/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTShadowView+Layout.h" #import /** * Yoga and CoreGraphics have different opinions about how "infinity" value * should be represented. * Yoga uses `NAN` which requires additional effort to compare all those values, * whereas GoreGraphics uses `GFLOAT_MAX` which can be easyly compared with * standard `==` operator. */ float RCTYogaFloatFromCoreGraphicsFloat(CGFloat value) { if (value == CGFLOAT_MAX || isnan(value) || isinf(value)) { return YGUndefined; } return value; } CGFloat RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(float value) { if (value == YGUndefined || isnan(value) || isinf(value)) { return CGFLOAT_MAX; } return value; } @implementation RCTShadowView (Layout) #pragma mark - Computed Layout-Inferred Metrics - (UIEdgeInsets)paddingAsInsets { YGNodeRef yogaNode = self.yogaNode; return (UIEdgeInsets){ RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetPadding(yogaNode, YGEdgeTop)), RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetPadding(yogaNode, YGEdgeLeft)), RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetPadding(yogaNode, YGEdgeBottom)), RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetPadding(yogaNode, YGEdgeRight)) }; } - (UIEdgeInsets)borderAsInsets { YGNodeRef yogaNode = self.yogaNode; return (UIEdgeInsets){ RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetBorder(yogaNode, YGEdgeTop)), RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetBorder(yogaNode, YGEdgeLeft)), RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetBorder(yogaNode, YGEdgeBottom)), RCTCoreGraphicsFloatFromYogaFloat(YGNodeLayoutGetBorder(yogaNode, YGEdgeRight)) }; } - (UIEdgeInsets)compoundInsets { UIEdgeInsets borderAsInsets = self.borderAsInsets; UIEdgeInsets paddingAsInsets = self.paddingAsInsets; return (UIEdgeInsets){ borderAsInsets.top + paddingAsInsets.top, borderAsInsets.left + paddingAsInsets.left, borderAsInsets.bottom + paddingAsInsets.bottom, borderAsInsets.right + paddingAsInsets.right }; } - (CGSize)availableSize { return UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect((CGRect){CGPointZero, self.frame.size}, self.compoundInsets).size; } #pragma mark - Dirty Propagation Control - (void)dirtyLayout { // The default implementaion does nothing. } - (void)clearLayout { // The default implementaion does nothing. } @end