/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTTextView.h" #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTEventDispatcher.h" #import "RCTShadowText.h" #import "RCTText.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" #import "UIView+React.h" @interface RCTUITextView : UITextView @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL textWasPasted; @end @implementation RCTUITextView { BOOL _jsRequestingFirstResponder; } - (void)paste:(id)sender { _textWasPasted = YES; [super paste:sender]; } - (void)reactWillMakeFirstResponder { _jsRequestingFirstResponder = YES; } - (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder { return _jsRequestingFirstResponder; } - (void)reactDidMakeFirstResponder { _jsRequestingFirstResponder = NO; } - (void)didMoveToWindow { if (_jsRequestingFirstResponder) { [self becomeFirstResponder]; [self reactDidMakeFirstResponder]; } } @end @implementation RCTTextView { RCTEventDispatcher *_eventDispatcher; NSString *_placeholder; UITextView *_placeholderView; UITextView *_textView; NSInteger _nativeEventCount; RCTText *_richTextView; NSAttributedString *_pendingAttributedText; BOOL _blockTextShouldChange; UITextRange *_previousSelectionRange; NSUInteger _previousTextLength; CGFloat _previousContentHeight; UIScrollView *_scrollView; } - (instancetype)initWithEventDispatcher:(RCTEventDispatcher *)eventDispatcher { RCTAssertParam(eventDispatcher); if ((self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectZero])) { _contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero; _eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher; _placeholderTextColor = [self defaultPlaceholderTextColor]; _blurOnSubmit = NO; _textView = [[RCTUITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; _textView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; _textView.textColor = [UIColor blackColor]; _textView.scrollsToTop = NO; _textView.scrollEnabled = NO; _textView.delegate = self; _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; _scrollView.scrollsToTop = NO; [_scrollView addSubview:_textView]; _previousSelectionRange = _textView.selectedTextRange; [self addSubview:_scrollView]; } return self; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame) RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder) - (void)insertReactSubview:(UIView *)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)index { [super insertReactSubview:subview atIndex:index]; if ([subview isKindOfClass:[RCTText class]]) { if (_richTextView) { RCTLogError(@"Tried to insert a second into - there can only be one."); } _richTextView = (RCTText *)subview; // If this is in rich text editing mode, and the child node providing rich text // styling has a backgroundColor, then the attributedText produced by the child node will have an // NSBackgroundColor attribute. We need to forward this attribute to the text view manually because the text view // always has a clear background color in -initWithEventDispatcher:. // // TODO: This should be removed when the related hack in -performPendingTextUpdate is removed. if (subview.backgroundColor) { NSMutableDictionary *attrs = [_textView.typingAttributes mutableCopy]; attrs[NSBackgroundColorAttributeName] = subview.backgroundColor; _textView.typingAttributes = attrs; } [self performTextUpdate]; } } - (void)removeReactSubview:(UIView *)subview { [super removeReactSubview:subview]; if (_richTextView == subview) { _richTextView = nil; [self performTextUpdate]; } } - (void)didUpdateReactSubviews { // Do nothing, as we don't allow non-text subviews } - (void)setMostRecentEventCount:(NSInteger)mostRecentEventCount { _mostRecentEventCount = mostRecentEventCount; // Props are set after uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry, which means that // at the time performTextUpdate is called, _mostRecentEventCount will be // behind _eventCount, with the result that performPendingTextUpdate will do // nothing. For that reason we call it again here after mostRecentEventCount // has been set. [self performPendingTextUpdate]; } - (void)performTextUpdate { if (_richTextView) { _pendingAttributedText = _richTextView.textStorage; [self performPendingTextUpdate]; } else if (!self.text) { _textView.attributedText = nil; } } static NSAttributedString *removeReactTagFromString(NSAttributedString *string) { if (string.length == 0) { return string; } else { NSMutableAttributedString *mutableString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:string]; [mutableString removeAttribute:RCTReactTagAttributeName range:NSMakeRange(0, mutableString.length)]; return mutableString; } } - (void)performPendingTextUpdate { if (!_pendingAttributedText || _mostRecentEventCount < _nativeEventCount) { return; } // The underlying node that produces _pendingAttributedText has a react tag attribute on it that causes the // -isEqualToAttributedString: comparison below to spuriously fail. We don't want that comparison to fail unless it // needs to because when the comparison fails, we end up setting attributedText on the text view, which clears // autocomplete state for CKJ text input. // // TODO: Kill this after we finish passing all style/attribute info into JS. _pendingAttributedText = removeReactTagFromString(_pendingAttributedText); if ([_textView.attributedText isEqualToAttributedString:_pendingAttributedText]) { _pendingAttributedText = nil; // Don't try again. return; } // When we update the attributed text, there might be pending autocorrections // that will get accepted by default. In order for this to not garble our text, // we temporarily block all textShouldChange events so they are not applied. _blockTextShouldChange = YES; UITextRange *selection = _textView.selectedTextRange; NSInteger oldTextLength = _textView.attributedText.length; _textView.attributedText = _pendingAttributedText; _pendingAttributedText = nil; if (selection.empty) { // maintain cursor position relative to the end of the old text NSInteger start = [_textView offsetFromPosition:_textView.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selection.start]; NSInteger offsetFromEnd = oldTextLength - start; NSInteger newOffset = _textView.attributedText.length - offsetFromEnd; UITextPosition *position = [_textView positionFromPosition:_textView.beginningOfDocument offset:newOffset]; _textView.selectedTextRange = [_textView textRangeFromPosition:position toPosition:position]; } [_textView layoutIfNeeded]; [self _setPlaceholderVisibility]; _blockTextShouldChange = NO; } - (void)updateFrames { // Adjust the insets so that they are as close as possible to single-line // RCTTextField defaults, using the system defaults of font size 17 and a // height of 31 points. // // We apply the left inset to the frame since a negative left text-container // inset mysteriously causes the text to be hidden until the text view is // first focused. UIEdgeInsets adjustedFrameInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero; adjustedFrameInset.left = _contentInset.left - 5; UIEdgeInsets adjustedTextContainerInset = _contentInset; adjustedTextContainerInset.top += 5; adjustedTextContainerInset.left = 0; CGRect frame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(self.bounds, adjustedFrameInset); _textView.frame = frame; _placeholderView.frame = frame; _scrollView.frame = frame; [self updateContentSize]; _textView.textContainerInset = adjustedTextContainerInset; _placeholderView.textContainerInset = adjustedTextContainerInset; } - (void)updateContentSize { CGSize size = (CGSize){_scrollView.frame.size.width, INFINITY}; size.height = [_textView sizeThatFits:size].height; _scrollView.contentSize = size; _textView.frame = (CGRect){CGPointZero, size}; } - (void)updatePlaceholder { [_placeholderView removeFromSuperview]; _placeholderView = nil; if (_placeholder) { _placeholderView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds]; _placeholderView.editable = NO; _placeholderView.userInteractionEnabled = NO; _placeholderView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; _placeholderView.scrollEnabled = false; _placeholderView.scrollsToTop = NO; _placeholderView.attributedText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:_placeholder attributes:@{ NSFontAttributeName : (_textView.font ? _textView.font : [self defaultPlaceholderFont]), NSForegroundColorAttributeName : _placeholderTextColor }]; _placeholderView.textAlignment = _textView.textAlignment; [self insertSubview:_placeholderView belowSubview:_textView]; [self _setPlaceholderVisibility]; } } - (UIFont *)font { return _textView.font; } - (void)setFont:(UIFont *)font { _textView.font = font; [self updatePlaceholder]; } - (void)setPlaceholder:(NSString *)placeholder { _placeholder = placeholder; [self updatePlaceholder]; } - (void)setPlaceholderTextColor:(UIColor *)placeholderTextColor { if (placeholderTextColor) { _placeholderTextColor = placeholderTextColor; } else { _placeholderTextColor = [self defaultPlaceholderTextColor]; } [self updatePlaceholder]; } - (void)setContentInset:(UIEdgeInsets)contentInset { _contentInset = contentInset; [self updateFrames]; } - (NSString *)text { return _textView.text; } - (BOOL)textView:(RCTUITextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text { if (_blockTextShouldChange) { return NO; } if (textView.textWasPasted) { textView.textWasPasted = NO; } else { [_eventDispatcher sendTextEventWithType:RCTTextEventTypeKeyPress reactTag:self.reactTag text:nil key:text eventCount:_nativeEventCount]; if (_blurOnSubmit && [text isEqualToString:@"\n"]) { // TODO: the purpose of blurOnSubmit on RCTextField is to decide if the // field should lose focus when return is pressed or not. We're cheating a // bit here by using it on RCTextView to decide if return character should // submit the form, or be entered into the field. // // The reason this is cheating is because there's no way to specify that // you want the return key to be swallowed *and* have the field retain // focus (which was what blurOnSubmit was originally for). For the case // where _blurOnSubmit = YES, this is still the correct and expected // behavior though, so we'll leave the don't-blur-or-add-newline problem // to be solved another day. [_eventDispatcher sendTextEventWithType:RCTTextEventTypeSubmit reactTag:self.reactTag text:self.text key:nil eventCount:_nativeEventCount]; [self resignFirstResponder]; return NO; } } if (_maxLength == nil) { return YES; } NSUInteger allowedLength = _maxLength.integerValue - textView.text.length + range.length; if (text.length > allowedLength) { if (text.length > 1) { // Truncate the input string so the result is exactly maxLength NSString *limitedString = [text substringToIndex:allowedLength]; NSMutableString *newString = textView.text.mutableCopy; [newString replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:limitedString]; textView.text = newString; // Collapse selection at end of insert to match normal paste behavior UITextPosition *insertEnd = [textView positionFromPosition:textView.beginningOfDocument offset:(range.location + allowedLength)]; textView.selectedTextRange = [textView textRangeFromPosition:insertEnd toPosition:insertEnd]; [self textViewDidChange:textView]; } return NO; } else { return YES; } } - (void)textViewDidChangeSelection:(RCTUITextView *)textView { if (_onSelectionChange && textView.selectedTextRange != _previousSelectionRange && ![textView.selectedTextRange isEqual:_previousSelectionRange]) { _previousSelectionRange = textView.selectedTextRange; UITextRange *selection = textView.selectedTextRange; NSInteger start = [textView offsetFromPosition:textView.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selection.start]; NSInteger end = [textView offsetFromPosition:textView.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selection.end]; _onSelectionChange(@{ @"selection": @{ @"start": @(start), @"end": @(end), }, }); } } - (void)setText:(NSString *)text { NSInteger eventLag = _nativeEventCount - _mostRecentEventCount; if (eventLag == 0 && ![text isEqualToString:_textView.text]) { UITextRange *selection = _textView.selectedTextRange; NSInteger oldTextLength = _textView.text.length; _textView.text = text; if (selection.empty) { // maintain cursor position relative to the end of the old text NSInteger start = [_textView offsetFromPosition:_textView.beginningOfDocument toPosition:selection.start]; NSInteger offsetFromEnd = oldTextLength - start; NSInteger newOffset = text.length - offsetFromEnd; UITextPosition *position = [_textView positionFromPosition:_textView.beginningOfDocument offset:newOffset]; _textView.selectedTextRange = [_textView textRangeFromPosition:position toPosition:position]; } [self _setPlaceholderVisibility]; [self updateContentSize]; //keep the text wrapping when the length of //the textline has been extended longer than the length of textinputView } else if (eventLag > RCTTextUpdateLagWarningThreshold) { RCTLogWarn(@"Native TextInput(%@) is %zd events ahead of JS - try to make your JS faster.", self.text, eventLag); } } - (void)_setPlaceholderVisibility { if (_textView.text.length > 0) { [_placeholderView setHidden:YES]; } else { [_placeholderView setHidden:NO]; } } - (void)setAutoCorrect:(BOOL)autoCorrect { _textView.autocorrectionType = (autoCorrect ? UITextAutocorrectionTypeYes : UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo); } - (BOOL)autoCorrect { return _textView.autocorrectionType == UITextAutocorrectionTypeYes; } - (BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView { if (_selectTextOnFocus) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [textView selectAll:nil]; }); } return YES; } - (void)textViewDidBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView { if (_clearTextOnFocus) { _textView.text = @""; [self _setPlaceholderVisibility]; } [_eventDispatcher sendTextEventWithType:RCTTextEventTypeFocus reactTag:self.reactTag text:nil key:nil eventCount:_nativeEventCount]; } - (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView { [self updateContentSize]; [self _setPlaceholderVisibility]; _nativeEventCount++; if (!self.reactTag || !_onChange) { return; } // When the context size increases, iOS updates the contentSize twice; once // with a lower height, then again with the correct height. To prevent a // spurious event from being sent, we track the previous, and only send the // update event if it matches our expectation that greater text length // should result in increased height. This assumption is, of course, not // necessarily true because shorter text might include more linebreaks, but // in practice this works well enough. NSUInteger textLength = textView.text.length; CGFloat contentHeight = textView.contentSize.height; if (textLength >= _previousTextLength) { contentHeight = MAX(contentHeight, _previousContentHeight); } _previousTextLength = textLength; _previousContentHeight = contentHeight; _onChange(@{ @"text": self.text, @"contentSize": @{ @"height": @(contentHeight), @"width": @(textView.contentSize.width) }, @"target": self.reactTag, @"eventCount": @(_nativeEventCount), }); } - (void)textViewDidEndEditing:(UITextView *)textView { [_eventDispatcher sendTextEventWithType:RCTTextEventTypeEnd reactTag:self.reactTag text:textView.text key:nil eventCount:_nativeEventCount]; [_eventDispatcher sendTextEventWithType:RCTTextEventTypeBlur reactTag:self.reactTag text:nil key:nil eventCount:_nativeEventCount]; } - (BOOL)isFirstResponder { return [_textView isFirstResponder]; } - (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder { return [_textView canBecomeFirstResponder]; } - (void)reactWillMakeFirstResponder { [_textView reactWillMakeFirstResponder]; } - (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder { return [_textView becomeFirstResponder]; } - (void)reactDidMakeFirstResponder { [_textView reactDidMakeFirstResponder]; } - (BOOL)resignFirstResponder { [super resignFirstResponder]; return [_textView resignFirstResponder]; } - (void)layoutSubviews { [super layoutSubviews]; [self updateFrames]; } - (UIFont *)defaultPlaceholderFont { return [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17]; } - (UIColor *)defaultPlaceholderTextColor { return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0/255.0 green:0.0/255.0 blue:0.098/255.0 alpha:0.22]; } @end