/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ 'use strict'; const React = require('react'); const ReactNative = require('react-native'); const {AlertIOS, Platform, ToastAndroid, Text, View} = ReactNative; const RNTesterButton = require('./RNTesterButton'); const performanceNow = require('fbjs/lib/performanceNow'); function burnCPU(milliseconds) { const start = performanceNow(); while (performanceNow() < start + milliseconds) {} } type RequestIdleCallbackTesterProps = $ReadOnly<{||}>; type RequestIdleCallbackTesterState = {|message: string|}; class RequestIdleCallbackTester extends React.Component< RequestIdleCallbackTesterProps, RequestIdleCallbackTesterState, > { state = { message: '-', }; _idleTimer: ?IdleCallbackID = null; _iters = 0; componentWillUnmount() { if (this._idleTimer != null) { cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer); this._idleTimer = null; } } render() { return ( Run requestIdleCallback Burn CPU inside of requestIdleCallback Run requestIdleCallback with timeout option Run background task Stop background task {this.state.message} ); } _run(shouldBurnCPU: boolean) { if (this._idleTimer != null) { cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer); this._idleTimer = null; } this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback(deadline => { let message = ''; if (shouldBurnCPU) { burnCPU(10); message = 'Burned CPU for 10ms,'; } this.setState({ message: `${message} ${deadline.timeRemaining()}ms remaining in frame`, }); }); } _runWithTimeout = () => { if (this._idleTimer != null) { cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer); this._idleTimer = null; } this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback( deadline => { this.setState({ message: `${deadline.timeRemaining()}ms remaining in frame, it did timeout: ${ deadline.didTimeout ? 'yes' : 'no' }`, }); }, {timeout: 100}, ); burnCPU(100); }; _runBackground = () => { if (this._idleTimer != null) { cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer); this._idleTimer = null; } const handler = deadline => { while (deadline.timeRemaining() > 5) { burnCPU(5); this.setState({ message: `Burned CPU for 5ms ${this ._iters++} times, ${deadline.timeRemaining()}ms remaining in frame`, }); } this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback(handler); }; this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback(handler); }; _stopBackground = () => { this._iters = 0; if (this._idleTimer != null) { cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer); this._idleTimer = null; } }; } type TimerTesterProps = $ReadOnly<{| dt?: number, type: string, |}>; class TimerTester extends React.Component { _ii = 0; _iters = 0; _start = 0; _timerId: ?TimeoutID = null; _rafId: ?AnimationFrameID = null; _intervalId: ?IntervalID = null; _immediateId: ?Object = null; _timerFn: ?() => any = null; render() { const args = 'fn' + (this.props.dt !== undefined ? ', ' + this.props.dt : ''); return ( Measure: {this.props.type}({args}) - {this._ii || 0} ); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this._timerId != null) { clearTimeout(this._timerId); this._timerId = null; } if (this._rafId != null) { cancelAnimationFrame(this._rafId); this._rafId = null; } if (this._immediateId != null) { clearImmediate(this._immediateId); this._immediateId = null; } if (this._intervalId != null) { clearInterval(this._intervalId); this._intervalId = null; } } _run = () => { if (!this._start) { const d = new Date(); this._start = d.getTime(); this._iters = 100; this._ii = 0; if (this.props.type === 'setTimeout') { if (this.props.dt !== undefined && this.props.dt < 1) { this._iters = 5000; } else if (this.props.dt !== undefined && this.props.dt > 20) { this._iters = 10; } this._timerFn = () => { this._timerId = setTimeout(this._run, this.props.dt); }; } else if (this.props.type === 'requestAnimationFrame') { this._timerFn = () => { this._rafId = requestAnimationFrame(this._run); }; } else if (this.props.type === 'setImmediate') { this._iters = 5000; this._timerFn = () => { this._immediateId = setImmediate(this._run); }; } else if (this.props.type === 'setInterval') { this._iters = 30; // Only used for forceUpdate periodicidy this._timerFn = null; this._intervalId = setInterval(this._run, this.props.dt); } } if (this._ii >= this._iters && this._intervalId == null) { const d = new Date(); const e = d.getTime() - this._start; const msg = 'Finished ' + this._ii + ' ' + this.props.type + ' calls.\n' + 'Elapsed time: ' + e + ' ms\n' + e / this._ii + ' ms / iter'; console.log(msg); if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { AlertIOS.alert(msg); } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') { ToastAndroid.show(msg, ToastAndroid.SHORT); } this._start = 0; this.forceUpdate(() => { this._ii = 0; }); return; } this._ii++; // Only re-render occasionally so we don't slow down timers. if (this._ii % (this._iters / 5) === 0) { this.forceUpdate(); } if (this._timerFn) { this._timerId = this._timerFn(); } }; clear = () => { if (this._intervalId != null) { clearInterval(this._intervalId); // Configure things so we can do a final run to update UI and reset state. this._intervalId = null; this._iters = this._ii; this._run(); } }; } exports.framework = 'React'; exports.title = 'Timers'; exports.description = 'A demonstration of Timers in React Native.'; exports.examples = [ { title: 'this.setTimeout(fn, t)', description: 'Execute function fn t milliseconds in the future. If ' + 't === 0, it will be enqueued immediately in the next event loop. ' + 'Larger values will fire on the closest frame.', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'this.requestAnimationFrame(fn)', description: 'Execute function fn on the next frame.', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'this.requestIdleCallback(fn)', description: 'Execute function fn on the next JS frame that has idle time', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'this.setImmediate(fn)', description: 'Execute function fn at the end of the current JS event loop.', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'this.setInterval(fn, t)', description: 'Execute function fn every t milliseconds until cancelled ' + 'or component is unmounted.', render: function() { type IntervalExampleProps = $ReadOnly<{||}>; type IntervalExampleState = {| showTimer: boolean, |}; class IntervalExample extends React.Component< IntervalExampleProps, IntervalExampleState, > { state = { showTimer: true, }; _timerTester: ?React.ElementRef; render() { return ( {this.state.showTimer && this._renderTimer()} {this.state.showTimer ? 'Unmount timer' : 'Mount new timer'} ); } _renderTimer = () => { return ( (this._timerTester = ref)} dt={25} type="setInterval" /> this._timerTester && this._timerTester.clear()}> Clear interval ); }; _toggleTimer = () => { this.setState({showTimer: !this.state.showTimer}); }; } return ; }, }, ];