/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTRootContentView.h" #import "RCTBridge.h" #import "RCTPerformanceLogger.h" #import "RCTRootView.h" #import "RCTRootViewInternal.h" #import "RCTTouchHandler.h" #import "RCTUIManager.h" #import "UIView+React.h" @implementation RCTRootContentView { __weak RCTBridge *_bridge; UIColor *_backgroundColor; } - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame bridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge reactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag sizeFlexiblity:(RCTRootViewSizeFlexibility)sizeFlexibility { if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) { _bridge = bridge; self.reactTag = reactTag; _sizeFlexibility = sizeFlexibility; _touchHandler = [[RCTTouchHandler alloc] initWithBridge:_bridge]; [_touchHandler attachToView:self]; [_bridge.uiManager registerRootView:self]; self.layer.backgroundColor = NULL; } return self; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(-(instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame) RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(-(instancetype)initWithCoder:(nonnull NSCoder *)aDecoder) - (void)layoutSubviews { [super layoutSubviews]; [self updateAvailableSize]; } - (void)insertReactSubview:(UIView *)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)atIndex { [super insertReactSubview:subview atIndex:atIndex]; [_bridge.performanceLogger markStopForTag:RCTPLTTI]; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ if (!self->_contentHasAppeared) { self->_contentHasAppeared = YES; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTContentDidAppearNotification object:self.superview]; } }); } - (void)setSizeFlexibility:(RCTRootViewSizeFlexibility)sizeFlexibility { if (_sizeFlexibility == sizeFlexibility) { return; } _sizeFlexibility = sizeFlexibility; [self setNeedsLayout]; } - (CGSize)availableSize { CGSize size = self.bounds.size; return CGSizeMake( _sizeFlexibility & RCTRootViewSizeFlexibilityWidth ? INFINITY : size.width, _sizeFlexibility & RCTRootViewSizeFlexibilityHeight ? INFINITY : size.height ); } - (void)updateAvailableSize { if (!self.reactTag || !_bridge.isValid) { return; } [_bridge.uiManager setAvailableSize:self.availableSize forRootView:self]; } - (void)setBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)backgroundColor { _backgroundColor = backgroundColor; if (self.reactTag && _bridge.isValid) { [_bridge.uiManager setBackgroundColor:backgroundColor forView:self]; } } - (UIColor *)backgroundColor { return _backgroundColor; } - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { // The root content view itself should never receive touches UIView *hitView = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event]; if (_passThroughTouches && hitView == self) { return nil; } return hitView; } - (void)invalidate { if (self.userInteractionEnabled) { self.userInteractionEnabled = NO; [(RCTRootView *)self.superview contentViewInvalidated]; [_bridge enqueueJSCall:@"AppRegistry" method:@"unmountApplicationComponentAtRootTag" args:@[self.reactTag] completion:NULL]; } } @end