/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; /** * This script runs instrumentation tests one by one with retries * Instrumentation tests tend to be flaky, so rerunning them individually increases * chances for success and reduces total average execution time. * * We assume that all instrumentation tests are flat in one folder * Available arguments: * --path - path to all .java files with tests * --package - com.facebook.react.tests * --retries [num] - how many times to retry possible flaky commands: npm install and running tests, default 1 */ /*eslint-disable no-undef */ const argv = require('yargs').argv; const async = require('async'); const child_process = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const colors = { GREEN: '\x1b[32m', RED: '\x1b[31m', RESET: '\x1b[0m' }; const test_opts = { FILTER: new RegExp(argv.filter || '.*', 'i'), PACKAGE: argv.package || 'com.facebook.react.tests', PATH: argv.path || './ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/java/com/facebook/react/tests', RETRIES: parseInt(argv.retries || 2, 10), TEST_TIMEOUT: parseInt(argv['test-timeout'] || 1000 * 60 * 10), OFFSET: argv.offset, COUNT: argv.count } let max_test_class_length = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; let testClasses = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), test_opts.PATH)) .filter((file) => { return file.endsWith('.java'); }).map((clazz) => { return path.basename(clazz, '.java'); }).map((clazz) => { return test_opts.PACKAGE + '.' + clazz; }).filter((clazz) => { return test_opts.FILTER.test(clazz); }); // only process subset of the tests at corresponding offset and count if args provided if (test_opts.COUNT != null && test_opts.OFFSET != null) { const testCount = testClasses.length; const start = test_opts.COUNT * test_opts.OFFSET; const end = start + test_opts.COUNT; if (start >= testClasses.length) { testClasses = []; } else if (end >= testClasses.length) { testClasses = testClasses.slice(start); } else { testClasses = testClasses.slice(start, end); } } return async.mapSeries(testClasses, (clazz, callback) => { if(clazz.length > max_test_class_length) { max_test_class_length = clazz.length; } return async.retry(test_opts.RETRIES, (retryCb) => { const test_process = child_process.spawn('./ContainerShip/scripts/run-instrumentation-tests-via-adb-shell.sh', [test_opts.PACKAGE, clazz], { stdio: 'inherit' }) const timeout = setTimeout(() => { test_process.kill(); }, test_opts.TEST_TIMEOUT); test_process.on('error', (err) => { clearTimeout(timeout); retryCb(err); }); test_process.on('exit', (code) => { clearTimeout(timeout); if(code !== 0) { return retryCb(new Error(`Process exited with code: ${code}`)); } return retryCb(); }); }, (err) => { return callback(null, { name: clazz, status: err ? 'failure' : 'success' }); }); }, (err, results) => { print_test_suite_results(results); const failures = results.filter((test) => { test.status === 'failure'; }); return failures.length === 0 ? process.exit(0) : process.exit(1); }); function print_test_suite_results(results) { console.log('\n\nTest Suite Results:\n'); let color; let failing_suites = 0; let passing_suites = 0; function pad_output(num_chars) { let i = 0; while(i < num_chars) { process.stdout.write(' '); i++; } } results.forEach((test) => { if(test.status === 'success') { color = colors.GREEN; passing_suites++; } else if(test.status === 'failure') { color = colors.RED; failing_suites++; } process.stdout.write(color); process.stdout.write(test.name); pad_output((max_test_class_length - test.name.length) + 8); process.stdout.write(test.status); process.stdout.write(`${colors.RESET}\n`); }); console.log(`\n${passing_suites} passing, ${failing_suites} failing!`); }