/** * Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. * * @providesModule createStrictShapeTypeChecker */ 'use strict'; var ReactPropTypeLocationNames = require('ReactPropTypeLocationNames'); var invariant = require('invariant'); var merge = require('merge'); function createStrictShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes) { function checkType(isRequired, props, propName, componentName, location) { if (!props[propName]) { if (isRequired) { invariant( false, `Required object \`${propName}\` was not specified in `+ `\`${componentName}\`.` ); } return; } var propValue = props[propName]; var propType = typeof propValue; var locationName = ReactPropTypeLocationNames[location]; if (propType !== 'object') { invariant( false, `Invalid ${locationName} \`${propName}\` of type \`${propType}\` ` + `supplied to \`${componentName}\`, expected \`object\`.` ); } // We need to check all keys in case some are required but missing from // props. var allKeys = merge(props[propName], shapeTypes); for (var key in allKeys) { var checker = shapeTypes[key]; invariant( checker, `Invalid props.${propName} key \`${key}\` supplied to \`${componentName}\`.` + `\nBad object: ` + JSON.stringify(props[propName], null, ' ') + `\nValid keys: ` + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(shapeTypes), null, ' ') ); var error = checker(propValue, key, componentName, location); if (error) { invariant( false, error.message + `\nBad object: ` + JSON.stringify(props[propName], null, ' ') ); return error; } } } var chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false); chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true); return chainedCheckType; } module.exports = createStrictShapeTypeChecker;