/** * Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. */ 'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var { ExpandingText } = React; var LOREM = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea adipisci inimicus ex, paulo essent bonorum et ius, rebum deserunt mediocritatem ius ei.'; exports.title = ''; exports.description = 'Base component for rendering text that is truncated and can be expanded upon tap.'; exports.examples = [ { title: 'Expanding text (truncLength=20)', description: 'Setting the truncLength prop will cause the text to truncate to that character length', render: function() { return ; } }, { title: 'Expanding text (truncLength=80)', description: 'The higher the truncLength the more characters that will be shown by default', render: function() { return ; } }, { title: 'Expanding text with custom style', description: 'You can style the text within the ExpandingText component', render: function() { return ( ); } }, { title: 'See More button with custom style' , description: 'You can also style just the See More button', render: function() { return ( ); } }];