/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; const babel = require('babel-core'); const deepAssign = require('deep-assign'); const docgen = require('react-docgen'); const docgenHelpers = require('./docgenHelpers'); const docsList = require('./docsList'); const fs = require('fs'); const jsDocs = require('../jsdocs/jsdocs.js'); const jsdocApi = require('jsdoc-api'); const path = require('path'); const slugify = require('../core/slugify'); const ANDROID_SUFFIX = 'android'; const CROSS_SUFFIX = 'cross'; const IOS_SUFFIX = 'ios'; function endsWith(str, suffix) { return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1; } function removeExtName(filepath) { let ext = path.extname(filepath); while (ext) { filepath = path.basename(filepath, ext); ext = path.extname(filepath); } return filepath; } function getNameFromPath(filepath) { filepath = removeExtName(filepath); if (filepath === 'LayoutPropTypes') { return 'Layout Props'; } else if (filepath === 'ShadowPropTypesIOS') { return 'Shadow Props'; } else if (filepath === 'TransformPropTypes') { return 'Transforms'; } else if (filepath === 'TabBarItemIOS') { return 'TabBarIOS.Item'; } else if (filepath === 'AnimatedImplementation') { return 'Animated'; } return filepath; } function getPlatformFromPath(filepath) { filepath = removeExtName(filepath); if (endsWith(filepath, 'Android')) { return ANDROID_SUFFIX; } else if (endsWith(filepath, 'IOS')) { return IOS_SUFFIX; } return CROSS_SUFFIX; } function getExamplePaths(componentName, componentPlatform) { const componentExample = '../Examples/UIExplorer/js/' + componentName + 'Example.'; const pathsToCheck = [ componentExample + 'js', componentExample + componentPlatform + '.js', ]; if (componentPlatform === CROSS_SUFFIX) { pathsToCheck.push( componentExample + IOS_SUFFIX + '.js', componentExample + ANDROID_SUFFIX + '.js' ); } const paths = []; pathsToCheck.map((p) => { if (fs.existsSync(p)) { paths.push(p); } }); return paths; } function getExamples(componentName, componentPlatform) { const paths = getExamplePaths(componentName, componentPlatform); if (paths) { const examples = []; paths.map((p) => { const platform = p.match(/Example\.(.*)\.js$/); let title = ''; if ((componentPlatform === CROSS_SUFFIX) && (platform !== null)) { title = platform[1].toUpperCase(); } examples.push( { path: p.replace(/^\.\.\//, ''), title: title, content: fs.readFileSync(p).toString(), } ); }); return examples; } return; } // Add methods that should not appear in the components documentation. const methodsBlacklist = [ // Native methods mixin. 'getInnerViewNode', 'setNativeProps', // Touchable mixin. 'touchableHandlePress' , 'touchableHandleActivePressIn', 'touchableHandleActivePressOut', 'touchableHandleLongPress', 'touchableGetPressRectOffset', 'touchableGetHitSlop', 'touchableGetHighlightDelayMS', 'touchableGetLongPressDelayMS', 'touchableGetPressOutDelayMS', // Scrollable mixin. 'getScrollableNode', 'getScrollResponder', ]; function filterMethods(method) { return method.name[0] !== '_' && methodsBlacklist.indexOf(method.name) === -1; } // Determines whether a component should have a link to a runnable example function isRunnable(componentName, componentPlatform) { const paths = getExamplePaths(componentName, componentPlatform); if (paths && paths.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Hide a component from the sidebar by making it return false from // this function const HIDDEN_COMPONENTS = [ 'Transforms', 'ListViewDataSource', ]; function shouldDisplayInSidebar(componentName) { return HIDDEN_COMPONENTS.indexOf(componentName) === -1; } function getNextComponent(idx) { if (all[idx + 1]) { const nextComponentName = getNameFromPath(all[idx + 1]); if (shouldDisplayInSidebar(nextComponentName)) { return slugify(nextComponentName); } else { return getNextComponent(idx + 1); } } return null; } function getPreviousComponent(idx) { if (all[idx - 1]) { const previousComponentName = getNameFromPath(all[idx - 1]); if (shouldDisplayInSidebar(previousComponentName)) { return slugify(previousComponentName); } else { return getPreviousComponent(idx - 1); } } return null; } function componentsToMarkdown(type, json, filepath, idx, styles) { const componentName = getNameFromPath(filepath); const componentPlatform = getPlatformFromPath(filepath); const docFilePath = '../docs/' + componentName + '.md'; if (fs.existsSync(docFilePath)) { json.fullDescription = fs.readFileSync(docFilePath).toString(); } json.type = type; json.filepath = filepath.replace(/^\.\.\//, ''); json.componentName = componentName; json.componentPlatform = componentPlatform; if (styles) { json.styles = styles; } json.examples = getExamples(componentName, componentPlatform); if (json.methods) { json.methods = json.methods.filter(filterMethods); } // Put styles (e.g. Flexbox) into the API category const category = (type === 'style' ? 'apis' : type + 's'); const next = getNextComponent(idx); const previous = getPreviousComponent(idx); const res = [ '---', 'id: ' + slugify(componentName), 'title: ' + componentName, 'layout: autodocs', 'category: ' + category, 'permalink: docs/' + slugify(componentName) + '.html', 'platform: ' + componentPlatform, 'next: ' + next, 'previous: ' + previous, 'sidebar: ' + shouldDisplayInSidebar(componentName), 'runnable:' + isRunnable(componentName, componentPlatform), 'path:' + json.filepath, '---', JSON.stringify(json, null, 2), ].filter(function(line) { return line; }).join('\n'); return res; } let componentCount; function getTypedef(filepath, fileContent, json) { let typedefDocgen; try { typedefDocgen = docgen.parse( fileContent, docgenHelpers.findExportedType, [docgenHelpers.typedefHandler] ).map((type) => type.typedef); } catch (e) { // Ignore errors due to missing exported type definitions if (e.message.indexOf(docgen.ERROR_MISSING_DEFINITION) !== -1) { console.error('Cannot parse file', filepath, e); } } if (!json) { return typedefDocgen; } const typedef = typedefDocgen; if (json.typedef && json.typedef.length !== 0) { json.typedef.forEach(def => { const typedefMatch = typedefDocgen.find(t => t.name === def.name); if (typedefMatch) { typedef.name = Object.assign(typedefMatch, def); } else { typedef.push(def); } }); } return typedef; } function renderComponent(filepath) { try { const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filepath); const json = docgen.parse( fileContent, docgenHelpers.findExportedOrFirst, docgen.defaultHandlers.concat([ docgenHelpers.stylePropTypeHandler, docgenHelpers.deprecatedPropTypeHandler, docgenHelpers.jsDocFormatHandler, ]) ); json.typedef = getTypedef(filepath, fileContent); return componentsToMarkdown('component', json, filepath, componentCount++, styleDocs); } catch (e) { console.log('error in renderComponent for', filepath); throw e; } } function isJsDocFormat(fileContent) { const reComment = /\/\*\*[\s\S]+?\*\//g; const comments = fileContent.match(reComment); if (!comments) { return false; } return !!comments[0].match(/\s*\*\s+@jsdoc/); } function parseAPIJsDocFormat(filepath, fileContent) { const fileName = path.basename(filepath); const babelRC = { 'filename': fileName, 'sourceFileName': fileName, 'plugins': [ 'transform-flow-strip-types', 'babel-plugin-syntax-trailing-function-commas', ] }; // Babel transform const code = babel.transform(fileContent, babelRC).code; // Parse via jsdoc-api let jsonParsed = jsdocApi.explainSync({ source: code, configure: './jsdocs/jsdoc-conf.json' }); // Clean up jsdoc-api return jsonParsed = jsonParsed.filter(i => { return !i.undocumented && !/package|file/.test(i.kind); }); jsonParsed = jsonParsed.map((identifier) => { delete identifier.comment; return identifier; }); jsonParsed.forEach((identifier, index) => { identifier.order = index; }); // Group by "kind" const json = {}; jsonParsed.forEach((identifier, index) => { let kind = identifier.kind; if (kind === 'function') { kind = 'methods'; } if (!json[kind]) { json[kind] = []; } delete identifier.kind; json[kind].push(identifier); }); json.typedef = getTypedef(filepath, fileContent, json); return json; } function parseAPIInferred(filepath, fileContent) { let json; try { json = jsDocs(fileContent); if (!json) { throw new Error('parseSource returned falsy'); } } catch (e) { console.error('Cannot parse file', filepath, e); json = {}; } return json; } function getTypeName(type) { let typeName; switch (type.name) { case 'signature': typeName = type.type; break; case 'union': typeName = type.value ? type.value.map(getTypeName) : type.elements.map(getTypeName); break; case 'enum': if (typeof type.value === 'string') { typeName = type.value; } else { typeName = 'enum'; } break; case '$Enum': if (type.elements[0].signature.properties) { typeName = type.elements[0].signature.properties.map(p => p.key); } break; case 'arrayOf': typeName = getTypeName(type.value); break; case 'instanceOf': typeName = type.value; break; case 'func': typeName = 'function'; break; default: typeName = type.alias ? type.alias : type.name; break; } return typeName; } function getTypehintRec(typehint) { if (typehint.type === 'simple') { return typehint.value; } if (typehint.type === 'generic') { return getTypehintRec(typehint.value[0]) + '<' + getTypehintRec(typehint.value[1]) + '>'; } return JSON.stringify(typehint); } function getTypehint(typehint) { if (typeof typehint === 'object' && typehint.name) { return getTypeName(typehint); } try { var typehint = JSON.parse(typehint); } catch (e) { return typehint.toString().split('|').map(type => type.trim()); } return getTypehintRec(typehint); } function getJsDocFormatType(entities) { const modEntities = entities; if (entities) { if (typeof entities === 'object' && entities.length) { entities.map((entity, entityIndex) => { if (entity.typehint) { const typeNames = [].concat(getTypehint(entity.typehint)); modEntities[entityIndex].type = { names: typeNames }; delete modEntities[entityIndex].typehint; } if (entity.name) { const regexOptionalType = /\?$/; if (regexOptionalType.test(entity.name)) { modEntities[entityIndex].optional = true; modEntities[entityIndex].name = entity.name.replace(regexOptionalType, ''); } } }); } else { const typeNames = [].concat(getTypehint(entities)); return { type: { names : typeNames } }; } } return modEntities; } function renderAPI(filepath, type) { try { const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString(); let json = parseAPIInferred(filepath, fileContent); if (isJsDocFormat(fileContent)) { const jsonJsDoc = parseAPIJsDocFormat(filepath, fileContent); // Combine method info with jsdoc formatted content const methods = json.methods; if (methods && methods.length) { const modMethods = methods; methods.map((method, methodIndex) => { modMethods[methodIndex].params = getJsDocFormatType(method.params); modMethods[methodIndex].returns = getJsDocFormatType(method.returntypehint); delete modMethods[methodIndex].returntypehint; }); json.methods = modMethods; // Use deep Object.assign so duplicate properties are overwritten. deepAssign(jsonJsDoc.methods, json.methods); } json = jsonJsDoc; } return componentsToMarkdown(type, json, filepath, componentCount++); } catch (e) { console.log('error in renderAPI for', filepath); throw e; } } function renderStyle(filepath) { const json = docgen.parse( fs.readFileSync(filepath), docgenHelpers.findExportedObject, [ docgen.handlers.propTypeHandler, docgen.handlers.propDocBlockHandler, ] ); // Remove deprecated transform props from docs if (filepath === '../Libraries/StyleSheet/TransformPropTypes.js') { ['rotation', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'translateX', 'translateY'].forEach(function(key) { delete json.props[key]; }); } return componentsToMarkdown('style', json, filepath, componentCount++); } const all = docsList.components .concat(docsList.apis) .concat(docsList.stylesWithPermalink); const styleDocs = docsList.stylesForEmbed.reduce(function(docs, filepath) { docs[path.basename(filepath).replace(path.extname(filepath), '')] = docgen.parse( fs.readFileSync(filepath), docgenHelpers.findExportedObject, [ docgen.handlers.propTypeHandler, docgen.handlers.propTypeCompositionHandler, docgen.handlers.propDocBlockHandler, ] ); return docs; }, {}); function extractDocs() { componentCount = 0; var components = docsList.components.map(renderComponent); var apis = docsList.apis.map((filepath) => { return renderAPI(filepath, 'api'); }); var styles = docsList.stylesWithPermalink.map(renderStyle); return [].concat( components, apis, styles ); } module.exports = extractDocs;