/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; /** * This script tests that React Native end to end installation/bootstrap works for different platforms * Available arguments: * --ios - 'react-native init' and check iOS app doesn't redbox * --tvos - 'react-native init' and check tvOS app doesn't redbox * --android - 'react-native init' and check Android app doesn't redbox * --js - 'react-native init' and only check the packager returns a bundle * --skip-cli-install - to skip react-native-cli global installation (for local debugging) * --retries [num] - how many times to retry possible flaky commands: npm install and running tests, default 1 */ /*eslint-disable no-undef */ require('shelljs/global'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const argv = require('yargs').argv; const path = require('path'); const SCRIPTS = __dirname; const ROOT = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..')); const tryExecNTimes = require('./try-n-times'); const TEMP = exec('mktemp -d /tmp/react-native-XXXXXXXX').stdout.trim(); // To make sure we actually installed the local version // of react-native, we will create a temp file inside the template // and check that it exists after `react-native init const MARKER_IOS = exec(`mktemp ${ROOT}/local-cli/templates/HelloWorld/ios/HelloWorld/XXXXXXXX`).stdout.trim(); const MARKER_ANDROID = exec(`mktemp ${ROOT}/local-cli/templates/HelloWorld/android/XXXXXXXX`).stdout.trim(); const numberOfRetries = argv.retries || 1; let SERVER_PID; let APPIUM_PID; let exitCode; try { // install CLI cd('react-native-cli'); exec('npm pack'); const CLI_PACKAGE = path.join(ROOT, 'react-native-cli', 'react-native-cli-*.tgz'); cd('..'); if (!argv['skip-cli-install']) { if (exec(`sudo npm install -g ${CLI_PACKAGE}`).code) { echo('Could not install react-native-cli globally.'); echo('Run with --skip-cli-install to skip this step'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } } if (argv.android) { if (exec('./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives -Pjobs=1 -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"').code) { echo('Failed to compile Android binaries'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } } if (exec('npm pack').code) { echo('Failed to pack react-native'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } const PACKAGE = path.join(ROOT, 'react-native-*.tgz'); cd(TEMP); if (tryExecNTimes( () => { exec('sleep 10s'); return exec(`react-native init EndToEndTest --version ${PACKAGE} --npm`).code; }, numberOfRetries, () => rm('-rf', 'EndToEndTest'))) { echo('Failed to execute react-native init'); echo('Most common reason is npm registry connectivity, try again'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } cd('EndToEndTest'); if (argv.android) { echo('Running an Android e2e test'); echo('Installing e2e framework'); if (tryExecNTimes( () => exec('npm install --save-dev appium@1.5.1 mocha@2.4.5 wd@0.3.11 colors@1.0.3 pretty-data2@0.40.1', { silent: true }).code, numberOfRetries)) { echo('Failed to install appium'); echo('Most common reason is npm registry connectivity, try again'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } cp(`${SCRIPTS}/android-e2e-test.js`, 'android-e2e-test.js'); cd('android'); echo('Downloading Maven deps'); exec('./gradlew :app:copyDownloadableDepsToLibs'); // Make sure we installed local version of react-native if (!test('-e', path.basename(MARKER_ANDROID))) { echo('Android marker was not found, react native init command failed?'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } cd('..'); exec('keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/keystores/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"'); echo(`Starting appium server, ${APPIUM_PID}`); const appiumProcess = spawn('node', ['./node_modules/.bin/appium']); APPIUM_PID = appiumProcess.pid; echo('Building the app'); if (exec('buck build android/app').code) { echo('could not execute Buck build, is it installed and in PATH?'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } echo(`Starting packager server, ${SERVER_PID}`); // shelljs exec('', {async: true}) does not emit stdout events, so we rely on good old spawn const packagerProcess = spawn('npm', ['start', '--', '--max-workers 1'], { env: process.env }); SERVER_PID = packagerProcess.pid; // wait a bit to allow packager to startup exec('sleep 15s'); echo('Executing android e2e test'); if (tryExecNTimes( () => { exec('sleep 10s'); return exec('node node_modules/.bin/_mocha android-e2e-test.js').code; }, numberOfRetries)) { echo('Failed to run Android e2e tests'); echo('Most likely the code is broken'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } } if (argv.ios || argv.tvos) { var iosTestType = (argv.tvos ? 'tvOS' : 'iOS'); echo('Running the ' + iosTestType + 'app'); cd('ios'); // Make sure we installed local version of react-native if (!test('-e', path.join('EndToEndTest', path.basename(MARKER_IOS)))) { echo('iOS marker was not found, `react-native init` command failed?'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } // shelljs exec('', {async: true}) does not emit stdout events, so we rely on good old spawn const packagerEnv = Object.create(process.env); packagerEnv.REACT_NATIVE_MAX_WORKERS = 1; const packagerProcess = spawn('npm', ['start', '--', '--nonPersistent'], { stdio: 'inherit', env: packagerEnv }); SERVER_PID = packagerProcess.pid; exec('sleep 15s'); // prepare cache to reduce chances of possible red screen "Can't fibd variable __fbBatchedBridge..." exec('response=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true)'); echo(`Starting packager server, ${SERVER_PID}`); echo('Executing ' + iosTestType + ' e2e test'); if (tryExecNTimes( () => { exec('sleep 10s'); if (argv.tvos) { return exec('xcodebuild -destination "platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV 1080p,OS=10.0" -scheme EndToEndTest-tvOS -sdk appletvsimulator test | xcpretty && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}').code; } else { return exec('xcodebuild -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s,OS=10.3.1" -scheme EndToEndTest -sdk iphonesimulator test | xcpretty && exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}').code; } }, numberOfRetries)) { echo('Failed to run ' + iosTestType + ' e2e tests'); echo('Most likely the code is broken'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } cd('..'); } if (argv.js) { // Check the packager produces a bundle (doesn't throw an error) if (exec('react-native bundle --max-workers 1 --platform android --dev true --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android-bundle.js').code) { echo('Could not build Android bundle'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } if (exec('react-native --max-workers 1 bundle --platform ios --dev true --entry-file index.js --bundle-output ios-bundle.js').code) { echo('Could not build iOS bundle'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } if (exec(`${ROOT}/node_modules/.bin/flow check`).code) { echo('Flow check does not pass'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } if (exec('npm test').code) { echo('Jest test failure'); exitCode = 1; throw Error(exitCode); } } exitCode = 0; } finally { cd(ROOT); rm(MARKER_IOS); rm(MARKER_ANDROID); if (SERVER_PID) { echo(`Killing packager ${SERVER_PID}`); exec(`kill -9 ${SERVER_PID}`); // this is quite drastic but packager starts a daemon that we can't kill by killing the parent process // it will be fixed in April (quote David Aurelio), so until then we will kill the zombie by the port number exec("lsof -i tcp:8081 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill"); } if (APPIUM_PID) { echo(`Killing appium ${APPIUM_PID}`); exec(`kill -9 ${APPIUM_PID}`); } } exit(exitCode); /*eslint-enable no-undef */