/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @format */ 'use strict'; const {EventEmitter} = require('events'); const {dirname} = require.requireActual('path'); const fs = jest.genMockFromModule('fs'); const path = require('path'); const stream = require.requireActual('stream'); const noop = () => {}; function asyncCallback(cb) { return function() { setImmediate(() => cb.apply(this, arguments)); }; } const mtime = { getTime: () => Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000000), }; fs.realpath.mockImplementation((filepath, callback) => { callback = asyncCallback(callback); let node; try { node = getToNode(filepath); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (node && typeof node === 'object' && node.SYMLINK != null) { return callback(null, node.SYMLINK); } return callback(null, filepath); }); fs.readdirSync.mockImplementation(filepath => Object.keys(getToNode(filepath))); fs.readdir.mockImplementation((filepath, callback) => { callback = asyncCallback(callback); let node; try { node = getToNode(filepath); if (node && typeof node === 'object' && node.SYMLINK != null) { node = getToNode(node.SYMLINK); } } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (!(node && typeof node === 'object' && node.SYMLINK == null)) { return callback(new Error(filepath + ' is not a directory.')); } return callback(null, Object.keys(node)); }); fs.readFile.mockImplementation(function(filepath, encoding, callback) { callback = asyncCallback(callback); if (arguments.length === 2) { callback = encoding; encoding = null; } let node; try { node = getToNode(filepath); // dir check if (node && typeof node === 'object' && node.SYMLINK == null) { callback(new Error('Error readFile a dir: ' + filepath)); } if (node == null) { return callback(Error('No such file: ' + filepath)); } else { return callback(null, node); } } catch (e) { return callback(e); } }); fs.readFileSync.mockImplementation(function(filepath, encoding) { const node = getToNode(filepath); // dir check if (node && typeof node === 'object' && node.SYMLINK == null) { throw new Error('Error readFileSync a dir: ' + filepath); } return node; }); function readlinkSync(filepath) { const node = getToNode(filepath); if (node !== null && typeof node === 'object' && !!node.SYMLINK) { return node.SYMLINK; } else { throw new Error(`EINVAL: invalid argument, readlink '${filepath}'`); } } fs.readlink.mockImplementation((filepath, callback) => { callback = asyncCallback(callback); let result; try { result = readlinkSync(filepath); } catch (e) { callback(e); return; } callback(null, result); }); fs.readlinkSync.mockImplementation(readlinkSync); function existsSync(filepath) { try { const node = getToNode(filepath); return node !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } } fs.exists.mockImplementation((filepath, callback) => { callback = asyncCallback(callback); let result; try { result = existsSync(filepath); } catch (e) { callback(e); return; } callback(null, result); }); fs.existsSync.mockImplementation(existsSync); function makeStatResult(node) { const isSymlink = node != null && node.SYMLINK != null; return { isBlockDevice: () => false, isCharacterDevice: () => false, isDirectory: () => node != null && typeof node === 'object' && !isSymlink, isFIFO: () => false, isFile: () => node != null && typeof node === 'string', isSocket: () => false, isSymbolicLink: () => isSymlink, mtime, }; } function statSync(filepath) { const node = getToNode(filepath); if (node != null && node.SYMLINK) { return statSync(node.SYMLINK); } return makeStatResult(node); } fs.stat.mockImplementation((filepath, callback) => { callback = asyncCallback(callback); let result; try { result = statSync(filepath); } catch (e) { callback(e); return; } callback(null, result); }); fs.statSync.mockImplementation(statSync); function lstatSync(filepath) { const node = getToNode(filepath); return makeStatResult(node); } fs.lstat.mockImplementation((filepath, callback) => { callback = asyncCallback(callback); let result; try { result = lstatSync(filepath); } catch (e) { callback(e); return; } callback(null, result); }); fs.lstatSync.mockImplementation(lstatSync); fs.open.mockImplementation(function(filepath) { const callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1] || noop; let data, error, fd; try { data = getToNode(filepath); } catch (e) { error = e; } if (error || data == null) { error = Error(`ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ${filepath}`); } if (data != null) { /* global Buffer: true */ fd = {buffer: new Buffer(data, 'utf8'), position: 0}; } callback(error, fd); }); fs.read.mockImplementation( (fd, buffer, writeOffset, length, position, callback = noop) => { let bytesWritten; try { if (position == null || position < 0) { ({position} = fd); } bytesWritten = fd.buffer.copy( buffer, writeOffset, position, position + length, ); fd.position = position + bytesWritten; } catch (e) { callback(Error('invalid argument')); return; } callback(null, bytesWritten, buffer); }, ); fs.close.mockImplementation((fd, callback = noop) => { try { fd.buffer = fs.position = undefined; } catch (e) { callback(Error('invalid argument')); return; } callback(null); }); let filesystem; fs.createReadStream.mockImplementation(filepath => { if (!filepath.startsWith('/')) { throw Error('Cannot open file ' + filepath); } const parts = filepath.split('/').slice(1); let file = filesystem; for (const part of parts) { file = file[part]; if (!file) { break; } } if (typeof file !== 'string') { throw Error('Cannot open file ' + filepath); } return new stream.Readable({ read() { this.push(file, 'utf8'); this.push(null); }, }); }); fs.createWriteStream.mockImplementation(file => { let node; try { node = getToNode(dirname(file)); } finally { if (typeof node === 'object') { const writeStream = new stream.Writable({ write(chunk) { this.__chunks.push(chunk); }, }); writeStream.__file = file; writeStream.__chunks = []; writeStream.end = jest.fn(writeStream.end); fs.createWriteStream.mock.returned.push(writeStream); return writeStream; } else { throw new Error('Cannot open file ' + file); } } }); fs.createWriteStream.mock.returned = []; fs.__setMockFilesystem = object => (filesystem = object); const watcherListByPath = new Map(); fs.watch.mockImplementation((filename, options, listener) => { if (options.recursive) { throw new Error('recursive watch not implemented'); } let watcherList = watcherListByPath.get(filename); if (watcherList == null) { watcherList = []; watcherListByPath.set(filename, watcherList); } const fsWatcher = new EventEmitter(); fsWatcher.on('change', listener); fsWatcher.close = () => { watcherList.splice(watcherList.indexOf(fsWatcher), 1); fsWatcher.close = () => { throw new Error('FSWatcher is already closed'); }; }; watcherList.push(fsWatcher); }); fs.__triggerWatchEvent = (eventType, filename) => { const directWatchers = watcherListByPath.get(filename) || []; directWatchers.forEach(wtc => wtc.emit('change', eventType)); const dirPath = path.dirname(filename); const dirWatchers = watcherListByPath.get(dirPath) || []; dirWatchers.forEach(wtc => wtc.emit('change', eventType, path.relative(dirPath, filename)), ); }; function getToNode(filepath) { // Ignore the drive for Windows paths. if (filepath.match(/^[a-zA-Z]:\\/)) { filepath = filepath.substring(2); } if (filepath.endsWith(path.sep)) { filepath = filepath.slice(0, -1); } const parts = filepath.split(/[\/\\]/); if (parts[0] !== '') { throw new Error('Make sure all paths are absolute.'); } let node = filesystem; parts.slice(1).forEach(part => { if (node && node.SYMLINK) { node = getToNode(node.SYMLINK); } node = node[part]; if (node == null) { const err = new Error('ENOENT: no such file or directory'); err.code = 'ENOENT'; throw err; } }); return node; } module.exports = fs;