jest.autoMockOff(); const path = require('path'); const mock = require('mock-require'); const rewire = require('rewire'); const commands = require('./fixtures/commands'); const isArray = (arg) => === '[object Array]'; /** * Paths to two possible `node_modules` locations `rnpm` can be installed */ const LOCAL_NODE_MODULES = path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules'); const GLOBAL_NODE_MODULES = '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'; /** * Paths to `package.json` of project, and rnpm - in two installation locations */ const APP_JSON = path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'); const GLOBAL_RNPM_PJSON = path.join(GLOBAL_NODE_MODULES, '/rnpm/package.json'); const LOCAL_RNPM_PJSON = path.join(LOCAL_NODE_MODULES, 'rnpm/package.json'); /** * Sample `rnpm` plugin used in test cases */ const SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN = 'rnpm-plugin-test'; /** * Sample `package.json` of RNPM that will be used in test cases */ const SAMPLE_RNPM_JSON = { dependencies: { [SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN]: '*', }, }; /** * Project without `rnpm` plugins defined */ const NO_PLUGINS_JSON = { dependencies: {}, }; const getCommands = rewire('../src/getCommands'); var revert; describe('getCommands', () => { afterEach(mock.stopAll); describe('in all installations', () => { beforeEach(() => { revert = getCommands.__set__({ __dirname: path.join(LOCAL_NODE_MODULES, 'rnpm/src'), }); mock(APP_JSON, NO_PLUGINS_JSON); }); afterEach(() => revert()); it('list of the commands should be a non-empty array', () => { mock(APP_JSON, NO_PLUGINS_JSON); mock(LOCAL_RNPM_PJSON, SAMPLE_RNPM_JSON); mock(SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN, commands.single); expect(getCommands().length).not.toBe(0); expect(isArray(getCommands())).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should export one command', () => { mock(LOCAL_RNPM_PJSON, SAMPLE_RNPM_JSON); mock(SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN, commands.single); expect(getCommands().length).toEqual(1); }); it('should export multiple commands', () => { mock(LOCAL_RNPM_PJSON, SAMPLE_RNPM_JSON); mock(SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN, commands.multiple); expect(getCommands().length).toEqual(2); }); it('should export unique list of commands by name', () => { mock(LOCAL_RNPM_PJSON, { dependencies: { [SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN]: '*', [`${SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN}-2`]: '*', }, }); mock(SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN, commands.single); mock(`${SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN}-2`, commands.single); expect(getCommands().length).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('project plugins', () => { /** * In this test suite we only test project plugins thus we make sure * `rnpm` package.json is properly mocked */ beforeEach(() => { mock(LOCAL_RNPM_PJSON, NO_PLUGINS_JSON); mock(GLOBAL_RNPM_PJSON, NO_PLUGINS_JSON); }); afterEach(() => revert()); it('should load when installed locally', () => { revert = getCommands.__set__({ __dirname: path.join(LOCAL_NODE_MODULES, 'rnpm/src'), }); mock(APP_JSON, SAMPLE_RNPM_JSON); mock( path.join(LOCAL_NODE_MODULES, SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN), commands.single ); expect(getCommands()[0]).toEqual(commands.single); }); it('should load when installed globally', () => { revert = getCommands.__set__({ __dirname: path.join(GLOBAL_NODE_MODULES, 'rnpm/src'), }); mock(APP_JSON, SAMPLE_RNPM_JSON); mock( path.join(LOCAL_NODE_MODULES, SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN), commands.single ); expect(getCommands()[0]).toEqual(commands.single); }); }); describe('rnpm and project plugins', () => { beforeEach(() => { revert = getCommands.__set__({ __dirname: path.join(LOCAL_NODE_MODULES, 'rnpm/src'), }); }); afterEach(() => revert()); it('should load concatenated list of plugins', () => { mock(APP_JSON, SAMPLE_RNPM_JSON); mock(LOCAL_RNPM_PJSON, { dependencies: { [`${SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN}-2`]: '*', }, }); mock( path.join(LOCAL_NODE_MODULES, SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN), commands.multiple ); mock(`${SAMPLE_RNPM_PLUGIN}-2`, commands.single); expect(getCommands().length).toEqual(3); }); }); });