#!/bin/bash set -e echo "Downloading package lists..." sudo apt-get update -y if ! [[ -d ~/vendor/apt ]]; then mkdir -p ~/vendor/apt fi # First check for archives cache if ! [[ -d ~/vendor/apt/archives ]]; then # It doesn't so download the packages echo "Downloading build dependencies..." sudo apt-get install --download-only ant autoconf automake g++ gcc libqt5widgets5 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6 make maven python-dev python3-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls qtdeclarative5-dev file -y # Then move them to our cache directory sudo cp -R /var/cache/apt ~/vendor/ # Making sure our user has ownership, in order to cache sudo chown -R ${USER:=$(/usr/bin/id -run)}:$USER ~/vendor/apt fi # Install all packages in the cache echo "Installing build dependencies..." sudo dpkg -i ~/vendor/apt/archives/*.deb