch (_) { this._cachedResponse = null; } break; default: this._cachedResponse = null; } return this._cachedResponse; } didCreateRequest(requestId: number): void { this._requestId = requestId; this._subscriptions.push(RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener( 'didSendNetworkData', (args) => this._didUploadProgress.call(this, ...args) )); this._subscriptions.push(RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener( 'didReceiveNetworkResponse', (args) => this._didReceiveResponse.call(this, ...args) )); this._subscriptions.push(RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener( 'didReceiveNetworkData', (args) => this._didReceiveData.call(this, ...args) )); this._subscriptions.push(RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener( 'didCompleteNetworkResponse', (args) => this._didCompleteResponse.call(this, ...args) )); } _didUploadProgress(requestId: number, progress: number, total: number): void { if (requestId === this._requestId && this.upload && this.upload.onprogress) { var event = { lengthComputable: true, loaded: progress, total, }; this.upload.onprogress(event); } } _didReceiveResponse(requestId: number, status: number, responseHeaders: ?Object, responseURL: ?string): void { if (requestId === this._requestId) { this.status = status; this.setResponseHeaders(responseHeaders); this.setReadyState(this.HEADERS_RECEIVED); if (responseURL || responseURL === '') { this.responseURL = responseURL; } else { delete this.responseURL; } } } _didReceiveData(requestId: number, responseText: string): void { if (requestId === this._requestId) { if (!this.responseText) { this.responseText = responseText; } else { this.responseText += responseText; } this._cachedResponse = undefined; // force lazy recomputation this.setReadyState(this.LOADING); } } _didCompleteResponse(requestId: number, error: string): void { if (requestId === this._requestId) { if (error) { this.responseText = error; this._hasError = true; } this._clearSubscriptions(); this._requestId = null; this.setReadyState(this.DONE); } } _clearSubscriptions(): void { (this._subscriptions || []).forEach(sub => { sub.remove(); }); this._subscriptions = []; } getAllResponseHeaders(): ?string { if (!this.responseHeaders) { // according to the spec, return null if no response has been received return null; } var headers = this.responseHeaders || {}; return Object.keys(headers).map((headerName) => { return headerName + ': ' + headers[headerName]; }).join('\n'); } getResponseHeader(header: string): ?string { var value = this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders[header.toLowerCase()]; return value !== undefined ? value : null; } setRequestHeader(header: string, value: any): void { if (this.readyState !== this.OPENED) { throw new Error('Request has not been opened'); } this._headers[header.toLowerCase()] = value; } open(method: string, url: string, async: ?boolean): void { /* Other optional arguments are not supported yet */ if (this.readyState !== this.UNSENT) { throw new Error('Cannot open, already sending'); } if (async !== undefined && !async) { // async is default throw new Error('Synchronous http requests are not supported'); } if (!url) { throw new Error('Cannot load an empty url'); } this._reset(); this._method = method.toUpperCase(); this._url = url; this._aborted = false; this.setReadyState(this.OPENED); } sendImpl(method: ?string, url: ?string, headers: Object, data: any, timeout: number): void { throw new Error('Subclass must define sendImpl method'); } send(data: any): void { if (this.readyState !== this.OPENED) { throw new Error('Request has not been opened'); } if (this._sent) { throw new Error('Request has already been sent'); } this._sent = true; this.sendImpl(this._method, this._url, this._headers, data, this.timeout); } abort(): void { this._aborted = true; if (this._requestId) { RCTNetworking.abortRequest(this._requestId); } // only call onreadystatechange if there is something to abort, // below logic is per spec if (!(this.readyState === this.UNSENT || (this.readyState === this.OPENED && !this._sent) || this.readyState === this.DONE)) { this._reset(); this.setReadyState(this.DONE); } // Reset again after, in case modified in handler this._reset(); } setResponseHeaders(responseHeaders: ?Object): void { this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders || null; var headers = responseHeaders || {}; this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders = Object.keys(headers).reduce((lcaseHeaders, headerName) => { lcaseHeaders[headerName.toLowerCase()] = headers[headerName]; return lcaseHeaders; }, {}); } setReadyState(newState: number): void { this.readyState = newState; // TODO: workaround flow bug with nullable function checks var onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange; if (onreadystatechange) { // We should send an event to handler, but since we don't process that // event anywhere, let's leave it empty onreadystatechange.call(this, null); } if (newState === this.DONE && !this._aborted) { this._sendLoad(); } } _sendLoad(): void { // TODO: workaround flow bug with nullable function checks var onload = this.onload; if (onload) { // We should send an event to handler, but since we don't process that // event anywhere, let's leave it empty onload(null); } } } XMLHttpRequestBase.UNSENT = UNSENT; XMLHttpRequestBase.OPENED = OPENED; XMLHttpRequestBase.HEADERS_RECEIVED = HEADERS_RECEIVED; XMLHttpRequestBase.LOADING = LOADING; XMLHttpRequestBase.DONE = DONE; function toArrayBuffer(text: string, contentType: string): ArrayBuffer { const {length} = text; if (length === 0) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } const charsetMatch = contentType.match(/;\s*charset=([^;]*)/i); const charset = charsetMatch ? charsetMatch[1].trim() : 'utf-8'; if (/^utf-?8$/i.test(charset)) { return utf8.encode(text); } else { //TODO: utf16 / ucs2 / utf32 const array = new Uint8Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = text.charCodeAt(i); // Uint8Array automatically masks with 0xff } return array.buffer; } } module.exports = XMLHttpRequestBase;