/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTComponentData.h" #import #import "RCTBridge.h" #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTShadowView.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" #import "UIView+React.h" typedef void (^RCTPropBlock)(id view, id json); @interface RCTComponentProp : NSObject @property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *type; @property (nonatomic, copy) RCTPropBlock propBlock; @end @implementation RCTComponentProp - (instancetype)initWithType:(NSString *)type { if ((self = [super init])) { _type = [type copy]; } return self; } @end @implementation RCTComponentData { id _defaultView; // Only needed for RCT_CUSTOM_VIEW_PROPERTY NSMutableDictionary *_viewPropBlocks; NSMutableDictionary *_shadowPropBlocks; BOOL _implementsUIBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry; __weak RCTBridge *_bridge; } @synthesize manager = _manager; - (instancetype)initWithManagerClass:(Class)managerClass bridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge { if ((self = [super init])) { _bridge = bridge; _managerClass = managerClass; _viewPropBlocks = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _shadowPropBlocks = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _name = RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(_managerClass); RCTAssert(_name.length, @"Invalid moduleName '%@'", _name); if ([_name hasSuffix:@"Manager"]) { _name = [_name substringToIndex:_name.length - @"Manager".length]; } _implementsUIBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry = NO; Class cls = _managerClass; while (cls != [RCTViewManager class]) { _implementsUIBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry = _implementsUIBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry || RCTClassOverridesInstanceMethod(cls, @selector(uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry:)); cls = [cls superclass]; } } return self; } - (RCTViewManager *)manager { if (!_manager) { _manager = [_bridge moduleForClass:_managerClass]; } return _manager; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)init) - (UIView *)createViewWithTag:(NSNumber *)tag { RCTAssertMainQueue(); UIView *view = [self.manager view]; view.reactTag = tag; view.multipleTouchEnabled = YES; view.userInteractionEnabled = YES; // required for touch handling view.layer.allowsGroupOpacity = YES; // required for touch handling return view; } - (RCTShadowView *)createShadowViewWithTag:(NSNumber *)tag { RCTShadowView *shadowView = [self.manager shadowView]; shadowView.reactTag = tag; shadowView.viewName = _name; return shadowView; } - (RCTPropBlock)propBlockForKey:(NSString *)name inDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *)propBlocks { BOOL shadowView = (propBlocks == _shadowPropBlocks); RCTPropBlock propBlock = propBlocks[name]; if (!propBlock) { __weak RCTComponentData *weakSelf = self; // Get type SEL type = NULL; NSString *keyPath = nil; SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"propConfig%@_%@", shadowView ? @"Shadow" : @"", name]); if ([_managerClass respondsToSelector:selector]) { NSArray *typeAndKeyPath = ((NSArray *(*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(_managerClass, selector); type = RCTConvertSelectorForType(typeAndKeyPath[0]); keyPath = typeAndKeyPath.count > 1 ? typeAndKeyPath[1] : nil; } else { propBlock = ^(__unused id view, __unused id json) {}; propBlocks[name] = propBlock; return propBlock; } // Check for custom setter if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"__custom__"]) { // Get custom setter SEL customSetter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set_%@:for%@View:withDefaultView:", name, shadowView ? @"Shadow" : @""]); propBlock = ^(id view, id json) { RCTComponentData *strongSelf = weakSelf; if (!strongSelf) { return; } json = RCTNilIfNull(json); if (!json && !strongSelf->_defaultView) { // Only create default view if json is null strongSelf->_defaultView = [strongSelf createViewWithTag:nil]; } ((void (*)(id, SEL, id, id, id))objc_msgSend)( strongSelf.manager, customSetter, json, view, strongSelf->_defaultView ); }; } else { // Disect keypath NSString *key = name; NSArray *parts = [keyPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."]; if (parts) { key = parts.lastObject; parts = [parts subarrayWithRange:(NSRange){0, parts.count - 1}]; } // Get property getter SEL getter = NSSelectorFromString(key); // Get property setter SEL setter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set%@%@:", [key substringToIndex:1].uppercaseString, [key substringFromIndex:1]]); // Build setter block void (^setterBlock)(id target, id json) = nil; if (type == NSSelectorFromString(@"RCTBubblingEventBlock:") || type == NSSelectorFromString(@"RCTDirectEventBlock:")) { // Special case for event handlers __weak RCTViewManager *weakManager = self.manager; setterBlock = ^(id target, id json) { __weak id weakTarget = target; ((void (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(target, setter, [RCTConvert BOOL:json] ? ^(NSDictionary *body) { body = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:body]; ((NSMutableDictionary *)body)[@"target"] = weakTarget.reactTag; #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" [weakManager.bridge.eventDispatcher sendInputEventWithName:RCTNormalizeInputEventName(name) body:body]; #pragma clang diagnostic pop } : nil); }; } else { // Ordinary property handlers NSMethodSignature *typeSignature = [[RCTConvert class] methodSignatureForSelector:type]; if (!typeSignature) { RCTLogError(@"No +[RCTConvert %@] function found.", NSStringFromSelector(type)); return ^(__unused id view, __unused id json){}; } switch (typeSignature.methodReturnType[0]) { #define RCT_CASE(_value, _type) \ case _value: { \ __block BOOL setDefaultValue = NO; \ __block _type defaultValue; \ _type (*convert)(id, SEL, id) = (typeof(convert))objc_msgSend; \ _type (*get)(id, SEL) = (typeof(get))objc_msgSend; \ void (*set)(id, SEL, _type) = (typeof(set))objc_msgSend; \ setterBlock = ^(id target, id json) { \ if (json) { \ if (!setDefaultValue && target) { \ if ([target respondsToSelector:getter]) { \ defaultValue = get(target, getter); \ } \ setDefaultValue = YES; \ } \ set(target, setter, convert([RCTConvert class], type, json)); \ } else if (setDefaultValue) { \ set(target, setter, defaultValue); \ } \ }; \ break; \ } RCT_CASE(_C_SEL, SEL) RCT_CASE(_C_CHARPTR, const char *) RCT_CASE(_C_CHR, char) RCT_CASE(_C_UCHR, unsigned char) RCT_CASE(_C_SHT, short) RCT_CASE(_C_USHT, unsigned short) RCT_CASE(_C_INT, int) RCT_CASE(_C_UINT, unsigned int) RCT_CASE(_C_LNG, long) RCT_CASE(_C_ULNG, unsigned long) RCT_CASE(_C_LNG_LNG, long long) RCT_CASE(_C_ULNG_LNG, unsigned long long) RCT_CASE(_C_FLT, float) RCT_CASE(_C_DBL, double) RCT_CASE(_C_BOOL, BOOL) RCT_CASE(_C_PTR, void *) RCT_CASE(_C_ID, id) case _C_STRUCT_B: default: { NSInvocation *typeInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:typeSignature]; typeInvocation.selector = type; typeInvocation.target = [RCTConvert class]; __block NSInvocation *targetInvocation = nil; __block NSMutableData *defaultValue = nil; setterBlock = ^(id target, id json) { \ if (!target) { return; } // Get default value if (!defaultValue) { if (!json) { // We only set the defaultValue when we first pass a non-null // value, so if the first value sent for a prop is null, it's // a no-op (we'd be resetting it to its default when its // value is already the default). return; } // Use NSMutableData to store defaultValue instead of malloc, so // it will be freed automatically when setterBlock is released. defaultValue = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:typeSignature.methodReturnLength]; if ([target respondsToSelector:getter]) { NSMethodSignature *signature = [target methodSignatureForSelector:getter]; NSInvocation *sourceInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature]; sourceInvocation.selector = getter; [sourceInvocation invokeWithTarget:target]; [sourceInvocation getReturnValue:defaultValue.mutableBytes]; } } // Get value BOOL freeValueOnCompletion = NO; void *value = defaultValue.mutableBytes; if (json) { freeValueOnCompletion = YES; value = malloc(typeSignature.methodReturnLength); [typeInvocation setArgument:&json atIndex:2]; [typeInvocation invoke]; [typeInvocation getReturnValue:value]; } // Set value if (!targetInvocation) { NSMethodSignature *signature = [target methodSignatureForSelector:setter]; targetInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature]; targetInvocation.selector = setter; } [targetInvocation setArgument:value atIndex:2]; [targetInvocation invokeWithTarget:target]; if (freeValueOnCompletion) { // Only free the value if we `malloc`d it locally, otherwise it // points to `defaultValue.mutableBytes`, which is managed by ARC. free(value); } }; break; } } } propBlock = ^(__unused id view, __unused id json) { // Follow keypath id target = view; for (NSString *part in parts) { target = [target valueForKey:part]; } // Set property with json setterBlock(target, RCTNilIfNull(json)); }; } if (RCT_DEBUG) { // Provide more useful log feedback if there's an error RCTPropBlock unwrappedBlock = propBlock; propBlock = ^(id view, id json) { NSString *logPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Error setting property '%@' of %@ with tag #%@: ", name, weakSelf.name, view.reactTag]; RCTPerformBlockWithLogPrefix(^{ unwrappedBlock(view, json); }, logPrefix); }; } propBlocks[name] = [propBlock copy]; } return propBlock; } - (void)setProps:(NSDictionary *)props forView:(id)view { if (!view) { return; } [props enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id json, __unused BOOL *stop) { [self propBlockForKey:key inDictionary:_viewPropBlocks](view, json); }]; if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(didSetProps:)]) { [view didSetProps:[props allKeys]]; } } - (void)setProps:(NSDictionary *)props forShadowView:(RCTShadowView *)shadowView { if (!shadowView) { return; } [props enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id json, __unused BOOL *stop) { [self propBlockForKey:key inDictionary:_shadowPropBlocks](shadowView, json); }]; if ([shadowView respondsToSelector:@selector(didSetProps:)]) { [shadowView didSetProps:[props allKeys]]; } } - (NSDictionary *)viewConfig { NSMutableArray *directEvents = [NSMutableArray new]; if (RCTClassOverridesInstanceMethod(_managerClass, @selector(customDirectEventTypes))) { NSArray *events = [self.manager customDirectEventTypes]; if (RCT_DEBUG) { RCTAssert(!events || [events isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]], @"customDirectEventTypes must return an array, but %@ returned %@", _managerClass, [events class]); } for (NSString *event in events) { [directEvents addObject:RCTNormalizeInputEventName(event)]; } } NSMutableArray *bubblingEvents = [NSMutableArray new]; if (RCTClassOverridesInstanceMethod(_managerClass, @selector(customBubblingEventTypes))) { NSArray *events = [self.manager customBubblingEventTypes]; if (RCT_DEBUG) { RCTAssert(!events || [events isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]], @"customBubblingEventTypes must return an array, but %@ returned %@", _managerClass, [events class]); } for (NSString *event in events) { [bubblingEvents addObject:RCTNormalizeInputEventName(event)]; } } unsigned int count = 0; NSMutableDictionary *propTypes = [NSMutableDictionary new]; Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(object_getClass(_managerClass), &count); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Method method = methods[i]; SEL selector = method_getName(method); NSString *methodName = NSStringFromSelector(selector); if ([methodName hasPrefix:@"propConfig"]) { NSRange nameRange = [methodName rangeOfString:@"_"]; if (nameRange.length) { NSString *name = [methodName substringFromIndex:nameRange.location + 1]; NSString *type = ((NSArray *(*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(_managerClass, selector)[0]; if (RCT_DEBUG && propTypes[name] && ![propTypes[name] isEqualToString:type]) { RCTLogError(@"Property '%@' of component '%@' redefined from '%@' " "to '%@'", name, _name, propTypes[name], type); } if ([type isEqualToString:@"RCTBubblingEventBlock"]) { [bubblingEvents addObject:RCTNormalizeInputEventName(name)]; propTypes[name] = @"BOOL"; } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"RCTDirectEventBlock"]) { [directEvents addObject:RCTNormalizeInputEventName(name)]; propTypes[name] = @"BOOL"; } else { propTypes[name] = type; } } } } free(methods); if (RCT_DEBUG) { for (NSString *event in directEvents) { if ([bubblingEvents containsObject:event]) { RCTLogError(@"Component '%@' registered '%@' as both a bubbling event " "and a direct event", _name, event); } } for (NSString *event in bubblingEvents) { if ([directEvents containsObject:event]) { RCTLogError(@"Component '%@' registered '%@' as both a bubbling event " "and a direct event", _name, event); } } } return @{ @"propTypes" : propTypes, @"directEvents" : directEvents, @"bubblingEvents" : bubblingEvents, }; } - (RCTViewManagerUIBlock)uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry:(NSDictionary *)registry { if (_implementsUIBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry) { return [[self manager] uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry:registry]; } return nil; } @end