/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTAnimationDriverNode.h" #import #import "RCTAnimationUtils.h" #import "RCTDefines.h" #import "RCTValueAnimatedNode.h" const double SINGLE_FRAME_INTERVAL = 1.0 / 60.0; @implementation RCTAnimationDriverNode { NSArray *_frames; CGFloat _toValue; CGFloat _fromValue; NSTimeInterval _delay; NSTimeInterval _animationStartTime; NSTimeInterval _animationCurrentTime; RCTValueAnimatedNode *_valueNode; RCTResponseSenderBlock _callback; } - (instancetype)initWithId:(nonnull NSNumber *)animationId delay:(NSTimeInterval)delay toValue:(CGFloat)toValue frames:(nonnull NSArray *)frames forNode:(nonnull RCTValueAnimatedNode *)valueNode callBack:(nullable RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { if ((self = [super init])) { _animationId = animationId; _toValue = toValue; _fromValue = valueNode.value; _valueNode = valueNode; _delay = delay; _frames = [frames copy]; _outputValue = @0; _callback = [callback copy]; } return self; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)init) - (void)startAnimation { _animationStartTime = CACurrentMediaTime(); _animationCurrentTime = _animationStartTime; _animationHasBegun = YES; } - (void)stopAnimation { _animationHasFinished = YES; } - (void)removeAnimation { [self stopAnimation]; _valueNode = nil; if (_callback) { _callback(@[(id)kCFNull]); } } - (void)stepAnimation { if (!_animationHasBegun || _animationHasFinished || _frames.count == 0) { // Animation has not begun or animation has already finished. return; } NSTimeInterval currentTime = CACurrentMediaTime(); NSTimeInterval stepInterval = currentTime - _animationCurrentTime; _animationCurrentTime = currentTime; NSTimeInterval currentDuration = _animationCurrentTime - _animationStartTime; if (_delay > 0) { // Decrement delay _delay -= stepInterval; return; } // Determine how many frames have passed since last update. // Get index of frames that surround the current interval NSUInteger startIndex = floor(currentDuration / SINGLE_FRAME_INTERVAL); NSUInteger nextIndex = startIndex + 1; if (nextIndex >= _frames.count) { // We are at the end of the animation // Update value and flag animation has ended. NSNumber *finalValue = _frames.lastObject; [self updateOutputWithFrameOutput:finalValue.doubleValue]; [self stopAnimation]; return; } // Do a linear remap of the two frames to safegaurd against variable framerates NSNumber *fromFrameValue = _frames[startIndex]; NSNumber *toFrameValue = _frames[nextIndex]; NSTimeInterval fromInterval = startIndex * SINGLE_FRAME_INTERVAL; NSTimeInterval toInterval = nextIndex * SINGLE_FRAME_INTERVAL; // Interpolate between the individual frames to ensure the animations are //smooth and of the proper duration regardless of the framerate. CGFloat frameOutput = RCTInterpolateValue(currentDuration, fromInterval, toInterval, fromFrameValue.doubleValue, toFrameValue.doubleValue); [self updateOutputWithFrameOutput:frameOutput]; } - (void)updateOutputWithFrameOutput:(CGFloat)frameOutput { CGFloat outputValue = RCTInterpolateValue(frameOutput, 0, 1, _fromValue, _toValue); _outputValue = @(outputValue); _valueNode.value = outputValue; [_valueNode setNeedsUpdate]; } - (void)cleanupAnimationUpdate { [_valueNode cleanupAnimationUpdate]; } @end