/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTTextView.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import "RCTShadowText.h" #import "RCTText.h" #import "RCTTextSelection.h" #import "RCTUITextView.h" @interface RCTTextView () @end @implementation RCTTextView { RCTUITextView *_backedTextInput; RCTText *_richTextView; NSAttributedString *_pendingAttributedText; NSString *_predictedText; BOOL _blockTextShouldChange; BOOL _nativeUpdatesInFlight; } - (instancetype)initWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge { RCTAssertParam(bridge); if (self = [super initWithBridge:bridge]) { // `blurOnSubmit` defaults to `false` for by design. _blurOnSubmit = NO; _backedTextInput = [[RCTUITextView alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds]; _backedTextInput.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight; _backedTextInput.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; _backedTextInput.textColor = [UIColor blackColor]; // This line actually removes 5pt (default value) left and right padding in UITextView. _backedTextInput.textContainer.lineFragmentPadding = 0; #if !TARGET_OS_TV _backedTextInput.scrollsToTop = NO; #endif _backedTextInput.scrollEnabled = YES; _backedTextInput.textInputDelegate = self; [self addSubview:_backedTextInput]; } return self; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame) RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder) - (id)backedTextInputView { return _backedTextInput; } #pragma mark - RCTComponent - (void)insertReactSubview:(UIView *)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)index { [super insertReactSubview:subview atIndex:index]; if ([subview isKindOfClass:[RCTText class]]) { if (_richTextView) { RCTLogError(@"Tried to insert a second into - there can only be one."); } _richTextView = (RCTText *)subview; // If this is in rich text editing mode, and the child node providing rich text // styling has a backgroundColor, then the attributedText produced by the child node will have an // NSBackgroundColor attribute. We need to forward this attribute to the text view manually because the text view // always has a clear background color in `initWithBridge:`. // // TODO: This should be removed when the related hack in -performPendingTextUpdate is removed. if (subview.backgroundColor) { NSMutableDictionary *attrs = [_backedTextInput.typingAttributes mutableCopy]; attrs[NSBackgroundColorAttributeName] = subview.backgroundColor; _backedTextInput.typingAttributes = attrs; } [self performTextUpdate]; } } - (void)removeReactSubview:(UIView *)subview { [super removeReactSubview:subview]; if (_richTextView == subview) { _richTextView = nil; [self performTextUpdate]; } } - (void)didUpdateReactSubviews { // Do nothing, as we don't allow non-text subviews. } #pragma mark - Routine - (void)setMostRecentEventCount:(NSInteger)mostRecentEventCount { _mostRecentEventCount = mostRecentEventCount; // Props are set after uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry, which means that // at the time performTextUpdate is called, _mostRecentEventCount will be // behind _eventCount, with the result that performPendingTextUpdate will do // nothing. For that reason we call it again here after mostRecentEventCount // has been set. [self performPendingTextUpdate]; } - (void)performTextUpdate { if (_richTextView) { _pendingAttributedText = _richTextView.textStorage; [self performPendingTextUpdate]; } else if (!self.text) { _backedTextInput.attributedText = nil; } } static NSAttributedString *removeReactTagFromString(NSAttributedString *string) { if (string.length == 0) { return string; } else { NSMutableAttributedString *mutableString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:string]; [mutableString removeAttribute:RCTReactTagAttributeName range:NSMakeRange(0, mutableString.length)]; return mutableString; } } - (void)performPendingTextUpdate { if (!_pendingAttributedText || _mostRecentEventCount < _nativeEventCount || _nativeUpdatesInFlight) { return; } // The underlying node that produces _pendingAttributedText has a react tag attribute on it that causes the // -isEqualToAttributedString: comparison below to spuriously fail. We don't want that comparison to fail unless it // needs to because when the comparison fails, we end up setting attributedText on the text view, which clears // autocomplete state for CKJ text input. // // TODO: Kill this after we finish passing all style/attribute info into JS. _pendingAttributedText = removeReactTagFromString(_pendingAttributedText); if ([_backedTextInput.attributedText isEqualToAttributedString:_pendingAttributedText]) { _pendingAttributedText = nil; // Don't try again. return; } // When we update the attributed text, there might be pending autocorrections // that will get accepted by default. In order for this to not garble our text, // we temporarily block all textShouldChange events so they are not applied. _blockTextShouldChange = YES; UITextRange *selection = _backedTextInput.selectedTextRange; NSInteger oldTextLength = _backedTextInput.attributedText.length; _backedTextInput.attributedText = _pendingAttributedText; _predictedText = _pendingAttributedText.string; _pendingAttributedText = nil; if (selection.empty) { // maintain cursor position relative to the end of the old text NSInteger start = [_backedTextInput offsetFromPosition:_backedTextInput.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selection.start]; NSInteger offsetFromEnd = oldTextLength - start; NSInteger newOffset = _backedTextInput.attributedText.length - offsetFromEnd; UITextPosition *position = [_backedTextInput positionFromPosition:_backedTextInput.beginningOfDocument offset:newOffset]; [_backedTextInput setSelectedTextRange:[_backedTextInput textRangeFromPosition:position toPosition:position] notifyDelegate:YES]; } [_backedTextInput layoutIfNeeded]; [self invalidateContentSize]; _blockTextShouldChange = NO; } #pragma mark - Properties - (UIFont *)font { return _backedTextInput.font; } - (void)setFont:(UIFont *)font { _backedTextInput.font = font; [self setNeedsLayout]; } - (NSString *)text { return _backedTextInput.text; } - (void)setText:(NSString *)text { NSInteger eventLag = _nativeEventCount - _mostRecentEventCount; if (eventLag == 0 && ![text isEqualToString:_backedTextInput.text]) { UITextRange *selection = _backedTextInput.selectedTextRange; NSInteger oldTextLength = _backedTextInput.text.length; _predictedText = text; _backedTextInput.text = text; if (selection.empty) { // maintain cursor position relative to the end of the old text NSInteger start = [_backedTextInput offsetFromPosition:_backedTextInput.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selection.start]; NSInteger offsetFromEnd = oldTextLength - start; NSInteger newOffset = text.length - offsetFromEnd; UITextPosition *position = [_backedTextInput positionFromPosition:_backedTextInput.beginningOfDocument offset:newOffset]; [_backedTextInput setSelectedTextRange:[_backedTextInput textRangeFromPosition:position toPosition:position] notifyDelegate:YES]; } [self invalidateContentSize]; } else if (eventLag > RCTTextUpdateLagWarningThreshold) { RCTLogWarn(@"Native TextInput(%@) is %zd events ahead of JS - try to make your JS faster.", self.text, eventLag); } } #pragma mark - RCTBackedTextInputDelegate - (BOOL)textInputShouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text { if (!_backedTextInput.textWasPasted) { [_eventDispatcher sendTextEventWithType:RCTTextEventTypeKeyPress reactTag:self.reactTag text:nil key:text eventCount:_nativeEventCount]; } // So we need to track that there is a native update in flight just in case JS manages to come back around and update // things /before/ UITextView can update itself asynchronously. If there is a native update in flight, we defer the // JS update when it comes in and apply the deferred update once textViewDidChange fires with the native update applied. if (_blockTextShouldChange) { return NO; } if (_maxLength) { NSUInteger allowedLength = _maxLength.integerValue - _backedTextInput.text.length + range.length; if (text.length > allowedLength) { // If we typed/pasted more than one character, limit the text inputted if (text.length > 1) { // Truncate the input string so the result is exactly maxLength NSString *limitedString = [text substringToIndex:allowedLength]; NSMutableString *newString = _backedTextInput.text.mutableCopy; [newString replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:limitedString]; _backedTextInput.text = newString; _predictedText = newString; // Collapse selection at end of insert to match normal paste behavior UITextPosition *insertEnd = [_backedTextInput positionFromPosition:_backedTextInput.beginningOfDocument offset:(range.location + allowedLength)]; [_backedTextInput setSelectedTextRange:[_backedTextInput textRangeFromPosition:insertEnd toPosition:insertEnd] notifyDelegate:YES]; [self textInputDidChange]; } return NO; } } _nativeUpdatesInFlight = YES; if (range.location + range.length > _predictedText.length) { // _predictedText got out of sync in a bad way, so let's just force sync it. Haven't been able to repro this, but // it's causing a real crash here: #6523822 _predictedText = _backedTextInput.text; } NSString *previousText = [_predictedText substringWithRange:range]; if (_predictedText) { _predictedText = [_predictedText stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:range withString:text]; } else { _predictedText = text; } if (_onTextInput) { _onTextInput(@{ @"text": text, @"previousText": previousText ?: @"", @"range": @{ @"start": @(range.location), @"end": @(range.location + range.length) }, @"eventCount": @(_nativeEventCount), }); } return YES; } static BOOL findMismatch(NSString *first, NSString *second, NSRange *firstRange, NSRange *secondRange) { NSInteger firstMismatch = -1; for (NSUInteger ii = 0; ii < MAX(first.length, second.length); ii++) { if (ii >= first.length || ii >= second.length || [first characterAtIndex:ii] != [second characterAtIndex:ii]) { firstMismatch = ii; break; } } if (firstMismatch == -1) { return NO; } NSUInteger ii = second.length; NSUInteger lastMismatch = first.length; while (ii > firstMismatch && lastMismatch > firstMismatch) { if ([first characterAtIndex:(lastMismatch - 1)] != [second characterAtIndex:(ii - 1)]) { break; } ii--; lastMismatch--; } *firstRange = NSMakeRange(firstMismatch, lastMismatch - firstMismatch); *secondRange = NSMakeRange(firstMismatch, ii - firstMismatch); return YES; } - (void)textInputDidChange { [self invalidateContentSize]; // Detect when _backedTextInput updates happend that didn't invoke `shouldChangeTextInRange` // (e.g. typing simplified chinese in pinyin will insert and remove spaces without // calling shouldChangeTextInRange). This will cause JS to get out of sync so we // update the mismatched range. NSRange currentRange; NSRange predictionRange; if (findMismatch(_backedTextInput.text, _predictedText, ¤tRange, &predictionRange)) { NSString *replacement = [_backedTextInput.text substringWithRange:currentRange]; [self textInputShouldChangeTextInRange:predictionRange replacementText:replacement]; // JS will assume the selection changed based on the location of our shouldChangeTextInRange, so reset it. [self textInputDidChangeSelection]; _predictedText = _backedTextInput.text; } _nativeUpdatesInFlight = NO; _nativeEventCount++; if (!self.reactTag || !_onChange) { return; } _onChange(@{ @"text": self.text, @"target": self.reactTag, @"eventCount": @(_nativeEventCount), }); } #pragma mark - UIScrollViewDelegate - (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { if (_onScroll) { CGPoint contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset; CGSize contentSize = scrollView.contentSize; CGSize size = scrollView.bounds.size; UIEdgeInsets contentInset = scrollView.contentInset; _onScroll(@{ @"contentOffset": @{ @"x": @(contentOffset.x), @"y": @(contentOffset.y) }, @"contentInset": @{ @"top": @(contentInset.top), @"left": @(contentInset.left), @"bottom": @(contentInset.bottom), @"right": @(contentInset.right) }, @"contentSize": @{ @"width": @(contentSize.width), @"height": @(contentSize.height) }, @"layoutMeasurement": @{ @"width": @(size.width), @"height": @(size.height) }, @"zoomScale": @(scrollView.zoomScale ?: 1), }); } } @end