/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @providesModule YellowBox * @flow * @format */ 'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('EventEmitter'); const Platform = require('Platform'); const React = require('React'); const SafeAreaView = require('SafeAreaView'); const StyleSheet = require('StyleSheet'); const RCTLog = require('RCTLog'); const infoLog = require('infoLog'); const openFileInEditor = require('openFileInEditor'); const parseErrorStack = require('parseErrorStack'); const stringifySafe = require('stringifySafe'); const symbolicateStackTrace = require('symbolicateStackTrace'); import type EmitterSubscription from 'EmitterSubscription'; import type {StackFrame} from 'parseErrorStack'; type WarningInfo = { count: number, stacktrace: Array, symbolicated: boolean, }; const _warningEmitter = new EventEmitter(); const _warningMap: Map = new Map(); const IGNORED_WARNINGS: Array = []; /** * YellowBox renders warnings at the bottom of the app being developed. * * Warnings help guard against subtle yet significant issues that can impact the * quality of the app. This "in your face" style of warning allows developers to * notice and correct these issues as quickly as possible. * * By default, the warning box is enabled in `__DEV__`. Set the following flag * to disable it (and call `console.warn` to update any rendered ): * * console.disableYellowBox = true; * console.warn('YellowBox is disabled.'); * * Ignore specific warnings by calling: * * YellowBox.ignoreWarnings(['Warning: ...']); * * (DEPRECATED) Warnings can be ignored programmatically by setting the array: * * console.ignoredYellowBox = ['Warning: ...']; * * Strings in `console.ignoredYellowBox` can be a prefix of the warning that * should be ignored. */ if (__DEV__) { const {error, warn} = console; (console: any).error = function() { error.apply(console, arguments); // Show yellow box for the `warning` module. if ( typeof arguments[0] === 'string' && arguments[0].startsWith('Warning: ') ) { updateWarningMap.apply(null, arguments); } }; (console: any).warn = function() { warn.apply(console, arguments); updateWarningMap.apply(null, arguments); }; if (Platform.isTesting) { (console: any).disableYellowBox = true; } RCTLog.setWarningHandler((...args) => { updateWarningMap.apply(null, args); }); } /** * Simple function for formatting strings. * * Replaces placeholders with values passed as extra arguments * * @param {string} format the base string * @param ...args the values to insert * @return {string} the replaced string */ function sprintf(format, ...args) { let index = 0; return format.replace(/%s/g, match => args[index++]); } function updateWarningMap(...args): void { if (console.disableYellowBox) { return; } let warning; if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { const [format, ...formatArgs] = args; const argCount = (format.match(/%s/g) || []).length; warning = [ sprintf(format, ...formatArgs.slice(0, argCount).map(stringifySafe)), ...formatArgs.slice(argCount).map(stringifySafe), ].join(' '); } else { warning = args.map(stringifySafe).join(' '); } if (warning.startsWith('(ADVICE)')) { return; } const warningInfo = _warningMap.get(warning); if (warningInfo) { warningInfo.count += 1; } else { const error: any = new Error(); error.framesToPop = 2; _warningMap.set(warning, { count: 1, stacktrace: parseErrorStack(error), symbolicated: false, }); } _warningEmitter.emit('warning', _warningMap); } function ensureSymbolicatedWarning(warning: string): void { const prevWarningInfo = _warningMap.get(warning); if (!prevWarningInfo || prevWarningInfo.symbolicated) { return; } prevWarningInfo.symbolicated = true; symbolicateStackTrace(prevWarningInfo.stacktrace).then( stack => { const nextWarningInfo = _warningMap.get(warning); if (nextWarningInfo) { nextWarningInfo.stacktrace = stack; _warningEmitter.emit('warning', _warningMap); } }, error => { const nextWarningInfo = _warningMap.get(warning); if (nextWarningInfo) { infoLog('Failed to symbolicate warning, "%s":', warning, error); _warningEmitter.emit('warning', _warningMap); } }, ); } function isWarningIgnored(warning: string): boolean { const isIgnored = IGNORED_WARNINGS.some((ignoredWarning: string) => warning.startsWith(ignoredWarning), ); if (isIgnored) { return true; } // DEPRECATED return ( Array.isArray(console.ignoredYellowBox) && console.ignoredYellowBox.some(ignorePrefix => warning.startsWith(String(ignorePrefix)), ) ); } const WarningRow = ({count, warning, onPress}) => { const Text = require('Text'); const TouchableHighlight = require('TouchableHighlight'); const View = require('View'); const countText = count > 1 ? ( {'(' + count + ') '} ) : null; return ( {countText} {warning} ); }; type StackRowProps = {frame: StackFrame}; const StackRow = ({frame}: StackRowProps) => { const Text = require('Text'); const TouchableHighlight = require('TouchableHighlight'); const {file, lineNumber} = frame; let fileName; if (file) { const fileParts = file.split('/'); fileName = fileParts[fileParts.length - 1]; } else { fileName = ''; } return ( {fileName}:{lineNumber} ); }; const WarningInspector = ({ warningInfo, warning, stacktraceVisible, onDismiss, onDismissAll, onMinimize, toggleStacktrace, }) => { const ScrollView = require('ScrollView'); const Text = require('Text'); const TouchableHighlight = require('TouchableHighlight'); const View = require('View'); const {count, stacktrace} = warningInfo || {}; const countSentence = 'Warning encountered ' + count + ' time' + (count - 1 ? 's' : '') + '.'; let stacktraceList; if (stacktraceVisible && stacktrace) { stacktraceList = ( {stacktrace.map((frame, ii) => )} ); } return ( {countSentence} {stacktraceVisible ? '\u{25BC}' : '\u{25B6}'} Stacktrace {stacktraceList} {warning} Minimize Dismiss Dismiss All ); }; class YellowBox extends React.Component< mixed, { stacktraceVisible: boolean, inspecting: ?string, warningMap: Map, }, > { _listener: ?EmitterSubscription; dismissWarning: (warning: ?string) => void; constructor(props: mixed, context: mixed) { super(props, context); this.state = { inspecting: null, stacktraceVisible: false, warningMap: _warningMap, }; this.dismissWarning = warning => { const {inspecting, warningMap} = this.state; if (warning) { warningMap.delete(warning); } else { warningMap.clear(); } this.setState({ inspecting: warning && inspecting !== warning ? inspecting : null, warningMap, }); }; } static ignoreWarnings(warnings: Array): void { warnings.forEach((warning: string) => { if (IGNORED_WARNINGS.indexOf(warning) === -1) { IGNORED_WARNINGS.push(warning); } }); } componentDidMount() { let scheduled = null; this._listener = _warningEmitter.addListener('warning', warningMap => { // Use `setImmediate` because warnings often happen during render, but // state cannot be set while rendering. scheduled = scheduled || setImmediate(() => { scheduled = null; this.setState({ warningMap, }); }); }); } componentDidUpdate() { const {inspecting} = this.state; if (inspecting != null) { ensureSymbolicatedWarning(inspecting); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this._listener) { this._listener.remove(); } } render() { if (console.disableYellowBox || this.state.warningMap.size === 0) { return null; } const ScrollView = require('ScrollView'); const View = require('View'); const {inspecting, stacktraceVisible} = this.state; const inspector = inspecting !== null ? ( this.dismissWarning(inspecting)} onDismissAll={() => this.dismissWarning(null)} onMinimize={() => this.setState({inspecting: null})} toggleStacktrace={() => this.setState({stacktraceVisible: !stacktraceVisible}) } /> ) : null; const rows = []; this.state.warningMap.forEach((warningInfo, warning) => { if (!isWarningIgnored(warning)) { rows.push( this.setState({inspecting: warning})} onDismiss={() => this.dismissWarning(warning)} />, ); } }); const listStyle = [ styles.list, // Additional `0.4` so the 5th row can peek into view. {height: Math.min(rows.length, 4.4) * (rowGutter + rowHeight)}, ]; return ( {rows} {inspector} ); } } const backgroundColor = opacity => 'rgba(250, 186, 48, ' + opacity + ')'; const textColor = 'white'; const rowGutter = 1; const rowHeight = 46; // For unknown reasons, setting elevation: Number.MAX_VALUE causes remote debugging to // hang on iOS (some sort of overflow maybe). Setting it to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER fixes the iOS issue, but since // elevation is an android-only style property we might as well remove it altogether for iOS. // See: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/12223 const elevation = Platform.OS === 'android' ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : undefined; var styles = StyleSheet.create({ fullScreen: { height: '100%', width: '100%', elevation: elevation, position: 'absolute', }, inspector: { backgroundColor: backgroundColor(0.95), height: '100%', paddingTop: 5, elevation: elevation, }, inspectorButtons: { flexDirection: 'row', }, inspectorButton: { flex: 1, paddingVertical: 22, backgroundColor: backgroundColor(1), }, safeArea: { flex: 1, }, stacktraceList: { paddingBottom: 5, }, inspectorButtonText: { color: textColor, fontSize: 14, opacity: 0.8, textAlign: 'center', }, openInEditorButton: { paddingTop: 5, paddingBottom: 5, }, inspectorCount: { padding: 15, paddingBottom: 0, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', }, inspectorCountText: { color: textColor, fontSize: 14, }, inspectorWarning: { flex: 1, paddingHorizontal: 15, }, inspectorWarningText: { color: textColor, fontSize: 16, fontWeight: '600', }, list: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, elevation: elevation, }, listRow: { backgroundColor: backgroundColor(0.95), height: rowHeight, marginTop: rowGutter, }, listRowContent: { flex: 1, }, listRowCount: { color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', }, listRowText: { color: textColor, position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 5 : 7, marginLeft: 15, marginRight: 15, }, }); module.exports = YellowBox;