/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ 'use strict'; import type {SchemaType} from '../../../packages/react-native-codegen/src/CodegenSchema.js'; const SwitchSchema: SchemaType = { modules: { Switch: { components: { Switch: { extendsProps: [ { type: 'ReactNativeBuiltInType', knownTypeName: 'ReactNativeCoreViewProps', }, ], events: [ { name: 'onChange', optional: true, bubblingType: 'bubble', typeAnnotation: { type: 'EventTypeAnnotation', argument: { type: 'ObjectTypeAnnotation', properties: [ { type: 'BooleanTypeAnnotation', name: 'value', optional: false, }, ], }, }, }, ], props: [ { name: 'disabled', optional: true, typeAnnotation: { type: 'BooleanTypeAnnotation', default: false, }, }, { name: 'value', optional: true, typeAnnotation: { type: 'BooleanTypeAnnotation', default: false, }, }, { name: 'tintColor', optional: true, typeAnnotation: { type: 'NativePrimitiveTypeAnnotation', name: 'ColorPrimitive', }, }, { name: 'onTintColor', optional: true, typeAnnotation: { type: 'NativePrimitiveTypeAnnotation', name: 'ColorPrimitive', }, }, { name: 'thumbTintColor', optional: true, typeAnnotation: { type: 'NativePrimitiveTypeAnnotation', name: 'ColorPrimitive', }, }, ], }, }, }, }, }; module.exports = SwitchSchema;