/** * Copyright 2013-2014 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @providesModule EventPropagators */ "use strict"; var EventConstants = require('EventConstants'); var EventPluginHub = require('EventPluginHub'); var accumulateInto = require('accumulateInto'); var forEachAccumulated = require('forEachAccumulated'); var PropagationPhases = EventConstants.PropagationPhases; var getListener = EventPluginHub.getListener; /** * Some event types have a notion of different registration names for different * "phases" of propagation. This finds listeners by a given phase. */ function listenerAtPhase(id, event, propagationPhase) { var registrationName = event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[propagationPhase]; return getListener(id, registrationName); } /** * Tags a `SyntheticEvent` with dispatched listeners. Creating this function * here, allows us to not have to bind or create functions for each event. * Mutating the event's members allows us to not have to create a wrapping * "dispatch" object that pairs the event with the listener. */ function accumulateDirectionalDispatches(domID, upwards, event) { if (__DEV__) { if (!domID) { throw new Error('Dispatching id must not be null'); } } var phase = upwards ? PropagationPhases.bubbled : PropagationPhases.captured; var listener = listenerAtPhase(domID, event, phase); if (listener) { event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(event._dispatchListeners, listener); event._dispatchIDs = accumulateInto(event._dispatchIDs, domID); } } /** * Collect dispatches (must be entirely collected before dispatching - see unit * tests). Lazily allocate the array to conserve memory. We must loop through * each event and perform the traversal for each one. We can not perform a * single traversal for the entire collection of events because each event may * have a different target. */ function accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle(event) { if (event && event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) { EventPluginHub.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseTwoPhase( event.dispatchMarker, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event ); } } /** * Same as `accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle`, but skips over the targetID. */ function accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget(event) { if (event && event.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) { EventPluginHub.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseTwoPhaseSkipTarget( event.dispatchMarker, accumulateDirectionalDispatches, event ); } } /** * Accumulates without regard to direction, does not look for phased * registration names. Same as `accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle` but without * requiring that the `dispatchMarker` be the same as the dispatched ID. */ function accumulateDispatches(id, ignoredDirection, event) { if (event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) { var registrationName = event.dispatchConfig.registrationName; var listener = getListener(id, registrationName); if (listener) { event._dispatchListeners = accumulateInto(event._dispatchListeners, listener); event._dispatchIDs = accumulateInto(event._dispatchIDs, id); } } } /** * Accumulates dispatches on an `SyntheticEvent`, but only for the * `dispatchMarker`. * @param {SyntheticEvent} event */ function accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle(event) { if (event && event.dispatchConfig.registrationName) { accumulateDispatches(event.dispatchMarker, null, event); } } function accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(events) { forEachAccumulated(events, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingle); } function accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSkipTarget(events) { forEachAccumulated(events, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSingleSkipTarget); } function accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches(leave, enter, fromID, toID) { EventPluginHub.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseEnterLeave( fromID, toID, accumulateDispatches, leave, enter ); } function accumulateDirectDispatches(events) { forEachAccumulated(events, accumulateDirectDispatchesSingle); } /** * A small set of propagation patterns, each of which will accept a small amount * of information, and generate a set of "dispatch ready event objects" - which * are sets of events that have already been annotated with a set of dispatched * listener functions/ids. The API is designed this way to discourage these * propagation strategies from actually executing the dispatches, since we * always want to collect the entire set of dispatches before executing event a * single one. * * @constructor EventPropagators */ var EventPropagators = { accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches: accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches, accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSkipTarget: accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSkipTarget, accumulateDirectDispatches: accumulateDirectDispatches, accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches: accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches }; module.exports = EventPropagators;