// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. #import "RCTUIManager.h" #import #import #import "Layout.h" #import "RCTAnimationType.h" #import "RCTAssert.h" #import "RCTBridge.h" #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTLog.h" #import "RCTNavigator.h" #import "RCTRootView.h" #import "RCTScrollableProtocol.h" #import "RCTShadowView.h" #import "RCTSparseArray.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" #import "RCTView.h" #import "RCTViewManager.h" #import "RCTViewNodeProtocol.h" #import "UIView+ReactKit.h" typedef void (^react_view_node_block_t)(id); static void RCTTraverseViewNodes(id view, react_view_node_block_t block) { if (view.reactTag) block(view); for (id subview in view.reactSubviews) { RCTTraverseViewNodes(subview, block); } } @interface RCTAnimation : NSObject @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval duration; @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval delay; @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *property; @property (nonatomic, readonly) id fromValue; @property (nonatomic, readonly) id toValue; @property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat springDamping; @property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat initialVelocity; @property (nonatomic, readonly) RCTAnimationType animationType; @end @implementation RCTAnimation UIViewAnimationCurve UIViewAnimationCurveFromRCTAnimationType(RCTAnimationType type) { switch (type) { case RCTAnimationTypeLinear: return UIViewAnimationCurveLinear; case RCTAnimationTypeEaseIn: return UIViewAnimationCurveEaseIn; case RCTAnimationTypeEaseOut: return UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut; case RCTAnimationTypeEaseInEaseOut: return UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut; default: RCTCAssert(NO, @"Unsupported animation type %zd", type); return UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut; } } - (instancetype)initWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration dictionary:(NSDictionary *)config { if (!config) { return nil; } if ((self = [super init])) { _property = [RCTConvert NSString:config[@"property"]]; // TODO: this should be provided in ms, not seconds // (this will require changing all call sites to ms as well) _duration = [RCTConvert NSTimeInterval:config[@"duration"]] * 1000.0 ?: duration; _delay = [RCTConvert NSTimeInterval:config[@"delay"]] * 1000.0; _animationType = [RCTConvert RCTAnimationType:config[@"type"]]; if (_animationType == RCTAnimationTypeSpring) { _springDamping = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"springDamping"]]; _initialVelocity = [RCTConvert CGFloat:config[@"initialVelocity"]]; } _fromValue = config[@"fromValue"]; _toValue = config[@"toValue"]; } return self; } - (void)performAnimations:(void (^)(void))animations withCompletionBlock:(void (^)(BOOL completed))completionBlock { if (_animationType == RCTAnimationTypeSpring) { [UIView animateWithDuration:_duration delay:_delay usingSpringWithDamping:_springDamping initialSpringVelocity:_initialVelocity options:UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations:animations completion:completionBlock]; } else { UIViewAnimationOptions options = UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState | UIViewAnimationCurveFromRCTAnimationType(_animationType); [UIView animateWithDuration:_duration delay:_delay options:options animations:animations completion:completionBlock]; } } @end @interface RCTLayoutAnimation : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong) RCTAnimation *createAnimation; @property (nonatomic, strong) RCTAnimation *updateAnimation; @property (nonatomic, strong) RCTAnimation *deleteAnimation; @property (nonatomic, strong) RCTResponseSenderBlock callback; @end @implementation RCTLayoutAnimation - (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)config callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { if (!config) { return nil; } if ((self = [super init])) { // TODO: this should be provided in ms, not seconds // (this will require changing all call sites to ms as well) NSTimeInterval duration = [RCTConvert NSTimeInterval:config[@"duration"]] * 1000.0; _createAnimation = [[RCTAnimation alloc] initWithDuration:duration dictionary:config[@"create"]]; _updateAnimation = [[RCTAnimation alloc] initWithDuration:duration dictionary:config[@"update"]]; _deleteAnimation = [[RCTAnimation alloc] initWithDuration:duration dictionary:config[@"delete"]]; _callback = callback; } return self; } @end @implementation RCTUIManager { dispatch_queue_t _shadowQueue; // Root views are only mutated on the shadow queue NSMutableSet *_rootViewTags; NSMutableArray *_pendingUIBlocks; NSLock *_pendingUIBlocksLock; // Animation RCTLayoutAnimation *_nextLayoutAnimation; // RCT thread only RCTLayoutAnimation *_layoutAnimation; // Main thread only // Keyed by viewName NSMutableDictionary *_defaultShadowViews; // RCT thread only NSMutableDictionary *_defaultViews; // Main thread only NSDictionary *_viewManagers; // Keyed by React tag RCTSparseArray *_viewManagerRegistry; // RCT thread only RCTSparseArray *_shadowViewRegistry; // RCT thread only RCTSparseArray *_viewRegistry; // Main thread only } @synthesize bridge =_bridge; /** * This function derives the view name automatically * from the module name. */ static NSString *RCTViewNameForModuleName(NSString *moduleName) { NSString *name = moduleName; if ([name hasSuffix:@"Manager"]) { name = [name substringToIndex:name.length - @"Manager".length]; } return name; } /** * This private constructor should only be called when creating * isolated UIImanager instances for testing. Normal initialization * is via -init:, which is called automatically by the bridge. */ - (instancetype)initWithShadowQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)shadowQueue { if ((self = [self init])) { _shadowQueue = shadowQueue; _viewManagers = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } return self; } - (instancetype)init { if ((self = [super init])) { _pendingUIBlocksLock = [[NSLock alloc] init]; _defaultShadowViews = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; _defaultViews = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; _viewManagerRegistry = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] init]; _shadowViewRegistry = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] init]; _viewRegistry = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] init]; // Internal resources _pendingUIBlocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; _rootViewTags = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { RCTAssert(!self.valid, @"must call -invalidate before -dealloc"); } - (void)setBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge { if (_bridge) { // Clear previous bridge data [self invalidate]; } if (bridge) { _bridge = bridge; _shadowQueue = _bridge.shadowQueue; // Get view managers from bridge NSMutableDictionary *viewManagers = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [_bridge.modules enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *moduleName, RCTViewManager *manager, BOOL *stop) { if ([manager isKindOfClass:[RCTViewManager class]]) { viewManagers[RCTViewNameForModuleName(moduleName)] = manager; } }]; _viewManagers = [viewManagers copy]; } } - (BOOL)isValid { return _viewRegistry != nil; } - (void)invalidate { RCTAssertMainThread(); _viewRegistry = nil; _shadowViewRegistry = nil; _bridge = nil; [_pendingUIBlocksLock lock]; _pendingUIBlocks = nil; [_pendingUIBlocksLock unlock]; } - (void)registerRootView:(RCTRootView *)rootView; { RCTAssertMainThread(); NSNumber *reactTag = rootView.reactTag; UIView *existingView = _viewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTCAssert(existingView == nil || existingView == rootView, @"Expect all root views to have unique tag. Added %@ twice", reactTag); // Register view _viewRegistry[reactTag] = rootView; CGRect frame = rootView.frame; // Register manager (TODO: should we do this, or leave it nil?) _viewManagerRegistry[reactTag] = _viewManagers[@"View"]; // Register shadow view dispatch_async(_shadowQueue, ^{ RCTShadowView *shadowView = [[RCTShadowView alloc] init]; shadowView.reactTag = reactTag; shadowView.frame = frame; shadowView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; shadowView.reactRootView = YES; // can this just be inferred from the fact that it has no superview? _shadowViewRegistry[shadowView.reactTag] = shadowView; [_rootViewTags addObject:reactTag]; }); } /** * Unregisters views from registries */ - (void)_purgeChildren:(NSArray *)children fromRegistry:(RCTSparseArray *)registry { for (id child in children) { RCTTraverseViewNodes(registry[child.reactTag], ^(id subview) { RCTAssert(![subview isReactRootView], @"Root views should not be unregistered"); if ([subview conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTInvalidating)]) { [(id)subview invalidate]; } registry[subview.reactTag] = nil; }); } } - (void)addUIBlock:(RCTViewManagerUIBlock)block { RCTAssert(![NSThread isMainThread], @"This method should only be called on the shadow thread"); __weak RCTUIManager *weakViewManager = self; __weak RCTSparseArray *weakViewRegistry = _viewRegistry; dispatch_block_t outerBlock = ^{ RCTUIManager *strongViewManager = weakViewManager; RCTSparseArray *strongViewRegistry = weakViewRegistry; if (strongViewManager && strongViewRegistry) { block(strongViewManager, strongViewRegistry); } }; [_pendingUIBlocksLock lock]; [_pendingUIBlocks addObject:outerBlock]; [_pendingUIBlocksLock unlock]; } - (RCTViewManagerUIBlock)uiBlockWithLayoutUpdateForRootView:(RCTShadowView *)rootShadowView { RCTAssert(![NSThread isMainThread], @"This should never be executed on main thread."); NSMutableSet *viewsWithNewFrames = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:1]; // This is nuanced. In the JS thread, we create a new update buffer // `frameTags`/`frames` that is created/mutated in the JS thread. We access // these structures in the UI-thread block. `NSMutableArray` is not thread // safe so we rely on the fact that we never mutate it after it's passed to // the main thread. [rootShadowView collectRootUpdatedFrames:viewsWithNewFrames parentConstraint:(CGSize){CSS_UNDEFINED, CSS_UNDEFINED}]; // Parallel arrays NSMutableArray *frameReactTags = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:viewsWithNewFrames.count]; NSMutableArray *frames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:viewsWithNewFrames.count]; NSMutableArray *areNew = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:viewsWithNewFrames.count]; NSMutableArray *parentsAreNew = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:viewsWithNewFrames.count]; for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in viewsWithNewFrames) { [frameReactTags addObject:shadowView.reactTag]; [frames addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:shadowView.frame]]; [areNew addObject:@(shadowView.isNewView)]; [parentsAreNew addObject:@(shadowView.superview.isNewView)]; } for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in viewsWithNewFrames) { // We have to do this after we build the parentsAreNew array. shadowView.newView = NO; } NSMutableArray *updateBlocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in viewsWithNewFrames) { RCTViewManager *manager = _viewManagerRegistry[shadowView.reactTag]; RCTViewManagerUIBlock block = [manager uiBlockToAmendWithShadowView:shadowView]; if (block) [updateBlocks addObject:block]; } // Perform layout (possibly animated) NSNumber *rootViewTag = rootShadowView.reactTag; return ^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { for (NSUInteger ii = 0; ii < frames.count; ii++) { NSNumber *reactTag = frameReactTags[ii]; UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; CGRect frame = [frames[ii] CGRectValue]; // These frames are in terms of anchorPoint = topLeft, but internally the // views are anchorPoint = center for easier scale and rotation animations. // Convert the frame so it works with anchorPoint = center. CGPoint position = {CGRectGetMidX(frame), CGRectGetMidY(frame)}; CGRect bounds = {0, 0, frame.size}; // Avoid crashes due to nan coords if (isnan(position.x) || isnan(position.y) || isnan(bounds.origin.x) || isnan(bounds.origin.y) || isnan(bounds.size.width) || isnan(bounds.size.height)) { RCTLogError(@"Invalid layout for (%@)%@. position: %@. bounds: %@", [view reactTag], self, NSStringFromCGPoint(position), NSStringFromCGRect(bounds)); continue; } void (^completion)(BOOL finished) = ^(BOOL finished) { if (self->_layoutAnimation.callback) { self->_layoutAnimation.callback(@[@(finished)]); } }; // Animate view update BOOL isNew = [areNew[ii] boolValue]; RCTAnimation *updateAnimation = isNew ? nil: _layoutAnimation.updateAnimation; if (updateAnimation) { [updateAnimation performAnimations:^{ view.layer.position = position; view.layer.bounds = bounds; for (RCTViewManagerUIBlock block in updateBlocks) { block(self, _viewRegistry); } } withCompletionBlock:completion]; } else { view.layer.position = position; view.layer.bounds = bounds; for (RCTViewManagerUIBlock block in updateBlocks) { block(self, _viewRegistry); } completion(YES); } // Animate view creation BOOL shouldAnimateCreation = isNew && ![parentsAreNew[ii] boolValue]; RCTAnimation *createAnimation = _layoutAnimation.createAnimation; if (shouldAnimateCreation && createAnimation) { if ([createAnimation.property isEqualToString:@"scaleXY"]) { view.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(0, 0, 0); } else if ([createAnimation.property isEqualToString:@"opacity"]) { view.layer.opacity = 0.0; } [createAnimation performAnimations:^{ if ([createAnimation.property isEqual:@"scaleXY"]) { view.layer.transform = CATransform3DIdentity; } else if ([createAnimation.property isEqual:@"opacity"]) { view.layer.opacity = 1.0; } else { RCTLogError(@"Unsupported layout animation createConfig property %@", createAnimation.property); } for (RCTViewManagerUIBlock block in updateBlocks) { block(self, _viewRegistry); } } withCompletionBlock:nil]; } } /** * Enumerate all active (attached to a parent) views and call * reactBridgeDidFinishTransaction on them if they implement it. * TODO: this is quite inefficient. If this was handled via the * ViewManager instead, it could be done more efficiently. */ RCTRootView *rootView = _viewRegistry[rootViewTag]; RCTTraverseViewNodes(rootView, ^(id view) { if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(reactBridgeDidFinishTransaction)]) { [view reactBridgeDidFinishTransaction]; } }); }; } - (void)_amendPendingUIBlocksWithStylePropagationUpdateForRootView:(RCTShadowView *)topView { NSMutableSet *applierBlocks = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:1]; [topView collectUpdatedProperties:applierBlocks parentProperties:@{}]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { for (RCTApplierBlock block in applierBlocks) { block(viewRegistry); } }]; } /** * A method to be called from JS, which takes a container ID and then releases * all subviews for that container upon receipt. */ - (void)removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID:(NSNumber *)containerID { RCT_EXPORT(); id container = _viewRegistry[containerID]; RCTAssert(container != nil, @"container view (for ID %@) not found", containerID); NSUInteger subviewsCount = [[container reactSubviews] count]; NSMutableArray *indices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:subviewsCount]; for (NSInteger childIndex = 0; childIndex < subviewsCount; childIndex++) { [indices addObject:@(childIndex)]; } [self manageChildren:containerID moveFromIndices:nil moveToIndices:nil addChildReactTags:nil addAtIndices:nil removeAtIndices:indices]; } /** * Disassociates children from container. Doesn't remove from registries. * TODO: use [NSArray getObjects:buffer] to reuse same fast buffer each time. * * @returns Array of removed items. */ - (NSArray *)_childrenToRemoveFromContainer:(id)container atIndices:(NSArray *)atIndices { // If there are no indices to move or the container has no subviews don't bother // We support parents with nil subviews so long as they're all nil so this allows for this behavior if ([atIndices count] == 0 || [[container reactSubviews] count] == 0) { return nil; } // Construction of removed children must be done "up front", before indices are disturbed by removals. NSMutableArray *removedChildren = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:atIndices.count]; RCTCAssert(container != nil, @"container view (for ID %@) not found", container); for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [atIndices count]; i++) { NSInteger index = [atIndices[i] integerValue]; if (index < [[container reactSubviews] count]) { [removedChildren addObject:[container reactSubviews][index]]; } } if (removedChildren.count != atIndices.count) { RCTLogMustFix(@"removedChildren count (%tu) was not what we expected (%tu)", removedChildren.count, atIndices.count); } return removedChildren; } - (void)_removeChildren:(NSArray *)children fromContainer:(id)container { for (id removedChild in children) { [container removeReactSubview:removedChild]; } } - (void)removeRootView:(NSNumber *)rootReactTag { RCT_EXPORT(); RCTShadowView *rootShadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[rootReactTag]; RCTAssert(rootShadowView.superview == nil, @"root view cannot have superview (ID %@)", rootReactTag); [self _purgeChildren:@[rootShadowView] fromRegistry:_shadowViewRegistry]; [_rootViewTags removeObject:rootReactTag]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry){ RCTCAssertMainThread(); UIView *rootView = viewRegistry[rootReactTag]; [uiManager _purgeChildren:@[rootView] fromRegistry:viewRegistry]; }]; } - (void)replaceExistingNonRootView:(NSNumber *)reactTag withView:(NSNumber *)newReactTag { RCT_EXPORT(); RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTAssert(shadowView != nil, @"shadowView (for ID %@) not found", reactTag); RCTShadowView *superShadowView = shadowView.superview; RCTAssert(superShadowView != nil, @"shadowView super (of ID %@) not found", reactTag); NSUInteger indexOfView = [superShadowView.reactSubviews indexOfObject:shadowView]; RCTAssert(indexOfView != NSNotFound, @"View's superview doesn't claim it as subview (id %@)", reactTag); NSArray *removeAtIndices = @[@(indexOfView)]; NSArray *addTags = @[newReactTag]; [self manageChildren:superShadowView.reactTag moveFromIndices:nil moveToIndices:nil addChildReactTags:addTags addAtIndices:removeAtIndices removeAtIndices:removeAtIndices]; } - (void)manageChildren:(NSNumber *)containerReactTag moveFromIndices:(NSArray *)moveFromIndices moveToIndices:(NSArray *)moveToIndices addChildReactTags:(NSArray *)addChildReactTags addAtIndices:(NSArray *)addAtIndices removeAtIndices:(NSArray *)removeAtIndices { RCT_EXPORT(); [self _manageChildren:containerReactTag moveFromIndices:moveFromIndices moveToIndices:moveToIndices addChildReactTags:addChildReactTags addAtIndices:addAtIndices removeAtIndices:removeAtIndices registry:_shadowViewRegistry]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry){ [uiManager _manageChildren:containerReactTag moveFromIndices:moveFromIndices moveToIndices:moveToIndices addChildReactTags:addChildReactTags addAtIndices:addAtIndices removeAtIndices:removeAtIndices registry:viewRegistry]; }]; } - (void)_manageChildren:(NSNumber *)containerReactTag moveFromIndices:(NSArray *)moveFromIndices moveToIndices:(NSArray *)moveToIndices addChildReactTags:(NSArray *)addChildReactTags addAtIndices:(NSArray *)addAtIndices removeAtIndices:(NSArray *)removeAtIndices registry:(RCTSparseArray *)registry { id container = registry[containerReactTag]; RCTAssert(moveFromIndices.count == moveToIndices.count, @"moveFromIndices had size %tu, moveToIndices had size %tu", moveFromIndices.count, moveToIndices.count); RCTAssert(addChildReactTags.count == addAtIndices.count, @"there should be at least one react child to add"); // Removes (both permanent and temporary moves) are using "before" indices NSArray *permanentlyRemovedChildren = [self _childrenToRemoveFromContainer:container atIndices:removeAtIndices]; NSArray *temporarilyRemovedChildren = [self _childrenToRemoveFromContainer:container atIndices:moveFromIndices]; [self _removeChildren:permanentlyRemovedChildren fromContainer:container]; [self _removeChildren:temporarilyRemovedChildren fromContainer:container]; [self _purgeChildren:permanentlyRemovedChildren fromRegistry:registry]; // TODO (#5906496): optimize all these loops - constantly calling array.count is not efficient // Figure out what to insert - merge temporary inserts and adds NSMutableDictionary *destinationsToChildrenToAdd = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (NSInteger index = 0; index < temporarilyRemovedChildren.count; index++) { destinationsToChildrenToAdd[moveToIndices[index]] = temporarilyRemovedChildren[index]; } for (NSInteger index = 0; index < addAtIndices.count; index++) { id view = registry[addChildReactTags[index]]; if (view) { destinationsToChildrenToAdd[addAtIndices[index]] = view; } } NSArray *sortedIndices = [[destinationsToChildrenToAdd allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; for (NSNumber *reactIndex in sortedIndices) { [container insertReactSubview:destinationsToChildrenToAdd[reactIndex] atIndex:[reactIndex integerValue]]; } } static BOOL RCTCallPropertySetter(SEL setter, id value, id view, id defaultView, RCTViewManager *manager) { // TODO: cache respondsToSelector tests if ([manager respondsToSelector:setter]) { if (value == [NSNull null]) { value = nil; } ((void (*)(id, SEL, id, id, id))objc_msgSend)(manager, setter, value, view, defaultView); return YES; } return NO; } static void RCTSetViewProps(NSDictionary *props, UIView *view, UIView *defaultView, RCTViewManager *manager) { [props enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL *stop) { SEL setter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set_%@:forView:withDefaultView:", key]); // For regular views we don't attempt to set properties // unless the view property has been explicitly exported. RCTCallPropertySetter(setter, obj, view, defaultView, manager); }]; } static void RCTSetShadowViewProps(NSDictionary *props, RCTShadowView *shadowView, RCTShadowView *defaultView, RCTViewManager *manager) { [props enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL *stop) { SEL setter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set_%@:forShadowView:withDefaultView:", key]); // For shadow views we call any custom setter methods by default, // but if none is specified, we attempt to set property anyway. if (!RCTCallPropertySetter(setter, obj, shadowView, defaultView, manager)) { if (obj == [NSNull null]) { // Copy property from default view to current // Note: not just doing `[defaultView valueForKey:key]`, the // key may not exist, in which case we'd get an exception. RCTCopyProperty(shadowView, defaultView, key); } else { RCTSetProperty(shadowView, key, obj); } } }]; // Update layout [shadowView updateShadowViewLayout]; } - (void)createAndRegisterViewWithReactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag viewName:(NSString *)viewName props:(NSDictionary *)props { RCT_EXPORT(createView); RCTViewManager *manager = _viewManagers[viewName]; if (manager == nil) { RCTLogWarn(@"No manager class found for view with module name \"%@\"", viewName); manager = [[RCTViewManager alloc] init]; } // Register manager _viewManagerRegistry[reactTag] = manager; // Generate default view, used for resetting default props if (!_defaultShadowViews[viewName]) { _defaultShadowViews[viewName] = [manager shadowView]; } RCTShadowView *shadowView = [manager shadowView]; shadowView.viewName = viewName; shadowView.reactTag = reactTag; RCTSetShadowViewProps(props, shadowView, _defaultShadowViews[viewName], manager); _shadowViewRegistry[shadowView.reactTag] = shadowView; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry){ RCTCAssertMainThread(); // Generate default view, used for resetting default props if (!uiManager->_defaultViews[viewName]) { // Note the default is setup after the props are read for the first time ever // for this className - this is ok because we only use the default for restoring // defaults, which never happens on first creation. uiManager->_defaultViews[viewName] = [manager view]; } UIView *view = [manager view]; if (view) { // Set required properties view.reactTag = reactTag; view.multipleTouchEnabled = YES; view.userInteractionEnabled = YES; // required for touch handling view.layer.allowsGroupOpacity = YES; // required for touch handling // Set custom properties RCTSetViewProps(props, view, uiManager->_defaultViews[viewName], manager); } viewRegistry[view.reactTag] = view; }]; } // TODO: remove viewName param as it isn't needed - (void)updateView:(NSNumber *)reactTag viewName:(__unused NSString *)_ props:(NSDictionary *)props { RCT_EXPORT(); RCTViewManager *viewManager = _viewManagerRegistry[reactTag]; NSString *viewName = RCTViewNameForModuleName([[viewManager class] moduleName]); RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTSetShadowViewProps(props, shadowView, _defaultShadowViews[viewName], viewManager); [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { UIView *view = uiManager->_viewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTSetViewProps(props, view, uiManager->_defaultViews[viewName], viewManager); }]; } - (void)becomeResponder:(NSNumber *)reactTag { RCT_EXPORT(focus); if (!reactTag) return; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { UIView *newResponder = viewRegistry[reactTag]; [newResponder becomeFirstResponder]; }]; } - (void)resignResponder:(NSNumber *)reactTag { RCT_EXPORT(blur); if (!reactTag) return; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry){ UIView *currentResponder = viewRegistry[reactTag]; [currentResponder resignFirstResponder]; }]; } - (void)batchDidComplete { // Gather blocks to be executed now that all view hierarchy manipulations have // been completed (note that these may still take place before layout has finished) for (RCTViewManager *manager in _viewManagers.allValues) { RCTViewManagerUIBlock uiBlock = [manager uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry:_shadowViewRegistry]; if (uiBlock) { [self addUIBlock:uiBlock]; } } // Set up next layout animation if (_nextLayoutAnimation) { RCTLayoutAnimation *layoutAnimation = _nextLayoutAnimation; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { uiManager->_layoutAnimation = layoutAnimation; }]; } // Perform layout for (NSNumber *reactTag in _rootViewTags) { RCTShadowView *rootView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; [self addUIBlock:[self uiBlockWithLayoutUpdateForRootView:rootView]]; [self _amendPendingUIBlocksWithStylePropagationUpdateForRootView:rootView]; } // Clear layout animations if (_nextLayoutAnimation) { [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { uiManager->_layoutAnimation = nil; }]; _nextLayoutAnimation = nil; } // First copy the previous blocks into a temporary variable, then reset the // pending blocks to a new array. This guards against mutation while // processing the pending blocks in another thread. [_pendingUIBlocksLock lock]; NSArray *previousPendingUIBlocks = _pendingUIBlocks; _pendingUIBlocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [_pendingUIBlocksLock unlock]; // Execute the previously queued UI blocks dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ for (dispatch_block_t block in previousPendingUIBlocks) { block(); } }); } - (void)measure:(NSNumber *)reactTag callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { RCT_EXPORT(); if (!callback) { RCTLogError(@"Called measure with no callback"); return; } [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if (!view) { RCTLogError(@"measure cannot find view with tag %zd", reactTag); return; } CGRect frame = view.frame; UIView *rootView = view; while (rootView && ![rootView isReactRootView]) { rootView = rootView.superview; } RCTCAssert([rootView isReactRootView], @"React view not inside RCTRootView"); // By convention, all coordinates, whether they be touch coordinates, or // measurement coordinates are with respect to the root view. CGPoint pagePoint = [view.superview convertPoint:frame.origin toView:rootView]; callback(@[ @(frame.origin.x), @(frame.origin.y), @(frame.size.width), @(frame.size.height), @(pagePoint.x), @(pagePoint.y) ]); }]; } /** * TODO: This could be modified to accept any `RCTViewNodeProtocol`, if * appropriate changes were made to that protocol to support `superview` * traversal - which is possibly more difficult than it sounds since a * `superview` is not a "react superview". */ + (void)measureLayoutOnNodes:(RCTShadowView *)view ancestor:(RCTShadowView *)ancestor errorCallback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback callback:(__unused RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { if (!view) { RCTLogError(@"Attempting to measure view that does not exist"); return; } if (!ancestor) { RCTLogError(@"Attempting to measure relative to ancestor that does not exist"); return; } CGRect result = [RCTShadowView measureLayout:view relativeTo:ancestor]; if (CGRectIsNull(result)) { RCTLogError(@"view %@ (tag #%@) is not a decendant of %@ (tag #%@)", view, view.reactTag, ancestor, ancestor.reactTag); return; } CGFloat leftOffset = result.origin.x; CGFloat topOffset = result.origin.y; CGFloat width = result.size.width; CGFloat height = result.size.height; if (isnan(leftOffset) || isnan(topOffset) || isnan(width) || isnan(height)) { RCTLogError(@"Attempted to measure layout but offset or dimensions were NaN"); return; } callback(@[@(topOffset), @(leftOffset), @(width), @(height)]); } /** * Returns the computed recursive offset layout in a dictionary form. The * returned values are relative to the `ancestor` shadow view. Returns `nil`, if * the `ancestor` shadow view is not actually an `ancestor`. Does not touch * anything on the main UI thread. Invokes supplied callback with (x, y, width, * height). */ - (void)measureLayout:(NSNumber *)reactTag relativeTo:(NSNumber *)ancestorReactTag errorCallback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { RCT_EXPORT(); RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTShadowView *ancestorShadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[ancestorReactTag]; [RCTUIManager measureLayoutOnNodes:shadowView ancestor:ancestorShadowView errorCallback:errorCallback callback:callback]; } /** * Returns the computed recursive offset layout in a dictionary form. The * returned values are relative to the `ancestor` shadow view. Returns `nil`, if * the `ancestor` shadow view is not actually an `ancestor`. Does not touch * anything on the main UI thread. Invokes supplied callback with (x, y, width, * height). */ - (void)measureLayoutRelativeToParent:(NSNumber *)reactTag errorCallback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { RCT_EXPORT(); RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; [RCTUIManager measureLayoutOnNodes:shadowView ancestor:[shadowView superview] errorCallback:errorCallback callback:callback]; } /** * Returns an array of computed offset layouts in a dictionary form. The layouts are of any react subviews * that are immediate descendants to the parent view found within a specified rect. The dictionary result * contains left, top, width, height and an index. The index specifies the position among the other subviews. * Only layouts for views that are within the rect passed in are returned. Invokes the error callback if the * passed in parent view does not exist. Invokes the supplied callback with the array of computed layouts. */ - (void)measureViewsInRect:(NSDictionary *)rect parentView:(NSNumber *)reactTag errorCallback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { RCT_EXPORT(); RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; if (!shadowView) { RCTLogError(@"Attempting to measure view that does not exist (tag #%@)", reactTag); return; } NSArray *childShadowViews = [shadowView reactSubviews]; NSMutableArray *results = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[childShadowViews count]]; CGRect layoutRect = [RCTConvert CGRect:rect]; [childShadowViews enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(RCTShadowView *childShadowView, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { CGRect childLayout = [RCTShadowView measureLayout:childShadowView relativeTo:shadowView]; if (CGRectIsNull(childLayout)) { RCTLogError(@"View %@ (tag #%@) is not a decendant of %@ (tag #%@)", childShadowView, childShadowView.reactTag, shadowView, shadowView.reactTag); return; } CGFloat leftOffset = childLayout.origin.x; CGFloat topOffset = childLayout.origin.y; CGFloat width = childLayout.size.width; CGFloat height = childLayout.size.height; if (leftOffset <= layoutRect.origin.x + layoutRect.size.width && leftOffset + width >= layoutRect.origin.x && topOffset <= layoutRect.origin.y + layoutRect.size.height && topOffset + height >= layoutRect.origin.y) { // This view is within the layout rect NSDictionary *result = @{@"index": @(idx), @"left": @(leftOffset), @"top": @(topOffset), @"width": @(width), @"height": @(height)}; [results addObject:result]; } }]; callback(@[results]); } - (void)setMainScrollViewTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag { RCT_EXPORT(); [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry){ // - There should be at most one designated "main scroll view" // - There should be at most one designated "`nativeMainScrollDelegate`" // - The one designated main scroll view should have the one designated // `nativeMainScrollDelegate` set as its `nativeMainScrollDelegate`. if (uiManager.mainScrollView) { uiManager.mainScrollView.nativeMainScrollDelegate = nil; } if (reactTag) { id rkObject = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if ([rkObject conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTScrollableProtocol)]) { uiManager.mainScrollView = (id)rkObject; ((id)rkObject).nativeMainScrollDelegate = uiManager.nativeMainScrollDelegate; } else { RCTCAssert(NO, @"Tag %@ does not conform to RCTScrollableProtocol", reactTag); } } else { uiManager.mainScrollView = nil; } }]; } - (void)scrollToOffsetWithView:(NSNumber *)reactTag scrollToOffsetX:(NSNumber *)offsetX offsetY:(NSNumber *)offsetY { RCT_EXPORT(scrollTo); [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry){ UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTScrollableProtocol)]) { [(id)view scrollToOffset:CGPointMake([offsetX floatValue], [offsetY floatValue])]; } else { RCTLogError(@"tried to scrollToOffset: on non-RCTScrollableProtocol view %@ with tag %@", view, reactTag); } }]; } - (void)zoomToRectWithView:(NSNumber *)reactTag rect:(NSDictionary *)rectDict { RCT_EXPORT(zoomToRect); [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry){ UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if ([view conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTScrollableProtocol)]) { [(id)view zoomToRect:[RCTConvert CGRect:rectDict] animated:YES]; } else { RCTLogError(@"tried to zoomToRect: on non-RCTScrollableProtocol view %@ with tag %@", view, reactTag); } }]; } /** * JS sets what *it* considers to be the responder. Later, scroll views can use * this in order to determine if scrolling is appropriate. */ - (void)setJSResponder:(NSNumber *)reactTag { RCT_EXPORT(); [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { _jsResponder = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if (!_jsResponder) { RCTLogError(@"Invalid view set to be the JS responder - tag %zd", reactTag); } }]; } - (void)clearJSResponder { RCT_EXPORT(); [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { _jsResponder = nil; }]; } // TODO: these event types should be distributed among the modules // that declare them. Also, events should be registerable by any class // that can call event handlers, not just UIViewManagers. This code // also seems highly redundant - every event has the same properties. - (NSDictionary *)customBubblingEventTypes { NSMutableDictionary *customBubblingEventTypesConfigs = [@{ // Bubble dispatched events @"topTap": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onPress", @"captured": @"onPressCapture" } }, @"topVisibleCellsChange": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onVisibleCellsChange", @"captured": @"onVisibleCellsChangeCapture" } }, @"topNavigateBack": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onNavigationComplete", @"captured": @"onNavigationCompleteCapture" } }, @"topNavRightButtonTap": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onNavRightButtonTap", @"captured": @"onNavRightButtonTapCapture" } }, @"topChange": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onChange", @"captured": @"onChangeCapture" } }, @"topFocus": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onFocus", @"captured": @"onFocusCapture" } }, @"topBlur": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onBlur", @"captured": @"onBlurCapture" } }, @"topSubmitEditing": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onSubmitEditing", @"captured": @"onSubmitEditingCapture" } }, @"topEndEditing": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onEndEditing", @"captured": @"onEndEditingCapture" } }, @"topTextInput": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onTextInput", @"captured": @"onTextInputCapture" } }, @"topTouchStart": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onTouchStart", @"captured": @"onTouchStartCapture" } }, @"topTouchMove": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onTouchMove", @"captured": @"onTouchMoveCapture" } }, @"topTouchCancel": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onTouchCancel", @"captured": @"onTouchCancelCapture" } }, @"topTouchEnd": @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{ @"bubbled": @"onTouchEnd", @"captured": @"onTouchEndCapture" } }, } mutableCopy]; [_viewManagers enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *name, Class cls, BOOL *stop) { if (RCTClassOverridesClassMethod(cls, @selector(customBubblingEventTypes))) { NSDictionary *eventTypes = [cls customBubblingEventTypes]; for (NSString *eventName in eventTypes) { RCTCAssert(!customBubblingEventTypesConfigs[eventName], @"Event '%@' registered multiple times.", eventName); } [customBubblingEventTypesConfigs addEntriesFromDictionary:eventTypes]; } }]; return customBubblingEventTypesConfigs; } - (NSDictionary *)customDirectEventTypes { NSMutableDictionary *customDirectEventTypes = [@{ @"topScrollBeginDrag": @{ @"registrationName": @"onScrollBeginDrag" }, @"topScroll": @{ @"registrationName": @"onScroll" }, @"topScrollEndDrag": @{ @"registrationName": @"onScrollEndDrag" }, @"topScrollAnimationEnd": @{ @"registrationName": @"onScrollAnimationEnd" }, @"topSelectionChange": @{ @"registrationName": @"onSelectionChange" }, @"topMomentumScrollBegin": @{ @"registrationName": @"onMomentumScrollBegin" }, @"topMomentumScrollEnd": @{ @"registrationName": @"onMomentumScrollEnd" }, @"topPullToRefresh": @{ @"registrationName": @"onPullToRefresh" }, @"topLoadingStart": @{ @"registrationName": @"onLoadingStart" }, @"topLoadingFinish": @{ @"registrationName": @"onLoadingFinish" }, @"topLoadingError": @{ @"registrationName": @"onLoadingError" }, } mutableCopy]; [_viewManagers enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *name, Class cls, BOOL *stop) { if (RCTClassOverridesClassMethod(cls, @selector(customDirectEventTypes))) { NSDictionary *eventTypes = [cls customDirectEventTypes]; for (NSString *eventName in eventTypes) { RCTCAssert(!customDirectEventTypes[eventName], @"Event '%@' registered multiple times.", eventName); } [customDirectEventTypes addEntriesFromDictionary:eventTypes]; } }]; return customDirectEventTypes; } - (NSDictionary *)constantsToExport { NSMutableDictionary *allJSConstants = [@{ @"customBubblingEventTypes": [self customBubblingEventTypes], @"customDirectEventTypes": [self customDirectEventTypes], @"NSTextAlignment": @{ @"Left": @(NSTextAlignmentLeft), @"Center": @(NSTextAlignmentCenter), @"Right": @(NSTextAlignmentRight), }, @"Dimensions": @{ @"window": @{ @"width": @(RCTScreenSize().width), @"height": @(RCTScreenSize().height), @"scale": @(RCTScreenScale()), }, @"modalFullscreenView": @{ @"width": @(RCTScreenSize().width), @"height": @(RCTScreenSize().width), }, }, @"StyleConstants": @{ @"PointerEventsValues": @{ @"none": @(RCTPointerEventsNone), @"box-none": @(RCTPointerEventsBoxNone), @"box-only": @(RCTPointerEventsBoxOnly), @"auto": @(RCTPointerEventsUnspecified), }, }, @"UIText": @{ @"AutocapitalizationType": @{ @"characters": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters), @"sentences": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences), @"words": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords), @"none": @(UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone), }, }, @"UITextField": @{ @"clearButtonMode": @{ @"never": @(UITextFieldViewModeNever), @"while-editing": @(UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing), @"unless-editing": @(UITextFieldViewModeUnlessEditing), @"always": @(UITextFieldViewModeAlways), }, }, @"UIView": @{ @"ContentMode": @{ @"ScaleToFill": @(UIViewContentModeScaleToFill), @"ScaleAspectFit": @(UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit), @"ScaleAspectFill": @(UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill), @"Redraw": @(UIViewContentModeRedraw), @"Center": @(UIViewContentModeCenter), @"Top": @(UIViewContentModeTop), @"Bottom": @(UIViewContentModeBottom), @"Left": @(UIViewContentModeLeft), @"Right": @(UIViewContentModeRight), @"TopLeft": @(UIViewContentModeTopLeft), @"TopRight": @(UIViewContentModeTopRight), @"BottomLeft": @(UIViewContentModeBottomLeft), @"BottomRight": @(UIViewContentModeBottomRight), }, }, } mutableCopy]; [_viewManagers enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *name, Class cls, BOOL *stop) { // TODO: should these be inherited? NSDictionary *constants = RCTClassOverridesClassMethod(cls, @selector(constantsToExport)) ? [cls constantsToExport] : nil; if ([constants count]) { NSMutableDictionary *constantsNamespace = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:allJSConstants[name]]; RCTAssert(constantsNamespace[@"Constants"] == nil , @"Cannot redefine Constants in namespace: %@", name); // add an additional 'Constants' namespace for each class constantsNamespace[@"Constants"] = constants; allJSConstants[name] = [constantsNamespace copy]; } }]; return allJSConstants; } - (void)configureNextLayoutAnimation:(NSDictionary *)config withCallback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback errorCallback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback { RCT_EXPORT(); if (_nextLayoutAnimation) { RCTLogWarn(@"Warning: Overriding previous layout animation with new one before the first began:\n%@ -> %@.", _nextLayoutAnimation, config); } if (config[@"delete"] != nil) { RCTLogError(@"LayoutAnimation only supports create and update right now. Config: %@", config); } _nextLayoutAnimation = [[RCTLayoutAnimation alloc] initWithDictionary:config callback:callback]; } - (void)startOrResetInteractionTiming { RCT_EXPORT(); NSSet *rootViewTags = [_rootViewTags copy]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { for (NSNumber *reactTag in rootViewTags) { RCTRootView *rootView = viewRegistry[reactTag]; [rootView startOrResetInteractionTiming]; } }]; } - (void)endAndResetInteractionTiming:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)onSuccess onError:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)onError { RCT_EXPORT(); NSSet *rootViewTags = [_rootViewTags copy]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { NSMutableDictionary *timingData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; for (NSNumber *reactTag in rootViewTags) { RCTRootView *rootView = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if (rootView) { timingData[reactTag.stringValue] = [rootView endAndResetInteractionTiming]; } } onSuccess(@[ timingData ]); }]; } static UIView *_jsResponder; + (UIView *)JSResponder { return _jsResponder; } @end @implementation RCTBridge (RCTUIManager) - (RCTUIManager *)uiManager { return self.modules[NSStringFromClass([RCTUIManager class])]; } @end