 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import <React/RCTBridge.h>
#import <React/RCTResizeMode.h>
#import <React/RCTURLRequestHandler.h>

typedef void (^RCTImageLoaderProgressBlock)(int64_t progress, int64_t total);
typedef void (^RCTImageLoaderPartialLoadBlock)(UIImage *image);
typedef void (^RCTImageLoaderCompletionBlock)(NSError *error, UIImage *image);
typedef dispatch_block_t RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock;

 * Provides an interface to use for providing a image caching strategy.
@protocol RCTImageCache <NSObject>

- (UIImage *)imageForUrl:(NSString *)url
            responseDate:(NSString *)responseDate;

- (void)addImageToCache:(UIImage *)image
                    URL:(NSString *)url
           responseDate:(NSString *)responseDate;


@interface UIImage (React)

@property (nonatomic, copy) CAKeyframeAnimation *reactKeyframeAnimation;


@interface RCTImageLoader : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule, RCTURLRequestHandler>

 * The maximum number of concurrent image loading tasks. Loading and decoding
 * images can consume a lot of memory, so setting this to a higher value may
 * cause memory to spike. If you are seeing out-of-memory crashes, try reducing
 * this value.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger maxConcurrentLoadingTasks;

 * The maximum number of concurrent image decoding tasks. Decoding large
 * images can be especially CPU and memory intensive, so if your are decoding a
 * lot of large images in your app, you may wish to adjust this value.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger maxConcurrentDecodingTasks;

 * Decoding large images can use a lot of memory, and potentially cause the app
 * to crash. This value allows you to throttle the amount of memory used by the
 * decoder independently of the number of concurrent threads. This means you can
 * still decode a lot of small images in parallel, without allowing the decoder
 * to try to decompress multiple huge images at once. Note that this value is
 * only a hint, and not an indicator of the total memory used by the app.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger maxConcurrentDecodingBytes;

 * Loads the specified image at the highest available resolution.
 * Can be called from any thread, will call back on an unspecified thread.
- (RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock)loadImageWithURLRequest:(NSURLRequest *)imageURLRequest

 * As above, but includes target `size`, `scale` and `resizeMode`, which are used to
 * select the optimal dimensions for the loaded image. The `clipped` option
 * controls whether the image will be clipped to fit the specified size exactly,
 * or if the original aspect ratio should be retained.
 * `partialLoadBlock` is meant for custom image loaders that do not ship with the core RN library.
 * It is meant to be called repeatedly while loading the image as higher quality versions are decoded,
 * for instance with progressive JPEGs.
- (RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock)loadImageWithURLRequest:(NSURLRequest *)imageURLRequest

 * Finds an appropriate image decoder and passes the target `size`, `scale` and
 * `resizeMode` for optimal image decoding.  The `clipped` option controls
 * whether the image will be clipped to fit the specified size exactly, or
 * if the original aspect ratio should be retained. Can be called from any
 * thread, will call callback on an unspecified thread.
- (RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock)decodeImageData:(NSData *)imageData

 * Get image size, in pixels. This method will do the least work possible to get
 * the information, and won't decode the image if it doesn't have to.
- (RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock)getImageSizeForURLRequest:(NSURLRequest *)imageURLRequest
                                                       block:(void(^)(NSError *error, CGSize size))completionBlock;

 * Allows developers to set their own caching implementation for
 * decoded images as long as it conforms to the RCTImageCacheDelegate
 * protocol. This method should be called in bridgeDidInitializeModule.
- (void)setImageCache:(id<RCTImageCache>)cache;


@interface RCTBridge (RCTImageLoader)

 * The shared image loader instance
@property (nonatomic, readonly) RCTImageLoader *imageLoader;


 * Provides the interface needed to register an image loader. Image data
 * loaders are also bridge modules, so should be registered using
@protocol RCTImageURLLoader <RCTBridgeModule>

 * Indicates whether this data loader is capable of processing the specified
 * request URL. Typically the handler would examine the scheme/protocol of the
 * URL to determine this.
- (BOOL)canLoadImageURL:(NSURL *)requestURL;

 * Send a network request to load the request URL. The method should call the
 * progressHandler (if applicable) and the completionHandler when the request
 * has finished. The method should also return a cancellation block, if
 * applicable.
- (RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock)loadImageForURL:(NSURL *)imageURL


 * If more than one RCTImageURLLoader responds YES to `-canLoadImageURL:`
 * then `loaderPriority` is used to determine which one to use. The loader
 * with the highest priority will be selected. Default priority is zero. If
 * two or more valid loaders have the same priority, the selection order is
 * undefined.
- (float)loaderPriority;

 * If the loader must be called on the serial url cache queue, and whether the completion
 * block should be dispatched off the main thread. If this is NO, the loader will be
 * called from the main queue. Defaults to YES.
 * Use with care: disabling scheduling will reduce RCTImageLoader's ability to throttle
 * network requests.
- (BOOL)requiresScheduling;

 * If images loaded by the loader should be cached in the decoded image cache.
 * Defaults to YES.
- (BOOL)shouldCacheLoadedImages;


 * Provides the interface needed to register an image decoder. Image decoders
 * are also bridge modules, so should be registered using RCT_EXPORT_MODULE().
@protocol RCTImageDataDecoder <RCTBridgeModule>

 * Indicates whether this handler is capable of decoding the specified data.
 * Typically the handler would examine some sort of header data to determine
 * this.
- (BOOL)canDecodeImageData:(NSData *)imageData;

 * Decode an image from the data object. The method should call the
 * completionHandler when the decoding operation  has finished. The method
 * should also return a cancellation block, if applicable.
 * If you provide a custom image decoder, you most implement scheduling yourself,
 * to avoid decoding large amounts of images at the same time.
- (RCTImageLoaderCancellationBlock)decodeImageData:(NSData *)imageData


 * If more than one RCTImageDataDecoder responds YES to `-canDecodeImageData:`
 * then `decoderPriority` is used to determine which one to use. The decoder
 * with the highest priority will be selected. Default priority is zero.
 * If two or more valid decoders have the same priority, the selection order is
 * undefined.
- (float)decoderPriority;
