jest.autoMockOff(); const findAssets = require('../src/config/findAssets'); const mockFs = require('mock-fs'); const dependencies = require('./fixtures/dependencies'); const isArray = (arg) => === '[object Array]'; describe('findAssets', () => { beforeEach(() => mockFs({ testDir: dependencies.withAssets })); it('should return an array of all files in given folders', () => { const assets = findAssets('testDir', ['fonts', 'images']); expect(isArray(assets)).toBeTruthy(); expect(assets.length).toEqual(3); }); it('should prepend assets paths with the folder path', () => { const assets = findAssets('testDir', ['fonts', 'images']); assets.forEach(assetPath => expect(assetPath).toContain('testDir')); }); it('should return an empty array if given assets are null', () => { expect(findAssets('testDir', null).length).toEqual(0); }); afterEach(mockFs.restore); });